be added to the soup just before serv- mg. ‘ - er- ‘wrne for BUNCH" To make the white sauce use two 2R. 'LlZERS' L‘M‘TED tablespoonfuls of fat, one tablespoon- . CANADA {pl of flour to each cup of milk and . season to taste. Mix the flour With lan equal quantity of cold water or ‘ imilk and stir until smooth, then add Future for “'ater_p0wer_ lolléligh goietï¬mlk :0 friike lgkpï¬u: Many authorities believe that the “m 3" ea 8 res 0 9 ml 1 ‘ use of cheap hydroâ€"electric power in ‘iloublc boiler (never boil the milk) . . . . ' making iron Will eventually brim: and “hm hm‘ all through add the about a commercial revolution in the il‘lour mixture gradually and stir con- , I n . _ . ‘ leading nations, and that all indus- b’Jmly 8†the mmtme thmkens' Add tries which consume large amounts of ' ‘ Abfllllllil‘ly cured. in any riors. no miller how bad. 22 years 0(>11(‘UC>S, is our reason for selling AVE REMEDY . 1100- It must ,‘lllL‘ butter and seasoning and let cook mechancial energy will be forced to, n . I ' ‘ E“) ten or fifteen minutes. i ' ‘ . ‘ . I 00D productionâ€"that is A FULL WE . , _ . , . emigrate to countries where water-l D me big cry {or 1913. LOOK FOR THE Onrcceiptoi6c.(stampsorsilvcriiocmcr - (ream of Pen Soupâ€"1 plnt can 7 , . i In d “t “7h f t 1 S9 . _ A 1 Q 05mm m‘dwmm'lug‘weMum“ 3'0"“ "PM: 1 pint cold water 1 teaspoonful Iowa. 5 a m a ' at a u ure‘ U LVCUm‘c ml,†WC“ We STARS u ull_wcck‘5 triiil “uh full _ ‘ " . ‘. ’ Vh. " there ls for Canada when this comes, '0 as much as possililcrwluch Evewimminme Rem-u. 1913 : pstirnigiigiirshud‘gin;mince 4 ,sugar, 1 quait thin u ite sauce. about! , :5, means every mnnume Square “HagueIcwcsemgunmcelm w ‘ method same as stated above' u yard under cultivation and value. but the items in! Sfiar i - ( ream of Com Soupâ€"1 pint can of the widespread use or Ronnie’s borders are simply “on er ui. *_____._.â€"â€"â€" TSOMperSreecOtawnflnt. I seeds- i Mi , icorn, 1 pint cold water, 1 small slice, g 011m“? 1 quart thln Whlte Sauce‘ nie- I will pay highest market prlCeg BEANSâ€"Rennie's Stringless Plit. OZ. ll). 5 lbs. Green Pod................10 .18 .55 2.50 BEETv-chnie‘s Spinach Beet . . .. .10 .35 1.00 3.00 CABBAGEâ€"Rennie’s \Vorldbeaicr .10 .75 2.25 CARROTâ€"~Rennie’s Market Garden .10 .40 1.20 3.50 CORNâ€"Ronnie's Golden Bantam. . .10 .25 .65 CUCUMBERâ€"«White Wonder . . . . . .10 .30 .90 3.00 LETTUCEâ€"Rennic's Selected Non arcil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 .30 .90 2.75 > MUSKME ONâ€"Dclicious Gold Lined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 .40 1.20 3.50 _______________â€" to taste pepper. Try out the fat or luse drippings in place of the salt- 'kf t. Ad th ' t them lt- . pm a d eomon o e PARSLEYâ€"Champion Moss_Curled.Og .25 .75 2.25 1 ed fat and cook until brown. Strain .15 '45 2.00 .. r. n “ 9 Q ’ a U W n u 3 3 ii a 10 C I ~ 9 . so . M u M a 0 u N . 3 3 ‘- - â€"â€"' l .. Soups. Minus Meats. the fat into atlarge saucepanz add the : PEAS Ilrllligfoscar‘gtmmgcm _ H H ‘10 .15 .4 2.00 : Soups made with milk furnish a Potatoes!“ mto half-“10h “Wis and n RADISHâ€"Cooper's Sparkler ..... .05 .20 .65 2.2 a wholesome nutrient food rich in food “‘9 bmlmg water- ‘COOk “m‘l the : TOMATOâ€"Bonny Best . 10 .60 1.75 a . 3 a a z . U Q . ’ U a U r. 5 a U n 3 r a U 3 3 . ' Q . . U U Q tliod same as stated above. for Rats. Ginseng Root and all other ‘ ‘ ' . raw furs. (‘leflm 0f celelyy turnlpv potatoll ‘ 20 years of reliable trndlnR bean soups all made same as above. Referenceâ€"Union 31:. or Canada. (‘orn Chowder.â€"1 can corn, 2-inch N_ SIL cube fat salt pork, 1 slice onion, 4I 220 at Paul at. w" Momma/1Q. potatoes, 1 quart milk. 8 crackers, saltl . 1 - e , -_ polatoes are soft, then add the milk Early Detroit '.' i '.'.'.'