émi ‘12 w 34%; PHONE 18 Screen Doors and Windows in all standard sizes also Screen .Wire in Widths from 18 to 42 inches. Easy to clean Economical on fuel and with a Perfection Oven 21 Perfect Baker. Call and see one in operation. Perfect in operation The Richmand H Insurance against tire Plate Glass against an 'tO px'ofccr to protect yourscl Fire When You Buy, Get The Best There is no other Oil Stove just'like the ' NEW PERFECTION If you wish a real (ll-ink try orangeade made from oranges, it is no more expensive than anv other drink you buy and much more wholesome. Squeeze the juice of one om nge it. should about half ï¬ll a glass, sweeten and ï¬ll with water. Glass squeezer made specially for this use'We can supply at 100. During these hot; days when cook- ing over mhot stove is a burden we can perhaps lessen the burden of the busv housewife through our Valencia C Jelly Rolls fresh. aris Green and Arsenate of Lead G. Savage & Sim Bodlev to protccp your buildings and their contents liability and loss of accident; or 1L Cherry niformlv GENERAL AGENTS whiclfmeans protection px'ofcct yourself from large doc time when out of cmplm mout sickness. RICHMOND HILL, ONT rui \Ke nd family and old age I Hamware 80. NORMAN BATTSI MANAGER 1n 1r Pure and Wholesome SUCCESSOR T0 0. A. MCDONALD S: SON theft, W. A. BUNCH Fresh Fruits Domestic and lumen bx‘ezlkages cen $( FOOD 1ents 011 lIs 1 Neatly Done at Promptly And Of all kinds Twelfth of July speeches will be more effective and influential when the speakers learn to DENOUNCE THE CONDUCT of Protestant pub- llc men rather than DISCUSS THE CREED of Roman Catholic public mamâ€"Evening Telegram. York (minty Council at; its last s‘t:ing adopred the principle of mis- ing mloneyl'or the British Red Cross this year by a tax rate of of a mill on the dollar over the whole county, which will give $45000. It was shown that some individuals and some municipalities have in past Vears been giving more than their share, and some much less. By an equalized tax-rate the rich man pays in pro- portion to his wealth, and the DOO!‘ portion to his wealth, and the poor mam also pays his proper share. ' Military Srrvice Act has timed, and knofty q lcoutinually cropping I Premier seems to think pormnt to be a: Lloy elbow \in time of war. prisoners so mt opinion is gener: the jlil farm 211‘ guests than crimi to say the prisone Vancouver \Vin n 1' Dear. '1 'uesd .1 y were on 1110! Printing where Tuesd THE UBERAL OFFECE secuon. A McNa‘ughton age, highly ship of Vaug 'in the leg another your from opposite ing quoits. ’ young men gentleman. t seem u from ï¬r law to Ill w 15 true W l I‘wo c W h gene: W 10‘ II 1i†ng a‘ lunish 565 N 1‘0 few man MISC :C K CX PM )I Me Nau ,VCE i6 )UUC 1n :tmen [01 in, and the ques- ; are must to wn 1r our im- and move I] V on 1‘6 D the Richmam Em £3,313.33}: C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill Harris Domestic Shortening 3m. in 1b. prints, 30c. lb. in pails month Maple Heat Lard 35c. lb. in prints, 33c. lb. in pails “The Liber Fresh Fisl Smoked, Boneless, Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon \V ed Also SWeet Pickled Bellies at the above price Butcher and Provision Dealer Canada Food Control License No. 9-6392 is now offering Subscribe F Sum lH‘ FURTHER INFORMA'IIUN WRITE OR SEE Smoked Picnic Hams For Sale on Easy Terms is 'â€" Agl-A p.111. \ulu nd r \d‘lv Jilding Lots on Yonge St, Be1m\.nt d Clarence Avenues. h Mackerel, Cod, Haddock, Salmon etc. (at popular prices) Head Cheese 20C. per lb. Pressed Beef 50c. per lb. Zooked Pork Ham 65C. per lb. ccaroni Cheese Loaf 35C. per lb Veal and Tongue 35c. per lb. AT TOM ALLISON’S OLD STAND M l1) Meetiz 450. per 1b. sliced e Garden Lands. IO Pickled Planic Hams 5 to 9 Rage Lots on Canadian Norther and Metropolitan Ry. Cooked Meats nth 1Ul'S at 420. per 1b. \Vhole or Half Belly 820.Der1b. 880. per 1b. . MANSBREDGE rm mun! 21E), J. T. LOCKE & C0, slab Mixed I. D. RATE 5 to C, lbs. (MIR 10 Adelaide St. E, Torontb good sup 1 Pastry F Also Cracked Com h a rd wo L VALUE ply of hemlock H tn 86d on hand lltr )I