satisfactory fot‘ early flowering. The colored Roman Hyacinlhs are not us good. and do not flower as early as rthfe White Romans. The loose growâ€" ling. richly perfumed flowers of the White Romans are very pretty and ac‘ceptablem’l‘he‘l’aper White Narcis- sus can also be had in flower early. French grown bulbs of the Trumpet Major Narcissus can also he had in, flower in the window before Chl‘isl- "n'as by pottingvthe bulbs toward the end at September. or not later than :he end of October. All of these bule can usually be had early in October at seed stores. Pot the bulbs in rath- er sandy potting soil as soon as the bulbs can be obtained. The sell should not batoo rich in fertilizers. Three or four bulbs can be put in a ï¬ve-inch pot: The top of the bulbs should be just under the surface 0! the soil when’potted. The surface of the soil should be about half an inch below the top of the pot for water space. Water the bulbs Well as soon as potted and set the pots away in a cool. dark place in a dark cellar or cupboard until roots have well start- ed, usually for about four or live weeks. When roots are well started, and possibly showing through the hole in the bottom of the flower pot. they should be brought into the win- dow to flower. Keep the soil well moist, not too wet. until they are through flowering. Dutch Hyacimhs and many other varieties of Norms- sus (Daï¬odils). Tulips and Freesius can be Dotted in October or Novem- Whatever is fed ‘ and it is not new than a quarter Llu the horses are :1! ed‘ plenty of goo -â€"Prof. Wade Tm tural College. Cl horses are led straw m ‘ a. small grain ration is keep them from losing few roots are beneï¬cial, cumrp Once a. uay or 'n will be found to aid (11' hay is not plentiful sn- substituted at the noox roots given with it. In make the morning and smaller than the night about as much at night a: other feeds. Idle llOl'St: WE The Proper Ration for Horses “st1 the Fall “'ork Closes. 6. Feed only what is eaten up clean and quickly at each feed. 7. Have clean tresh water belore the stock at all times. 8. Study the individuality of each 9. Feed mixtures where possible. as a. variety of. food is more palat- able, and palatability is a factor in digestibility. 10. Cut feed to avoid waste. 1]. Make a wide use of oats whirli should form the basis of all our grain rations. animal 14. See that the s1ock gem re and sufï¬cient exercise. Simple Rules for Economical Feeding. "I. Grow as much of your own feed as possible. 2-. Utilize roughages to the great- est degree possible. '3. Keep feeding stalls and pens well lighted, dry, clean and well ventilated. 12. Always be kind and quiet with the stock. It pays. V 13. Study market values of feed. and compound balanced rations acâ€" cordingly, in order that the cheapest available be used. 15. Keep all feeding troughs. man- gers and utensils clean.â€"~Prof, Wudt: I‘oole, Ontario Agricultural Collegm Guelph. ually the] ed 1 3! 4. Feed regularly. 5. Make changes in rations grad- bulbs. C kinds or 1 fl01ver Roman Ls; Idl( times (1‘ lil int known or these n' varieli Amon Hyacintl early 00 ong the best ki flowering are a own by florists ll‘l)‘ elpll mount used ard work p hay is avai I)". If any ke it rolle< my 10 give Ontario .ober or Nove will flower un in the nths : “in! 3n féed and , feeding hay noon mlior feed, giving as at Hm twc or the idle small, but if . place of hay ; required m I in flesh. A gestion that l'_\"0 ted sxaruau, ugh the k wer pot, ( the win- ;oil well .hey are yaciuths y I NarciS< Freesius I Novem" ' rer until ould 9 only 13’ inter 1n gulaz‘ T h ‘WTS. Pï¬nt Letter Heads Note Heads gBill Heads )Statements iEnvekmeg lInvitatiOns Visiting Cards Memorial Cards i Programmes ‘Butter ‘Wrappers .8316 EMS all sizes \Conceri Bills etc. Repairs to roads should be made when needed, and not once a. year after crops are laid by. When the soil is moist. but not sticky, the drag does the best work. The road will bake if the drag is used on it when it is wet. ning mill IS I11 lower sieve ha of the smallex removed. Well cleane‘ is not only ‘ other seedS. These two farm operations may be accomplished at the same time and by the same means. The fanning mill is the most successful medium in ob~ taining this result and too much im- portance