RICHMOND HILL. 0.\‘T.. Arno. t: h. this Mr. and Mrs. IIttlllligslll'Jtl of Now- III H ki-l, \"rit- git 'sts tit .\It .kll'l'k~3 o\i-i Sand l_y. Tit/p sl‘lnwoitli Iii-.igtit- will ltlt‘llklly \ isit to IIIt‘ Auroia t,. xt bunk.) iia mag. p i_\' :t IA'Hllllt‘ :\II‘. illlildll's. I‘itri‘lttt'l‘til' 'l‘oroii‘o. Fiit‘lll a tow days iii liisit'iliilt- \\itli ; Ni. and .\Ii.s. \\ . A. “night. The \\': t'. 'l‘. 1'. will Illl't‘l at l: 'llll.‘ of .\lis. J. H. Hatitlrisoti next '1 :ii-sda_\' t-irning .il 73in. (ioial pio- gitiiiiiiio. ‘ I)oi.‘t lozgtl to boo iis about that “\Vllilr .‘vw'ltig Machine." .\ good time to l=ii_\' tlii\\'. l'lii- lliclinioiiil l'izll llatdwait- t'w. .\lr.:iiitl .\li_s. llt'l|l_\' i:iit‘ Ll istrr iiiitl Illlns lit-Hit Hl‘ I’l'lt‘lllllll :.iisti .\II~/.iiiitl itliss liiil-Ii 'l’l‘ltl'illllt) spent tho huh- {I «5's a! .\li. l). Hill's. .-\ marlin: ol'ilid- I)lll‘t'll‘l\ltli lhl' Iil‘llliittllil lliil Agricultural S. wit-iv \iill li- III'Ill in llll' t‘otiruzil (‘li imliri. h ilttttlaylit ii. iii 2.3ilti't'iot'k. The Nt-wm'trkt-t lCra last wit-k rpioti-tl Male Midasst titiiiit‘l'l i't-iits in: bit/l) pit gallon. liliv till-talion. I!ti\\'l‘\t'l. was lion. itslliz-s “itlt_\' yr iis “no. .\Ii. Harold ll.lg"l'lll:l|l tif Maikliaiin atnl .\li'. \\‘ill I‘Ivlt'kll' of Hltiltl‘l'villt'. both of tho Statidaitl Bank stall. spent their I‘iastor holidays at llll‘ll littlllt's licrc. Liko almost (‘Vt’lyllilllg t'lse inks li.i\c taken an advanci- iii llllt‘P. Small botilt-s of ink whit-h llt'll‘ltll'i-lt' Miltl for 5 cis \\ill ht'rt-ai'ti-i h-- 7 t-ts. :i li..ltli-. Sin ill liotth-s of mutilaxt' :llt‘ also 7 cviils. Mr. Alllvll Brown \\ ho had lwrii on the staff of tho htaiulaitl liaitk III‘IL’, lelt. for the \\'rst Int-slay night. lie is going into farming in pattiicrs‘iip \\lLI1Ill.~llitIlIh-| lli‘||:'_\‘, Mr. \V. ‘I‘reiirh. I3. A. principal of the Hiin School s-t l'ri-stott. aticndiâ€"d the Ontario Tearth Association in Tomato cain- in :m-l Spent. I fiw days with his relatives heir. \Vo have secured the .‘s‘l‘l'YICt‘S oi Mr. Mahony a tinsiiiith and will now he pieparvd to do all kinds of Tin and :I-iIV-‘ilier‘Ll iron woik. t-avvtronghing. iiirnact-s. ctr. The h'ichiiioiid Hill Hardware Uo. Mr. w." Grnlmln tins saiit Iils‘ inn-k house on Rose-view avenue to Mr. Bert Jackson of'l‘oroiito. ftil'liit‘i'lyttf Maple. The deal was putthroughhy Mr. A. (1'. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will remove here in a i’cw weeks. The \Vouieii’s Institute Will lli(‘(‘t at the home of Mrs. Stirling on \Vrdâ€" nesday. April 10th. at 3 o‘clock. Mrs. 