When you are asked to have a beef- ess meal each day and cut down Your allowance of sugar to one lump for Cup of tea. or coffee you scarcely realize what it means. When you He asked to eat ï¬sh instead of beef and substitutes for wheat it look-s a1-- linost like trifling with a big subject. é'mle average man’s idea, if you are going to save in a big way. is to cut out everything you don't want him to eat. Canada's Food Controller start- ed out with the idea of Educating: the people to save, not to do without alto- gether, and there is vast difference in the principle. You can only judge of the results of saving by waiting for a period and adding up your savings. The wealth of the French nation be- fore the war largely consisted in the savings the peeple deposited in their banks, which aggregated a huge ‘amount. I1: was out of these small savings that the huge indemnity after the Frencoâ€"Prus-sian war was paid. Calculations on the basis of returns actually received show that the sav-. ings in December in the United States’ were for meats 22,733,000 pounds, and these had increased in January to' 24,418,000 pounds. In wheat flour, the saving was 9,089,000 pounds which ' in January had increased to 12,790,000 ‘ bounds. The US. Food Administta-; tion beh'eves that the saving of wheat, flour during the month of February amounted to considerably over 15,000,- 000 pound-s. Multiply these ï¬gures iby twelve and you get a fairly good yidea what was saved m be sent to the EAl‘lies, and how many soldiers were‘ tied on account of it. And nobody inl :the United States suffered from it. ,The same is true of Canada. ’From geturns so far as they have been re- celv'ed show in public eating houses savings from 25 to 60 per cent. The use of ï¬sh has increased considerably over 100 per cent. That means that ‘rnn equivalent in beef and pork was sent overseas. The moral is never mind what your neighbor does, do it yourself. If you have to come to rationing it will be time enough to call your neighbor to account. Keep Household Accounts. . Since the cost of living has advanc- led so rapidly in the last few years, much attention has been paid to re- itlucing' éertain items of expenditure. iSuch efforts are more or less futile unless we are able to draw deductions he aid us in the future. 3 I believe every housewife should keep acoun‘ts. She should know just {what is spent each month for food pro- ducts. The bud-get is a practical means of reducing expense. There is a great advantage in mar-l sting in person, and there is nothing More important than the utilizing of the leftovers in planning the meals for the day. It goes without saying that the selection of foods that give the greatest nutritive va'ue for the east outlay is a step in the direction (of rgeonoï¬iy. - This tends toward the keeping of rbudgets, and is the means of regulat- {ing family expenditures, as opposed We the haphazard methods of the past. 'I't is possible to ï¬nd what food pro- iducts are mos't’expensive and make‘ some deï¬nite plan to lessen the ex; I zpense. l The m'rerage. housewife will reduce ;expenditures by keeping accounts each ' onth of amounts spent for various iood products. By comparing ac- :counts for several month: it will be [Possible to obtain the average amount apart for groceries. ‘ In order to get our Justly 1 ‘I 9.110 in each town, village Ishtp throughout Ontario, pfler one instrument, and on "paoh place. at factory prk .35 it can be done consistent; lpiamos’are made in Canada 'been before the (lunatime vaer twenty-ï¬ve years, and ‘on a straight guamyteer For further intormatxon a} iaox 427 - TORON‘ PTANDS! HANDS! Every Little Makes a MuckIe. Since meat Mining. 9} Summer School Navigation July and August Documber l9 GEO. Y. CHO\V’1\'_ KINGSTON ONTARIO _; I ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD a»; QUEEN’S 1â€" ~UNIVERSXTY Chemical. Civil. Mccl’ Electrical Engineerin HOME STUDY makes up a nation apply to TORONTO. ONT. choc! x grade ' town- shall one, in as (a: have a for )art make 'flHllllfll I ï¬nd a great advantage to market 1 person. The housewife may see 1e foods before purchasing themw In lis way it is possible to get the best mat is offered for the price. I alwai‘s Weigh articles that are the ordinary family diet, any onomy in the purchase of it will aka a noticeable reduction in the 0d bill. By using meat substitutes 1ich are less expensive, but as nu- itious, the amount paid for meat is ‘eatly reduced. The use of cheese which is rich in ‘otein as a meat substitute will 'ove satisfactory. Since cheese is a ncentrated food, less is needed to rnish the necessary food require- Tum Food Waste into hould all the worthless ‘5 now consuming table 5 alwaj‘s Weigh articles that are by weight In case the grocer 3 short weight it should be dis- red. Although the difference be small, in a year’s~ time it is up, and the housewife has paid min per cent. of her allowance :llllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|llll|lI||I|II|lIiI|I||iI|ll|IllllflllIlllmllflllllllllll||l|||||IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlfllmflllllllllillllllllillllllIIIIiiIllflllllllfllllllllllllll of cheese which is rich in a meat substitute will 'aatory. Since cheese is a :1 food, less is needed to a necessary food require- loaf is also an excellent for meat, since it adds Lhe diet and is rich in pro- MONTREIL 'ACTORY How Canada’s Greatest Shae Helm _ Supplies the Nation’sFootwear » ONSIDER the amount of time and the inï¬nite care you take when _ buying footwear to suit our own taste in regard to style, size, etc. Multiply your