Sara corns,hard corns.softcorns or any kind of a corn can shoruy be Hit ed ï¬ght out with the ï¬ngers ï¬ you win apply on the corn a few drops of treezoue. says a Cincinnati authorny. At little cost one can get a small botUe of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rld one's feet of every corn or cauus nï¬thout pain or soreness or the danger oiinfecuon. This new drug is an‘elher com- pound, and dries lhe moment 11 is ap- pï¬ed and does uotinflanie or even in ï¬tate the surPoundlng tissue. Just think! You can lift off your corn: and calluses now Without a bit of palmgr soreness} If your drugglsl hasnl freezoue he can easily get a small bot- tle for you from his wholesale drug house. ’ treezoue. says a Cincm At little cost one ca bottle of freezone at a which will positively rl every corn or callus “ sorenesa or the danger Where,$upplies Are Distributed to the Firing Line. - The S.S.O.'s car turns into the in“ way road leading tgmilhead, and is promptly halted by a vigilant Trafï¬c Control. A long column of A.S.C. wagons ï¬lls the road‘ . They are supply wagons of a dl‘vi- sional traln,‘waiting its turn to draw supplies from the pack-trains which arrive dajlv from the base, bringing They are supply wagons or a ain- sionai train,‘waiting its turn to draw supplies from the pack-trains which arrive daily from the base, bringing rations for man and beast. The senior supply ofï¬cer makes a short out across to the wilderness of aidings, tracks, stacks of stores: for- age. fuel, and salvage comprising an "advanced ra‘iihead.†The s.s‘.o. picks his way amid gangs of jabbering Chinamen. His ob- jectivé is a sandbagged hut bearing the sign “R.S.O." Besi'zie it is another, labelled “R.T.O." r The railway transport ofï¬cer sees to the traffic arrangements. The rail- head sumï¬y ofï¬cer takes over me sup- ply trams as they arrive, checking the contents and issuing them to the various divisions and units “feeding†0E his railhead. Each division has its senior ofï¬cer. whose job it Is to see that it receives all, if not more, than its lawful require- ments, to the last pint and pound. If any item of food or forage. is deï¬cient, it must be procued promptly else- where, from some reserve. -. The 5.80. returns to his wagons, now drawing up beside the pack-train. A word to the supply column supply ofï¬cer is all now that is necessary. SpaxP lorries are standing by for such emergencies. ‘ Each truck bears the identiï¬cation number of the division to which it is assigned. Ong truck o'r more is packâ€" ed tight with breadâ€"feighty loaves to a sack. Others are loaded with frozen beef or mutton. There are trucks of groceries, hay, cats: and‘ any, amount of sundries, down to fly~papers, woodâ€" preserving oil, and cigarettes. an, v'~, xznvunulnl, uv, uu, uuu .u. 5v, -v, Kn theol‘y, lorries only should be} . loading this bulk of stufl at rallhead, 42.1.2255: pgggihfo ’26:;556 Obtained conveying it forward to “reï¬lling V point," for shipment there into A.S.C. lggg tï¬zulacggï¬lCycgoagogsaéir'To? ‘I 'l â€" horse wagons. I But then in theory railhead should onto' Del)th always be some ten or ï¬fteen miles F'UES‘ ARE éAByvs Foss behind the ï¬ring-line. whereas this one IS scarcely ï¬ve. Next week, What is Direct Cause 3f Death of Thousands of more it is to’be pushed up closer still. (Lime Ones And then look out for shells! ‘ mun A“ :. .. .‘AIAHH_K_ 1:-“ .11 ALA “AT RAILHEAD" IN‘ WAR ZONE. WITH THE FINGERS! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN SuitsYour OwnTasie INSTANT Post ’V’ on can vary the strength of your : byusin either more 0 less of the powder to : the cup. A level leaspoonful : seems to please most people. : ADELICIOUS DRINK Mon: HEALTHFUL “(ARTEAOR COFFEE ISSUE No. 32â€"318 The well-cut separate waist and skirt are always appreciated by the womaan good taste. McCall Pat- tern No. 8401, Ladies’ Blouse. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 bust, No. 8433, Ladies’ Two or Three-Piece Skirt. In 7 sizes, 22 to 34 waist. Price, 20 ce‘nts each. Here is an especially attractive deâ€" sign for the popular pajamas. Mc- Call Pattern No. 8411, Ladies’ and Misses’ Pajamas. In 3 sizes, small, 32, 34; medium, 36, 88; and large, 40, 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Torâ€" onto, Dept. W. ‘ The fly is a relentless foe baby. On the hairy legs and sticky mouth parts these pests carry Idisease germs. If they get into baby’s milk, or light on the clean blottles or nipples or crawl over the child‘s hands or face they leave behind a trail of these i - fectious germs. Germs transmitted this manner are one of the important causes of “summer compaint†and the resultant deaths of thousands of babes ev'ery summer. A running of the howels,‘paruculax- 1y when accompanied by vomiting, should cause anxiety on the part 01 the parent. It is a particularly bad sign in hot weather. If, at