Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1918, p. 1

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34 KING ST. WES]: i‘xnuk Danton, K. ( John Irwin G 'ICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE ----- vvutl BARRISTER. Suucx'ron, NOTARY ] Toronto Office, Richmond Buildi 33 Richmond Strfiet, \Vest. Richmond Hill OHice ‘ UN Office). every Thursday forsnoon. Maple. Thursday afternnun. \Vnodhridze. Saturday forennnn Money to Loan at, Current R: _ , _. "â€"0..." Barrister, Senator. Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG..18 KING STREET \VEST 4!. M. 3631 Calls by phone or large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at, the above places Nuclei-takers & E HOUSE PA INTER, azier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. S'DENCE. RICHMOND HILL LICENSED AUCTiONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special uttmntion given tn sales at wen-y devscriplinn. Farms and farm ~~.Lm:k snies a specialty. Ftirms bought, and Said on commission. All sales at- rended to an shortest notice. and can- ducted by the Innsbapprovnd methods. Pan-(magi: sulicilod. . Cameron MeggNaughton Ran-hon. 5-1:-“ -_ LAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL.\VAYS ON HAND enton, Grover EAL ESTATE H. SANDERSON. . v-vull M0 BERESFORD AVE. \Vnsr TORONTO Phone Junctmn '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt a!L.._A:,M, RICHMOND HILL 7 . ‘v‘ué unvvll BARRIBTER Somm'rm: NOTARY { Lmnsdem Bldg. 6 Adelaide 51.. Offices { East. Turnntn [Nnughtun Bluck..Am-m'a. ‘ . , Thu Town of Aurora S'yl'mmr rm .1. M. Walton, Aumm Trlvphmw Main 2777 Maple Licensed Auctinnm-m fun-w Yurk. Sales attendt-d tn nnlice,:1ntl at reusnnuhlp‘ ’hnne m- mnil messages .nonndA-I attended tn‘ . HEWISON [C thnl 11} . l) 0 v amen VETERINARY’S'EJMTEHN‘ (Phornhill. . u...“ iBsirristers. Solicmrs. 8n: MANNING ARCALE. Organs liega'ir‘ed‘. E4 WRIGHT BROS '. '1‘. SAIGEON JOHN T. AVfiERSON __ PIANO TUNER VOL. XL. â€"AGENCYA 'rmcnmc mr iauo and ‘7: WILLIAM COOK 415 Balliul St... Tf: hum? Belmont .50 II. MANAGER Irwin vam Arthur ‘A, M g‘HoRNHILL ne or otherwlse promptly resptrnded to'. at reasonable rates. ’n’tronnge sulicited per annum, in advance.] atten tion; u at... Trq'nnto. Belmont 1347 Richmond Buildings. l9t, \Vest. l 9mc§e (‘Liheral’ AUGTLONEER YORK AND ONTARIO In given to sales at I. Flu-gig and farm RPSitlanCP Elgin Mill»: Rash ence Phone “.4 TORONTO, U Mel cdn nu Id Harry D. Angpr ’re u flee lges promptly PHONE 1421 xpert Work Ihnlmors. anghton Current Rates C- WALKINGTON King fur [hp Ununtynf 'tn nn shortest, Macdonald ANA DA Erc unmlnalul of its duty in this resin-CL is evidenced {rum the care than is h ing take-n Ln ensure thP equiLuhllu adminis- tration uf the Military Service Act. Qlwstiunaries are about to he add: Psit'd u- ull vxrmpted mm so us to pal-mic “fa checking of the dz‘cisinns in the case nf vuch tn the and that. uniformity in- estnhlishm‘l in the application nf tvhr legislul‘inn. Thesequestiummriosmust. \ he returned promptly uan pvnnlw nf forfeiture (If th9 exmnptinn pdD'H'S previously granted. Exempted Im-n shuuld nutify the r-Pgisu-nr of their district. of any change of uddrvss. as constituting failure to retumquustinn- nuira. properly filled in us I-vuuiv-nd. er n l sol-ihers $3.50 a yea r; The Daily Globe. and Mail pix-e when called for at (In Office are 40 cls. a mnntl those apnrs are sent thr Pu§t 0 (:e t-llvy are $4 a yr. N...