J: Faa m kuuwn us "The [)illt‘ï¬". is fun sale. This Farm cousisu of 113 acres uf rich clay lunm: especially WP†watm- 0d with running fnuntuin in barnyard. hard and soft Wall9l' cunvmï¬ent in h_ouse. Gnnd buildings, ï¬rst-class ur- chard m gondcnnditinn. Anymwcnn- Lemplating buying wmxld do well Lu look this farm over. Apply on pie-mi- Sel, Lot 25, 5th con. of Mmklmm. 46-8 NE of the best hlm-ksunlhing and shoeing stands on Yongt’ Street fOl‘Sule or rent. Apply (v‘eu. Cowie. Richmond Hill. 48-4 57101â€"155 gnod ‘lâ€"H'ull. .1ml'l'ï¬l 50“). bags dairy salt. cheap. Phone 852 "OR SALEâ€"l light dwnmornt wagun: 1 humzy. 9099] ï¬rst. Automobile seat, 1 sec light dnuhle harness. 1 pale and whiffletwes. l pair light sleighs, 1 set, extensmn staï¬olds. 4 pieces. J. H. G1lnhs. Thornhill. 49-2 OR SALEâ€"One guud single buggy, also a set of single dnvlng hur- nesa nearly new. Apply to T. R. Hangman. Richmond Hm. 40-2 TRAYEDâ€"(‘ume In the m-mmsvs. lot 3‘. 4th onâ€. Vaughnm Nullh of Maple. on or uhuut the 3rd n-f Jnm-. a mare. The owner nmyhnve same hv pmvingpruputy and paving vxpenm-s. Noah Hoiles. Phone 1300. Maple. 49â€"3 0R SALEâ€"(‘mnemd I’nsl 0mm- und store propel ty; also slï¬uk and ï¬xtures. Apply B. “rise. (‘vnm- outd, Ont. 4941. Abnndsomely illusï¬rated weekly. Largest cir- culntion or any scientiï¬c journal. Terms for Canada. 175 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by ‘1] news ealers. gngngssmmmnï¬ï¬‚ewjmk Dunâ€"AL g m n. n. Céntre St. E w .A FEW (HIP maria ma: iswa’fm‘ii’aï¬'EWE‘czfim cpecAuu 1mm. yï¬tpguc c Be. inthe DSTâ€"Little Uil'l's Nnvy Ullll with light, hluu swilur ( along Bl'nnlh'ldv “1].. Smith on ‘ to Elgin Mills. Ro-waul. Jus. M‘ Jen. 2nd cnn. Vaughan “1' N. Maple. ....-.~.. ...... .wm“ . yIuAl may gunk) ascertain om- op‘mlon 2:93 W ether an Invent on to probably Mentable. Communion. Mons strictlycoundant n1. HANDBDUK on Patents leg}. free. Oldest ggency‘fonsacurlpg‘yntenm, -.__A- .,..‘_ ,.,, The above will be sold at close prices for im- mediate sale. NEW AND USED CARS J l McLaughlin and Chevrolet Cars f at our new Garage 1 D 63, 6 Cylinder I l D 35, 4 Cylinder CSTâ€"On llw \vmt sidm bebwevu .im'x-y \‘milh Plesbyterian Chm-uh. gt heavy gnld soul ring. Fun leave same at Atkinson N Reward. W (‘0 Apply Mrs Sï¬Ã©iitifié 351" flak'iican. M†amen omc'eféza a' an. Washington. D. a ARM FOR SALEâ€"Thie antifw on first, class fm m propel ly nqmre at, [hE' Libf‘l’zll ufliue. {JU-L. t OR SALT“, â€" Bnhy cul'x'ingv. A pnh' A. Mahony. Richmond Hill. ntre St. E. 49-? IGS FUR SALM-vavl‘al gum! ynung snws ready (u hrme oils“ (3 Holstein Heifk-l' in full flow. )lV B. M. Tuylur, Richmond Hill me ()7. 49-2 APLE BAKERYâ€"Golxd Bread Quantity Apply ( ANTED flunr_, good pflslu-y‘ ï¬uur. good ONEY TU LUA \‘v a n1. A‘ d.-. Also in stock 3 new 490 A. Chevrolets FOR SALE housewnf-k by J. H. Dunlap, hmn. barlrr‘l Sultnulid me-kwhml VVMkingtnn DAVID HILL 8: CO and P. HILL Agents, Richmond Hill Me uf lln- Hind niLh's um] [he gt-nlluumn‘s Finder plt’nso (k Switzer‘s (:nllur. Yungr Mm-Quil- R. H. 2. nuLiful J‘H-Y. 48-3 Sade )I J‘ ll Mixed Grain for Poultry Cement, Hard & Soft Wood Orders taken for Improved Learning and M. Southern Sweet Corn astry and Purity Flour Huvirig taken (n'er the hnsinew at the ElevleI-l' M will he pleasod to see new «lawman .15 well as old ones. Bran, Shorts, Gluten Meal, Oat Feed, Feed Corn (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load or in ear lobe. The Maple Snnd,G1‘avel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale- Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5, G and 8 in. Culvert tile 12, 15. 