Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jan 1919, p. 1

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:‘s‘ulimmr fur Maple King Liconsvd Auctioneers for the Unnntynf ank. Sales attended to un shuntest unlice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER .202) BERESFORD Arm. WEST TORONTO l’h-me Junction 72. I‘wlvplmlw M'lin 2777 415 Balliol Sh. Tbl'unh». Phone Belmont 13W LICENSED AUCTIONEER rum COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Spfieial nttfintion given to sales nt vvm-y dvscription. Farms and farm shwk sales a Specialtv. Farms bought and Silld nu commission. All SalPS at- wmlvd tn nn shut-test, nntice, and con- zhu-u-d by the mustupproved methods. Pmrnnagp solicited. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE \Il mail orders will receive pmmpt attention. )l’fi ’l‘nl'nnto Office, Richmond Buildings, '33 Richvunnd Street, \Vest. Kuzhmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal” (Like), every Thursday for9noun. .\I Lple, Thursday afternnun. \Vaudhridqe, Saturday forennon. Mmey to Luau at Current, Rates BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Dmton, Grover & Macdonald J. T» SAIGEON PIANO TUNING Ye}. M. 3631 RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE BARR Barristers, Snlicturs. &c MANNING ARCALE. 2L lime. ST. WEST. TORLLVTD, CANADA Frank Dentnn, K. C. John Irwin Graver Arthur A. Mncdnnald Harry D. Anger 31121912 Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RMS‘DENCE. RICHMOND HILL J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S 351.50 per annum, in advance.] ‘N. HEWISON‘M" VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS 0N HAND dls by phone or otherwise prumptly respnnded m' Jay R. CAMPBELL, a large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at, the above blaces REAL‘ESTATEI VOL. XLI. Umdertukors & Flllhzllllwrs. J . II. l’re ntice . gamerqq MappNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. (;F‘FICE-SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG, 18 KING STREET “’EST VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘hornhil]. mne or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL HOUSE PAINTER, .7057: 5. ZPavidson RICHMOND HILL Organs Rnpuirad. Expert Work uzsnm SOLICITOR 7 NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaidv Sn, { EnsL anhntn LNnughtun Block. Aurora. u, fur The van of Aurora J. M. \Vulmn, Aumm WILLIAM COOK I31. Naughton WRIGHT BROS. â€"AGENCY»â€"- MANAGER Rvsidnnce Elgin Mill; Residence Phone 41.4 C. WALKINGTON A rvuninn of all members of the Yurk Rangels. Hume and Overseas. is being held nu Friday the 17th. instant in the nmv Club Rnnm at, St. Pauls Hall, 8513 Yonge St.. Torontn. Any momm-z- of Llil‘ Regiment. past, 01‘ pI-eSPnt. is vxtended a very cm-diul in- \ italinn In by prPsPnL and tn make use nf tlw Uluh Room nL any Lime when in the Uh v. _ The Salvation Anny to“: havp a somewhat duf- lent cum'Pptinn nfduty from uthvr urganizatinns. Tin-y are nut over there I: I' 1hr 50]? lepuSP ut' ministvring m the souls of Uh‘ suldiexs m" solely Lu lhril' hndily cumtnrl. 'l‘ln-y :lr'em'ex' the-re (n be useful .as appur- [unity pnesvnts itsL-lf, and (hvir wnrk has \w-n Yin-In high regard. \thn uppm-luuity rift)” lhvy hnld H‘nngeh- cal service. “'1er [Mn hays ! "sinkrl's" and mifwn. the Army men and 1.154er Mmmy thm if lhr)‘ (run beg, ‘ buy or stvnl me. They are \vmking {efficientlv and gaining fh.-' Inn: and adminuiun of Lh»- [lump-e by tlwir \vm k. None hf the «Niels, u'hwr they cmuv Hmck, \viH a‘lwvr u! UH- Arthur "Anny.’ The Regiment havP hppn uhle during the past munth to he nf rrunsidcmble service to rehtivesnnd returned mem- bersnf th» Regiment with xegard h) pensiun pav and :Lllowmnc s. and nthul such "Hum-s. A letter In thra Secre- tary uf the Ovvrm-ns and Fl'fllt‘l'll‘rt‘ Uummittm- giving; the neces ary infur- nmtiun will he gladly nttwnded U3. Th» UmmLY Press have been of such gveul svrvic” t0 th, ank Rangers during ll)»: \Vm‘ that the Rpgiment dash-es Lu express publicly lhvir ap- preciation uf their invaluablv aid and thatthe Wonderful results which the people of Yurk Ununty attained in their War activities was in no small measure due to the whnluhwarted