any time, more especially during the summer. a. green watery stool appears, or as many as three watery movements ocr ‘cur during a day, can in your family physician at once. He is better able to, do something for the baby if called in early than it called in late. While waiting for him to come, give nothing but boiled water, property cooled. Keep the baby comfortable. Do not turn it into a. tireless cooker wlth. clothing that does not permit the body heat to escape. Colored Scavpngem. Paris streets have recently gained in picturesquenesa by the employment of colored scavengers. Ebony-hued Sen'egalese and copper-colored Arabs from ‘Alglers and Morocco, whose ter r8. cotta tezes contrast so deliciously with the pale blue soldiers’ uniform, clean, or affect to clean, metropolitan thoroughfares. In the boulevard there ls a glam negro, with the lordly gait of an African prince, who tralls his besom behind blm as majasucaly u it it were a peacock's feather fun. Two Popular Designs (9 Mean. of the Brothers in Arms. Upon these ï¬elds‘of Flanders and those ’plains of Italy, Brothers! At this dire moment there is waged titanic sh‘ife; Nearly 'every stream in Europe now runs red unto the sea, From hills,’ war-trainped, where free- dom is sore struggling for her life. And we were happy, happy lads at home but yesterday, - With bat and ball. with oar and rod, with song and feast and mirth; Wat’s challenge made'us men at once, ‘ and broke the charm of play, And here we’ll die ere freedom shall be driveï¬ from the earth. Think! Some will see the fourth Yule- tide dawn to the roar of guns; For all who lie neatll folded hills we cannot stop to Weep, ‘» And “reâ€"«Freedom’s last citadelâ€" must face the furious Buns: And on the frontiers of the world appointed vigils keep. Then, brothers, can you wonder that, in mud and rain we ask When, in the lull of ï¬ring, we wipe our smoky brow: _ \ . “O, ~where in all the future \will you ï¬nd a grander task, Where will a year of man’s short life count more man here and The Friendless Soldier. While mothers smile, who fain would wildly weep, And sweethearts kiss, in token troth he keep, « He leans against the stolid station wall Without, it seems, a single soul at all To hold his hand; to sorrow if he die! Dost mark his face? Then say to him good-bye] Ward's Llnlment Gue- Golds. 2m. When the curd: of cottage cheese refuse to‘ be anything but tough and lumpy, after they have been drained through a cheesedpth bag, try running them through the food chopper and see I come hogilig‘ht and delicate they be- HOW I)" ~â€"â€"A1exander Louis Fraser At the cost of a small jar or ordinary I cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful,1emon skin softener and complEXion beauti-l tier. by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. \ Care should be taken to strain the mite thréugh a ï¬ne cloth so no lemon"pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re- move such blemishes as freckles, salv lowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, wllitener and beautiï¬er. Just try it! .orohard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make ‘ up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag? rant lemon lotion and massage it daily ‘ tinto the face, neck. arms and hands. Get three ounces of ‘- VHVH “4....-.†“rue, .. -r___._c.. . tun'ny to help out in the present crisis ard many have volunteered to work on neighboring farms. for the rush per- iod. Every one that can do so is need el. for experienced men are at a pre~ minm. Their knowledge of_ how to do things would help to make. inexher- ienced men and boys efficient. i «one? ORDERS. , Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. If you Want to add piquancy to cot- tagel cheese, either purchased at the store or made‘ at home, add a few chopped-up cherries. Another Way of varying the flavor is to mix .in it tiny chopped onions. The largest food dishes in the world Were recenty bought off the Indians of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, for the Museum of the American Inâ€" dian, New York City. A These dishes were purchased from a tribe named Kwakiutls, which ‘in En- glish means “Smoke of the World.†They are used for special festivals when great numbers of Indians gather to celebrate some religious or ritual festival. The dishes are carved out of wood and stews and soups are brqught to boiling point by dropping hot stories into the food. Carvings at the ends represent the clan to which the dish Belonged 10 the Indians of Vancouver Island. LEMONS WHITEN AND Montreal, May 29th, '09. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N.S. ‘ Gentleménpnl beg to let, you know that I have used MxNAnD’S LINI; MENT for some time; and I ï¬nd It the best. I have ever used for the joints and muscles. The springing up of the community chorus here and there indicates clearly that music has passed the dilettante stage, And it is a healthy sign. The desire for expression must not be stifled, whatever its channel, and When that channel happens to be of a musi- cal nature, the need for facilities for further development and expansion becomes a question of individual atâ€" tention no longer, but a national issue. Particularly presing‘ is the want of music in the schools; and it is in this department that most harm may be wrought by ineflicient‘meth’ods, care- less tuition or mistaken ideals. With the developing of a scientiï¬c system of propaganda; much musical waste will be eliminated, many archaic rules discarded, and a promising course of countryside musical education pushed to a vigorous conclusion. Make this beauty lotion cheaply for your face. neck, arms and hands. South American Visitors. With a View to a greater inter- change of commerce between South America and Canada, Mr. E. W. LXoyd, New York [export manager of the Bri- tish ï¬rm of Frederick Huth and Com- pany, and Mr. Miguel A. Volcan, of Caracas. Venezuela, have been visit- ing the Canada Food Board. They have quantities or hides, tobacco, cof- fee and Cocoa for Which they want a Canadian market, while in return they need such commodities as! canned goods, maï¬i em. Iunud'u Eminent cue- Garret Ln Gown Paris To Eat Chestnut Loaf. IUU UHII l um um manouourm Dr. Labesse, professor in the medL but you can dean them off promptly with cal school at Angers, urges the use of . _..v V chestnuts in bread, says a Paris de~ spatch . - _ ' “minimizinusymoh. Chestnuts, which used to be sdld in profusion in the streets of Paris, have disappeared from the market, he points, out, and says a considerable saving in potatoes and wheat could be afl’ected by using/them in bread, according to a recipe which was de- monstrated before the Academy of Sciences as long ago as 1861. 7 'lnl-l‘d'l is marvémus to smogthen rough, d hands. Yours very truly, THOMAS J. HOGAN, The Champion Clog and Pedestal Dumber of Canada. “'ORLD'S LARGEST DISHES. HE‘S Music in the Schools. mm.“ Cure: Distemper. BEAUTIFY THE SKIN I w.r.vouuc.r.o.r..s1s Lyman: am. mmmt, Out. | Absorbluc and Absentâ€. J:â€" ua lulu In Canada. Retired Farmers’ Opportunity Many men living in town toâ€"day have spent most of busy lives on the farms. They have earned their re- tirement. But the need for savin the 1918 harvest is very great. R tired farmers have a splendid oppor- tunhy to help out in the present crisis ard many have volunteered to woz‘k on neighboring farms. for the rush per- iod. Every one that can do so is need e]. for experienced men are at a pre~ minm. Their knowledge of, how to do thimrs would help to make inexhem lenced men and boys efficient. If you want; to add piquancy to cot- tage‘ cheese, either purchased at the store or made' at home, add a few chopped-up cherries. Another way of varying the flavor is to mix ,in it tiny chopped onions. {Early éktin ones. R. A GENTS \VANTED~$1.000. YOU can make it in your county with our fast selling Combination Cooker. One salesman banks $388.55 the ï¬rst month. Another agent sells 20 In two hours. Olhers cleanmg up :10 daily. No,cap1- tal necessary. Goods Shlvped to reliable men on time. Territory going 'fast. erte quick to secure your ï¬eld. Com- blngtlon_Products (30.. Thomas Bldg. Uniâ€"rnâ€"ernal End extei‘mfl. curéd with; out pain by our home treatment. Writ. us beforp too late. D1: Bellman Medical Co†Limited. Colllngwobd Ont; ddnce’.†'wiu sell $2,000, Wé‘rtii'aoï¬bis that amount. Apply J. 3.. c/o Wllnoi Publrlgmng_c_q.;_ygutod. Tyronto. ‘ ELL EQUII’PED NEVVSPAPEB and Job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600. Wlll a) for 81.200 on quick sale. BOX» 69. ‘nson Pubnshin: Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. Mlnard'u Llnlment Gui-on Diphtheria. An elevator for the Alberta Paciï¬c Grain Company is being erected at Claresholm. YOU CAN’T BUT DUT ‘ EEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR sand in My 09.!rjq~_,0vmer saint,» E D . Pu: :hc antistpticliniment for mankind‘ reduces Varicose Veins, Rm)“:ch Muldu or Lit-menu. Enlugcd Glands Wm, cnu. Allu- Dlln gulckly- Prke 81.25 a bold. ll drunlm or chvucd. Sm‘hts Ind hulk Ill Inflammldom, wch u but acalds. blislus. can, boil). piles Ind Ibsccuu sold 101 our 25 ynu. All duqu or write as. “ HIRST REMEDY COMPANY. Hamlkon. Cauld‘ 3‘ §tsi§ ‘sik SN 6‘ The Magic Healing Ointmenï¬. \NCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETQ. EEKLY NEV‘VSPAPE DIG R E E l) NEVVF UNDLAND up‘hles. that noble b eed now so ' extinct‘ “'9 have some very ï¬ne R. A. Gillespie, Abbotsford. Que. and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove thq bait 8:50 pcr bugle, deliveryd, Will {ell you. more if K011 wrircl Book 4 R free. ABSO BINE3 AGENTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS le nucru‘ POE SAL]! A 806 SMVIH 0R THU ROUGHPIN