H'lipsenfthe sun. At the time 4m- nnunced. the lower put of the disc begun to be cuvmed, and gradually the great Iuminnus budy was eclipsed. has «he» ten or ï¬fteen minutes, clouds intoneâ€; and the spectacle maul .fl Many of the with smnkvd g nhuut 6.30 u eclipse of the nounced. the \‘alllle hmm ship, has 59 spendmg lh moud Hill Hin- Mm:daw ereniu Endeun. amid a 101' the Flower In he hvltl in (h the 23m of Aug Mr. A. E. Lehman, Principal Public Schuul will conduct the Schunl ('Xdll-lillflHOIIS at Stun cumuwncing Friday of [his Mr.Bell of Man-klqu High will take change of [he (‘lelllil here. Nun-six with Nu The Richun-nd HI†Methodist Choir will sene- in» cream, szrnwhen-ies and cren‘m‘ cake etc‘ on the lawn in front hf the chumh. nn Munday July lst. The Hichmund Hill hand will be in attenduuceduxing the evening. (1H ughtr-l' uflhe late James and Allison Clifford (If Mmklmlu Township. who died lust. Sunday, ware ln-uughL to Richnmnd Hill. and inbvn-ed in the Village comm-Lexy yesterday. m‘el‘ Ln Axum-A on S 1 \‘81' Sunday with Mr ‘IcMahun and spt-uL with Mr. and M15. '1‘. F Prof. 'l'uwcr of the \Vestex Univnsity of Glen-land, Towm' spam :1 night with D: Lungsullf nu their way Muskuku Lakes where they ' the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. G. Millvruf ALmelifl'e IIJUIUI't‘d over Ln Aunll'd on SnLurduy, spent. c‘u‘erSunduy with Mr. and Mrs. E. 1". At a meeting Society held la \Vellu'und was in place of Mr. E expects sun-Hy l t u meeting nf Ihe‘ IHS', (Winning. u lesnluti‘ ruqursliug lllc leew Lu Hf the cilizens In ilisollé vning flllJ impruvmg Brigade. ’ _ “H “mu yum: Society “ill be 119711 next Monday at 4 u‘clnck. The knitting (Sommiltee would hkc that all ï¬nished sucks handed in possible. he 11L Mrs. SwiLzm-s as soon as In the ï¬nal drqu 0f Unnt'eH-ncv ye~4Lvrduy ouheud was placed uLl Toronto \Ve:L District Division Cum-t next Tue-sday. [ht ing 31L 9.45 a. m. muted 1;. (kn-pm uL Rev. B. McKm tel‘duy u-tï¬cinling uld h'iL-nd. The Riulunund Hill \Vmudh's lu- stilule- nwl Yt'Slt‘lddy tlfLL‘l mum at the bums of Miss Mnylt‘. The Entrance CUIIIHH'HIH‘ at t \Vednvsday of n The annual meetingnf the Canadian Plrss A»- L'iulinu \nll he held at Hm King Edward Unlel [u-dely and Lu- mmmw. 'nd M ré Mr. J. F. G. Rumhlv who at linsli-z lnu fur some Limu jUiIIFd Lln‘nvu'y and left fu Tuesday evening. TIN The ml lafl Tuesday The zmmml meeljngnf the Red Cross 1013 310x 1) [11LL,().\'T Al Mr. \V. A. \Vright and MI :Igue spent, 0. frw days t any Suuml this week. Mr Mr. Dent) of Clq-veland. Ohin. spent week will) Ruv. and Mrs. McKee. WI] ly ng sister. Mary L 4. Canadian Bassingsmke. I: The ‘ue on u miliLuI-y hl seventeen days leave thn with her pzu'ent A. Richardson. mains of Allim rmun Bnyle \vhu went awr- y in lhe war has he-(rn pm- I' the pusitiun of Lance- ï¬ling nf the Horticultural rlrl lust ext-Hing. Rev. N. was :lppuinl,e.d President Mr. Endwu resigned, who 'l'lly Lu gu overseas. August 'illlCP Examinations will at the High School on uf next week ul 1.151)."). ng uf lhe- Villnge Council .1 resulution “as passed Ic new-v to call a mulling s In ilisuuss the strength- boys and girls were out lasses Saturday evening witness the *partial sun. AL the time an- lowvr partrof the disc f Directors of the Rich- rLiculturnl Society met ng at the Home of Mrs. arranged the prize list 1- and Vegetable Shuw he Agricultuml Hall on Sun Eclipsed nrfflt he \Vestern Reserve will he lu-ld hen 15H) insL. cmnun'nc- was in Burir yes- “.Lhe funeral nt uu my I. Richardson, ll] Military Hos- I. England, who military hospital duys leave and is )me Lunu past. has d left ful‘ Uuhfax Dzu'enpnrl Road the Methodist R-«v, J. K. Aik- ll", of Mnnd McMahon. JUNE way to the my will spend incipul (If the act the Lower J Stnutfville, this week. High Schunl examinations of mu In 1 Clifford, and Allison and Mrs ~. and Mrs ï¬shing at. Rh. 1918 ho murded ISL has the .