Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1918, p. 8

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Tmted Farmersâ€"Meets Hall. Rich mond Hill. \Vednesday. ublic Library and Re. Open Tuesday and S nings. ichmond Lodge. AF. J Monday on 01- befmp t: Village Council â€" Meets Wednesday of month. Fire Brigade â€" Meets lst each Month. Baud Practiceâ€"Monday of at S p.111. Iill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F.â€"â€"_\Ie( and 4th Tuesduy of each nmnt ’ictoria L.O. L. 2368â€"Meets 4th nesday of each month. ’ourt Richmond, A.O.F.~.\Ice Friday. 0.1“. â€"Meets 3rd Thur month. rump Elgin, S.O.S.â€"Meet5 4th \Vednesdny. Roman Catholic Chm-ch â€" Services on alternate Sundays at 8.45:1.n). and 10.30 mm. Methodist, Chmehâ€"Sexvmes at 11mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30. General Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Epwnrth League-Meets every Mon- day at S p.m. Presbyterian Young People's Sam'erâ€" Meets evexy Thursday at S p.m. Church of England â€"Services at 1] mm. and 7 p.m. Hnly Communinn nn the 1st Sunday in the month at 11 mm. and on other Sundays at S ".m. Sunduy School and Bible Class at 3 o‘clock. Presbyterian Church â€"â€" Services at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.45 Prayer Meeting Thursdav ove- Gorlnleywi), .64 ix-dning. firs ning 1' bonus far seed. Twn flné Wyandotte Cuckerels 'for breeding. Henry Mnyle. 39 t. f. VVANrEoâ€"Gm to hnnsewnrk. No D hers ahuut 1ft. square. 16 fl. 03c. Gal. shéet il'nn roofing. not nng on. Known as the Wellman farm. Garfield Yeresx. Elgin Mills. 392 0R SALEâ€"Ten bushels of beans for seed. Twn finau OR SALEâ€"A limited quantity of Cunndiun Beauty peas fol-seed. Alsnsmne ulsike seed. Geo. Hurt. lot 61,con. 2. Vaughan. 40-2 FOR SALEâ€"2&0 Egg Chnthnm in- cubator. nearly new. L. B. Heine. Gormley R. R. 2. 40-2 :UR SALEâ€"Fifty acre fa Victoria Square. Fm- ri. apply tn L. B. Heise. Gr) 1 Yunge Stééef the Bakery. D. Hill. 40- t. f_ \Vednesdny. Aplil lZâ€"Aurtium Sulu nt Farm implelm-nls :uul hunsr-Ln-l-l goods at 10H). can. 5. Vangh-m. the prnperty uf J. J. Snider. Sale at l H’ulrmk. TH'lus rawh. Suigmrn & \ankingtnn. :mcts. Thursduv April lSlhâ€"Atlcti«.n Salv of furniture at the rectory. “’nodâ€" bridge. the property of Rev. Mr. Evans. Sale at. l n'clnnk. Terms cash. Saigeon and VVulkinmnn. nucts. Sntluduy. Apr il 6th.â€"-Auction SHIP ul hmse. cows. Illlplt'lllt‘lll‘i. Trmls. fun - iLure, etc. the property of Mrs. L. (i. Lang'sth utlhvresidence. Thm-n- hiil. Suleat I. Terms (}.lsn. J. H. Prentice, uuct. ABN FOR SALEâ€"301(5) The regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society was held Mlll'Ch 27th. in the Presbvteriau church school room. The lecture by Mr. \Vm. Allen of Toronto, on the growing of vegetables. was interesting and pmfituble, It will he lheuim of the Society lhls smsun to put much eniest \vurkinlo [he rum-e fund pl'u- ductinn UI'H'PHH‘IIL Consequently it was lesulved to urn-mg» in cnnjum-limi with the (JunnniLLt-es of Lhe ann. tn ‘ hnld Mil open meeting in [he neui- fu-‘ tun-0. for which n lecturer will be sv- uu'ed. l ‘0 EENTTAN eight room honSP on 0R SALEâ€"Jl‘wo good work marvs, Apply John Hislop. Elgin Mills. 40-2 Village Directory nusewm-k. N0 waslfing or Apply to Miss Switzer. 