cannot be placed on the use of this machine. The successful oper- ation of the fanning mill depends on two factors. that of wind blast and the use of sieves. The removal of light or interior grain and the small- er and lighter weed seeds is almost wholly dependent on the wind blast. It. also assists the sieves because it removes part of the. grain which would otherwise have to pass through them and it prevents clogging in the sieVes by light seed. The two most important sieves are those of the top and bottom. The top sieve should be just large enough to let the grain pass through and keep back the larg- er impurities. The bottom sieve should be of just sufï¬cient size to keep back the good seed. ‘ The utility of many fanning mills is impaired by the owner not possess- ing a full assortment, of sieves and by his using poorly-ï¬tting sieves, which allow weed seeds and grain to lodge in the mill. The efï¬ciency of many fanning mills too is often lessened by the operator being in too much of a hurry.†To obtain the best results, grain should pass slowly over the lower sieve. When the fanâ€" ning mill is turned too rapidly or the lower sieve has too much slope. many other seeds. d larger in size, 1‘ weighs heavie1 Glorie de Lorraine, type of Begonias. are suitable for Christmas, as Well as the dwarf Semperflorens type of l‘e~ gonia that flower so profusely either in the window in winter or out of doors in the summeri Late flowerlng Chrysanthemums are also good for early winter decoration. All of these last named plants have to be grown expressly for the window or purchas- ed from a florist. The bulbs named as suitable for early flowering can be grown with very little trouble and expense by any one who tubes an in- terest in flowers and in flower grow- ing. No plants or flowers give more satisfaction in winter than do the winter flowering bulbs before named. Bulbs of these can be started in deep saucers or soup plates in Octo- bet for early flowering.‘ Set the bulbs ï¬rmly in the saucer and then ï¬ll the saucer or dish with ï¬ne gravel stones, so as to almost cover‘ the bulbs. Fill the saucer up with water and set them away in a dark, cool place, as mentioned before, {or about three weeks, until roots Lave well started, when they can be brought in- to the window to flower. These will flower in December. Keep the sau- cers ï¬lled up with water as required. Callas, Epiphyllum or Xmas Cac- tus, Cyclamen, Primulas, several varieties of Begonia. especially the Cleaning and Grading Grain. THE LIBE n p RALGFFICE ' I. D. RAMER use. -â€" D1 ricultuml perator being in y." To obtain the mould pass slowly 9. When the fan- too rapidly or the much slope, many .lnities will not be LU “Inca. Collége. h†To all who have shown such consideration during the recent coal shortage, we wish to‘ express our sincere grati- tude and would say that we are in a position to take care of any demand of, Culvert tile 1 Tuesday, Februar) Sam, Gravel. Tile and Brick NOTICE OF APPL'CATION FOR DIVORCE. NOTICE is hr‘n hv given that, Ros? Hit-st. )[nnivd “‘umun. uf the City of l‘ummn. in the (7nnnlvuf Yul-k. in the "IUViIH‘P Hf ()mmin, \\'ill:\pp1_v\ufl\e l’mlixuwnl of Cnmidu. :u. lhv next ws~iun [ht-lent, fur :1 Bl“ of Divmce {lulu lwr lmshund. Thunms lmslio “ile of llw suitl (‘ily nf 'I‘M'nntn. I‘muuslm, on tho gwuud (If «(lulu-1y :Ill'] desm-linn. Nulicv ie hmvhy gin-n that George hvinv Tuck, uf the (‘My of Tnnmm, in the Uuunl y of ank, in llw Provinm‘ uf ()utnrin, School Teacher, wiH apply In the pul-limnent, of (Humid): :It the nvxl, smsiun lhmvuf fur :1 Bill of Di- rm m- fruln his \\ if». Edna Mal-iv Turk Hf. [hl‘ City Of Dl‘ll‘nit. ilu the Shula of Mir-higun. Muni‘ d \me-n. vn lhv The \U'IICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. DATED :IL Tmnntu, 'vainov of )nlnr'lu. 18111 d:l_\' hf Nnvf-lnlu‘l'. 1913. l‘ln- Old Rviinldu ni ‘n ‘HIM Stuck, zr.>\vn1uCzum \V‘ishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year I) dry hardwood l‘hc Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick :npany Ltd. have on hand for sale- ,ucut (1min L110, 3, 4, 6 and 8 in. [\‘ert “1012. 15. 18 and ‘20 inch (30 inches in Length.) \150 Cement, Brick. 