‘h uy ll‘l‘ The annual meeting of the \V. C U. was held last Tuesday ever when a. very successful vezu-s w was repel ted. The ofï¬cers elm for next, year are:â€" Presldentâ€"Mrs. Slum). Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. Hex-bison. Cor. Secretaryâ€"st. \Vm. Cook. Rec. SeCIetnryâ€"Mrs. McMahon. Trensurer~â€")lrs. J. H. Sundexson Evangelistic Supt.â€" Mrs. Cook. Flower Missionâ€"â€"MI-s. Sanderson. On Sunday. June llilh. the ‘minister will preach at hath services. The W. NI. S. will hold their regular munLhIV meeting at. the home of Miss Pentlmid on Tuesday next, June lSLh, at 7.45 p. m. PrPssâ€"Mrs. McMahon. Satbatb Schoolâ€"Mrs. Allen. Parlor Meetingsâ€"Mrs. Bel-bison Mls. \V. A. \Vngbt‘, Mrs. N. J. Glass Mother’s Meetingsâ€"Mrs. Phipps. Franchiseâ€"Miss Hoyle. The basement of the church was well ï¬lled on Tuesday evening, when our nrganist Miss Dever. held a re- cital, and she and hex- pupils are to be congratulated on their wui-k. \Ve hope to hear from then] again. On Thursday. June l3lh, the \V. M. S. will hold a quilting in the basement. uf the church. beginning at. 1.30 p. m. AfLer the quiltingn l‘oc. tea will be served. The Mary Slessor Misaion Band will meet at the home of Miss Anna Boyle on Thursday, June 13m at «l p. in. trution are serving without pay and dning the Work wholly as :I patriotic duty, the public are asked to register early and SH save the excessive labor that, aheavy registration at a late hour will involve. . Wu â€"~~---‘, CundIIUL [he RegisLI-utiun at his nfï¬ duning ofï¬ce lu=ux's, from June 17H 22nd. Since those in chm-g0 of the re tmtinn "1'9 serving without pay z dning the Work wholly as :1 pain-n At, High St:hm)l, R. S. Jenkins. Dep- utv Registrar, Assistant Deputy Registrarszâ€"Rev. T. R. thuqhtlnn, Mrs. McMahnn, Mrs. ()(mk, Dr. Lillian Lungslaff. Mr. G. T. Allison. Regisâ€" trnlinn nï¬ice at High Schmrl open Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, June 19. 20. 21, in the evening“. 7» n'clnck till 8.30. Saturday, June 22nd. all day 7 a. m. Ull ll) p. m. At the Public School, the registrars are The School Staff assisted by Mr. '1‘. F. McMahon, Miss Mary Trench and Miss E. \Vellwond. Hmlrs unmâ€" mencing Munday June 17th, every evening from 7,00 till 10.00 o’clock. Saturday June 22nd ()ï¬ime uan from Ta. m. till 10 p.111. Mr. Hume, will conduct. the Regislruuun at his ofï¬ce, The rennnkuhle increase during 1917 in handlings of Liw Stuck and nf butt-r, cheese. eggs. dressed meat. and duessed pnullry. over its lines in W'estern Canada is indicm ed in a SL'IIO- mentcunnpiled lyy [he Freight D pail- ‘menud’ \hPCanldidn Nurlhurn h‘niL way. Any grentincnensc i'l tonnage inLllk‘se cumnmdities. hf tonne, rnuld nut he :u‘cnmplished without pru- nnmmced prngress In permu'u nt, fm m- ing in areas sen ed by lhe U. N. H., in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. IL is signiï¬cant that the {Maine pmv- inces are becoming (-Xpniters (if duh y prudurts. where in recent yems [ht-V \Wle importers on a considerable scale. Dming1917.11,363 cans of live stuck were handled over the lines of the Canadian Nnrlhern Hallway System a: (mu pared with 7.245 during 1916. This Is an increaseof 4. 