PHONE 18 Screen Doors and Windows 1n all standard Slzes also Screen ’Wire in Widths from 18 to 42 inches. Easy to clean Economical on fuel and with a Perfection Oven 21 Perfect Baker. Call and see one in operation. Perfect in operation ‘5' hâ€" The Richmond Hill Hardware 60. Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead Insurance which means protection. Automobile aga Plate Glass Accident to Fire Life to protect yourself and family and old age. When You Buy, Get The Best There is no other Oil Stove just like the We are offering a ï¬ne line of hotbouse tomatoes in two var 1cm 5, fresh daily, at: low prices. Are you one of the SRLlSï¬Pd cllstomers whom we supplied with strawberries, raspberries and cherries d uring the past; few weeks. If not leave your orders here for fruits as they come in season We buy only choice stock and hive a shipment; of blueberries due In arrive any day. Are you preparing for those fruitless days when the weathm‘ man says twenty below and nothing but prunes in sight ? NEW PER FECTION '. G. Savage & Son to protect. your buildings and their contents. liability. cut to promct yourself from large doctor bills and loss of time when out of empluymeum through accident or sickness. GENERAL AGENTS, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. against all kinds of breakages. ï¬re, theft, accidents and NORMAN BATTY MANAGER Pure and Wholesome successon T0 0. A. McDONALD & SON W. A. DUNCAN A NA DA b'uon Acense FOOD iNTROl To give such information is the purpose or a bulletin now presented to the farm public of Ontario by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, parliament Buildings, Toronto. Prac- tical information, as complete as posâ€" sible, and so arranged as to enable each reader to ï¬nd quickly the par- ticular problem he is most interested in, is given regarding every phase of the water question. To further as- sist those who may wish to make improvements or installations the authors of the bulletin will gladly give personal attention to any quesâ€" tion or problem which may be sent to them. The question of cost is important. Many ‘improvements may be made, however, such as safeguarding the well from pollution, install- ing a hydraulic ram, septic tank, gravity system, etc., which are not very expensive and when the farmer is able to do a good deal of the work himself the cost is reduced to a. point where thousands can afford the in- stalations. With a practical work- ing knowledge of the principles of farm water supply. water systems, equipage and sewage disposal few, indeed, who have impure Well water and are without household and stable Water conveniâ€" ences but can make improvements of a most beneï¬cial nature and at a cost which they can alford to expend. In the stable much the same con- ditions exist. The task of pumping water by hand for a. large number of live stock is slow and arduousâ€" wasteful or time and trying to the temper. And in cold, stormy weather the stock when driven to an outside tank or an iceocovered stream, will rarely drink sufllcient for their best performance or development. Water systems in each case pay their way in dollars as well as in conveni- ence, comfort and health. Where the household supply must be drawn from a well or a stream at some disrance from the dwelling the physical labor involved is great. It may be assumed that when no plumbing is installed an allowance of ten gallons per person per day for all purposes is necessary. With a, family of four someoneâ€"often the house- wife â€" must carry 400 pounds or water a, day, or over one ton a. week. The desirability and importance of an ample supply of pure water on every farm can hardly be over empha- sized. Perhaps more than any other food element it determines the healthy and robust development of the body. lnversely, deadly disease germs lurk in the impure waters of contaminated wells which may bring death with little warning into the family circle. Without great expense the water supply on the average farm may be so protected as to prevent contamination and it surely seems the part of wisdom in every case to ensure an abundant supply of pure Water for man and beast. To say that t' e riots in '1‘on ntr) last Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tues- day nights are a di~grace to the City is putting the case very mildly. We believe that almost everybody in the Province is doing his and her best [.0 help the returned soldiers who have risked their lives in protecting our lives and property. Yet on Friday evening a body of returned soldiers, assisted by a gang of unruly-charac~ ters, wrecked Willi stones and other weapons. more than a dozen restau- rants that‘were liscensed and kept by it is a pleasure to note the manly hearing and the courtesy of the Scouts, and their readiness always to ilu a l‘awur, or help another. \\ ithout. ihinking of any reward, other than the satisfaction that comes from the knowledge of having shown a kind- ness. A friendly rivalry exists a mung the buys, and friendships are {armed thit are lasting. Let us who are u‘lder give our help and our sympathv to the boys av'd‘cncuurage them Whenever and in whatever