3and and (Iruvel sold by the load in czn‘ lots. 3 Illit Farmers Attention Division Court Bxitish and .H hr open nnd hf Hardv Canadian Nursery Stock. STONE & WELLINGTON 17 qum Sllt‘f‘l Solicih‘rs fnl' lh Rose Ilil'si. DOI'GLAS &( Inkc- mmwy 'ing the Full svlling \ hr 01)?!) a“: [it and nuw is mung pluntix Next Sitting of Diwsmn Uonrt, _ 3, Ummty of York will be held in the Court Room. Puhnc Noï¬ce (,‘nmmenmng at, 9.45.1 mada F RICHMOND HILL “11' 4th (luv of Dm‘e-ml FRANK J. HI'GHICH stove coal, "nlivitnl it'm‘gv I \V l nut and TOM NTO, ONT. 111s \\ 119. Minn tum-w "I'm-v hf Dru-nit. in the Male 0‘ Mania] “Hum-n. vn [he Idulh y and dvsm Huh. .1 Tmnntn. I’mvmce uf ()n th (luv of DW‘PmIn-r, 1.018. vii-ably Funthi Established 151 1' fat H'mlfr'nnf h \ ine Tut-k, also vy in ynnr spare tinw l“ “ml \\ inlet months ’1‘. COUSINS [09! East, 'l‘m'nmp l' the Applicant. M CMAH 0N Cum K nu :h Fruit u'nd ()an r‘d [’(Ilutuvs, etc. HBSON. “I T446 pen†mm kels fur (‘rnnmlinn Aim“ to mdvr uni Manager Alunl.’ 11 Summit I ['S iCEHSG )1 HI 1919 Thi< annunnr-nnmn will he- uf hum-- ('SL (0 (ht-se- pPl‘SUHS \vlm wvn- mth tn Pntm' llwir sulmcrpiliun hPfUI'P line 1918 campaign clï¬â€™sml or who wish tn incrpns‘e Lhrir huldillgx‘ (If HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS Trading in lln- 19] “()W Ink “’0 shall be glad to rec-oh 9 orders lhose bonds at prevailing pxiurs C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill Phones N 0. 68-54 lhere's a blze I( EVERY KIND of Work. AVERY TRACTORS LEAD. They are the only make of Tractors built in ï¬ve. sizes of the same standardized design. VICTORY LOAN Preparing the Seed Bed, Handling the Grain Crop, Handling the Corn Crop and MiscellaneOus Crops and Hauling. Motorize all your work. Raise larger creps by Motor Farming and save expense. The Avery Motor, the ï¬nest power plant on wheels, mounted on a sliding frame burns Kerosene. FIELD WORK BELT WORK ROAD WORK The TRACTOR is helping the farmer to raise more food in less time with less labor and expense than he could do it with horses_ Canada’s Safest Investment L. E. HAND, Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in ‘ um um all parts of the world. 234 RICHMOND HILL BRANCH iichmam E91111 Annex hl'OLhE‘l‘ to He is fnl‘ 3 prices (m c IIPHI siro, AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a, son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the \VFIILIYS‘I‘RSI. recmd cnw for milk prodnth (inn and Canadian Recon] for butter, :11 lbs. Only unv other 41-“). bull in Canada. Our hvrd of one hnndled include-s neatly ï¬fty daughters of a 33.31-1!) sun of thr- gl't’fll KING SEGIS, moths-r [n.the sires sf three \vmid‘s l'e-cmd cnu‘sâ€"nmtm-e 50.68. Sr. 4-yr.-nh146.84. Jr. 4-yl'.-old 40.32 “is. Junior hmd siw. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, .1 half lll'OLIlE‘l‘ to AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO. out of z. 30 lbs. Segis cow. H9 is fnl‘ sale. If this cmuhinutinn of breeding interests you, write for W. E. Burnaby - Jefferse‘m, 0m. ‘r; STANDARB BANK AVERY TRACTOR RICH MON D I†LL AVERIZE ALL of your WORK. FOR FURTHER INFORIVXA'IIUN \VRITE Demonstration any time. I‘here’s a Gold Bonds and Building Lots on ‘x’onge St., Belm\.nt :19. If this cmnhirmt ilhm' nmlvs m' femuli FARM AT STOP taking cre harden Lani rac For Sale on. Easy Terms BUY THE BEST Rage Lots on Canadian Norther: and Metropolitan larence Avenue L_ w. CURTiS, ISHR iiï¬ll‘fl‘ IS for EVERY SIZE Farm and OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Yuqu ST. RADIAL J. T, LCCKE 8) CC A vacant lot on the north sideï¬nf Centre St, East. Vol-y desirable. A new well ï¬nished brick vent-0r dwvlling (m .‘Iurkhnln Road at n. lmrgnin. ' A. very comfortable brick clad hnme on Cpntre Sheet \Vest with gin-Ll sized lot. One and a hnlf liUlP hnuse and Lhe corner of Mill hnuse. UN for a 1-H Square. quick suit ll)? :utle Brick hm 71 ll)? :utle fmm on 2nd Vaughan. Brick hnnsv, gnnd outbuildings. 4 new mchald. nhnndnntwnter, and ï¬rst class hmd. easy thrms. Muney to 1mm on ï¬rst mortgage on tarm property. l,†( ) 13 11. A.. Nicholls REAL ESTATE 4 THE Agent RICHMOND HILL 10 Adelaide St. .wdlmuse, stable, chicken mchnrd. etc†just; the spun l'vtired farmer at Victoria. . A great blugain fut) :L acres with a tidy nulhuildings on and Lucas SLR. the North sideï¬nf Very desirable. E. Toronto Manager.