The Prime Minister and the Gov- ernment of Britain, like the Prime Minister and Government of Canada, are living in troublous times, and whilejuat criticism of their acts is always in order, the men “ho have been entrusted with the reins of Gommment should not be treated with unfairness, as their task is a severe one. Get a Suldier’s Overseas Packet and send to your snldier relative m friend. The packvt contains 24 envelupes and 24 sheets uf pauper neatly [)0de ready for mulling. Inspector Jordan in addressing the Board of Education a few even ings ago recommended that the Principals of High and Pnbl'c schools attend meetings of the Board so that trustees and teacher: keep in touch with each other, learn of each otter, and become better acquainted. The suggestion is certainly a good one. Complaints are sometimes circulated, and if Machers are present at Board meet ings they may be able to give an explanation that will be entire-1y satisfactory to the trustees, ard put an end to street gossip. Every lover of fair play was pleased tolearn that Lloyd George, the British I’rime Minister, gained a triumph over his enemies in Par liament and General Maurice who made charges casting reflections on the veracny of the Prime Minister, in connection with war information. 'Rxcmmw Mr. Alex. D. Bruce of Gormle) had an open letterto Hun N. W. Rowell in Monday’s Daily Star in which he charges the Union Gov ornment with breaking faith with the farmers on the question of con- scription. It cannot be denied that before the lust Dominion electinnr the Government gave a pledge that on the grOUnd of much needed pro~ duetion the farmers where needed wouldbe exempted from military service. 0t course the Government now claims that altered conditions make it neeessary to withdraw the pledge, This, Mr. Bruce says, is treated by the Government as a "5cm p of paperâ€. Don’t Forget New Perfection Oil Cook Stove a Hot Weather Necessity. PHONE 18. Now is time to buy Garden Tools. We have a full line of Rakes, Hand Cultivators Hoes, Spades Digging Forks Etc. Lowe Brothers H.S. Paints _ Kyanize, Stains and Varnishes Paint Remover, Floor Wax O-Cedar Oil Renewal Liquid Veneer& Gillette Lye The Richmond Hill Hardware Co. WWI, “"2. “A? ‘8 IQ!B 'esent Time Necessities For Outside For Inside Efforts lune been made throughout Cnnadalu prudnce and mmth mun-v ï¬sh. This Ununlry hue? ï¬sh n-snnrces. which have bwn exploih-d cummmcinl- Iv fm Lhe (-xpm-L Unde- hut, unlv in Lhe big cities have freah ï¬sh been nvnilahle regularly to private consumers. 0n Hw Paciï¬c Count and the AHanLic Coast. on the lukesuf the \Vest. on Lhelakes of Norther Ontario and [he The fullnwinï¬ are the ï¬rst. appointâ€" Pd “mm-9 nf the MvII-upulilnn Lndg.; I. P. M. \V. Brn. H. Logm-z W. M.. John A. Rowland: 8. W.. G. L. Wilsm; J. “7.. F. Lhillg’s‘lnllt‘: (manner. 0. W. Mutt: D. of (3. W. E. Orr: S. D. H. Cnun: J. [1, Din, T. L. Bullet: and L G. L. O. Clulkt'. Fund shipments to the Clvilinn p -pu- lniiunsnf thv allied c-mnuir-s will In- smpvnded for ten (thh to Inm’e llll'mv Inillinn hnshvls Hf grain tn llw Bo-l- glans. \thaw dFL‘l-ll‘td m be in dQS- va-nle slmils. A part nf llw whmt will go In tlw populations in lhv Gwrnnn mxzuulcd u-nitmy of Nnrlhmn Fl‘ullcv. The decision.- («I conventrule un Ihu ship- ment, nf this grain was nude following the rucvipt of urgent calm-grams funnx the Bvlgian erivf Unmlnisï¬un's H'va- wnlutwe in Brusswlh. One nf lhl' (ml)le said : “Provided all shipmwnts nmv 9n rnulr- :u-Ilve :md nruvidml an equal dishilmlinn hetwven all [nu-ts (-f the country Bulgium and Nlu'llwl'n France will he \l'llhl-ul. hrm-d frqu Panlc gruins grains hr 20 daya.†A lww Musnnic lndge ha: lwon (\rgunizu-d in North 'l‘m'umu tn lw known as \he MMrnphlitull Lndga. ’l‘hvy will lllf'é‘t in York Mnmnic Hull. neurEglinlnn ave. Thu nvw Indgt- will he iusli uh-d nu \Vrdnvxdav. May 2.2. hy V. \V. Bru.