18 and :20 inch Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick ï¬lm-k :md \‘lelll'E knowing hmv [r values. huving (‘ died farm and [nude-a world‘s “given In the w thin work." I gx-nunds for thv monev fmm :1 5 man in the hush not A gnud huusv. stable, chicken hnuse, orphan-(I. etc†just then Spot. for a l'(‘lil'(‘d farmer :11 Vicmrin Sqnure. A giant bargain for a qulck sale. Three good farms in Markham Township and suveml in Vaughan. \Vill he :lhlt‘ [0 please you. Several Thousands of Dullurs tr. 1mm on Fix-5L Mun-[gage un Fill'â€) Prupelty. knnn vnlm dIL-d made 399‘ A very comfortable house on (Mm-e Street good siz~d Int. A new wvll ï¬nished brick veneer dwolling on Markham Road at a bargain. A vacant lot. on the north sidonf Centre St. Bust. Very desirable. do so 0â€]?! Calls? ing I) 3 tf. One and :1 half acres with a tidy little huuse and uuthnildings on the corner of Mill and Lucas Sts. \Ve have on hand L‘OR SAIJE [-1. AA. Nioholls R ICA L ESTATE \ I. D. RAMER Farmers. in soliciting your sales. :50. nnb with u viexv of heating at her mun out of [hm-m. hnL I) use it IS my SDPt‘iul pmfvssinn. Hn g lm-n n fau'nwr ful‘ years, knnwil :wk and \‘ulut-s. (grade or pedigrow (rlll Coal which we :we endenvoring to ï¬ll in the business. rlll Sale is dollars to you got, the must of [hem ? l'ilv ur s90 me. I. R. LONG. Auction S Yonge St. Tux-unto. Auction Sales Season Coming for seed at a right price NOTICE (‘nndncted nmny Finn- ! slack s.||e-s. having 3 record. and having 'mld its grunh‘st. nuc- I canâ€"and I submit claimâ€"get you "1an sale than :my other 'I‘. COUSINS, To PATENT 300d lï¬aas 5. (grade: I (19501th (inducted Block 5 record. ’Hld its 9: Free. and Manager Man may be secured by our aid. Address. INF °"ENT RECORD, Pï¬lï¬more. Md vex-y reasonable hriuk Glad \Vest with , klmwillg pedigreed) shvck :l-Id cialist \V' I1 y 'HIV lw~ PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN - 39m“ 0 me and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain; increases.\â€grey Ina!tel'";8 Tonicâ€"will build you up. 3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mai on receipt of price. THE SCOBELL Dxuo Co.. St. Oath-tines. Ontario. DR. DeVAN’S FRENCH Plus wag: un. uc v H“ a l‘fll‘d‘bfl r 11.1.) me Re. mating Pill for Women. $5 a. box or three for 510. Sold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on rcceiptof price. THI SCOBnL DRUG 90.. SniCatharines, Ontario. BARON TEMPLE (177.5%) [lliï¬42]~lm- mnutl (‘lyulusdnm the Lwnpi-ny vf ‘. ll. Luggv, Truman:Her-ville. will loan-l LIHrugh \\'hiU'lnmh. Ant-nu. Eva'slvv. King (My. Mqulc. ngln Mills 9N. Towns $16. DUNI'RE (Luannâ€"(1412(3) Hanan} the prupH-ly of A. (i. (lurmla-y, Uninw ville will shnuf at his «m'u stnlulm In! ‘712. «on. 6. Markham. 'l‘vrms in inan- .1 fun] $25. Dvym Export nn all kimk uf Inutnr H‘- puirs. “Lana-la.» \ nlx-nnizing with (l'u’llv-Irunl lin- ditching \vmk. A large stnrk uf pnlts :nlwuyï¬ on hand: :clï¬n n†kinds and sizus of tints 'md :moessul'im. F1119 ilil' SPF- \‘iGP-Sllnplih‘d hm-w, st) why hwnk ynm'hnok pumpng lire-s lny hand. Exnelsim- Mothn-ycle Agknuy; slun- tinnary engine \vm-k: slnrnge lmt. teries rechu-ged; bicycles rwpaiwd. Rumxsox Buwx. Ynxu : STREET REFFIHR~P1H vâ€"llrt Slflll‘itin [H195] (71 $3 [5.1 m stalliun (17087) [151 of has. 'l‘un‘nmu», Ernvel to Thisl’l \VumllH-idgv, V: stable \Ym. Bull brook. Terms $17. ARON pmpewty of R. Cox & Suns. l-l sluhle _Lot 25. Can. 3. Eflnl. Y ‘erll travel L-luuugh Dullnl. Vi»: Sqnure. Unix-“ville, (YSulliV (luvllePS. Lansing, StcL-lv's (‘unv Terms $l5).l)()A Glass 1311’s.. ngin Mi and at, his mvn stump, lm Vaughan. timing the 34m pt \Vedm-sdny mmn \Vhl‘ :Il zhv Industrial Fnl‘lll Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop ST.“ l’HUNE N1) L. Curtis Plum-PH 7H) lhvpu Blgin Mill.- ‘3] Hip pH Markham ha I) S'l‘l (‘lvd [will Hull ht-I'm; >pn-riy «(In I: mil will "It ‘ H] P 1n m RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Richmond Hill Annex HHGHLAND LAKE FAR FOR FURTHER INFORMA'IION WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE & CC., Richmond Hill L. E. HAND, wm Id‘s lhs. .h ln-nthm H9 is f< pl'it'f’»S( HvI-d «ire. AVONDA LE MAY ECHO SYLVIA, the EST'D 1573 Iâ€! Building Lots on Yonge St and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. .10. If this rx ilhvr- mnle m ’H‘ For Sale on Easy Terms . Burnaby ~ Jefferson, Ont L'L \' IA. the! \H'I'ld's lit-SI racm'd how for | Ill Reuuld fm- butter, 41 lbs. Only une (vlh ~4l-lh. hull hm'd nf on}: 'hlllHll(Ii‘irll‘llldl‘s nth ly ï¬fty daughters‘ of rum AT STOP This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 21“. mhinutiun of hrwdin ' femnlvs. g Ink PUNTL-H OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO 5:). 'nE ST. RADIAI HO (linden H) Adelaide St. E, Toronto ' Belm.-nt every Branch (-1130) son of anager