118 cars or 573;. Of cattle in 1917. there were handled 5 421 cars as comptred with 2194)!) In 1916. Of hugs 2.274 l'nI'S, as cmnpnred with 1768i!) 1916. Of sheep 261 cars iI11917as against 76 in 1916:1md mixed stuck 3.407 in 1917 as cmnparcd with 2.501 in 1916. The parentage of in- Crease in Cattle was 87 per rent; of sheep 243 [WP gem; hug: 2.9 per cent: and mixed 36 per cent. \Ve have. had ' vex-y gnud \vealhl-‘I' timing the lust few (luvs, but ii. has been very but still leL isn beneï¬t. as it has dried up the mud. At. present, We HI'U engaged on R. R. Construction work, a onusitleruhlv disluncv behind the lines and it is quite .1 change aftvr Ewing undul' she‘ll tire fut about 9 mumhx-r. \Ve are near .1 large town now with vashnws so that We can get ammo dmuseuwnbafter our work is ï¬nished for \hv day. I will have to conclude iug You in udvnncv fur y in publishing this shurt. l( lrmmuim Richmond H Dvnr Sil’, \Vill ynu kindly apnea in yuur \‘nlu; the girls of the Riv Red Uruss Auxilim cigarettes which 1 ago. They cauu- i! me as 1 Was I Brlieve ")8 [y after sun issued nut, ho. mum Tabulei cure dizziness; Canadian Northern Railway Presbyterian Church Sninewhere in Frnm u, May 17th. 1918 Letter From v cauu- in \‘w as nearly nut. me they wen smnking the here. Ofï¬cers Elected urs vex-y truly. Dvx'. L. S. Hunt. NH. 77% kindly :Illnw me ur \‘illuuhlr' pupvr. the Richmond Hill {egisLI-uuun at his ofï¬ce, lu=ux's, from June 17th to meeting of the \V. C. T. last Tuesday evening successful veau-i work The otï¬cex's elected .‘Idll Regisiration Hi†. R. S. Jenkins‘ 09pâ€" Assistaut Deputy T. R. H/tllfl‘htnll, Of sheep 261 cars 76 in 1916: and mixed as cmnparcd with ‘e pmt-vntage of in- was 87 pvr vent; of t: hug: 2.9 per Cent; Hrs. McMahon. ). H. Sundexson :.â€" Mrs. Cuok. M 15. Sanderson (mt rrance 2m l’ the ed n kind t [In now. thunk- (‘lll' kindness 'Ltm'. 3270 15L C. R. T [)Ifllllt‘! Lime. (-speci we a '.'| “(HP In [hunk Branch parcel ut Done at Promptly And Of all kinds Neatly As my son. Ira Rainer, has taken OVCI‘Llle Coal and Feedhusiuess, I desire that all accounts rendered up the fourth of April uf this ywu'. he settled hefmetlxe ï¬rst ufJuly. 0w- ing to the illness of Mrs. Hamel- we purpOSe being away for the summer uwnth. A few copies of the Tattlur, a pzunphlet published [his mmth by the Literary buciety ut the Richmond Hlll High School, has beenlefb at The Liberal Ofï¬ce on sale. Many pupils and friends of [he schoul will, no (luubL, be anxious to SeCum u copy. Price 15 cents. It will he seen by :idx'vrlisement elsewhere in thi< pupa-that Mr. \V. J. Linn-Hire will have an ant-Ling] sale (If chhice lnts at Ruseview Giu'dl‘llS. Rich- mond Hill. on Saturday. the 25)! h nf June. This will give an excellent mipm'tunily fur I‘m-iiwi-sm- ulhers who Cuntmnplute (mining here to reside in in the near future. Mr. J. T. Suig‘un will he the auctioneer. The mnendlnent m the Military vaice Act, pluviding drastic penal- Lies fur nn-n who fail to carry theii p‘mers is to he strictly enforced. The penalty for fuiiing to carry the papers is a ï¬ne Hf $.30. Ul‘ imprisonment for rne mouth, m- both ï¬ne and ilupiisonâ€" lnent. On Friday, Jnm- 3. Hll‘ Ahnnnav Association In}! in Lhu High Schan Mrs. J. Enrlv valnn g IVP 2| splvmlid paper nu Jean [Junk Ernest Mt-issunâ€" il‘l' whilv Miss Ad \mx' gnu: .