I. H. SANDERSON. V. W. HEWISON HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Benton, Grover 6: A. gamerqg. “MaicNaughton P213101, IE. I)()"Ol'| L. T. C. M. f WRIGHT BROS. 1! u :lcrlakcrs & Elnbnlmers. 30‘}?! Hi S‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. L)FF[CEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST VOL.XLI. ty- I.)113 1.! AL Barristers, )1.\'5:.'I. {ms ST. W155 nk Dentnn, K John Irwin IANO TUNING RICHMOND In! In 1110 an (1 ‘Voioe T. SAIGEON MCI AGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS 0N HAND ge stock of Funeral Furnish n Kept at the above places 5706’): .7. 9avia’son 0d 1) nut-0 Office, 'lmmnd Slum unond Hi1 me 01‘ um“ message tended to. P1 ETER] NARY SURGEON, ’i‘hoz-nhiï¬l. >ld C ,i to 1 by Maple RIS'J‘ER SOLICITn (Lmnsdvn Bldg. WILLIAM [I 50 per annum, in adV'ance.] d Auctioneer: Sales :ltlendt 1nd, at, reason Patronage ~11 H l‘ II. N’aughton Tl Phone Balm NSED A l EthHiol Sr. 1H. attvntion g icripliun. J 5 n specmltv n cnmmissh on shurtest the must": ulsl nu; 11 QAMPBELL, m, K. C. frwin Grover Arthur A. Mncdmmld Harry D. Ange nsul messages promptly t to. PHONE 1431 THORNHILL 11‘s TEA CHER OF O] 0LIC1T( I The Tuwn of Aurora \J. M.‘\V:l'|tmn, Amo itvd I)! hl ESTATE R.»-sidvnnp Elgin Mill Residvnm- leur 4L nun. t 110 'PP‘ & M6 liumrs. é ible rate solicited C. WALKINGTON NIHâ€) R, NOTARY ETC nt‘ Cm rent King 11‘ the Ununtynf to (m shortest TIONEER AND ONTM R V NOTARY G Adeiuidusr n to 5:1 ms and Farms 1) n rice {UNI All Au rm “In \V 1'9!!! acdonald prompth 11001) and mm methods lildings 11 Ol‘il l1. L'LLOS val ll) ht oxhih dislri The Templnrs boa runner. a champion w swiumwl' and lust ehampion pitcher but went up inn.) the nun 'l‘mnplm- runs. A by Lhe n Templar moment The fans nut} mm: indulged Indu lg up \w mm: s baLter ll) an-s hoop, 29. wan intu camp at Ferguson's Luke, Evmslry. July 13, and during the 7 days camp 51 acuuls from Uulh Trumps Lhul'UlIgHIy cnjuyed Lhemsvlws ï¬shing, hunting. lrmking and. swimming. b‘umluy evening 30’ scuuls paraded to All Saints Chum-h. Kink,r Uily. n distance of 3 miles each \v‘ny. Tuesday was the big day \\ hon we had the pleasure of having Mr 11. G. Hgmumnd. Pu'vinciul Seuu-Lm'v: mqu h Millxguu,(29(h), Allan Al'msLthg “on their swimming badges after some boating Len \vus‘sm-ved with Mr. Mv- Unrmack, Mr. and Mrs, Donn Sr. Mrs. \VhiLe, MIA. Manshridge and Hum Ml. Hnluumnd had addressed the scouts returned to Lhe Uity. \Ved- nesdny parade-d tn Sir Hem-y Pvllntl‘: where kind pH-miasiun was gl‘nntvd m the Scout Muslel lnguuvethegmumls and see the stuck, and the ewuing was spent :u-uund the camp ï¬lo hi uumpnny will] nur kind friends 1‘16 Fergusuns. Thursday “us spvnt in gzuues,-swimming and hunting. Fri- day many lvsts “we pimsml, Hill’t SCUHLS ovalining Lheir Zlml Uluss Badges Philip lh-‘nrici; Tx‘ndm'fmut, and was swmn in. WVHI'H-ti [JG-WI) Missimne, was spent communy Fergusuns 31111195; sw day 111.1113 scoutsulna The? PH‘HC nf the “'1 ball matchâ€"Temphu Viuun-iuSquax-e. Th the DI Mk Th lll (I Hill at 111p “('9 \Vlil] wlw ha Sun ppy V was PH‘HC nf the u'vek was the baseâ€" mtchâ€"Temphu-s, of Toronto vs in. Squat-e. This was the return . our girls having played the nrs at CenLrNI~1and and lost by 2 After lunch had been dosPutcln d Visitors [he gzuxw was called and “’5 went to but, from that x \\' N m . lV into the m U)p_il‘r‘ did: 1 anything ‘enjuyt h good RICHMOND 1n. 