Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jan 1919, p. 8

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Curative treatment is omen in- eflective.\Tbe following has probably gi-ven better results than any other, '11.: Mix part formalin with 15 parts new milk and mix a leaspooniul of this with each Dart of milk consumed Treatment.â€"â€"â€"Preventive treatment consists in preventing the cause. When We know that the entrance in- to the circulation of a germ causes the trouble, its entrance must be pre~ vented in order that We may .be sucâ€" cessful. The building in which the cow is expected to bring forth young. and especially the stall..shou1d be thoroughly disinfected. This may be done by sweeping and dusting thor« oughly. and following by a thorough washing or scrubbing with a hot five per cent. solution of carbolic acid or one of the coal tar antisceptics, or a thorough coat of hot lime wash with five per cent. crude carbolic acid. The stall should be cleaned out daily and a little slacked lime spread upon the floor each time before supplying fresh bedding. The attendant should have a quantity of a good strong dis- intectant on hand. as one of the solar tions above mentioned or a solution of corrosive sublimate. 30 grams it) a pint of Water. The writer prefers the latter. The navel or the cult should be freely dressed with this as soon as possible after birth, and Sew eral times daily afterwards until thoroughly healed. It is caused by a specific germ that gains entrance to the circulation. generally by the navel opening. It generally occurs as an epidemic in certain stables or certain localities, land as it is often fatal, causes great ‘loss to the breeder. I The cause and results strongly i‘e- sexnble those of joint ill or navel ill ‘in foals. The virus which causes the Ltroluble exists in the stable or in the 1102 . ‘ Symptomsâ€"At a variable time af- ter birth. in some cases a few hours and in others a few days, the young animal sufl'ers from an attack of acute diarrhoea, the symptoms cf which do not differ markedly from ordinary diarrhoea. except {mm the fact that they seldom yield readily to treatment. The patient refuses to nursé or partake of nourishment, persists and death soon results. known not 1m owners for it. Sll‘ip[, "milk ing ll 2. 'Where hand-milkel's be had, and where iL me all, or part of the Herd, thg difficulty in getting milked. his 1 hand in 7111- answer to the‘qnestim ,"will it pay to buy.a milking machine? We would answer under the {Show- ing conditions: 1. Where a ‘hérd 01' twenty or more milking cows are kept, though we were in a. stable recently where a man was using a machine to. milk eight cows, and he considered that it paid him. 2. 'Where hand-milkei's .11‘9 not !0 13 even more imporlanl‘ have the test of actual ram mud The advertising colunms)o[ th‘ cultural press contain themm the lea‘ding makes 01‘ machines can now be purchased by producers: ‘ "fool-proof," they have stage of perfecQ'on where he recommended to the m in need of help at mi) There are several machim the market which have pm more or less Sucpe‘ssfu! in 2 at Experimental Stations, is even more important. I T,is clear that if dairying is to develop as it ought to do in the Province of Ontario, more labm is needed on dairy farms. As the M supply of labor is limited, cowâ€"{arm- A FeW Very Simple Rules for us are turning their attention to the Economical Feeding mechanical milkei- as an aid in tit“ ' biggeSt 10b 011 a farm Where “lilk' .\ Profitable and Efficient Ration for cows are kept. namely. that 01‘ Wor'k Horses When Fall “'nrk milking Closesâ€"-H0w to Feed Roughage Past; the Experimental Stage. to Live Stock to B“st Advantage. While it is true that nwt‘hanical milkers are not yet pert‘ectml, and possibly will never be ah:;ul‘tlt-'I)’ _ (Contributed by Ontario Dwmrtment of Agriculture, Thi‘ulllt).) The Cause and Cure of Diarrhoea In Calves â€" Simple and Common- sense Methods of Treatment May Save Valuable Young Animals. