liicn iiorm lllLL, 0x11, Ji'xiiZTib. 11418 Miss t). l’i-nllanll. irl~ \Vinds-u. visiting :il “(‘1 iiucli‘u llr. l’eotianil. is Fire Biigadvineeiing post poneil {ii in Monday. July 1. to the second Monday in the month, July x". lllis. Eliirl'il Fice and daughter Doi- (‘ll|’\‘, til ll‘l‘lU'lllI,\‘jll'l|l letsl \Vi-t'k “ii ll hei paienls Mi. and M rs. Geo. Conic. Miss Gladys (l. Legge will l'('t'(‘l\')‘i with her mother on 'l‘iiesday. July -. ’ from 3 to (i at "Hillcrent". Jefferson, stop .33. (living to .‘Illlldhv. the ï¬ist of July being Dominion Dav. VaughanCouni-il will "wet on l‘uesday, July‘l. instead if , Monda y. Dr. Lillian Lainzstalf and daughter Carri-l have gone to Montieal to spend a i-oupli-of weeks with Mrs. Langstalf‘s brolhei Mr. ll.iriy Cariol. 'l'dle ser\ ice in the Methodist Chin ch will be taken by Mr. A. J. Hume next Sunday in irning, and Rev. N. \Vell- Wood will preach in the evening. Next Sunday. June 31). is the day set apart by the DominionGovernment as a day ol National prayer. Let. the chuichi-s be Well tilled next Sunday. Mr. T. H. Hamilton and \lissus Nbiiley and I‘ll-uiiiiiie lliillillll n 4rd Mi» CiVi-ii. ol' Tin-into. weii- guests of H. A. and Mrs. Nirbx lls last Week. Miss It'll)!" Mick-tr. a pupil of Mr. N~‘\\'lou at tho-Tinonto Unliseivaloiy ot Music, has been successful in passing the Associateship Piaiiotoite Exflllllli‘ alioii. Mis. J. H. l{.iioer who has been in poor hea'i h (or several in iiitlis past has gone to St-alfl‘ville to soeud a few Weeks with hu (1 .iighter, Mrs. Haiiiil~ ton. Rev. J. R. Aikvnliead preachud his lat-eiwll si-riiiun in the i‘teihoilist chiticli last Sunday eiening to a large. cotiziegation. ending his four year term. Misses N. and E. Btrker, of Thomâ€" liill. am having a salé of summer lllllllltt’lV. beginning July " Store will he i‘los ‘d from July 13 toTAugust 19. See Adv. Miss Gertie Lynettof Calgaiv is heie on a visit to ht‘rbrotlicr‘ Mr. Fred Lynett. “ho has been seriously ill. but “In “e are pleasi-d to say. has much improved duiing "the past tew days. Adi'iurvisvrs of groceries. lion: and ’ feud. biead. (:«iiiil'vctionery and other food stulfs \viil-l please bear in mind that they iiiiusi insert the niiiillr-r of their license in every advertisement. Mr. J. Earle Newton is ci nilucting a specisii] Suiiiu-ie-i' Ci izrsn in l’iano- playing and The 'I‘lieorelicnl Branches from July 4th to August lbth: for which applications should best-pt in as soon-as possible. Canning Factory. Th“l‘(‘ is an effort being in id» to locale a canning l'.ic'.oiy in Richmond Hill. Maiiv d: not realize. the gieat advantage here over the lii\Vt'l' lands. It has been noted that late spring and early autumn frest i-epoited in other districts rarely ever do any haiin on this high laud. \Vith so many greenhouses to pro- duce tomato plants eic. this Whole Section of country could be made to produce double what it is doing if planted in that class of produce. Then again the small lot ownei could grow the class of goods required and have no trouble in disposing of his wholeoutputforthe season. it Would also give employment to a number of men and women. _â€"...â€"â€"_- 1008 Registrants at Richmond Hill. During the Registration last week there were. registered at the Village Clerk‘s Olï¬ceZb3 males and 369 females, at the Public School 118 males. and 163 females. at. the High School. 51 males. and 54 females. making a total of 1008 registrants. Many took advantage of the privilege of registering before the 2Zud. as Saturday was the lightest day‘s work of the whole week. The deputy-registrars are very grate- ful to all those who so ably assisted them in the work. ...