ted floor with pain just below to catch water which is disposed of mail, through I drain. This at- rangement provides a natural means tor the cold air to drop down to the floor, eocape into the cooling room proper and for the warm air to pass up over the partition to the ice, So long as this bunker is kept supplied with ice there will be a natUraJ flow 0! cold air through the storage room. It the room be well insulated it should be possible to maintain a tem- perature of about 40 deg. Fahrenheit andatalrly dryatmosphere. Those de< airing plans for constructing the type just outlined or any other type may receive them free of charge by comâ€" municating with the writer. Inform- ation and assistance will be freelyl goven to all applicants. Write us.â€" IL R. Grahm, B.S.A., Ontario Agricul» tural College, Guelph. OR SALEâ€"Ray Maw. age 11. weight [300. Hemy Mtyle, Richmond Hill. 4â€"4 OR. SALEâ€"Cnm‘m-d Pns‘l Ofï¬ce and store prune: ly; :nlsn Stuck and ï¬xtures. Apply B. Ht’iae, Cun- cmd, Om. 42M. 1. on ï¬rst ('Ius‘s farm [)1-1 Enquire at [he Libs-ml ut’ï¬ve. The particular name or this sys- tem is the Bunker system. It con- sists of a small room a few feet square with a bunker or box or rack st one side tor holding the cakes or ice. It is separated from the room by & partition which is kept a few inches oil the floor and likewise tram the ceiling. The bunker has a. slat- ‘ AFE FOR SALE~GHIdiv and MC- _ Culluch (mt‘si'lv scands 40 inch and 30 x 30. inside 2†inclws high and )2 x 15 price $10â€: Sullw can he SHâ€"‘ll at Robert Cook's. King VilhlgP. ' ‘ARM T0 RENTâ€"Near St. John's Church. Oak Ridges. Yungo SL. 50 acres. Apply on the premises. Mrs. L( mas. 5-4 {OR SALEâ€"4 Choice 2 year old , HvifH-s. Apply'J. Punill. Ln! 27. Can. 2. Vaughan. 5 2 OR SALEâ€"A gnod wnv-k hurse Apply East half Lot 13. Gun. 2, Mmkhrm. H. Hyland. 5â€": There are many ways of providing a. small cold storage on the farm, but with the exception of very large fruit or dairy farms. the same principle applies to all, namely, that ice is used as the mean; of cooling. The method‘ol applying the ice to the best advantage constitutes the prob- lem in each individual case. This is why no one system can be recom- mended tor all cases. it is my inten- tion to describe briefly below one type which should give good service in many hrm homes. COLD storage is a room or building, depending upon the size. cooled by ice or by some mechanical means In short, it is a place for keeping food products cool in the hot weather. Since the farms produce the food and since the cooling of it should be done quickly and immediately after its production, say milk for example, in order to keep it in good condition as long as possible, would it not seem good business and economy to have the cold storage on the farm? This applies to our farms particularly since they produce such very perâ€" ishable products as milk, butter, eg'gs, fruit and meat. lf there was no other advantage in having cold storage on the farm than that it pro Vides a place in which to keep the daily vicluals cool and sweet, there would seem to be. a good reason for inguding it in the farm equipment. 19.. Richm'trnd Hill rm'ckéris. Bl't-(Ikside fAN'I‘ED~A \A r dqg. A Appl} Simple and Efï¬cient Running Water Systems for the Farmâ€"Ho“ Full Directions Regmding Equipment and Installation May Be Scrured. (Conttibuted by Ont-«Ho lieputlmem 0! Agriculture. Toronto.) WAS hurm-d U the- gn- about. 6 u'clm-k. ngkll his impleuwuts and I this season's huy crup. Severn] nthers were in the ï¬le lu-ukp nut. m SIVP llu- slm k. TIN is nut Knmvn, SmalL Efficient Plant Does Not Cost Much. FARM GOLD STQBAGE FOR SALEâ€"F old. Apply‘ Mr. C ONEY 'I‘U LOANâ€"$1.0m) ’l I‘BUI'I m-d [ l hon-s». 1 rung: Apply Brick Rund. Stup 51.5 ‘ TOR SALEâ€" A numln-I ant :DAA gnnd “uni.