39â€"t. f ‘dge, A.F. &A. M â€"Mepts or befole the full moon. nd Reading Roomâ€" and Saturday eve- 'ant Ads. AUCTION SA LIE ~Meets 4th W U. blâ€"Meots 2nd each month. unre. For particuâ€" F. Heise.Gormlev. R. Horticultural sdnv 151: Monday of in ROhiDShn’s 2nd and 4th «Cl:I farm near each week I every 2nd do general ft. tim- s on and m . 3U. To PATENT Road NE may be secured by our aid. Address. THE ‘3 "ENT RECORD Dunn”... n pea Expert on all kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class rulmmizing with dfuble-tread tire stitching work. A large stock of parts always on hand; also all kinds and sizes of tires and accessories. Free air ser- vice supplied here. so why break your buck pumping tires by hand. Excelsior Motorcycle Agency; sta- tionary engine \vm-k; Vsmrage hat- teries recharged; bicycles repaired. Solicitor for “'m. and George Robinson. Toronto, March 20th and addresses, and full } in writing of thvir claims nature 01" the securities held if any. such claims to duly \' AND further take nnticn said lust-mentinned date- the ocntm's will prncuvd tn distr asset-c nfllw said dove-used the parties entitled lhr‘l'i‘lr rvgaid only In tlw claims thnyshnll [119:] have nnticv. said executors will not he I the sald assets 01- any part, I] any person or persmis uf \Vlll they shall nut then have nuticv. Romxsox BLOC NOTICE is hervbygiven. pursuant to the stututein that behalf. thutull persons having claims against, the estate of the above named Jane Fisher. who diPd 0n (Irnhrmt the 2nd. day of February. 1918. are required to deliver ur svndhy pnst, prepaid. on nr hefm-e the 30m day of April. 1918. In the- nndersigned Ex- ecnuus or their snlicitnr. their names and nddresse‘s, and full purtirulnrs in writing of lhvir (-Inimq um] um IN THE MATTER OF Jan» Fisher. Late nfl nf Markham, in [he (1“ married woman. Dece; ..._... --vuuu1 quill None better" Order now, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES I ALso HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . um. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken tor Red clay Pressed Brick We have the DJ... 66 W. Scranton Hard Goal 1 and Kennel Coal \1_-~7 'l Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop Good Bran and Shorts in stock. A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn American Corn and Oats For Sal. j Mr. Juhn S. Ewart of OtLuwn. a , stronumh‘ critic of impnrinlism :Ind ’ :mthm- nf “Kingdom Papers". cm]- _ Llihulvs [0 Th:- (‘nnndiun Muguzhw iffll' Amil u ver subth- article shnw- ‘ing that, Canada‘s purl. in the “an, taken freely and at hm- own instnnvv. is a tendency tnwzn-ds indepvmlvm-u- He rites furnu-r occasion when 7m- nda. both as a Prm‘incaa and as n [I - mininn, sent aid to the Mulhm- (3mm- trv, but on such an nounsix-n. he pniuts out, the aid was sent. not, as n Ull')’, but with sympathy, and he» adds that. it always invt-lw-d a slroughmiing nf the innlvpvndont spiliL in Uunmh. The article should herPnd hy ImpprinL iits as wull as by those who arr- opposed lo ImpPI-ialism. THOS. S. E I. .