___.. Sale of Lots Advantage should be taken of the auction sale of building lots at Roseâ€" \'ieiv Gardens on Saturday next. Richmond Hill needs at least fifty houses for sale or to rent. There has been a continual inquiry for houses this spring,r from outside sources and this sale is a chalice to secure a lot on easy terms on which to build a home or for speculation. See adv. in this paper. Dominion Day. The Richmond Hill Methodist choir will sell Ice Cream. strawberries and cream. cake. sandwiches. cool drinks etc on the church lawn on Monday, July 1st. Tables will be arranged so that lunch and tea may he had for those so desiring. There will be music during the even- Jug. What the Press Received For Adverv- tising the Victory Loans. Vaiii iiK estimates have live; made ‘lSi to lllt' anii out the pii-ss tt‘l‘t‘l\l(l l'roin lllt.‘ Gm eruiiii nt in count i tinn “ith the piess publicity for the Vii-toii' Loan. but the actual liguii-s paiil \vwrw clearly set both in idlllllll'tl stati-iiii'iils silib» milled in the Annual Meeting t-l (lana- ‘diaii Press Association, Illt’.. held in THtUlllU on June liltli and llih. Thetotal.iinoiiiu paid by thetioi'ei n-r meat for :\(l\‘t'l'll\‘lt\g space \vastï¬ltlillll. . Hl, which was distributed among l.lUU newspapers and other publications. and distribution to the press of a large number of Silt't'l'll arti- cles, illustrations. cai toons. etc.. \\ hicli were inserted in the press without charge. The setting of type and mak- ‘llI‘Z ofduplicate plates of the ad\ ei tise- {iueiits for the \ ai ious publications used l and the lees paid to the live co-operat- jpri-p iiatioii ving adii-itising agencies for their seiu vices cost iii the neighborhood of $37. 165.09. As the totalitost, of floating the Loan wasapproximately $5,000,000. the Gov- eruincnt'sexpeiiditure on press publici- the totalexpcnditure. It isintrresting to note also that the press publicity cost only oneâ€"twentieth of one per cent. of the total amount subscribed to the Loan. The pres: publicity for the Loan Was handled by Canadian Press Associ- ation. lnc.. and the olï¬ccrs of the As- sociation and its llltll\l(llt:ll inembeis co-operated splendidly in making the campaign a success. During three months last Fall most of the tlme of the Pii‘sidi'lil, Mr. J. H. \Viiiitls. Calgary "Herald." and the ofï¬ce stalf, was (leâ€" \oted to the press publicity campaign. and t'orseveral \\ eekstlie committee ot publisheis in charge were in almost coiitiiitii us session. The individual membi-ie. on ihe othrr hand, eontii- tinted. “ithoui. change. space in theii iieiispapers and other publications which. if calculated at their regulai conimeicial rates, would run up to more than the total amount paid for the adveitisiug space. Ni‘ilhfl Canadian Pi ess Association, Inc . as such. noi any of iis ot'ticeis oi ci mmittees. l't‘L‘t‘th'tl any ri-munei ation for their services iii connection wit [1 the Loan. those se: VICI'S being \‘ultllil‘dl‘lly and in the spirit of national service. o.â€"â€" From Teacher To Inspector Mr. F‘. \V. Harrison. B. A.. L. L. 1).. son of Mr. \V. Harrison of this village, who recently ieceived the degiee of Dr. ol’ i’edagugy. has been appointed Public, School Inspector for the district of Kincaid, Sask. The \Veybiirii Ite- view refeis to the appointment as follows :â€""'Ihe Department. of Edn- )cation has again robbed \Veyburn Col- legiate liislituteofa good teachei. and in doing so has secured a capable and well (pialiliedotï¬cial fin-the i'npoi taut ' Work of iiipsi-clor bl public schools. joined the statf of I lit: higher education- .il institution and by l‘ailhl'iil attention to duty has iron a Luge. place \\ itn :ill eitv. This Week the announcement is , niaile th-it Mi. Harrison has been off-r ieil and has accepted the position inspector tor the distiict end of lliepreseuttei ll]. Mr. Hari isoii has been idenlilii-d with the \vi-ik of Grace (‘liuirli Epworth League and other (‘hrisiiin Wink ii. the cin and 2 his (li'p'll'llllt' will he iogretti-d." The ‘ Liberal is pleased to i'iiiigi.itiil:ite one . of our forniei townsnieu on his success lin the \\ esl. â€"Qooi.