I:ARM FOR SALEâ€"4m) Suki m Mack m~ sopu and 25). rear 2nd Con. Vang! on premises. OR SALEâ€"0r if not sold will rent _ SOIid bricliS rnmn wsidenc‘e 1-! Church St. Richmnnd Hill. fnrnruw electric light. bath and all mudm-u Conveniences. pmsessinn nrrungI-d h suit. ApplyG.A. MvDunuld 1‘24 DRDeVAN’s FRENCH PILLS 2.31:: gvxlntin Pill for Women. 35 5. box or tl slo. ISO d at all Drug Stores. or mailed addresson rcceiptoi price. THE Scans; 30., St. Cuthnrincs. Ontario. PHOSPHONOITFUMR mm- $ V 00D FOR SALE-A quantity of good le wuud‘ unmlly Inn-d. wood. Apply Libel-Ml Ofï¬ce. ..r (1, Gledhill. Maple R. R. 2 23-2 Stu tel‘ \Vm‘k. I'vpnilihq 1 lmlstm-ing. M. L. Ava, Richmnnd Hill VV pumps and windn'nills Cable. Ordmslvft With “A. will receive careful attention. fuz- cuelnm cutting an (11‘ hefl 10 March 1‘3. at, G.\\', Bnkvh. Gm-mlev Ontario. Logs should he in us early Ontario. I as pessible. OUSE FOR SALEâ€"A six mom house on Arnold Street. Gnnd gran-don, hard and squ walPx'. Apply on the premises M. Charlton. Richnmnd Hill. 282 4ARM \VANTEDâ€"At once on gncd rmld,len acres up to ï¬fty acres; pay one thunsana drIlIm-s cash. Alw wanted one hunde :u‘res up [u twu bundled. pny twu lhuusund flush or mm-e. Send full particulars. with ht nulnhpr tn B. \Villinms 34 ViL-tmiu W F acres of gnnd garden land, alsu a good house, small hum. and plvn‘y nf fruit. Two miles \vps‘t m‘ Eigin Mills. Apply to Thus. Burm, Rich- mond Hill. 29".! OUSE FOR RENTâ€"“Six mum brick house on Chm-0h Sll't‘el. furnace. electric lights. hard and soft Water, apply C. M. Palmer. LES-(J, \V FARM \VANI‘EDâ€"le undm ed \vislws lu wut u fuuu ['11 to 100 acres. wth upliun 10 puu A. Hunter. Richmond Hill. dition, $l2‘ hill. Ont. 0R SALEâ€"A GurnPy Oxfmd Range, in good Cundiliun, mml m- wond. Mrs. P. \Vnde, Muplv. phone 2336 29-22 A car of pure whim- bread ï¬unr. and pastry flour: also .-a car of white: shorts and bl"tn at John Grey's Maple Buk- ery. . 29-2 OULTRY-lntl'nduma nmv hhmd mm your flurk. [hnvvn fn'w grand cnluwd Ruse Cami) Rhom- Island Red Gnckerels letut $3 nn-i $IU each. Alsu smnv nin [’«lllr‘ls :al. rm- sonnhle- pvicvs. “I‘m: stuck is all th-d {mm Guelph winnem. lmn pl‘udIJ-‘v all kinds of r9.-l.inmniul~‘ from snislivl customers. C. L. Wright. \\'nizhl Street. 29-2 OR SALEâ€"A sidvhou'd in gmd co-lditinn, with pL-lte glass mirror. Prim- $5. .Im-rv Smith. 29-2 IANO FOP. SALE-â€"-An upright Piano tur sulv. Hem-Iv new, Apply Fred Cut-Len Richmond Hill. 29. 3 UR SALE~â€"B.u-n 30x48, all lilnhl‘l‘ and lumho-r in Snund cnnflilinm This is H. chance fur some une- wunl imz lumber ut, light. prire. Apply F. R. Oliver. Richmond Hill. 24-tf ANI‘HDâ€"At‘ Once -I sumll Im- about 16 yls. nf age, mlst h hum-st. cum-Damn um] ill(]ll~[l'iflll~'. A permanent, pnï¬ilinnnt a gum] salary t: u. live wire. Apply at. unto. hum-Mr stare. 2Hâ€" 0R SALEâ€"Chuthnm Inn-51!).nunu ' nevuly now. 21“ egg mpauiLv. L. B. Heisv, Gm'mloy. P.U. thw Stnnff ville 6112 29-3 CSTâ€"In thw n»-ighh«‘wh<ml hf Maple. a hnund pup. hl wk and white. with brown head. Infnrnmliun )‘Pgnrding this dug will he uppx-(miatmi. A. G. Savage. Rinhumnll Hi“. 