. :10 .60 1.75 ‘3 “e smce th V mm“ a“ ll“ nut“ and corn. Heat to the boiling point, TURNIPâ€"Golden Ball(0rangeJelly).05 .25 .75 2.50 I f i ' a c o 3 II I “clef '“Stantaneous- Hea'ed lb. 5. . bs. . . . v . _ milk and serve them n the to of the ' used- The food is m easdi digested chowden ° F Wllh 3 cakes 0f Soap and omou SETSâ€"Yellow Sets-*Selected. .35 1.70 .25 1.20 form and when served with bread and . ' butter furnishes all the necessary Cho“'d1:r‘â€"2 cupfuls flaked 2 Boxes 0f Omtmenl' FLOWER SEEDS Pkt. food elements for a balanced meal. CO 15 “.803 ellsalt COdï¬sh’ 8 pola' “x wa _ h d b Lavender Gem Aster . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 There is no betterdvay to “mile the i We?» 1 131m boning water. 1 Sllce “Hat. 5 “‘7 mbuc k “lilo e d Y 3“ Early Bloomin Cosmosâ€"Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 left overs of the dinner the tough onion, 2»inch square fat salt pork, 1 l ‘0“ on icd‘ 0‘?“ 0â€â€ Giant Yellow ulip Poppyâ€"California . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 'l‘ ‘ tablespoonful salt, 1 quart milk, dash a a a case 0 eczema“ New Red Sunflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 My back was in a very bad shape, and my clothing irritated so that the skin became very sore. l sent iorCuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Relief was instan- taneous and with the use of parts of vegetables, the water in . which vegetables are cooked, and peppm’ 8.Cr"lcker?‘ . Try out the fat or use drippings in its place, add the they provide a food of such high . value at so low a cost. tome“ and brow Soups made from split peas. green peas, beans, lentils or ï¬sh are richer . . the ï¬sh and summer ten minutes then . than those made from celery, carrots,: . . ’ three cakes of Cuticura . turnips, potatoes at “para-gm.) and a Iadd,the milk, seasoning and heat to Soap and two boxes of . the boiling point. Serve with the ' " chowder m 1 d 1b“. i . . . Ointment I was healed. (Signed) B. mean Egg: cznfé’: or“ salingg crackers niOistened in cold milk on the F. Grosch, Y. M. C. A., St. Catherines, Ronnie‘s XXX Mammoth Flowering Hollyhockâ€"Mixture.. . . . 0 . Mastodon Pansyâ€"Mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ronnie's XXX Select Shirley Mixtureâ€"Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 When buylng from dealers. Insist on R'ennle‘s. If your dealer hasn't them. we will ship direct. 3 n. Turn the fat into the saucepan, add potatoes, boiling water and cook ten minutes. Add ENNIE KING 8: MARKET ST?" I ' . . . , lop of the chowder. Ont. July 4. 1917. ’ A'L-SO’ 1 AT M'O'N TR EAL? ' ‘WINN ’fl‘ay 1’; £1591 m ChO“dC1 “hen Vegetable Soup (without Meat)._ For hair and skin health Cuticura. 7 ' ‘ 7 ' ’ resh s is not a\ ailable. 1‘3 .11 - _ - _ Soap and Ointment are supreme. ‘ Mâ€"â€"__' " l The housew1fe whose shelves are ’“ smd omon’ 1 3 cupflll turmpS’ 1 3 For Free Sam le Each 1) M 'l d > " ' 'cupful carrots, 17% cupful celery, 1’ y u a ' Very fat ï¬sh should not be given to = non-combatantsâ€"men, women, and sail. 1 quart water, 4 tablespooniuls %:::0§?${ff§fiZA/_vvcutlc‘lm’ Den“ A' has ï¬rst-class material for nourishing: drippings, 1Y2 Cupful potato, 1/2 table- _...c delicious and inex enS‘ve o . . - The proportionspfor lcreasrnuildu )s or l§l30°11ful mmCCd parsley’ dash pepper' * 1 gl’lash, scrape or pare and cut the Soups made without meat are: About‘ . , - ' oneâ€"half as much vegetable pulp asizegtfaï¬ï¬iremgeaiéï¬zg andï¬iifpfï¬z milk or white sauce with the addition i vegetables together omit“, the .90_ 0f se‘lsoning' If the Vegetables used tatoes. Melt the drippingsgin a stew contain a large . amount of starch, pan‘ add the vegetables and cook milk may be used without thickening. b . . . . . . r t t t - and where there is water in which the allgtth: 93112303; e Zï¬s‘Eame: WET: blcOOked ‘3“ aqua 1potatoes and cook ï¬ve minutes more, . “t o . vege a e Wat“ and pun) then add the water and simmer slowly 15 .used Wlth the Same amount 0f'two hours, cavered. Season with salt Wh‘te sauce' A . I and pepper, add the minced parsley The general directions for making and serve very hot The vegetables cream “ups are: I _ ‘may be mashed finer