- AppIy _§:_hi:|i1(tlly*. Cam Burned Smith’s bmn at Edgelev the gn'und last evening k. Luge-lbw with must of ‘11 sh milk cow. 4 wars M. Stung. Lmsingï¬ 1 md Ads MI lht’ \':\[)gp 1 llllllllflfl' of Cut Ulgl‘. :ahle I'P u (If ll usun's Smith [he Wu 1 ch- Tenln‘ 6-2 e \\'h( «Me I -pmly 5u-t. f and and ill) (-n m Farmers. in soliciting your sales. I do so. not. with a. View of beating any other man out of them. but be- cause it is my special pl ufessinn. Hav- ing been :1 farmer fur ems. knnwing stuck and values. (so-age nr pedigreed) knowing how to desenihe stock and values. having conducted many hun- dred farm and. stock sales. having madea. world‘s record. and having "given to the world its greatest nuc- tion work." I canâ€"and I submit grounds for the clailnrget you more. money from 1: sale than any nther man in the business. Yum Sale is dollars to you. “'hy not get the must of them? \Vrite or see me. J. R. LONG. Auction Specialist, 599. Yunye St. Toronto. Cockshutt Farm Implements A new well ï¬nished brick venera- dwelling on Markham Road at a bargain. A very comfortable house on Centre Street good sized lot. A vacant lot nn :hp North Sid» “f Centre St. Just. VH-y desirable. A guod house, stable, chickPn house. orchard. etc†just the spun for u retired furnwr at Victoria Square. A gl'ealgan-gain for it quick sale. One and a half acres with n tidy little huuse and outbuildings on the corner of Mill and Lucas Sts. Three good farms in Markhmn Township and Sevm'ul in Vaugth \Vill be able to please you. Several Thousands of Dollars to loan on First Mortgage on Farm Propelty. mun Tabulea cure 612mm. H. A. Nicholls REAL ESTATE I’OR SAIJIEI Auction Sales Cartage Service to and from Toronto Let us fix you up on the SULKY PLOW or GASOLINE ENGINE proposition this week Season Coming Cars and Farmers Trucks Loudens Stable Fittings and Carriers Renfrew Standard Cream Separators brick clad \Vest with PHONE ll OLIVER 85 HECK To PATENT anal him may be seems! by our aid. Addresi. 1|" °"ENT RECORD, Puï¬morï¬g Id A good supply of hemlock slabs, and hardw0od on hand. dâ€uhIe-tread lire stitching wmk. A large stock of parts always on band; also all kinds and sizes of tires l1nd alccessm-ies. Free air ser- vice supplied here, so why hreak your buck pumping tires by lmnd. Excelsior Motorcycle Agkncy: sm- Linnary engine work; storage hai- leries recharged; biuyclrs repaired. ROBINSON BLOCK, YONGE STR} PHONE N0. 68 Expert on :I†kinds of motor re- pairs. High-class vulcunrizing with Mixed Grain for Poultry in Pastry Flour A quantity of Feed Corn Also Cracked Corn I. D. RAMER SPEBIAL VALUE (‘amnda and Unnlro] License 99%;;21; Richmond Hill Garage and Machine Shop We keep a full line of repairs Made in Windsor, Ontario No. 9â€"7448 L. Curtis DO IT NOW an/ "0“ u 2/ @anrzp/w’tn :1 ‘ HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS EET RICHMOND HILL, ONT. *W+W+++++H+MQ inlaid-+1". Him-Pf-r-r-r-I-hé‘f I. E. HAND, RICHMOND :H'ILL BRANCH Herd sire. AVONDALE PONTIAC EUHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the wr‘rld’s best record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter, 41 lbs. Only one other 41-"). bull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes Neatly ï¬fty daughters nf « 33.31-lh sun of the great KING SEGIS. hinlher tn the sires of three wnrld's recmd cowsâ€"mature 50.68, Sr. Lyinnld 46.84. Jr. 4-yr.-nld lhs. Juniur held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA. a half brother to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. nut nf :. 301m. Segis cmv. He is fur sale. If this cmnhinutinn of breeding interests you, Write for prices on either mule or females. FARM A'r STOP 55. YuNHE ST. RADIAL The Liberal $1.50 a year in advance I‘T'D 1.13 gram/e . Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 210 STANDARD BANK 91/4 OF CANADA HEAD‘OPFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS The Next Sitting of Divmon Uourt No. 3, County of York will be held in the Court Room. Tuesday August 13, 19I8 Division Court Cummencinz at 9.45 u.m. RICHMOND HILL THE T. F. MCMAHON CLERK * Manuel: 239