\I 0 R E NOTICE TO CREDITORS summer Liout. R. E. Richard; has th hl'ulllPl-s swving nls‘n. Dlivvr Ernest of the A. SFUH who has Imam (Wur- se-ns since I)Plfl‘llllrf‘l‘ 1915. and PtP. UhnS. nf the Canadian b‘nrvsu-y Corps II'HV in France went, overseas Inst, , .. um bravery". He is .2: ymrs of :agr- and was born at [hp uld Lnngulu L'lngfit-‘IW. and worked fur sume linw nt caupvn. {Bring hl-fm'o gning overseas in August In.“ 1916. nnw of Only rece- in (lespntc Richards hvld it woundml muted m ‘ Puhtic Attention ALzmzstaff boy who hns won his commission on the field is Lient. Ruht. E. Richards. formal-Iv 0f Lnnzstafi‘. J. H. RAMER ISLOCK. Yoxm: STREF PHONE N0. 68 L. Curtis claims to duly \‘P-I‘ifit'd lCllfll'dS. formerly of Lnngstafl‘. ul' 4, V:Incouvm-uve., Turuntn. recently In.- lms I’m-n mentinnvd patchesas fullmvsâ€"~“l.iunt. R. E. rds escnhlishl-d :I m-w position. it twenty fmu- hmer rnscm-d let] “live [inn-s. 119 “um plu- m lieutenant MINI :Ilsn Won “11' M. with his mmuulinn fur tlnx Canada TIER 0F Lhe Estaln nf Late of the 'l‘uwnship in the County of York. an, Deceased. ' Gains Double Honor 303 Kmit, Bldg.. - Tun-onto. Ont. y'm. J. J.Rnhir.snn nn. Executnrs. 30th, 1918 39-3 S. Ewart of Ottawa. a hit: of imperialism and Kingdom Papef's", cun- notion that. after illf‘ the said Exâ€" :: distribute the reused amnngsr lhm'oln. havng ulnims 01' Whit'h noticv. and [In-- t he liablv fur part thereof. 10 of whose t‘lilillli have recvived And The War. full particulars ({Inims and the ‘filfimore. EA: 500d “38: by "I hem. The Next Sittin of Diwsion Uonrt No. 3, County 0 York will beheld in the Court Room. Yum Sine to you. Why not get the most M thvm ? ‘Vl‘iffl or sm- me. J. R. LONG. Auction Specialist, 599, YungP qt. Tunmtn. “given lu tho world its gm {inn work," I runâ€"um] grounds for the Hahnâ€"get money flnm a sale than man in the business. Farmer-s. in snliuiting ynur a du 30. not with u \‘ir-w nf haulin nthm' man out. (If than). I) cause- it Is my snm-inl pmfossinn ing been a farmer fur yPnl-s. kr Q'Jvtk and \ulnm. (grudmu- pmli knowing how to dr-smilw smc] values. h-uving l-nnductvd many er-d farm and stock sales. I made a “'qud‘s record. and I Tuesday April 23, 1918 Commencing at 9.45:1.m. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK Division Court Thrvs good farms in Mm Township and svvvrul in Val: “’ill be able: to plans» you. One of the best funnIs i vicinity ofKettluhy 1501\(1‘95‘ buildings. gnml hush. gnvd Cheap. Tvrms Lusmt. Pous‘ any firm. Owner xetiring. A very comfortable» I home on ()pnh-e Sn out V good sized lot. A good house, stamp house. orchard. (-tc.. jnsw for u retired furnwx- M Square. A great lmrgu quick sale. RICHMOND HILL Pl. Nioholls {EAL ESTATE A new well finishod brick vemmr dwelling on Markham Ruud at n . . bargain Auction Sales A modern Solid brick [muse «In Church Street with :l 50 fl. lot. A vnmlnt lot 50x210 on Church Street. Season Coming FOR. SALE farmer fur'ymu-s. knuwing \ alum. (gr;th m- pmligreml) unvm dr-smihe smck and vingvnnductvd mnny hun- nnd stock salr-s. having nrld's menu]. and having 'he wm-ldits grearpst. mu:- _ .. r r These art:- “ ‘: tests every fart Ford meets them In a satlsfactc farmer’s car, so why not replace with a Ford? Ford cars _are utility cars. They ar1 the strain of constant daily use over I‘Ot Canada in preference to the old horse-drawn buggy and other makes of cars. Your neighbors, and farmers in every section