way We can. The scan! masters and their assistants will ul>0 be encouraged in their Wul‘k if they knew that the public is taking an interest in the welfare of the buvs. I BOY SCUU'l‘b‘ 'I‘u those of us who have witnnssed the activities of the Boy Seems there } comes the realization that something 1 has been missed in our lives. Hmv we would have enjoyed the camping, the hikes, the tests and the compe tilions if we had had the privilege in " our boy hoodidays True we often look back with pleasure to thuse happy d nys and think tenderly of the dear 1 old chums, but there seems to be more lpurpose; something that will be of lasting beneï¬t in the training thatthe boys now receive. Besides the fun and the sports and the useful knowledge I gained, the principles of truth, bra very and purity as represented by our grand old flag", are impressed up- on the youthful minds, ï¬tting them to better cope with the difï¬culties of later years. Rwanmxn HILL. ()x-r TH E TORONTO RIOTS (memences for Country AK Phone 77. Homemade, Brown, Sandwich and Mothers Bread Try a loafof our Wholewheat Bread. A variety of Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Cookies, baked and delivered daily. We are the only ones handling “Good Luck Flour†this is the best Family Flour on the market. If you miss our driver call us by Phone. Richmond. Hill Annex I BREEDERS ! for WM! traile stenngmphms and uflicv ussistnnh prnmpls us Lu contin- ue mn' \nnk thrnugh the summer mnnth. Enter any linw. Shaw’s Business Schools, Towmtu. Free cat,- ulugue. “'5 H. Shaw. Pres. ; llH'll' own mum» Mm nuke; an honest livelihood for themeclves and l their families. I The reason given was that a. re } turned soldier had been maltreated in )a Greek restaurant. If the charge were even true the wrecking of a ldozen restuarants in various parts of ‘ the city would be a miserable way to take revenge. The Toronto News, however, in reporting the incident said that the soldier was taken to the General Hospital, but beingsm unruly there, he was removed to the Police station, and the next dav was ï¬ned .for being,r drunk. C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill pivnic at. the Al-lu-y Farm. Lauigsmfl’. Th!- gunzes in the early putt Hf the evening were exciting. pm-Iivulnn ly tln- lug~~f~wur whir'h Was Won ln_v 'l‘hm'n- hill, from Richumml llill. Thvliveculf was Wull by Mrs. Buisy“ of Tumnto, the cut glass jug by Mr. ll. Hm-un. of Thnrnhill. mud lhre-e pedim-«wd chickens by Mr. Mquillnn. hf Elgin Mills. The annual ewvnt Hidz'd with a dance. Althuugh Sutmdny evening \vn little chilly for the ice cream and 1 drinks the crmvd was large and I-ecvipls lm-gm- than last yt-nl' at. H pirnic at. the- Al-lu-y Farm. Lungst vn. a great convenience for transporting their Cattle, Hogs and Sheep capacity three ton. Exhibiting at Toronto will ï¬nd our TRUCK SERVYCE OLIVER AND HICK Excursion Dates from HELP SAVE WESTERN CROP 20.000 Farm Laborers Wanted Lv. 10.05 am. Aug. 20; and 11.10 pm. Aug. 22 and 29 Through tickets by all linesl Further particulars from your nearest (LNJ Agent, or write General Passenger Dept, 68 King St. E., Toronto, On Special Train Service: Plus half a. cent per mile beyond. Returning, half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00. Comfortable Through Trains. Lunch Service at moderate prices, Special Accommodation for \Vomen and a Surm'c Route by C.N.R The Constant Call RICHMOND HILL FOR FURTHER 'NFORMA’IION WRITE OR SEE Picnic at Abbey Farm Richmqnd “Hill, Bakery Building Lots on Yonge St., Belant and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. $12 to Winnipeg Acre Garden Lands. “'(fl'l For Sale on Easy Terms Ask {or "Harvesten’ Work and Wages" Leaflet Richmond Hill Aug. 20, ’22 & 29 A. A. EDEN License No. 5-1567 Hlld the J. T. LOCKE & CC., Camp Elgin, _S.O.S.â€"Meets 2nd and Victoria [1.0. L. 2368 â€"Mects 4th \Vod- nesdny of each month. Court Richmond, A.O.F.â€"Meets 4th Fliduy. I.O.F.â€"Meets 3rd Thursday of every month. Methndist Churchâ€"Sm \‘lCé‘S at 11 mm. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 2.3“. Gelwml Praym' Meehng Thursday evvning. Epwmih Leagueâ€"Meets every ~Mnn‘ .duy at. 8 p. n). Presbyterian Yvung Ppnple’s Societyâ€" Meets every Thursng at 8 p.m. Village Council â€" Meets every 2nd Roman Catholic Chm-ch â€" Services on ulIm-nate Sundays at 8.45 mm. and 10.30 mm. Chm-ch of England â€"Sorvices at 11 mm. and '7 Jun. Huly Communiun nnlhe lst Sunday in the month at 11 mm. and on nthm Sunduvs at I’reshytm‘iun Church â€"~ Services at ll a.In. and 1pm]. Sunday School at 2:45. Prayer Meeting l‘hursdzlv eve- 4L5 VVe-klnesdny. ‘l‘ln- t‘ll.pl1l)(‘b and their friends vu- juyr-rl ideal wmlluâ€"r frr Lln-ir annual picnic held nannd Luke lust'l‘hursdny afternoon and evening. A gond pmâ€" grumniv uf gmnus. including racing. Lug-ufâ€"wnr. hum-hull etc wus carried out in the afternoon, and in the even- ing dancing was indulged in. in the pavilion. The lnnchwm which was in chal'gv of Mrs Chutterly gave the best Of satisfaction. 8 ;l.ln. Sunduy Class :1! 3 n'clnck. ning. 10 Adelaide St. E. Toronto Village Directory m. and nnâ€"nthm Sundays at Sunduy School and Bible Emphyes’ Picnic