\ “my in- lmwsting account «f 1hr (lvvclnplm-nt nf Mndwrn F1 Plll'h Art. For the cnnvnnit-nue 0f tho nu-mhels whn find it difï¬cult. Ln uttvnd the :iftvrnmm [nu-tings. [he Autumn meeting will he heid in the awning uf UcLulu-r 3, at, 8 0’c10ck. ' [inns Inf (IIII‘ could prmwss "partial lucls “I the Nut] lrlllh pl‘tu-f [)1 Nilivt‘ U] SUI gram \vhu “‘ri the real pun-f p.» ing of lh 'I‘ln3 heaviest, storm uf pnsud Uvel‘ this .wcth t-vcning, Ineling flu-1119.43 The: win mnm' down in h was Snmv sharp lightni high wind ln-nkr M’f Mn and did Considm :uhln dam n l‘vS‘llH ul' ï¬ne (-1"; storm houses l‘h-m V Erinting THE LIBERAL OFFICE lH AT THE LIBERAL Olin/'5 Envelopes Overseas Moral And Temperat Carry Your Papers s In Thu Unuudiuu Mu Ihe Ounndlnn ï¬vld high mural slums. ;l>k (-dilurs whn sit, IUHH‘ and nnly Clilit'i; Inanrs hf divinily win nd llmdt' :Illvgrd hn‘ (vm- suldin-rs‘ 1mm! wss nuthlng more mls and :I (“smiled lrulh.†Dr. Imgun lin- nf [111- high moral [n- iu dunkst- hmll. and (hk s discunlinm-d l ï¬ghtng H. S. Alummae NOTICE Building Lots Heavy Storm The Taltler 1) Dr. J. 1).! uliun lnfnnl lightning. r MT thhs uhlv duumg: nun-t ‘ In Flam-.0. et-dingly valuable J. H. Rum U'i mu Magazine 1 ï¬vld :u‘mV «Ills. and he 11) sit, in rusv y whn \w-nt i investiga- Inx mls. vet [In rents, the 12:. and l the (ll' HHII'P wlvphnnk’ nugh the III sum ll't't 1m ‘Bzm gives (ER. 5043 mil t'l't' the Ate m â€â€œWâ€Oâ€OO“QOWWOWO§ Auction Sale Building Lots I. & G. H. MCKENZIE, \VILLOWDALE, ONTARIO Willowdale Builders’ Supply Co’g muooommowowmonommuwnmw Oui‘ Spring goods are now nearly all in, and we are able to supply you with your wants for warm weather. Summer under- wear in two piece and combination, Ties, Collars, Shirts, Hana, Caps, etc. for men. Also light; footwear for women and children. We have a nice line of white canvas rubber sole boots and pumps, for women and children in price for $1.75 to 2‘53 25. Cups only, low clover leaf, LlOZvéï¬lBO; Plain White Cups only, doz $1 65; Cups and Saucers, heavy white, doz. $2 25; Scollops small sizes, 25c; Medium size, 35c. Blue and White Striped Bowls at [O and 12C. Plain Tumblers, doz. 50c. Small Brown Teapots 35c. or to the Auctioneer Men’s Medium V‘Veiqht Merino Underwear color, ernch neck, sateen facings each Boys' Navy Bathing Suits, one piece style, buttoned on shoulder, size 24 to 32, each 85c. Men's One-piece Bathing Suits, navy with cardinal trimming size m and 26. each HR: I: Girls Dre5ses of Stripped Ginghzmis, coll belt of piain chainbray. the skirt is JOi with Shirred heading, sizes 6 to 12 ve A Nicely Made Summer Sxirt self ï¬nishes the waist, H with buttons, size 44 & 27 Men’s Ecru Shade Babriggan Shirts and Drawers [:5 Boys Plain B.ilbriggqn Combinations short sleexe knee length each 8ï¬c. Lime Fire Brick Plaster Paris Etc. ._a..a 1V. J. (,m‘rIJASS, X’ong‘e Street Richmond Hill Furnishing Store SATURDAY, JUNE 29 In Roseview Gardens RICHMOND HILL W. J. LAWRENCE Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE at 3 p.m. Good Lots. Easy Terms. For particulars apply STORE CLOSES AT SIX RM. MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY at the Conservatories RICHMOND HILL Hard \Vall Plaster I Plaster Boaxds Mortar Colors Dry Goods . SAIGEON, Crockery S'Ltmng Suits, navy with cardin 4 and 36, each $1.15 Plaster Cement Boaxds Sewer Pipe Colors \Veeping Tile Also Flour and Feed irt «f white repp, a belt the pockets are trimm 27 in. waist mreasure I. ollar, cuffs and Joined to waist years 451.50 rwear, natura each $ LN; MAPLE