'I‘. A. Patterson of Agiiicoiirt will give a paper on Horticulture: a solohy Mrs, N. .I. (“21.55. and .1 Hull†Solo hy Mrs, Stirling. Roll call. Flowers. Mr. Gordon Sloan who has been at Pembroke for the past winter spent over Easter at. his home here. He has accepted a position as traVeller for the Colgate drug Company, and†his territory will be the Montreal and Ottawa. districts and the Lake shore. Hand made. fancy bread in Canada went off the market on March 15. under the Canada. Food Botrd’s new regulations. Standard war flour. meaning“ flour about two per. cent coarser than ordinary. may only be used for hi ead from henct‘forth. Rev. Peter Addison Will preach in the Methodist church next. Sunday morning. Mi. Addison was superhi- tendent on this circuit when the church was built. 38 years ago. Doiilitless many old and new friends will be out to heat-the venerable old gentleman Sunday morning. iii: an: Tabuies cure dizziness. Spring Term from April 2nd merges into the Summer Term on July 2nd in Shaw's Business Schools. Toronto. No vaca- tions. Enter any day. Free cua- logtie. \V. H‘. Shaw, Pres Open all year! Enter now ELLIOTT Toronto, t)ut.. has tit-.l ii‘ a sunny..- 01' hold upon Illt‘[)'.1l)ii.‘ toiilidrticc than over li-‘f-Iro. “THURHI'UU 'I‘ii,\i.\'t_\‘t:" for clitiit't' p.-siti ms in Business lï¬ik- is invl: in all out Do- p'trtinvnts. 'l'lits tailing†iliws not ask fat .1 l» *ltoi it'|\‘.l?tillttll than it h ls nvitv. \Vo plani- m my students in positi i:is \‘It.‘Il _\'iuii. \Vi'i e to- il ty for Log..- t‘ ttalogtic. Till Yogi-V. t\\'.J.I’.i.i_io'r'i' I Y 'kt‘lirtilcsï¬isl l’rin-‘ipil W tho Lt me some pupils of ““lncii had ‘.'III.l . Giss Trench Resigns t Ti. lllv' ii ltiot oi IllI' IAIIt‘IillI lh-at' .\Ii. I'Itlitor, \Ytll Vmi kit: lli' Ilist'l‘l this :titit-lt- ii: a lil't‘illilil‘lll t'oiiitiiii (I }'t‘lll \'-|lllt’ll I),i|i'l‘. IIt't'l It inrumhi-nt upon Illt‘ It. lill"l‘ :tu l‘Xllllllvllittll to tho pulilit- for in)“ ll‘\l:_!liillltililll silt-h .iti lIli\t aw i.- .‘ilil" ii-ii :I lit ll;l' \l'lltllll _\'t':i:‘. I“il\l- lv tlit- i'oli-iwi t5; lt'lll'l' was \l'lil to in". . Itillllllttlitl lltll. (lot. Maitlifllli. llll\' \liss .‘luiy 'l‘It [it'll III'JI ,litss ’I‘ii'imli: In \ ion iti'tlit- fact llivll lll" IIW'IIII of [Lin-will »n has had It'lil'llt'd t-otu- llldllils'. liotii part-tits Ilia‘i _\'oti liti\t~ llxi'll ~i ipoial ptiiiisl;tnt-ttt l'o.‘ iiiipt-r- {.-;-flr~~r1.s,\llt'll:l~ iiitstaktrs in spollW ing. the lit...iil Ilt'lt'lIV lllgt“ lli‘at t-m» pot'al [Tillil\llllll'lil lie iistil only ft 1‘ ll\“." vi llll*-t'tvlitlilt'l of :i set tons iialuit- li>'\t'I' l'iii‘itiipt-ilrt‘l, l“\\tili\‘. it also I'i‘t'trlllliil'l iis lll'l’ t'oipt-inl piiiiisliâ€" i:it-tit t i iiltlt- giils l‘t' il‘lllllt‘t‘l t-utiit-iy. t:ti '1‘ li ill'til' Ill“ li-nitil, U. .\. .‘lt III‘Iiillil. ' l Horn-Ln _\‘ 'l‘t t‘.lr€lllt'l. 'I'ii ‘.\'lilt‘li l li ml lt'llil lll‘ll tho l'ollmv‘ tug I"|Il}'. lli‘lllllt‘ltl Ilill. l Matt li iilllll. llllï¬. (it‘lllll‘lllt'll:*" t 'l‘lit- lt'Ilt‘l' I Il't‘i ixml hunt you" ~‘".'l'l‘l try tl'lll‘ll .\ivlll’II l‘.