sup- poit am] cu-OpvraLiun uf the press. The 127th -BHLLalinn will ‘he hmne shortly and it. is suggested that |nc~nl cmnmiuees be foude to arrange w- t‘vptinns. Plpase writs1 the Sem'ley. 12th Reginwnt St. Pauls Ha“, Toronto. abuuL yuur p_lan§. (Frum the Saskatoon Star) One religious organization aL least is going tnemeige from the \val with flying cnlurs. The wm-k nf th Salva- tion Army at, the front is going to be reuwmht'l‘ed by [he suldivl's as lung as they livv. A little Surly. published same time agn. ut'a Salvalilm Army doughnut Wagull blown up by 8 GW- nmn shell. and the prowl; and decisive l-eVenge accnmplished hy thé Ameri- can soldiers. who. fighting mad. laid down a cal-Lain barrage .md smashed the enemy twin-he; by .1 well organ- ized and effective mm. is uu-tely il- l'lstlative (If the fact, that the Salva- tionists are Wurkng in pnsts ufdéulgrl' and in doing it appvaliug In the men DIAwhulp they are minlmering. Afh’t :xlmn‘ Influenza whiL munin. Mu \\' of lht‘ lute Hum-y Line. pm:wa away on 'l‘hurs‘hy nl‘ th wwk. The funer- nl. whichwux‘ prim-u:- (uuk plure un Friday "flex-mm“. 131‘3-idf‘5 his wid. w and um suns and :1 daughler he leaves his nmllwr. twn raiders and {hm-e \‘n-othm-s tn mnurn his inss. Much sympathy is felt far the fumin in their bereavement. Allslr'V ls nttnclwd u Battalion. and Ill at mid and kepta plismmr in [\veuty-twn lunutlls. home about two m-um Cupk. I“.U.R. Arm Miss 0. M. G. Allslvy visited ova-r Suullaq Rev. and Mrs. P. Allslr'V ls nttnclwd Miss Mulwl Smith us assistant tmchm beg-(m hfjl‘flulirs m MAS. E. Brow il visiting at MI The fullnwiug are the ofiism's elected at the East Ymk Conservative meet- ing on Sum‘duy: Presidentâ€"Dr. Burgé‘ss; Iit Vice Pres'dentâ€"J. A. Macdnnnld 2nd Vite Preaitlent~lliss Cnnstance Bnultun; Seclezury Tmusurt-râ€"J. E. Francis; Hun. Vice pl‘bSiGPll'S~â€"â€"Ml'5. G. 8. Henry; Mr< G. Hulkim‘. The 2:! eake s inchlded Thus. Under- wax-d, McGar be (now Hquuy u- m' that thv GOVUI liquor husiness i (1' using fromi Mch‘arry an _ The ue v wanted Ln S~ mpuintme nf the Guy nulv on»- RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JANUARY hi. [9]!) lZih. chL Yotk Rangers. ~1In£ S. A- Did Good Work. Vice PI‘PSiGPll'S~â€"_\ll'5. G. S ;Mr< G. Hulkizh‘. SI eake s inchlded Thus. Unde) Hun. G. S. Hem-y, Hou.'1‘. \V East York Cons: r; a‘i He HIM L, H. “'hiUenmre, Lieut. IIiL'h llr‘\‘ \\'In. “a mun-m \vl 1 Dr. Burgh. preaidenb st: w the Onuu'it h’d. HL‘ 2H )JJPLI Ans] ‘lnlllt‘llt lake 1 Itself and do its own \\'nn 1: In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essantials, Liberty; in allthings, Charity.” H :H' Linnsecund an" Lin. paswd away u‘m'k. Thefnner- \’ nfSI. 1 that t Im‘s int JL'K «c 1L Lhc uupln tab (1 that. he in 'l‘empm-nnce \dvncatvd ‘he in the employ \vvllld be the t: prescribe U‘exlnany tnr He returned and his inw 1 In! nd his 5MP] . Unthul'int-s. the huuw (It on engngvd H‘hflllk, and “Tek. VCS ll U IHIPU‘ and ~wn )upt :7. 76:1 Iplmyt ll (-lll nnl. inc 'th Sunday. Jan. 19th. the minister Will prPn'th morning and Pvr-ning. The Y. P. S. 'l‘hmsday. 7.34) p. m. Topic. "Life purposes wurlh while“ m by taken bv va. R. A. Maw-nuns“, After the hgulur meeting a social evening will he apI‘I‘IL The Thm-nhill-nnnunl muting will he held Friday. Jun. 17th. 'J'lwrnhill Sunday School has lust this WPGK by death, one 01 its brightâ€" est and best, little David Duggnn. Everynnv who can)? in touch will] David‘s chevr and courage despite his crippled limbs, was the better for It. “Than: isa hnme for little children". Jvervnne' is 'plensnd Lu see Walter , .. Ar + .. _ Vandvrhurgh safe home again, after giving three years tn the great cause. ‘ - \Valter lunks none the wow? for it. Murray Kirkland also is Imin again \ TEAUHER 0F PIANO AND VOICE HftPl' taking P311 i" the h"z“""““‘ Graduate Royal A-mdemv nf Music. SH'VICP of the uppe-r air. \Ve Welcome Lundlll), England. hnth with all mu heal-ts. l Guld Mwlnllist. Trinity College. Rirlunond Hill Annual Unngl'th' Lnndun, England. “0"”! '"t‘l‘tingo J”““’“'Y 291W ' Organist and Chair Lpndor, High Th9 Sympathy “fh'flhc‘mf-{lpflatinns Pnl'k Methudmt Uhnrch. Tin-1mm. win-re heand his family are \wll known T9,, L.11“- 1‘0mmo