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) When It is Advisable to Invest in Milking Machines. USING MILKENG DEVICES fifi‘ki-i??? Infections Diarrhoea In (hives. A form of diarrhoea in calves, {OWD as "Infectious Diarrhoea," is It uncommon in calves, and the (Mrs are often at a loss to account of PD the m )roughly 111 he here ius Line. Lfter lhc out Clea Jl El. man ( L 011111“. [Hall zchi 30.11. ' 1]) ill] )l ‘arn condilio nus of the 11g 11 the names :ently ’where n achine to. milk nsidercd that it milkingâ€"Linn hiues now em 011 or the calf with this as 'th, and Se"- avards dam W 0 m. It mus ad the milk on of clum- dissolved i1 to mere 0, beca 9.11 amuse of the cows must 1: to insul <ot mu will give 1} uion : not selli ‘x‘der nust hi ilk bk Q Vie gl} 1 . O " 910C, “ B um of Lett 3r Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Statements Envelepes IllVli‘ilfiOl‘iS Visiting Cards \«iemorml Cards Programmes Butter Wrappers Sale Bills all sizes Concert Bills etc. We Print make money." This may not be a high ideal for farmers or anyone else, but. nevertheless it is a very necessary part in the lives of most farmers. The chief value of winter dairying from an economical viewpoint is, that prices for milk, butter and cheese are always greater in winter NE great lesson which is be- ing impressed On the people of Canada at the present time, and which cannot be emphasized too much is the need for thrift or economy. In his connection those in authority 0 "ht to set a worthy example'to whgt Lincoln call< ed "the Common People," of Whom he is reported- to have said, “‘The Lox‘d‘must have loved them, because he made so many." Farmers farm, “not for fun” as a man said to me one time, "but to make money." This may not be a high ideal for farmers or anyone else, but nevertheless it is a very necessary A Profitable and Efficient Ration for “’ofik Horses When Fall “'nrk Closesâ€"-H0w to Feed Roughage t0 LiVeStock to Bvst Advantage. (Contributed by Ontario DPpartment o! milk and given as a l attendant estimating abou it should gel. When tln nurse Lhe dam it is we udder . cl teats with the fore th calf nurses and 0: daily for a week or so When this is done the p be allowed to dry, and tl rubbed with a dry cloth calf is allowed to nurse;- Ontario Agricultural Collc Pays To Get Your Print- ing Done At [He can. When we can I: uu mt. esximating abo 11d gel. When tt we damn it is w (1 19:11.3 with the calf nurses and ( or a week or so this is done the with 39 FATEH nmv h.- Em idea {is ml it is well to wash 11.5 with the solution bC< nurses and once or twice veek or so afterwards. done the parts should » dry, and then be well a dry cloth before the quantity of the‘ dam W‘ °“‘ENT RECORD. Qalomqre tin .ting about how mm When the calf is I ur ui‘ T 8an ma: E winter, is that this the extra more than \ nu wealth lam-n5 Auur‘ cunt". by Address. -â€"J. H. R., ge, Guelph. 'im Mixed Feed for Poultry at $3.60 cwt. Purnia Scratch Feed $4.15 cwt. Oil Cake Meal $3 80 Monarch Calf Meal 25 lb. bag $135 Carload of White Shorts to arrive any time at $44.00 by the ton Dairy and Barrel Salt Sampson and Dairy Feed Purity and Pastry Flour Soft and Buckwheat Coal and Coke on hand \Vislling all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year (30 inches in length.) Also Cement, Brick. Sand and Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. > “TheanIe Sand, Gravel and Brick Cmnpany Ltd. have on hand for sale- Cement; drain Lile, 3, 4, 5, (S and 8 in‘ Culvert tile 12, 15, 18 and ‘20 incl” Sand, Gravel. ' Tile and Brick The Old Reliuhlv Fonthill Nunsmies Established 1837 Sneciat Attention Muk? m (Inning [hr by awning Largest Ii-t nf Fruit mental Stuck, .9de P0 gruwn lu (‘zumdm 107 :u-w farm on 2nd Vaughan. Brir‘k hnnse, gum] outbuildings, ~1- :url'P m-chmd, uhnndmll\vnlr-r, and “Isl Mass 1.1m}. easy [ht-HIS. Money tnlmm un h'x-SL mm tgnge nn ixl-m prupvx 1 y. “litish and European markets will lw «mm: nguin fur (‘nmulizm Fruit and nuw is .