\"til3‘-lii'lli v-xpzt-ssn-s slit-h ll"i\ il' t:tiiilitlt-iit~t- i.i Ilit‘lt'lll tt-ntlri p. sitiviiil ant llili I‘it'.llt‘ my s 'lthl \ioik that my It‘slgliullttli of tho holding: on tho li'i: lltiittiitl m liHItl Stall. Yt-tiis it'spit-ll'ttlly. .\l.tt_\' 'l'ii'iit‘li. Ii hint: no opinion only on tho :i'omt- Ii-ttt'l‘ lllt'\1'lll|l‘l i'wiiitiittnit _\' of “It‘ll- moiil lltll will suit-iv wondri- tlittt tin-y h ire litr l'lt'\ on yo it's ("lllIiIi‘l'tl tlit- inhumanity of .so (‘1 llt'l a li-;it~lit-i. llowmci p-rmit‘ an t'\' iizipli- oi Ill!" high sounding"(iorpoinil I’lllll-Vllllll‘lllut l't-lt'ti-t-tl lit :iliovt'. It. has I).'t'[] :t ‘ in my school itaiiii lo 5.:iio t'ilt‘ll i work :i slioit test in :il lllllll"lll’. it was ii.liw-tl lliltt lT-Ill'lk‘.\\.,lt'.~\ was ul'tt-ii tho cause of the litlllllt‘ to :it'coiiiplisli tlit' t'oi'it-t-t :iiiswt'r. ll‘llt‘l r- faw, lii'rattsc carelt-ssiioss is a Ililllll. I w .h ill" suit-lion of the I’iint-ipal. warn-3d IiIt' children that iittht- followâ€" ing \\l‘l‘l{ I :Ill'llld use the stiap ii' pupils thus call-loss l-Illt‘tl to "make iiiaiks". Sonn- failt-tl, thi'ieloic itl‘tt‘i‘ the test I Conspicuoust took the strap from the manor and \\':lll\lllg down the aisle :tdiiiinistei'cd upon the hands on tho desk of tliit-t- girls and two boys two or three slight tape with the strap. in only one case trying to make it felt. This is the CtiSt‘ that has called foitli a complaint. that. piiiiislitiicnt was given the childien for not knowâ€" ing their lessons, and has proved to lie the climax for action. You \inl plain- ly see that the trite cause of [Hitiir-Ilâ€" iiient was quite other than that stated. In an address dclivcied to the Noith York teacht rs. liy President Fall tili“l' ofToroiito University. a few years ago, he expirSst-d that insistence llpuli accuracy was the one point \vlieic the Public School teacher Could help the university. ()onceriiiiig mistakes IIIS|WlIng. a year ago last Septeniher a class came her-n in my room when I taught. a junior grade. I knew the pupils and their} capabilities. ScVeral of them Were only recommended in Septetiilicl' hav- ing failed in Spelling. I knew the cause of their failure was carelessness or to he more eXact laziness. I determine-d. if possible to raise these pupils to the staiidatd. therefore with the sanction of thepriiicipal I snapped sevcial of the children not as you will see. for imperfect lessons but for not trying, which Mr. Editor isa vastly different View of the same icsult. The boy of one of the present memlleis oi the School Boaid happened to lie in that classand I must Say the sti upping had a helpful influence during the whole year. There was also the son of an iiate female who I lielicyu lodged a complaint. Since that time similar punishment has been given for a like offence. Again a member School Board accused me of stiiking