(1l1;u-les Mmphy, D. D. V. M. It is now illvgnl III qukv lIUHIP made candy fl'nlll cillu‘ slugâ€"AI fur pl hulk cun- sluupliun. Pr-n’lle muv n-n have m-m- Lhun 15 (iuyb‘ zmpph'nf 24mm: in lih‘il' houms, If they liw within l\\’u unlit-N of a. licvnsvd dealer. If Ining mule than two miles h-u. it's-i than ï¬ve Huh 5 uwuy. ihvv may knvv ($0 duys‘ supplv. Fnl‘nn-r-z nlui all nthms living «I. a. (datum-v uf ivu milvs m- murr from a licrnsvd (lrulvl‘ m‘uy stun? sugar for 120 duys’ suppr only. \thlrsne and retail dealt-1:4 and lirPllsHi mm u- facturers. usingsugnr (n their product», "my ImL hnu- Inure- lhnu sufï¬n-ivm Rug“! fur th [rude-Inf 45 days. Exvvss mgur must he nlurm‘d at. ann‘ In the (lvalrr frun: whc-m it. was pmchusui, whu will pay fur it. if in glmd cnndi- (inn. at. the marked. prrcw Iu- rhu plire at which it was slid. whichever he the lower. NORMAN BATTY MANAGER U. S. To Send Wheat to Belgians Home Mlde Candy Prohibited New Lodge Formed Eat More Fish 11 possible plant the treated need potatoes on clean soil, that is soil that has not produced a crop of scabâ€" by potatoes. Practice a rotation of crops. It scab is very bad it is not advisable to plant potatoes on the same land ottener than once in ï¬ve years. Heavy applications of barn- yard manure should not be made to the potato crop, but it necessary giv- en at some other point in the rota- tion. Plant potatoes after clover sod if possible. A-void alkali fertilizers such as lime and wood ashesâ€"Prof. J. E. Hewitt, Ontario Agricultural “Alissa. Formalin is a clear liquid disinfecâ€" tant. It i': a. 40 p.c. solution of tor- maldehyde gas and water. It can be purchased from almost any druggist. It is sold under the names of forma- lin and formaldehyde. u is import- ant that the purchaser, whatever name he buys it under, secured a. guaranteed solution of 40 p.c. for- maldehyde. Corrosive sublimate (mercuric chloride) can also be used to treat potatoes to prevent scab. Soak the uncut tubers for three hours in & solution or 2 ounces of corrosive sub- limate to 25 gallons of water. Cor- rosive sublimate is a deadly poison, and potatoes treated with it are ren- dered unï¬t for food for man or beast. After treatment spread the potaâ€" toes out on a clean floor or on the grass to dry. Wash all crates, bags, etc., which are used in handling the potatoes with the formalin solution. The same formalin solution can be used to treat successive lots or potaâ€" toes. Fifteeh gallons is suflicient to treat from 20 to 25 bushels if ordi- nary precautions are taken not to waste too much of the fluid as each lot of tubers is dipped. If the pota- toes are not all treated the same day it is advisable to make up tresh formalin for each day's work. For seed select smooth, sound po- tatoes, as free as possible from scan, and disinfect by soaking them before they are cut for two hours in a. solu- tion made by adding half a pint of commercial formalin to 15 gallons of water. A couple of barrels with plugs in the sides near the bottom can be used to advantage in treating the seed. The potatoes can be placed directly in the solution or ï¬rst put in crates or coarse sacks and then im- mersed. The ground limestone rock is safe on any land in almost any quantity, and may be applied at any time of the year. On heavy clay soils quick lime, slaked before applying, may give quicker results; but it should not be applied to light sandy soils. Few materials or fertilizers can have so many good things said about them as lime and none of them cost so lit- tle money. Try out a. little yourself this yearnâ€"Prof. R. Harcourt, Onâ€" tario Agricultural College. Great. Lakes, ï¬shermen will procure {LII if tlw drnmnd fnl‘ i! M Mr :-< lug. I ur and cunslnnlr. Es! nun-r» ï¬~h and a we meal for (hr uwu at \he Fruul. from April 2nd merge-s inm mp Summer Term on July 2nd in Shaw’: Business Schnols. Toronto. Nu vaca- tions. Emer any day. Free cata- lngue. W. H. Shaw, Pns it requires about two tons of ground limestone rock to be equal to one ton of quick lime, and the prices charged {or them are in about the same proportion. Furthermore two tons of the former to one ton of the latter are about the right quantities to apply. Potatoes Should Be Treated This Year to Control Scab. as the Sn"- cess of This Crop Is 0! the Utmost Importance In the Greater Pro- duction Campaign. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Axrlculturo. Toronto.) HE soils in many parts of the province are so depleted of their lime that their are be- coming sour or acid. TM; is an important fact as few, if any, of our farm crops can make their best growth on a. soil carrying an insufï¬cient supply of lime. This is especially true of leguminous plants and it is probable that the frequent 'killing out." o: clover during the ï¬rst winter is due to lack of sumcient lime. Lime acts in several ways. it neu- tralizes the acids formed in the soil through the decay of organic matter; it overcomes the tenacity of clay soils, binds sands together and thus improves the physical condition of bcth types 0: soil. Lime is not only an essential constituent oi’ the food of plants, but it also tends to lib- erate plant food, especially potash, from the insoluble