â€"â€"â€" On Suspended Sentence. Movingr picture shows and reading ldlllll‘ novels to exciss v'llO tillegeii to havecausi-d the downfall of llllt’t’ b .ys of 'l‘montn. Fwd Burnett, Harrv B~ ise and Robert Miilhollanil. who app wired in Magistrate Billlllllll.flpt)llt‘t-‘ rouri on an adjourned case i-f thett. Tlieir l mothers appeared with them. The magistrate gave them a salutary talk about heiiiga disgrace to their respectâ€" able parents, and gave them three Week'sgrace in which time thev were to ï¬nd Work. Theahove lads had broken into Curtis’ Garage in Richmond Hill ‘ and took away automobile supplies and I bicycle parts. ._._._‘..4__ Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 30th. the services throughout will be in accordance with the Government proclamation of a day of prayer. The morning service Will he patriotic in character. the Sunday School taking a leading part. The Sunday School picnic will be held at Bond Lake, Saturday afternoon. A special car leaves going north at 1.3tlp. in. and ieturning leaves Bond Lake at 8 p. in. Everybody come. All the congregations last. Sunday igreatly enjoyed the sermons of Rev. Mr. Brydon, of King. o Unionville Wayside Market The \Vayside Market. at Uiiionrille. Will be foiinallv opened on Saturday. July 20. at 3 p. in. Piouiiiiient speak- ers will be invited to participate and farmers and gardeneis are planning to furnish the public with a ï¬rst class market service. Stalls in the new market building inav be rented fioiii er. \V'. J. Elliott, UlllttllVlllt’, on and after July 5th. l o.â€" Re Scouts \Vith deep regret we leain of the_ serious condition of Cub Louis Sims. Any one wishing to contiibute to. wards Robt. Mansbridge. Standird ll ink. .Approximately $5,001) was spent in the i (NIH. making the total expeiiditui e ."203. ‘ tv represents less than ï¬ve per cent. of . About aye-i1 ago Mi. 1“. \V. llariisoii L who are interested in education in the ‘ iif: ol’ Kincaid, , and hi- Will close his work here at the ‘ the Scout Camp which takes, place July 12 may do so by sending to 1 lnstaiia ion of O..i:ers The Newly ;l|l:l -'. .'-*.l ili‘ is \i'i-ri- installed .\l1|l|ll ii 1‘\i'l|li.',." in it etiinoliil Ludlzi'. A. l“. i\' .-\. .\i.. b_\‘ ll. \\'-ii. lliii. \V. 14"ggl'il5‘l‘lt‘ll Iiy‘ siii'i-i il Hl llll' past masters. \V. lit“. l,. l9 ll-Illll. [lie tic\\'l)' t‘ll‘t‘lt‘tl Mash l' \\' is appoint- eil ii'pri-seutatiie lo ili~ (Exam. Lodgi- which meets in \\'iiiilsi-i. and V. \\'oi. Bro. T. A. l.:|lllllll. Alto i note. A pleasâ€" ant l'eatiirt- of the l'\"lll'l‘,{ was the l presentati ll) oi'a l’isi \l.isti-i‘s jr-wi-l to \V. liri). (u'. l“. .‘ll"il. :illi-r one of the most successful yinii in llli’ lll\llil v lot llicliini nil lwiltzn'. :\ resolution \\i‘l\' also passed to pii-sont in ll, \Vi-i. llio. ll. .‘\. Nirliolls. \\'ll - is the (‘llltlt' Ill Si'lueluiY. held the pmilion ll iii in}: fioni alli-i continuously l Lodge tor the splendid “(ilk be his door l'oi llirliuiond Lodge. .\ l‘IilH- inittee was appointed in]. I\'t' llli‘ ins... ltitii-ii engrossed. and in iki- I ll" pi-i'si-iil â€" atiou. Hi-t'oie closing. ll)“ l.‘ ilgi- was "called oil†for July .‘Il‘ll August. The liilliiu'iiigarl‘ the i lliv'i'is i|i~laill- ed:â€" 1.1).)T.'“‘(‘;.‘“.Alll‘ll \V. M. â€"l.. l‘:. llaiiil S. \\".â€"~ A. E. l.chin ill d. \\'.~l“. Giuliani Chainâ€"\V. A. \Vtigltl Treatsâ€"T. F. McMahon Sec.-A. L. l’liipps l). of [Ir «J. H. ll-inl'ip S. ll,â€"-A. Mi-li'all J. llsï¬. Topper S. S.â€"«l’. (' llill .l. Svâ€"A. E. Glass 1. H.-â€"â€"(l. H. .‘lr'lliilldltl Tylct~-\\V. (liaillillll â€"»r ¢~--.__ Rahal Mr. New! .u'sio-inis iii-ie till: d with an appreciatix i- Hllillt‘iit‘l' \\ l-on :i lilllll- lN'l' ot his yi lllltfi'l‘ pupls app ‘vl'|‘ll in thnir Closing ll i Ital i l' lln' \O’urilli last Thursday iwr-iiitig_ 'l‘oe y lllII'Ij‘lHy' l‘.