his son on the head. I believe this action was dismissed at two Board meetings separated by an interim of ten months. [should he pleased to demonstrate upon the body of any child even upon oiieI int-st loved. the “Corporal Punishment" administered at that time. I recall it distinctly. The lad was stoopiiig over with his back hunched up. and I gave. him a rap with my hand, not far from the head, it. was up towaid the hack of his neck, to call him to writing position. These instances as you sec cover an interval of about two years. I think probably as many more might be ex- posrd in a a somewhat longer [H't‘iotl of time. Mistakes and wrong doings are cumulative and l have noduulit that when all one has Cf‘lllliiittt'd in t‘le\cti years are collected they “ill make an accusing pile. Mr. Cditor. and the Dear I’iihlicl take pleasure in saying that my schoolâ€" room will he found to be an itlititli‘ of happiness generally speaking. Truly \‘exatioiis aiise. the lt'uCIlL‘l' perhaps sevcic. hut too . of children to deliberately and viciousâ€" ‘ly cause them pain. But ('L‘lttllllly pupils marking tune aie licr abomin- ‘iltlull. and if parents had any concep- «tioti of the dctiiiiicnt caiisrd I)_\' iii- ; attention to the character, they would of the present i not advise or uigc that their children be allowed to spend time in itIltfiiees.‘i in exclusive attendance at school is ‘cducation. Discipline is a. iiecessny acconip inimeiit. Discipline is not the end but merely a. means toward the end. “'hi-ii a man favotiis punishâ€" iiiciit for discipline but not for 'The. aim of "not is iii-Iii, . innit-h a lovt‘r, .\\'ti‘tltl : t t .it 'l‘tl li.l' ‘lgtttiltii. t I l l knowing lessons" lic siiitl} fiil» to sot-1 lili-it punishment. lli'ut is t'n‘l'lt‘tlHt‘! tilistipliim. has no pl ict» aiiya'htm- i:iI 'tlic u:.iz:_-is.' -:t pt as .l. :.. ~s- ~ t “i'lILI .‘lirr'ut- tEo . (‘ itit-riiiiiig_ "st-lions iiiist‘ontlut't" [)L‘I'llill liit' to say it is :i ltl‘s‘ i'ontlitton iii a \\’t'il iiiatiagt-il M‘llt oi Itil‘lll. l t‘aii'i t“ 'ttll wt \\llt‘l| stii'li .~ who has :iiist'ii aiiwz'gsl nivptipils. .\ii. l‘:tllltil. “llllt‘lll t\lt'lllIilIillt_{ in\' inisialws. whith \\'i' all\'t‘, tasa iiiotliwi \\tst A l_\ iiil'oiirittl lllt‘ It’t't‘lilllll should ltlw' 1; st)" iii i2 llit' l‘lllllllt‘il titititt i. \‘ caio lor siV limits a tit) tl.llit t: titiii inoiitlist t lll" \'I'ttl li’ni- lawn t at: itillv cit titlt-tl li--i:i hat in to lli- il lvtlit s. lit in lll|lll‘i rssai)‘ llllii to lllr'lt U i. its. l'iotn s'aiti to llltll’ iiiwials .1; tl.twould i. \\|‘ lli‘l it. had lil"\ sp.-;.t “it li a llllli‘ ttiitlwi lllt' lt.\li"r.'lt. it it tltt- Ittlitli'\l p'ait til. I lllt‘l' it It. It s on my position sntiwatiilli'. l lxl't‘ll i-v'iiit-ist- ltrl iii-ssi-s. littgtitlitt; lifllt' L'tils .l naughty as | llill' it It: liil‘ lti ll .1 “tout: it for Illllll‘illli'dll ol‘ llit‘ l.t lu't'oiiil null i:itliw I \i'.si~ p iit .ll tit“ « no! tlisv lllillli .