'J'h Slll'Dl‘is receipts amount il nut l“ Scouts and Cubs‘ l y w inv rf the wka v Temphu‘s, of Tipé S girls! au-s bonsu Fall Fairs. fur the Kll [H 5 care diutnest {IA S( tull‘s m 11 en publish l‘h lgus. Rev. T. H leghton and hmin LHL [In 'lhl shin In Essentials, Unity; Id XII I‘his ultra Ike: \V | )liLnn ing u hlll 1nd ch qmp ï¬l A RI uting. u the h HI 119 h: M. PULH-r I‘m Scams gate with weeded lo 111'thng '\‘t‘llil|g 30’ s Chum-h. miles each day \\ hvn jug Mr 11. L the Ltin: hampi humpi . VVed- Pvllnll's mde In *grunmls evvniug ) ï¬re in ends 1‘16 wunt in h l. Did he lll mm I and that ring. fa†HILL m Li ll) Thul pmg inclu empl 01' Lin gnnmds by the Y. Canadian \Vu). Gmth fulllld guilty budin harm \th with lln Mr. Ummi‘s l) (‘11 HUI'UL 59V?“ Vf'il's Hg“. I‘lll' SOHH" years buck the Vaughan township has been building the ï¬rwsc and most durable cnncrete hlidges. Dick’s hridgo‘ is'm'er the west branch 0f the Hnmhel River. known as the “Big Hllluhl’l'.†about one mile from Klvin- helg'. Out of the twelve bridges In this tmvnship, ernssing hnLh branches nt the Plumber. unly three now remain of the old \vouden typé. York Conntv was the ï¬rst, county in (Jnnzlda to build “'1†for Which Bunnie concrel being 1 the F rulng tn the wheat 18L Llu 01' Vaughan Township opi‘llf‘d to trafï¬c Dick the, con pm the S from Wmn Is :t concur-t9 (rum substantial:Ilvulmem ed nhnut seven Vs-u's engineers Province I‘Lely hy Highway their In ulmuni: )l'l\‘ilLB :lniun'd ,u frigh I118 (h pl llll {iv-11 Rep! y [)‘zn't will l .)'01H( a m m lhvil‘ um 81TH frui 5m May '3. Q {s nmv nude-1' This will a truss bridge 30 {He-t cl‘em sp ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY 25. 1918 New Concrete Brid 2e. in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." Employes’ P “Pl Shot 1' [1 1rd Bmu d n the \t hi the l'th M 1m Save Seed Wheat. UT HLM Hi I n on the Oats. llu ust h sehall will Iuruish Inllsiu‘ rmunsll-nu-ms in hand chan pulling. hurxcbl: &t:. Admissiuu’ to The fen'Livul is giwm ,wnship hmuch'af the 31-035 Society. - w h 0 El .‘1 at v1“) Trespassers. Guulun Rusvln-uu ‘Lhm- buys had ante! v pinch. and "swipe Magistrate Blunt EM Township lll (llll T“: °"ENT RECORD. Palï¬more. m xenm the Munsl‘ mister of Educ eslivul will bc I Sum.duv, llu ewlnn muting span ur letter of June gul Lbinn eilhvr (m nildfl Fund Bmud “in SJpel'ViSOl'S to rage :myune from udt'quutv supplim ciul regulations of Supervisors issue-r1 (Erwin ,Exchuug , 'ipulcttes that any- mLVm' any price -x' is willing lu pny sm’d pxupusvs."â€"« J,‘h r1 a .fuurts. ll) Cnuncil has just. ’5 bridge. which bridge built on that was! ï¬nish- m-k ‘xcmc. uf Dell] ttuwa t: in circ s illegal parts vf the 1 adopted just and Hamilton 1 and four of a. the ï¬rst of mnstx-uctinn at e the lungest in the county, Stu-11h {Humor lilun d Radia fu ms \V9 1‘ en arrange :h beLWee s and tho: Delhi BM .11) ZUln It is nuufln )Il red by Sum-burr nimn illk md UK tut \\'h Ill nlutinn \VI'ULE HI] {Lu with t‘h \\‘uS "(NV m [hr will (Usl )se 1le Suprmn: (‘uuxtuf Came \ulirmy nf the m-del AprilZUlle. Misunde- nf thusv ordersâ€"incoqu ions of men in class tWenty and (\veutv-Lw were cancelled. The \v1 judgment was prop: Justice Anglin: that of by Mr. Justice Idingmn Tllf‘ Silver Sr‘l'vll'P donated Richmond Hill Agricultural for best, single lady «ii-her was a person Wh'Hll Lhu Direcmis f( aftenvards was a mun-ind Seveial letters scnthy [Le S [121‘ suppnsvd _n:ldir-ss \V-‘l‘c [‘1 and it was fniiml nllLshP \i'asm (Jitv on a visit. 