Conservatory uf will gn Imt Ln Mr. H1 LangA l“_ his Music. The Mary Slessnr Mission Band will lmjfb Friday 4 p. m. a} Miss Buyle‘g. Th9 sympathy of hnthcnngregatinns wlwre hseand his family are WP“ known will gn nut tn Mr. H. H. Lang in his thJ-ilgle Ins-‘3 hy fire Sunday night Inst. FiShPl‘ViHP ' Church is 'tem‘b :mrily clnsed nn arr-Punt of the unmet-nus cases uf "Flu" in the neighborhood. (Manda newr had a h’pttm- clmnoe to develop the shwp indnsu-v. Mutthn and \w-ul are hath in grvatdeumnd and will cunlinuu m he while the live stock shortage: nf Eur-ape prevails. Canada has learned lhe'lessnn that, mixml farming is permanent, farming and Lhnl \Vlthnllt plenty nf lice stock a farm will get poorer every year. Fleury Cutting Box with pulley, asnap Beatty Bros. Metal Hog Troughs F. R. OLWER Phone 11 or 86 Rich I’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH De Laval or Reufrew Standard Cream Separators ’ BU Y War-Savings Stamps UY War-Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place them on the Certificate, which will be given to you; have your Stamps registered against loss, free of charge at any Money-Order Post Office; and on the first day of1924, Canada will pay you $5.00 each for your stamps. As an aid to the purchase of \V.-S. S. you can buy THRIFT As an aid to the purchase of W.»S. S. you can buy THRIFT Stamps for ’25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W.-S. S. Thrift Stamps do not bear interest. Their virtue is that they enable you tb apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of a Government. interest-beating security. NEWS NOTES “If high rates of interest must be paid on Gc ings it is but right that every man, woman, have the opportunity to earn this interest."â€"â€". “'HEREVER THIS SIGN MONEY-ORDER POST OFFICES BANKS AND $5.99 for $4.92 On Sale at all The Anmml Niavting uf Um Richmond Hill Agricultural Soc’y \Vill helwld in [he COUNCIL CHAMBER. RICHMOND Hill ()1: the after-nun" of SATURDAY. JANUARY, 18(1) 1919 At 1 O‘Clnck. Elvrztinn nf Ol’ficprs. recriviug R9- pm is. and :my ache-r husiuesq that mnv le-gnlly he brought lwfm-o the meeting. All interested will please guvem ilwmsr-lvvs acnurdingly. J. Lnnau, Prvs. H. A. Nicholls, Secy. PUBLiC NOTICE. \Vill he at Maple. each Sfltlll'd and will take :1 limited number pupils. 42 High Park Ave. Tum: 20-tf PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS A. C. HENDERSON Richmond Hill d on Government: borrow- woman, and child should 'I‘HORNHILL, ONT. IS DISPLAYED anont 0 (If Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto and the Counties of Yurk. Peel and Simeon Phone 950 VVnod bridge Dr. C. La Verne Pabtison Hnn. Graduate Royal 00119 e of Dvntal Sul'gmms. Toronto. will e at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fx-idav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bzmk Build ing. Office hours 9.30mm. to 5 p.m B. H. LASHER Teac 1er of Piano-Playing at. the Turnntn Conservatory of Music Organist, and Chuirmaster St. Paul’ Presbyterian Chulch. Toronto Uunductm- Ym-k Choral Society WE” asuept a limith number 01’ pupds at, his Home studio, Richmond Hill 2220 Yonge St. Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN CCMM‘SSIUNER. C()NVEY\N"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Residence address Vic-Lorin Square J. K. DICExven .8: Son Phone No. 23 Riohmono Hill THORNHILL GARAGE motors and gas engines. Get your cylinders re- bored and get more power on less gas. D. H. PINKERTDN. V.S. A. J. II U )1 E H. A. NICHOLLS THORNIâ€"lII Commissioner, Cnnveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL in Richmond Hill on Thmsdays J EDWARD FRANCIS Riclunond Iii” . EARLE N E WTON PIANIST Repails of all kinds of LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Pan-unnueand influence respectfully solicited Address Nordeimer Building G. H. HGOPER PRACTICAL PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSEfi [Single copies, 3 cts. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE North Yonge Street, King, ()nt. NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING Phone No. 72 ISSUER OF P. O. addres Gurmley. R. R. Toronto

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