with a fork or Cook the vegetables in water until i chopped very ï¬ne. 7 they are soft, then press through a My“ coarse strainer and add the water in) Sunday-School Scholars. Wl'llgll they are cooked to the PUlPZThc clock strikes two, and through the that comes through the strainer. whole wide 18nd make the white sauce just b8f01‘e Go little children walking hand in sci-ring time and combine the vege- hand table pulp with the white sauce after; ’ the sauce has cooked up. Do not} let the, 59“? Stand 100g before 36“" ' With ev’ry triiantburl brushed smooth mg as it is likely to thicken too much. and gleek l( v y ' . .‘ _ ‘ ' 1 V Se“? ‘ery h_°t WIth crad‘e†0’ bread i And thought intent upon a verse to‘ . cut in halfâ€"inch cubes and toasted at Speak delicate brown. To make a richer"1 . ‘ soup an egg' Slight“? beaten! 0“ a few ‘ liarh stifl’ skirt hangs demure. as if iti teaspoonfuls of whipped cream may l . suPphed Wlth comâ€"paw Yegetables‘ young children. , lchildrenâ€"have been murdered by the Sold ev h . . . i . eryw ere More than fourteen thousand British ‘ Kaiser’s Command. In shining shoes, that have a 'Sabbathl squeak, . r .F H V _' “>7 u ‘ . d; J" l! ’ "H I ml" 1'13... ' uni-05mm. l kph/1°.W‘2;’VV .CJ" knew i A week-day tilt on Sunday would, a ‘ not. do; each white collar. tied with: mud...- piaid. ' OR the war against hunger as well as for the war against i Elliâ€! by mm“ the Hun. For every Canadian ï¬ghting overseas, at least two p“ 93.2.3332?“ that “5 ml on farms at home are serving none the less effectively because i'Neaih hood and bonnet. cap and hat†they smile. Tllts clou'lles" eves tli't llL' t . a - i 6100de of, ghile; d r “e no i Long and strenuous days are theirs, summer, the more you ll need a Gillette lWhile snowy kerchiefs bind the nemiyl without leave or furlough! a steady drive Safety Razor, with its clean, comfortable, l 9 ?' t' ht . . IfoureFon& Which $95 ,0 mad, the heathen what; through the daylight hours to keep the ï¬ve-minute shave. And the better you T 01“. C ff 4; l , M trig“: 1 } i work abreast of the season, and save the know and like good tools, the more you ll ,i‘ L ' l ‘1 ‘ ‘ "l‘: t" i o a n c ea or . o 99 i 0†Slighth H me“ N W k i “5‘ crops so sorely needed to feed our ï¬ghting appreCiate the Simple mechanical perfec- bul 13°; (11: harms ii; : H I 1 l l ‘ h l men. tion that gives the Gillette such a lead over :. - w . ,.- -. ., I ~ CS many ,4: I \e} téooir oi VlL m rel l nine 1 i e: every other razor. . kumuï¬nd l T, tum tam-1' f ' h ‘ Only those who spend such days can {,4 iey 5 amp ieli' (imprints on t e , , , . Fl “ad'sâ€? hm“- realize how good it feels to have a “wash- The Gillette Safety Razor ‘5 made m 3- {Though deepest snow the ,l‘OSL‘.\ have? . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' T l concealed, l up†and a clean Gillette shave at mghtâ€" severald‘ï¬erentswles’cmhan andm‘htary' 3' They nod like blossoms o'er the stubb-l or how it ï¬ts a man to enioy the evening’s Choose one Of the former for YOUYSEll and i 1y ï¬eld. . . d, , , new i iThese darling buds which wintry by- test or Pleasure Of the tnP to townv dell-glitz some $01 let fnend “nth a _ ‘ i ‘; ways yield. Military Set. Your dealer can supply you é‘eco" ililll. best of all. the babies suck their} The bUSier you are gOing to be this at up' “Drama belfl‘ase- ? ‘ thumbs. i : Waiting home until their own tum" . ’ comes. . O 1: lxcs ': ci (5 1’ ’u'cl‘“ ‘s ' S f t R ::.,,,.,§i,;;,,* u eh 11“ 01°. Gille e a e azor lino.» half as had .i< people 533,1 it. C E C d L. o d i . r9“?- . . A o. o ana a imite . .Vslll iliildzei. alvavs leal‘lllll†to be , , e/A cheering> hot ‘ good, ‘ ° l Office and.Factory : for people “"Mill‘lOU Ame: Tag'gart.i ‘ : GILLETTE BLDG, MONTREAL, of every 889. n "Hâ€"kâ€"‘fl ‘ (in-esc- is one 03 the beat substituâ€"i in; lsecause it is an animal food and. ifil‘dllsheS muscle building substancesl ill retains many of the valuable ele- Imecis of milk. l STANDARD $5.00 3;? BULL DOG $5.00