‘I‘ slit til.l .t li‘li’ll? 'I‘iio NV li. oi Ii v llll li slit-u ii i‘ swil t;::".' lit-- lat'k Ill \\ All "it'ittintttl “its \\ ll ll Ill'\ltit:ll(l iir (‘v'lli-‘llll Illl‘ii~ltliit'l.' ll lll lt- “'ltl ~ :1 ll t«'| t\'. Il'tinl s hiigili.» vsli l'til b and int :s‘ it t ;_ i .nityt ~ iii tort-pi: vitiivv! lll“ ttHl)lll|lti}l_\' llili ... to ill tl'.'lllt‘_" tiiili :lm‘ tttillltlllii" No iilltlillll‘ lllll‘ to tiiwfi tit;ll.lul- .‘.l .t\isii patil lot \t‘limiinwtii \\lltlt‘ ll.-‘ll ‘ any Ll tn'tzi lZl ‘Il »: M i ]l s tittt i (HM It\tl li"~~. llit' in» lll'll' \'. ' int lii¢1.i. ;.l o! ll:r' Ill“ [Hint .ptl. Hit r i'..ts in :t pits know on l '-i :til\isw. \\l~ .ll-s‘tllill'l‘.'l w . . . . :. . i t > tiit l.-.iitl lll‘Il-I“l'll.lvl_(“ lll’ltl‘.\iilitllitllli|.dll. ICtlitm. l ltli i:i’l. )«t't l'oi y-un lx'i’ltllw s: iit' piiltlislii'ipr this iit'i-t-ss.ttii\' l t.'."i.i“' .ittviiipt to giii .lllsllt't‘ .t \ltl’W' ltl .Itisllt'v li-isoil has no pl wt i:i llil'-l :it‘lltill tti' lli'l Fry-lit ltl litiiiitl, ‘ l \'t .lts lt'.“|t't'lllllll\'. t M \l.'\.' '."i.i \t v.9. .. Presbyterian 'iiurch Stititlai‘. .‘.ptil illi. lllt' lliilii‘siv'l‘ \\ill iii't'at l] .tl lulill \t'l \lt't“. lElelt' liltii ti-i lilg Illi"llli- (illutl .-\t Iil|‘\l l:l"lll“ “Ft-i .\l»- to l.i\x~ is (‘liiistifl lli lli!‘ i \t'iiiiig. ‘ l'lit' Ixiil ('Itp", "My l‘tip littiitii".li ()i'iti.†Tin-Giant, .‘tlissioti Hind “iii llll‘lll at lllL' Elatise- Satuiday. 2i p, ii:, i i The Ill‘it‘l:|l of Mrs. llay. \‘ltlll‘V oi the lati- Iii-v. Iii-iriaiiiiti \V. l).i_\'. took place at lllt‘ lottal t't'tltt‘lt‘i'y. \Vt‘tllit‘Stiuy ilflt‘l'lit oii. Ill†Sl‘lViL‘t' livingr Iakt‘n liy luv. It. lIv-lliia‘iti]. Many _\'t-ais ago Mr. and Mrs. [lay \Vt'l't‘ marriiul llt‘l't' by the Mini iiiitiistt r, Ill \. Ja». Ilit k. \\'hcii til: it first hearts turned hack to tho p‘a :9 ol their iiiarri-igo and tho ('Illltl was buried here. They lt‘sulvt‘tl Ilit‘li ti I make it their own last resting , and iii the plot; srctii-t-tl. Mr. Day was buiit'd four _\‘tars ago. Their son is now the iniiiisti-r of the l\'t»i-thciii~ Ctlllglt'giilltllitll Chili-t h In liost'dalc. ! i I Srtl'l ow t a inâ€, their pliit'iI â€"â€"â€"--vo.â€" MitchellnReaman A \013’ quit-t wet‘ding was Still-iii- nizcd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Reatiian. Cari \‘illo. Out... on Match 28, at. twoâ€"thirty p. iii.. when their daughter Puail Mabel was united in lil‘ll‘l'ltlgt‘ to AIUIIIUSL‘ C. Miitliel. son of Mr.aiitl Mrs. John MiLL‘hcll. lidgelt’y. Out. The Rev. It. McKet~ conducted the crrt-iiioiiy and Miss Minnie [{eaiiian. sistei of‘-llie britlv, playt d the wedding nitrcli. The bride who was unattended. was given away by he: father and wow a dainty gown of ivory silk Cl‘9p£‘~tlt'v(ililllt‘. and c.iriied a sheaf of pink cariiations. She Wore the Groom's gift, a peail sunburst. Latt‘r Mr. and \Iis. Mitchell li-ft fora short wedding, trip. the bride handling in a smart suit of navy blue serge and a I Shite hat. 