“ ...., “mud: or aaarvss. us cunstlluling failure In relumquustinn- null-u. properly filled in us rvquiv-nd. The Gavel-nnwnt is detm'mined that, the Military Service Act shall bu administered fairly. and in thisdvtN-m- ination they will have the active sup- purl; of all followers of democratic ideals. Th9 Hy Globe. and Mail and Em- Pn called torn the Lihm'nl -a 40 etc. a mmnh. When .pvrs are sent through the :e thvy are $4 a yr.. and sub- nf'v'l‘he Liberal get them at '0 Place All On Equal Basis RICHMOND HILL. ONT _-a'â€" -' I‘vvlot In many instances information has been furnished by members of the public which has led to the cancellation of exemptions obtained by false or mis- leading statements. Further co-operation of this character is invited. The Government regard it as the Duty of all loyal citizens, not only to the Country, but to the men at the front, to assist in this way in securing reinforcements on a just: and legal basis. Correspondence of this character will be treated as strictly confidential and will receive the fullest investigation. ... .mâ€" rn-mpunn pJD'H'S granted. Exempted Inn-n ify the rngiau-ur nftheir my change of addrvss. us advised of any change of address, and failure to receive the questionnaire by reason of neglect of this duty must be treated as equivalent to failure to return the questionnaire after receipt. It is, therefore,_ preposed to scrutinize carefully in order to separate those which have been g grounds from those that are well founded. With this object in view the various Registra Act have been instructed to issue a series of qt These questionnaires must be filled up correctly penalty of forfeiture of exemntinn {or ran"... It is not the intention of the manently their obligation to ountry and of the ideals for t e purpOSe of the Act, and c necessarily called out to fill Correspondence should ho directed to C. L_ess_1ie Wil: under the Military Service Act, Toronto, Ont brought forward for consideration in connection under the Military Service Act, it has occurred,a able, that as a result of false statements and difficultie way of investigation, some individuals have secure‘ whose proper place is in the Anny. I N dealing with the Very large number of claims 1‘: Notice “In Essentials, Unity; in Exempted Men Who Have Changed Address )DJect in view the various Registrars under the Military Service een instructed to issue a series of questionnaires to exempted men. :ionnaires must be filled up correctly and returned promptly under forfeiture of exemption for failure to do so. ' Important Announcement to All Exemptions Granted Intention of the Government to allow and to the Public Generally Military Service Act )sea to scrntmize carefully all exemptions granted to date those winch have been granted on false or insufficient that are well founded. Citizens Urged to Assist ,.7. .. .. ...... AABAALI‘AS. LU , and cause grave injustice to men to fill their places. JOHNSTON-At Brnwn's Corners. Mar. 28. 1918. Agnes Mrrtilla Johnston. daughter of the late DunielJuhnatun. Interment. in Knox Church Cem~ eLs-ry. Monday. DAY â€"At To 0'1tn. nn Mon lay. April I, 19w. Jane Foggin widow of Rev. B. \V. [My nf St. Andrew's East. anhvc. and mother c-f Rev. Funk J. Elly D._ D of Turonh‘. Pen-rs. H-ufiiltun. was united in mat. rinmny In Sgt, U. \V. Manning of Maple. The cerenmny was performed by Rev. G. 'l‘e-hhs. The bride was gin-n away hv her father-and was attended hy Miss A. King. and the grrmm by his brother. Mr. Geo. Mann~ imz. The bride wore an travelling suit of navy blue with hat and shnes to match, and Wore a bouquet, of Lilies of the Vallev and Roses. The groom's gift tnthe bride. \Vasaneckluce set With pearls. to the bridesmaid. a1 brunch svt With pmrlmand tn the‘ hridvgrumm. u pail'hf gold cuff links. Aftvr thvcerwmmy n vm-y dainty lunchmm Was snrved at (hp home- of thin bride. [96 East 81h St. Hamilton. Amnng the gut-sis \vflre the immediate rrluliws of the bride and also the Grumn's purvnts from Maplv. Ont. Tho- happy couple le-ft un tlmuflmrnoun train fur points east. A hustnf friends War» at th» stalinn tn “fish thelua pleasant trip. ’ Richmnnd Manning-~Peters A very pretty but quiet, wedding was snlemnizpd nt the church of the Ascension. Hamilton, Ont. when Evelyn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Iom