of the Dominion are abandoning their old buggiesâ€"selling their driving horses and buying Fords. D i ORE than 100,000 Fords are owned by people in THE UNIVERSAL CA1? ‘ F. O. B. FORD (i. A. M. DAWSON, Unionville, Dealer. A, E. GLASS. Richmond Hill. Salesman. “Thornhill Garage” THUS. HUGHES, Thornhill, Salesman vrul in Vaughan. Inn-gain fur ; ynm- salve. I nf haulipg any in Markham hip. chicken just, the spent, at Victoria. I submit You more any other brick (-l-nl \Vest with s in the 'rPs. good 0d land. ’ousesxiun lfil}. he'- IV- utlllty cars. They are built to endure tant daily use over rough roads. tests every farmer gives his car. The in a satlsfactory mapner. It is the ._‘I_~- 7 r Richmond Hill Annex Richmond Hill FOR FURTHER 'NFORMA'I [UN 5. A. SKEELE -' T , , _ . V . u . .n. we “Trio 35 m st record cow for milk pl tinn and Canadian Re-cmd for butter. 41 lbs. Only one nther 41-"3 in Canada. Our bond 01’ mm hundH-d includes neatly fifty daught a 33.31-lh sun uf the grad KING SEGIS. lnnthex- to the sires of wm-ld’s i-ecmd cxfwsâ€"mature Sr. Lyn-01046.84. Jr. Lyn-old lhs. Junim' held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, a hrothm- to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out Of a 30 lbs. Segis He is for gala. If this combination of breeding interests you, wril pi ices on either malt-s m- femalvs. Herd sin). AVONDALE PONTIAC MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the “'rl-ld's best tion and Canadian Re-cmd for butter. 41 ', .mA. n7 - ' - ASSETS Cash on Hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gold Reserves and Govt. Deposits for C Due by Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion Govt., British Govt. and other Call Loans and Current Discounts . . . . . Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters of Credit Per Contra..... . . . . . . Other Assets . . . . . . . . . . _. H, LIABILH Notes in Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Due to Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ Dividend, Payable lst February. 1918 Acceptances Under Letters of Credit. Capital, Reserve Fund and P. & L. A ONDENSED STATEMENT 313T THE STANDARD BANK 9f cANADEA NDENSED STATrucu-r ..... -UA‘ARY.‘ Trackage Lots onZCax Ry., and Metropolitan Building Lots on ‘ronge Sh, Be-lant and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands Al41ulnh ‘. Burnaby ~ «Jefferson, Ont Touring - Runabout Coupe -- Sedan - - Chassis - - One-ton Truc $595 $575 $770 $970 $535 $750 ', ONT. For Sale on Easy Terms FAR)! AT STOP 5;; your horse and b1 ASSETS 3v}: 'b‘eb'o‘sit's' hi; 'c'ir'ch‘lé'tiéxi NTIAC EUHO (under lease). a son of Id's he st record cow for milk produc- lter. 41 lbs. Only one other 4l-lb. hull Ilf'd includes neally fifty daughters nf SEGIS. blather to [he sires 0f lhrne 8. Sr. 4~yr.-nld 46.84. Jr. 4-yr.-old 40.32 Ram Dnnmr A ’1 I . . . . A . A I. YONGE ST. RADIAL LIABILITIES anadian Northern m Ry. uggy ‘. LOCKE & ce., l0 Adelaide St. E WRITE OR 513 JANU kRY $73§9Wfi2 311.023.114.80 2,075,000.00 4,138,749.42 12.040.385.40 1,324,298.44 70,036.80 *10805133 173.990.907.43 , write for: “393,383.00 58.080, 703.90 2,161,893.73 112,004.17 70,036.80 8,081,795.82 E, Toronto half cow. 1918

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