forms in the soil, bringing them into an available state. The micro-organisms that live on the roots of the nitrogen-gathering plants cannot work in an acid soil, nor can some other tor-ms of organâ€" lsms whose function it is to gather nitrogen. SEPTIC TANK FOR THE FARM Quicklime 'or Heavy Soils,Ground Limesmne for Light Soils. DROPS ARE INCREASED To Prevth Potato Scab. Spring Term The following articlvs of furnitnr? are fur wimlr sulr: ‘ Ki‘f‘hr‘n Sillr'hvmd 3 Upholern-d chairs 1 Sofa Kih'hpn chairs 1 Hall rack 3 Bedroom suites 2 Path tapestry mutains Pictures I Bunk shelf 2 Piunws 4 Rage 1 Small table I Beau-r. McClm‘y’s Feunnuc, base 0n and lifter thv ï¬rst day of Juno, [9.8. Mn prison shnll nmnnfaclure in Canada for sale, ice cream. candy. cake. crackrrs. biscuits. pastry. mmfcctinu- cry, ice cream cones m- ch. wing gum without ï¬rsthnving obtained fmm Ihe Canada Fund Bnard a Iicpnse, tn be called “Confrctioners’ License ;" pro- vided, héwr-Ver. that persons hulding a Bukels' Kim-me under Order Nn. 16 Of this Bop-d. (w H Publiv Ealing House License under Order No. 25 of this Board. shall not, requiw a Cor- I't ctioners’ License under this Order. If this system be properly installed it will dispose of sewage in a very satisfactory manner and without en- dangering the water supply. Com- plete plum in blueâ€"print form for In- atnlllng It may be Iecured for the writing from thn Deputment or Physicl, Onurlo chultunl Conan, gum. punâ€".3. n2 gammy-u.» hurner 1 Range 1 Buhy carriage Richmond Hill Annex This system consistsordinarlly of I two-chamber concrete, water-proof tank equipped with an inlet, over- flow and vent pipe, and an automatic siphon tor emptying the tank of the liquid sewage from time to time, and a, system of tile. called the “absorp- tion bed." consisting of several par- allel rows of 3 or 4 in. land tile laid with open Joints, almost level, and shallow, and branching off from a main line of sewer pipe which con- nects it to the tank. For the ordi- naryâ€"sized home each tank should be about 3 it. square and 8 ft. deep, and 150 to 200 feet of land tile would be required {or the absorption bed. The vitriï¬ed sewer tile is beet tor the main and the number of them will depend upon the distance of the nib- sorption bed from the tank. Septic Tank for Sewage Dioposd. :52“; ‘QWWIVW FURNITURE MRS. G. A. MCDONALD Richmond Hill News Notes Building Lots on Yonge St , Belmnnt and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms va Nix l0 ude blink house. newly drcm-ahnl. hmdwumd flum-s and trim. hot and cold water. throw-piece bauh, septic tank. laundry tubs in cellar, furnnce. electric lighi, vvrnmlnh. h)'r 66x165 This is an ideal III-me {11$ at small family. New snlid brick. right large roams. oak himmed, ï¬nerâ€"piece lmih, hut waIer Imiler. applic tank. kltchtm cahinel, Lwn ï¬n» places. full \‘IZI' cpllar. furnucv, eleclric light. 1ch 50 x 196. Special price for a quick sale. Two MILI'FS and :1 Fix ")0de hl-it'k hhuw am the 2nd cunr‘nsiun hf Vaughan. "wu- Richmund Hill. will bt' sold at a bargain. BUILDING Lars GM mv li<t of hnilding lots in Rich- mude Hill. the prices are attractive. M ONEY 'ro LOAN $4500.00 in principals of $500.00 and upwmdmnn improved town or farm pmperly, [C W rate uf interest. Loni. M. Haymrd, former mgchr of a brunchnfthn- Dnmininn Bunk. Wu Sunk-nerd m ï¬w years in the Kinkulnn Panilrmim-y Snundny fm lbrl't, from the hunk M'Lvr pleading guiliy. PROPERTIES The interior is somewhat more modest in appointment Lian the alundard or ï¬rst-class sleeping C-ll’. 0! solid steel undetframe. Ind with higli'y poliahcd dJl’k green ï¬nish. the Canadian North- C'n's touri t cars present a Very pleas- ing appearance. ’l'neinleriori .ï¬nishld in mahogany. with aisle carpet to match and tcrk compo ition fll wing to deaden sound and lesm vibration. (ommodious smoking mom and toi- lets; kitchenette with appliances for light cooking. running water. etc, are greatly appreciated. Roomy berth. accommodating two persons if desired. are just one-half the 6rd class rate. Second-class ticket holders may nlso occupy these cars. and the Dining Car is always available at meal time. Trains leave Toronto Union Station 10 p m. Ml‘ndays, Wednesdays and Frid: ys for Winnipeg and points west, For information, literature, tickets and reservations. apply to nearest C.N,R. Ticket Agent, or write General Passenger Department, 68 King 51112:: East. Toronto. What Tourist Sleeping cars mean in comfort to the Traveller Rcal Estate and Insurance RICHMOND HILL A. E. GLASS For Sale