‘iw [inw [u mdvr f1 1- .pl-ing plunling." The Ont from H in! Sq} qul In I'mlnn 1nd d1 N‘)T!CE OF APPLICATION FGR DIVORCE. hotne- on (‘w‘n gum} silt-(I 1M 15! He Hn-‘L i wvllin; .mrgnin [1. A . Niel: 0119; R EA L ESTA’I‘E Farmers Attention I:'()l{ D A '1‘! Hardv Canadian Nursery Stock. STONE & WELLINGTON NOT“ 0 n Division Court IIU 1m]! v i mu DUCK" LAN I 17 Qnm-n SI! Sulicitms fwl Ruse- Hirsl. 11'!“ Next Sitting uf Diwsmn Umn't . 3, 7ountyof Ym-k will he held in the Com-t Room. RICHMOND HILL HIH'IH “'u'u- Suit (lllllllf‘llf‘lh 1h (‘1 hvr hm (if the r huuse nvlired mmwv (vd 11mm \wlmrd. llu-I day, ]_anuary I) at, 13.11 (1 TORL NTO, ONT. III Fail and \\ int-w mnnl hs (In [ht cnnlml'tuble Pntl't‘ Slice! t'” finishml‘hlil )1 Markham R llw um Unlul it half mm M i H ]\\( nf Fruit, and ()l'llil- vad Potsltm-s, vtu., ~ON 1 T. COUSINS in ynm' spa,”- tinw n-nwr :It Vic“ mt lmrguin fm 1’1 ( 1' Hal Ll the Applicant Ill uutwvf acres with :1 tidy unthuildings on and Lucas SIS. the "(will sidtfnf VM y (lt‘simlflt'. (‘ily zl (-ulul IBSUN MAHON at 9.4 *l‘ l: just UK (I 'J'hnm and Manager Maple \Vest with \ PMIIH'I (H I'll rpm u] n! “l 1919 ulqu-n' Div put; n in Leslit 1918 ’On every Loaf by purchasing $1.00 womb of tickets. \Ve have just recewed another shipmentof Gdod Luck Family Flour. Phone 7 313mm Annex Phones No. 6-8-5 HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS Motorize all your work. Raise Barger creps by Motor Farming and save expense. The Avery Motor, the finest power plant on wheels, mounted on a sliding frame burns Kerosene. AVERY TRACTORS LEAD. They are the only make of Tractors builtin five sizes of the same standardized design. There’s a Size for EVERY SIZE Farm and EVERY KIND of Work. Preparing the Seed Bed, Handling the Grain Crop, Handling the Corn Crop and Miscellaneous Crops and Hauling. , FIELD WORK BELT WORK ROAD WORK The TRACTOR is helping the farmer to raise more food in less time with less labor and expense than he could do it with horses_ C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill Q. W. Burnabg ~ Jeffersnn, 0m. lhs. broth ll) L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Also Bran and EST’D1973 Ilt AVERY TRACTOR AVERIZE ALL of your WORK. Demonstration any time. luni FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMA'IION VV'RITE OR SEE Save 2 Cents d Uunudi ulu. 0m- n vitlwr m Trackage Lots on Canadian Norther Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Ybnge Sh, Belmx and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Land AVONILAL} 10. If [his (:1 For Sale- on Eas Terms 3’ BUY THE BEST Canada Food Board Baker’s License 5-1567 .\RM L, w. CURTIS, Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 910 A. A. EDEN :3 Shorts for sale. STANDAR BANK Ill AT 5T0; [’UN mluiu KIM (‘IH ‘ \vrl-ld's In st lmruld (-vw for milk prndm ’1' hnttvl', 41 lbs. Only one- other 41-“).1)“ hundn-d iuvludt-s m-mly fihy daughiers ( [NU HEGIS. hmlhe-r Ln the silvs- ef [LU'I’ 311.118, M; 4-ylu-nld 46.84. Jr. 4â€"v1u-uld 40.11 {U AEGIS [’UNTI NTIAU ECHO, nut PONTI AC E( :H() (under OF CANADA HEAD OFF|CE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS J. T. LOCKE 8: CC., Yuqu ST. hum-u rm'dil THE Agent RICHMOND HILL 10 Adelaide St. E, Tcrcnw int “LS-L Jr. Lyin- Ai} CANADA (if :. 301%. 3+ 2N Cl old 470‘ . u h Manager

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