'J‘ht-y will rt sidcat Edgrley, tiL. For Sale I can otter subject to prior sale 48 Shares AUGUSTINE ATMOIIATIC ItO'l‘AltY ENGINE CO. OI“ CANADA stock, at $10. net; per share. Also ofi'ei' 6258 shares one CHIMNEY MINING CO. stock. ‘ G. 1:. VOLK MAR. 2122 Lexington Ave, Buffalo, N. Y. i l | l Spring * Mi inery- Ladies :iz'c invith to our New liliilinery Parlour where the latest productions, visit MILLINERY may be inspected. iins. at. Davies ‘- ~_ I. ‘ V -' Y ‘I7 i \. ... .l‘i ‘.\.l wniowaaig‘miaém’“5;... CONCRETE HOUSE uâ€" ‘Nall Papers \-" ht: tr‘,' .1 t. , . . i show _vt.:i what liivc .lilti tol'ti'izigs. ‘Wiiidow Shades it‘l'll ll‘l“ ‘-1 kl, Rottic Liritslmi with or: um: i itisct'ti iii oolv. ,1 (“i \Z‘ [tilil lfl>L‘l' lti'l (titiii tl‘lln .iii .itil piitciiis.tpiili:y, color- igj, .i i . l...i~.‘i, iii ’ tacrii to )tl value we. Ea . . ‘ A t- i a Title On Clot ‘2 .- Ha ’ . Ml i. to .i. llltl at 1'1 \iitlc . i . .. t {till I: \5_‘ J Curtain Materiais Ladiis, Ili.l«t1-Jl.\ell(‘ scrim ti'ttli licmnzcd ed'IC, r. r ‘I-‘s‘s 4 - ‘3 .intl lace llliuHii'ti, fancy lZILl>llll and com spot. chtomics, Liiiiiizz, Satcmis, goo.J colors and p xttcrns. vâ€" I | I lAtkinson & Switzer STORE ULOSES AT six P31. I MONDAY no WEDNESDAY O. OOOOOOONOOOOOMNWWW“ § Richmond Hill Furnishing Store We carry a good stock of men’s odd pants, overalls and sniocks, work shirts, heavy sox. heavy work boots and rubbers ofall kinds. Also agentt‘or Fire Insurance. 1V. J. (fr [JASS9 l’ong‘e Street. ply 7 Co’ii Lime Fire Brick Plaster Paris LLIC. Hard Wail Plaster Plaster Boards Sewer Pipe Mortar Colors Weeping Tile Also Flour and Feed Cement __ .IE : .I I. & G. H. MCKENZIE. VVILLOWDALE, ONTARIO W. LAWRENCE \VHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLORIST (IliElC.'IIUI'SI£S RICHMOND HILL tinnicxiioi'sns AND ()ririci-g 152 “USELAWN Ava, Toimx'ro l’lowt-i-s tastefully ariaiige-d for wcddin rs, t‘tiiit-rals, etc. Roses and Carnations l’hoiie Ilichiii'iiid “ill. or nights and Sundays Belmont UH“. L‘itv -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€".._.___â€" “My “’10 lot hit on t'litiit'h 5t" N†H. front by hi†ft. (It-VI). giaH-l rt-zul l‘llll:lli('t‘ to garage. ()iiiaint'iital and fruit trees. This is a l llt‘ t'llt ll't‘ to .si-t'urt- a lieatttiful place fora new home __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_-â€"â€"_â€" Home clioit't- l1 is ‘ttt ("hutch S... Baker Art. and IlttSt‘YI'W" .\\r.. lillt'lil (listt uiit for cash. (1' $1.â€! per it A". down anti llllt't' tit Ii\'i' y“ it .i"ii t llll'nl’. 1'7 I T \Y-""""\'/"‘ i'ii'lill\' i ‘ l i 3:. i- -.-‘.v..‘ ..' Li... -