~ all .iiipiiltiil ii l_\' tfl‘I'tlllv ably indeed and [JV-i Ml M . Flank Conversi- Sinitli's \‘ii-lin pupils :idileil much interest to ib- j):i|}.(='$lll|1ll“ in solo and duo nunil-ois. Splvoilill assis tance was givi n bv M as l‘-|ll\l Mulla- of 'l‘iiriiiitii,. :in Hl'llJl-pllllll if Mt. Neutoii‘s whos- pl iyi g delighted eieiyoiie [)l‘t'SPl.’. A silvm collection _;iinoiiniiog to $12 was taken to be dequ ii to The Piusiirii'isiil' "i? it' l"niiil through our local tin-d Uioss Auxil- li;il'_\'. A(l\“lti’30'd pupils uill giie a public demonstration at the end of the Special Summer (loin-semi August 15. so. Qâ€"râ€"~-â€"- Notice The Aurora I’aii-ioiic Le -gne of the \Vbiioii‘s Institute :iiu holding their annual l’ai i-iitir: Field Day in the l‘own Paik. Auioia, July 1st. A full piogiaiu of spot ts is arranged. Pl‘l-Ct'l'tls are lobe use-d to Continue toe \i'oik of sending coiiil‘orts to the boys (lt‘t'rSi‘HS. _ _ ..__¢.- , l{t‘gl.\‘l i-at ion (,‘ard (Histw, 2a cents, on sale at Tue l..beral Uliii-e. v "T Rent is. OW Cabbage an I Cauliflower Plants, late varieties; Don‘t neglect to plant plenty of these they will lie li'equii'Cil. \Vc haVe ii large stock it young ihrilt) now ready. l jNO. DUNLOP, Quality Counts Every Time ELLIOTT 7 “â€" WW 1 ' 1: . ‘rN Yongc and Charles Sts. Toronto. asked tolill posi. < tions \voith tii‘iii $lililU to $1.300 pcrannuiii. The demand t'orour graduates is ï¬ve times our supply. Boys of14 to 19 years of age and young ladies are in great demand i when PROPERLY PREPARED. No i vacations. Enter now. \\'rite for ‘ prospectus. \V.J Elliott. Principal. Has lately been l l l “titanium FARE i THE moan TRAIl'l ‘ ; THE scenicamiit i ANDTHESERVICEJW For information. literature. tickets ’and reservations. apply to nearest C.N.R. Ticket Agent, or write General Passenger Department. 68 KingStreet East. Toronto. i li.i\in;;‘ l-lll' ‘ thirty years. the sini-vic Ill inks ol' lllt' , CONCRETE HOUSE A Few Reminders H GROCERIESâ€"Evaporated Peaches, Cooking l‘igs, Dromedary Dates, \\"etlicv’s Condensed Minceâ€" Meat, Crisco, Easitirst, Pare L in] in packages. ‘ Pure Gold Quick Puddims, Custard, Tapicoa and Chocolate. Pure Gold jelly Powders, all flavors. l japan Rice, Pearl Tapicoa and Corn Staich. BREAKFAST FOODSâ€"Kellog's Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Post Toasties, Pulled Rice, liruinbles, Rolied Oats. PlClx’LES~â€"Heinz’s Sweet Gherkins, Sweet and lx‘iclimosid iiiii‘ § Plantsié i. Sour Mixed Pickles, Pan Yan Sauce, Tomato Catsup. Prepared Mustard, Olives Plain or Stufled, Tomato Soup. Macaroni, Fine Old Cheese, Cocoa and Coffee. STONE WAREâ€"Butter Crooks with covers, sizes ME to 5 gallons. Cracks without c0vers size 5 lbs.. 1 gallon and 1%. gallons, Fruit jars pints, quarts and half gallons. jelly Glasses with tin covers. l Atkin‘son & Switzer l ' STORE cLosizs AT SIX RM. j noxoi Y AND \i'EiiNiasoAY I OOMWONOM¢WOMWWOOWWOWO§ i Richmond lliil Finishing 8mm ‘ ()tii' Spring goods are now nearly ch in, and we are able to supply you With your wants for warm weather. Summer under- \:ear in two piece and coi'ihiiiatiiin, 'l‘ier. Collars, Shirts, Ham, Paps, etc. for men. Also light footwear for women and children. We have a nice line of wlii'c canvas rubber sole hocts and pumps, for women and children in piicc for $1.75 to $3 ‘35. ,- 6‘609Q000 90900â€.5‘*“4 ' _. .V. J. (£IJALSS. 3(1):ng Street. .Willowdaie Builders’ Supply Co’y Hard \‘Vall Plaster Plaster Boards Mortar Colors Also Cement Sewer Pipe \Veeping Tile Flour and Feed Lime Fire Brick Plaster Paris nic. __ ,- c l. & G. H. MCKENZIE, Auction Sale, Building Lots In Roseview Gardens RICHMOND HILL SATURDAY. JUNE 29 at 3 p.m. Good Lots. Easy Terms. A portion otthis property is restricted to $2,500 dwellings For particulars apply W. J. LAWRENCE at the Conservatories RICHMOND HILL \VILLOWDALE, ONTARIO a or to the Auctioneer J. T. SAIGEON, MAPL. l .1