own individua needs by millions and you will get an idea of the immense task which confronts the makers of Canada’s footwear, and the size of the organization it is necessary to maintain for that purpose. The Buyingol‘a single pair of shoes is an event that occupies a person but a few moments two or three times a yearâ€"but to meet the accumulated demand of a nation's individuals. it requires. the whole resources of a gigantic industry. Arnes Holden cCrcady are truly "Shoemakers to the Nation." It is a title justiï¬ed by their size and the importance of their business. It may bé a. revelation :0 many Canadians to know that to supply them with proper footwear, this ï¬rm maintains huge factories each with many acres of floor space, and hun- dreds of intricate, almost human. n1a~ chinesâ€"facilities and equipmpnt sufï¬- cient to turn out 8.000 pairs of shoes every working day. It requires a small army of work- peoplc. clerks and warehousemcn, in addition to executives, buyers and travellers. ‘ Itrcquires much study and thought to plan styles-and models of Men's, Women's and Children's shoes in their various grades and styles. " minersl trainmen, and stocks that-re fresh In order to secure the best results lumbemien, in the production ofvarious kinds and workpeople who requnre a heavier which reflect the late .and more solidly-constructed boot. ' styles. grades. it is also necessary to specialize. When you see the A. H. M. trade mark on a choc, you hnow that not only is that mark an endorsement by the largest that concern in Canada, but that being the product of a highly organized industry the shoe you are buying rcpt-cunts thc utmoat in value, atyll and wearing qua itxe: which can be obtained at the pried. Eggs. cats and craps and AMES HOLDEN MECREADX ‘ \, Ԥ\\‘ \\\r more sand well with com ple felinesâ€"be replaced by a halfâ€"dozen ,aying hen-s for each dog and cat de- stroyed, there could be added to our food supply millions of doz n of eggs annually2 replacing meat eeded for ovei‘scas. This replacement could be MONTREAL lines- valuable food in several thou- Canadian homesâ€"and farms as rs towns and cities are overrun such uneconomic canines and the . the mi 'eplace th ed their :9 "Shoemaker-s to the Ndlio'ri'" Year’s w For example: Ame: Holden McCready factories are separated into three distinct factory units. each a complete factory in itself. One unit of our factories is devoted entirel to the manufacture of high rade ootwear for Women and Chil- iren. Consider the great variet of styles in women's footwear. inclu ing high-top boots. oxfords and pumps. Consider the many different patterns and lasts, the varieties and shades of leather and ï¬nishâ€"then you will see what a great number of models are required to meet the widely different needs of Canadian women in the cities and towns and also in the country districts. The third unit,spccializes in stub dict types of shoes {or heavy wear and rough usage. Shoes for farmers, lumbermen. miners, trainmen, and workpcoplc who require a heavier and more solidly~consxructcd boot. ‘ Another factory unit la devoted to making only the better grades and styles of Men's Shoesâ€"shoes for pro- fessional men. lawyers. doctors, and all business men. whose occupations permit the use of ï¬ne leathers such a’s calf and kid. would practic 3f the hens. ay that there i that are w TORONTO and cats 'ork, eact ayers that d cats had ;, each hen SUI) are would furnish a nourishing family din ner as her ï¬nal impetus toward hast ening world-wide democracy. Never hang silk or lace a line to dry. Squeeze dr in a bath towel until dry press, then press on the very carefully, being sure good shape, as that counts ane WINNIPIG frequ institu thing OI a momen ollowing, sto rd, Halsbury Df what seems sometimes to be rse disregard for the ï¬tness :5. comical incidents have a happen 1m Others of the Ilk KI ODS mg asylums Bits the: those Chancellt admit a" In addition to the work of manul'acr tureâ€"the requirements of distribution are also tremendous. A manufacturer must not only make his goods econo. mically and wellâ€"but he must deliver themâ€"DISTRIBUTE them. There- fore, in addition to a force of 60 travel- lers constantly visiting the retail trade from coast to coast, Amen Holden McCready maintain. in the centre: of population throu hout Canada. lm- mense stocks 0 boots and shoes ready for immediate shipment to the retailers in each section. These warehouses are located in the f9â€o_w_ing ci_lics: ) Years of experience has taught us the kind and styles of boots which are required in each locality. No matter in what part of Canada you reside, no matter what particular kind of shoe you require. your retail dealer can procure it fdr you without loss of time. And that lathe reason why on will ï¬nd. even in the outlying lstricts. that dealers selling Ames Holden McCrcady goods are up-to-date with stocks that um fresh and new. and which reflect the latest shapcs and styles. 1e EDMONTON SLJohn' Toromo Montreal Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver h inappropri- most pathetic s for the in- r and fold nough to rronz side ary ï¬rm : There are many advantages to a single pitch roof on the poultry house. [This type is most easily built. It {gives the highest vertical front ex- posed to the sun’s rays and throws . all of the rain water to the rear. P. POULIN &.CO 89 Bonnecourl fluke: u Huvesdpoo." ms E w a 50- IREE 'e have me conï¬dence In I re: atwe _ unmwoemmwm 3° “‘7Ԡâ€&W$p%‘fÂ¥k« ft: 1,- Locum; an H Ighest Price: Pald NTED a 31456 Cure for RIAL OFFER Ahé his POULTRY, EGGS and FEATHERS Mot:an