Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1918, p. 7

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Increased Acreage in West. Ample evidence that the farmers in the great grain growing areas be- tween the Great Lakes and the Rockies are responding whole heart- pdly to the government’s appeal for increased production, is contained in a detailed report of farming opera- tions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta received at the head office of the Canadian Northern here to-day. It is pointed out that the late fall in 1917 and the early spring of this year have compensated largely for any shortage in farm labor at this critical time. ecent reports to the Canadian Northern indicated that the Story Which Illustrates the British Soldier’s Sense of Humor. The chairman of the English lecture bureau, Foster Fraser, insists that whatever may be said of Englishmen In general the British Tommy cer- tainly has a fine sense of humor, and he tells this story to illustrate the point: x W , z“ A _.. “4.... In England, he says, as in America, there are some women who like to see their pictures in the papers and to whom a Red Cross uniform is particuâ€" larly becoming. One of these joined the Red Cross, ordered an expensive uniform, went to the photographer’s to have her picture taken for publica- tion and then announced that she would make a visit to a certain hos- T0 REMAIN “DING pital on the following day. Two hours after the appointed time 'she arrived, and on her way up the walk she stopped to speak _to a soldier who was sitting on a bench nursing his remaining leg, one arm in a sling and a bandage over his left eye. softens the conQents of the intes- A mild but sure saline purgauve which using colic, cramps or dis- tinct; and men-1mm their expulsion without on comfort. . _ “No ma’am," returned the Tommy, looking up at her with almost a tear in his good eye. “I was cleaning out the canary cage and the bird bit me." “I 'suppose, my good man,” she be- gan patronizingly, “you were wounded in the war?” , On Silo everywhere RIGA PURGATIVE WATER CO. When baking potatoes grease them first with a little butter, And when cooked they will be beautifully brown and crisp, with a glazed appearance, which makes them look so desirable. HOW IT HAPPEN ED. The Program Nowadays Grape-Nuts food fits in fine with this idea. No fuel re- quired to prepare; no sugar needed; there’s no waste; and the use of bar- ley, in its making, conserves wheat. Grape-Nuts is economical! nour- ishing and dehcious. Try a package. Is to Save! ISSUE No. 19â€"‘18 PURGATIVE fall this for this flush the bowels regularly Prayer ){fore an Attaek. It ain’t as I ’opes He’ll keep me safe While the other blokes goes down, It ain’t as I wants to leave this world And wear an 'ero’s crown. It ain’t for that as I says my prayers When I goes to the attack, But I pray that whatever comes my ‘ way I may never turn me back. I leaves the matter 0’ life and death To the Father who knows what's best, And I prays that I still may play the man Whether I turns east or west. Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard :white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and‘ just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful re- ]sults will surprise you. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN To Clarify Fats. Melt the fat in an equal volume of water and heat for a short time at a moderate temperature. Stir occa- sionally, scraping off any bits of meat or other material which may adhere to the other side. Fats which have formed on top of soup, cooked meats, etc, 'or strong fats such as from boil- ed mutton, poultry and game may be clarified in this way and used alone or combined with other animal or vegetable fats and used in any savory dish. 26 until (he ontle. Milmrd’s Liniment, 00., Limited. Dear Sirs,:_Your MibYARD's LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat. colds and all ordinary ailments. It neverr fails to {‘elieve and cure promptly. Johnny, Get Your Hoe. Mr. A. Barnstead, organizing secre- tary pf the National, Corgmittee on Food Resources of Nova Scotia, has sent the following, which was compos- ed by Mr. George E. Graham, man- ager of the D.A.R., a subsidiary comâ€" pany of the C.P.R., and was sung with good effect at a public meeting held recently at Kentville,;N.S.: Johnny get your hoe, get your hoe, get your hoe. Make your garden grow, make it grow, make it grow, Plant your seeds from sea to sea, Let them work for liberty. Hurry right away, don't delay, start to-da'y, ' Forward to the land with a right Willing hand, So We’ll help defeat the Hun, Now we’ve got him on thq run. Over there, over there, over there, Send the food, send the food, over there; For our brave boys need it, our brave boys need it. ’ The calls are coming everywhere. So observe and preserve Save the food, save the food, and con- serve, So we'll help win the cause of free- dom, And we’ll plant, save and send, till it's over, over there. On the examination paper in answâ€" er 170 the question, “What do you mean by the plural of a word?” Jane Anne wrote: “Buy the plural of a word we mean the same thing, only more of it." ' A pretty ootbon frock when its 001- are fade can be bleached white in a. pail of warm water into which chloride of lime has been dissolved, leaving ft there half an hour, then rhxs'mg thmug’kfly. Wet it before putting it in to bleach. In) W's mom in m homo. Port Mulgrave. waH LEMON JUICE CHAS. WHOOTEN hoe, get your hoe. MONTREAL. with Sore corns,hard corns,soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn 2 fevv drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small botfle of freezone at any drug store which will positively rid one’s feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment R is apphed and does not even irrh thte the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest rnany of our readers. If your drugâ€" gist hasn't any freezone 'tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. are d i wins an a Per 3? of se and : propr the f it a grapi equiv coaL As] fruit 7“ Secret Worth Knowing. The secret of creamy fudge is the addition of a small teaspoon of cornâ€". starch diluted in a little of the milk‘ when added to the sugar. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Stitch up the runs on a sewing ma- chine. By using this method they will not show as much as when done by hand. The mending, furthermore, will prove permanent. Mnard’s Liniment Lumberman'n Friend his a good idea to add a pinch of borax to'bh'e water in which milk utensils are washed. ANY CORN LlFTS OUT. DOESN‘T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your cams and calluses off with fingers â€"It's like magic! PUZZLE turn com add!“ Eiir‘iéi‘érfiénifl co.. Dept. x STA-non 2.. wonozu'o HUNDBZDS 0P OTBEB PRIZES MONEY ORDERS For-Mending Runs. u have to do to 1id prizes. is t Vite. mark the simple neatly cost you\ t We will let 11 whether FIND THE FARMER’S WIFE {sVio find the Farm the plac§_With a3”) lat Prize. Phono- 3rd Prize. Camera. 50 Prize: of Self ruling Fountain Pens 2nd Pris. Witch graph. these By-Product of Wine Presses in France Save 176,000 Tons of Coal. Calculations that. 2 terest in View of the in France, have been tion with the proper: fuel the large amom are derived from pre: wine presses of that an average of 1,321 per year. The byâ€"product in the form of seeds amounts to about a pound and a half per gallon. After making proper allowance for the difference in‘ the fuel value of the seeds and coal, it appears that, theoretically, the grape industry of France yields seeds equivalent to some 176,000 tons of coaL MEET :31 Ask for mnard'n and take no other 2n. GRAPE SEED AS FUEL. ttage cheese is delicious with preserves poured ovar it. Pain? Himt’s will .stop it! Usad for 40 years to relieve then-V matism, lumbago, neuralgia,- s‘prains, lame back, toothache, and olher painful complaims.‘ Havé a bottle in the house. _All dealers, or Write us. HlRST REMEDY COMPANY. Hamillou.Can. HIRST'S Family Salve. (50c). HIRST'S Pectoml Syru o! Horchound Ind Elecampane. £356) BOTTLE HAULING BIGGER. La without extra spanning is easily accomplished when you use Axles are rough and porous, causing friction. The mica flakes fill the pores and the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease prevents locked wheels and hot boxes, gives sure relief for unnecessary strain on horses and harness. Extemfinafor " Lengthen! leather life replaces the natural oil dry out of theleathcr an new life in old harnes replaces the natural oils that dry out of the leather and puts new life in old harness. It netrates the leather leaving 11: soft and pliable, and over- comes the worst enemies of harnessâ€"water and dirt. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED '3 Use half as MICA AXLE GREASE EUREKA HARNESS OIL ale: 2. LQAB§ much as any other " are of special in« a shortage of coal 1 made in connecâ€" ‘000 made in con al to utilize t of seeds produc mannn tha’c The 10113 Cléan Black Kid Gloves. I Add a few drops of ink to a tea.- spoon of salad oil, rub on with a feather and put them out to dry~in the sun. It will make them look like whard'a Ismment used by Physician. new Coffee will be better if one or two cups are poured OE and‘back again just before serving. . distance. charges pald‘ particulars. Natlona Company. Montreal. ‘ RANITE ( I terers wan 156 Victoria St az‘b'el‘fé;evaoov iét'elwiir."33f1'fixliia Medical (30., Limited. Collinzwood. Ont. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. internal and external. cured with- out pgln by ogr homg tl'snfiment.‘ “frth f: In: wnhr. For mnklnz soap. For unten- ln¢ water. For removing paint. For dlolnfectlnz refrigerate-'0. oln ks, clouett. dralnunndforsoo other purposes. By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable anpound. Winona, Minn.â€"-â€"" I suffered for more than a year from nervousness, and was , LA: Y ..._\J .U.L REFUOI WIDTITUYII. fléfid‘mfi'lfili's iiaéflifi? Suificumlfiflsflandmfi Try one treatment with Cuticura and see how quick] it clears the scalp of dandruff and itc ing. 0n retiring gently mb spots of dande and‘itch- mg with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. _ Rinse with‘t'epjd mu.“ .- J~..- --.,__ V. so bad I could not rest at ni lit-â€" would lieawa eand get. so nervous I would have to get up and walk around and in the mornin would be all tire out. I read about ' LydiaE.Pinkham'a Vegetable Com~ found and thought wouldtryit. My nervousness soon . left me. I slee well and feel fine in the morning ans able to do my work. I gladl recom- mend Lydia E. Pinkbam's egetablo Compound to make . Weak nerves strong.”â€" Mrs. ALBERT SULTZE, 603 Olmstead St.Z Winona, Nlinn. ADIES WANTED ' and light sewing at re time. good pay. 7' sun; i; Each PM by Mail. Address post- card: Cuticun. Dept. N. Boston, U. S. A." Sold by dealeithroughout the world. yvageané-ééi in two weeks: N 01h- mg begtej o_r gum-r. How often do we bear the expression among women, “I am so nervous, I can‘ not sleep,” or “it seems as though I should fly. " Such women should prqfit by Mrs. Sultze’s experience and give this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com: pogndaa trial. r For forty ears it has been over-com“ mg such se oua condmons as displace- ments, inflammation, ulceration. irreg- ularities, periodic pains, backache, diz~ zlnesa, and nervous rostration of women, and’is now consi ered the stan- dard remedy for such ailments. mSCEI-LANZOUS TTERS AND 1. W’rite Geo. X ‘ I suffered for more 0 DO PLAIN home. Whole or work sent any Send stamp for Manufacturing 1U].

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