A " "r :ne very large number of claims for exemption 'd for consideration in connection with Class 1 ary Service Act, it has occurred, as was inevit- of false statements and difficulties put in the Fnfieml 7 Intel-m -nt CHARLES J. DOHERTY Non-Essentials, Liberty ; mm» " DIED .. THURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1918 False Grounds 3w these men to evade per- the military defence of the .ng. To do so would defeat : to men in the second class Wilson, Registrar Minister of Justice. secured exemption | A weslprn pinr reports in a. cnlumn ‘ article the death of Hon. \V. Enkin. lwhich occurred inSaltcmns. Sask., in his 90th year. Deceased was hum l u, Cashvl. was reeve nl' Mnrkhlm township in 1880. and the following your was (:huuen warden of the County 'nf ank. Mr. Eckln wont to the West. in 1883 as agent at the Saskatchewan ' Land and Homestead Co. fit... ...\V..uun nu L ncxlllg Apples". pnssihly they Would not suffer in their reputation and would protect themselves frr m loss. while. at, the sum» time. giving infinitely greatn- sutisfncllnn to thv dealer and consumer. Much complaint has th-n nmde from time to time of ‘apples going bad. and mvostigatinn has pluven that. inure often than nut. this is entirely due to lnose and care- ll'SS packing. The bulletin. which has been compiled by the Chlr‘f Fruit In- spector uf the Prairie Provinces and the Apple Packing Expert, of the‘ Fruit Brunch. deals very minutely with the subject. describing everything and every feature relating to apple packing. both in barrel and hux with plentiful illustraliuns. even to the nmkingand men-king of bat rel and box. the use of wrapping paper. the. grading of the apples and the requirements of the law. If packets and shippers ofapplos \vnuld send to the Publications Branch, De-pm-tnmut of Agriculture. Ottawa. for Bulletin No. 2 of the Fruit Cmnmlssinner‘s series, which can be had free for the asking, and which is entitle-d “Modern Methods of Packino Death Of Hon. W. Elkin in all things, Charity How to Pack Apples 402B chéids _9r Pal-ii}; 13.0. Box 436 Ric-Inn 011d Hill Newmarket Granite Works G. W. LUESBY Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER 05‘ THE VIOLIN \Vill he in Richmond Hill on Thlusdnys after September I. 1916 Address Nul'dr-imer Building 2'20 Yonge St. annnDr Organist; and Choirmuster St. Paul's Presbyterian Chmch. Toronto Conductor York Choral Society \Vill accept a limited number of pupils at his Hume-studio. Richnumd Hi“ RPSidI-‘DCP address Victoria Square COMMISSIONER. CONVEYAN”ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Dealer and importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Marbles Building Stone cut to order OFFICE AND RESIDENCE King, Ont. Phone No. 23. Licensed Auctioneers for Tom the Counties of York, Peel and Phone 950 Woodbridge Ofilce lo‘ ing. Ofi CROWNS AND ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES Hon. Graduate Dental Surgeons. Richmond Hill Teacher of Piuno-Playi Toronto Conservatory J- EARliE NEWTON THORfi'fifEL Oomniisaiouer. Cunveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Eatabe Issue:- of Marriage Licenses. .J.IIU1V[ .T. K. lVIcExye & Son RICH’Mde" hEiLL LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence NOTARY PUBLIC Nor”: _Y_nnge Street Tn-r-uâ€" CONVEYA NCING Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT mom; 1834 _. A. NICHOLLS TAm. __ located in Standard 31ml: Build. Office hours 9.30a.m. to 5 p.m- respectfully . PINKERTON. v.s [Single copies, 3 cts SHEPHERD . LASHER Phone No. 72- PAINTER PA PERHANG ER GRAINER. ETC, PIANIST BRIDGES 9 Royal College of :. Toronto. will be my every Tuesday and Fl-idnv. Playing (It, the Residence Phone 183 P. 0. address Gurmley, R, R, for Tnnmto and Peel and Simcoe Jf Music TOi‘nnu SPECIALTY No. 40 44

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