'l‘lifmuuei' \vn in the hands of Diiccini' B!"â€"‘Hl pruvod himself at grind ui'iiut tectiwn Mi'. Bi'mikey fillllltl m the party had iptui'netl, and upon her receivul lugk the silver SPI'Vl‘lte \viLhMIL any L- nu on Snmuhv last it was leliv Miss Stilesnf Szztmii, [he nvxLi fril'llle prize. "his ihstumw: ed L feature), whilv versiuns will 1 way, a World in fl'untvf le of spAcinl attr gmunds. shows I! are de-six in an n \V( newly family 11W .; 0n \Vedm-sd It' home at" I as the scene 1‘ hen their dun marriage tn want". The People Must Have Clean Amusement Dr I)“ ‘I .. v 1 . an upl-i con}er t Thr- Silvm n n91: cecewu Ar service with Sutuxdav last 3 801931:szth the prize. ' ‘h ‘V'S that the Dir flesh-nu: ul'cur Lit The Constant Call Mwlht Pl [9 gm‘ ms. can away ll] The Rightful Winner. her p1 by SW b y mtinued fm- iLs psycholugi ml) the public. \Vilhpub 6 strain of war thwv fum e migle dean-lop a flame t mightuffuct the [Hawk m. The Uamzldiun Nutin n erk a Similar stand ’fa tu M iss Crysler---Sloan Ht News Notes. Mr. [291 lb ‘ Mt ‘3' n W {3" ' Leptxon wvimg abroad. 1 among the be an entirely congress nf m ‘ grand stand factions Llu'ou I u gnml Eronkey fm xeturned, ‘ivvd luck :iLhnuL an} Iztst it was L)l'Li( i‘he uï¬â€˜sx mme Lawre and Ill lHl 4†it the <, sup Ill allv l written mujm-ily (pared by Mr. of the nlinmity (On. lb mil (ILh ;t)m cl‘ pp'y n'h lll‘ I‘he liv of music was «me, Mr. Thum- Ldn upheld the 'Sâ€"in-cnunuil 0t arthenuthmily 1'1 that exvmpb di decided thnL snmr‘ kind was tho purple in Cnum'il for United State-s entertainment, »‘ psychological . \Villmub it Il‘ thwv fumed ‘ILt Ll)‘ lli My 0H Le Suc‘y (ll {5 out Igh l‘ I. wil n c- 1 d ‘llVE‘l xLin Jut- In [nut will hu :1- igzhter diâ€" new Mid- tm-taim'I-s Incl a, host {hunt the \f uh] dmnzu' mz-ld llllL “'0†Lnrn Ink nuttes‘ nment logical out it fumed ll)? of tale of ttimml' V w h w h I“ fthe (h mud le [It ‘Mr. Frank Converse Smith ‘ "mourn: OF THE VIOLIN \Vill be in Hichumnd Hill 'on Thulsdalys after September 1. 1916 PO. Box 436 CRO‘VNS A NI) BRIDGES Ofï¬ce located in Stunda Eng. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 Hnn. Graduate DPIILuI Surgeons Richmond Hill B. H. LASHER \Vill liichxnond Hill A. J. l1 L’ )[E alohmono H. A. NICHOLLS LIMISSI ummissioner. (.‘nnw Insurance, and Re Issuer of Marriage RICHMOND _ BILL NOTARY PUBLIC |nl 1391723 or MARRIAGE LICENSES undm Real E PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER isL and Ulwirmnster St. Paul's 'usl)ylerinn Chluch, Tm-onto ldllctol‘ York Choral Soqiety fol-pt a limited number of pupils 3 “nine studio, Richmond Hill EDWARD FRANCIS EARLE N E WTON PIANIST On NOTARY PUBLI nt [Single copies, 3 cts. CONVEYANCING h‘ndunle Royal Cnlle I‘HI nrth Yonge Street PINKERTON. V.S, La. Verne Pattison iug', ()nt Phone No UHSE ate 2e and influenc [fully solicited AND IHIM HY PUBLIC CONV rdvimer Buildin Son and Ins AUUTIONE )n veya n Hory Stoné JY()I\' .Iln tying P. 0. address urmleyrR.R. toner of >omessic M arbies ()E DENCE surance ‘4‘ \" Q 1). o v Works state nses ER. ETC. Hill at. th Musi rm and Suncoe etc 9 at and nto