29â€"? ville 6112 0R SALE~A qn unity uf limnlhy Klan-ennui ('lnvrcfl'JhQF Apply L TARTING A 0R SALE ()R '1‘0 RENTâ€"J‘Iight OR SALEâ€"Im'ulmbm'. (,‘vpners nmdel, 150 egg size.gund (run- rm, $12. “’hitcluw, strip 40 Thorn- Ont. 293.) Turuntn. ells drilled ‘Vant Ads. VGul'Inlc-y 9.0. [ilmanlfth 2'.’ 3 lH md_ xrepgn‘irrrd .-\\\’ )HLI n m (I hm) . 200 Nitlml râ€"(h 9 s-gn App CI'PS y in A n‘e 29.2 I‘ll SD mv cidu. as a hot 10 per cent of one of the coal tar antiseptics or carbolic acid. or a coat of hot lime wash with 5 per cent. carbolic acidi Local treatment consists in moisâ€" tening the scales with warm water and soap, or sweet oil. removing them in order to expose Ilie_unprotected surfaces of the affected areas. An insecticide, as tincture of iodine should be applied once or twice daily until cured. â€"â€" J. H. R., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Letter Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Statements Envelopes Invitations Visiting Cards Memorial Cards Programmes Butter Wrappers Sale Bills all sizes Concert Bills etc. Treaunem.â€"-It lS necessary that great care be taken to avoid the con- veyance of the virus from the dis- eased to healthy animals. Where practicable, it is well to remove all non~intected animals to non-infected premises. The infected premises should be disinfected by thorough- ly SWeeping and dusting, and then giving a thorough coat of an insecti- The ï¬rst symptom shown is usual- ly an itchiness, which is followed by a slight form of eruption, which soon assumes the appearance of little yel- lowish scales of a circular form, the mass scales forming a circular space, hence the term “ringworm.†A var- iable number of these circular patches may be noticed on different parts of the body. It Pays To Get Your Print- ing Done At Symptomsâ€"While any part or the animal may be the seat of the dis- ease. the skin around the eyes and of the face, and on the neck and back, appears to be the favorite seax. Calves and young cattle appear to be more susceptible to the trouble than other animals, but no age ren- ders an animal immune. It is purely a skin disease, and is due to the presence of a vegetable parasite, which is readily capable of being con- veyed from one animal to another by direct contact, the hands of the atâ€" tendant, pails, stable utensils, cloth- ing, harness, saddles, blankets, the contact of one animal with the stalls, etc., of affected animals, etc. In like manner, curry-combs, brushes, rub- bing cloths, etc., that are used on affected animals of any class, if used on other animals, become a fertile cause of infection. V â€"-you should have rhubarb ready. After these roots are exhausted throw them away and put in more. If a constant supgly is required made a. new bed every two or three weeks during the winter. Be sure to keep all the front dimmed. Put burlaps of brown paper over the windows in give the bright pink color so much desired,â€"â€"-.x. H. MacLennan, B.S.A.. Qntario Vegetable Specialist. How “'inter Rhubarb ls Produced» The production of rhubarb in win- ter has become of considerable value among gardeners. It is easy to do if certain methods are followed. If one is making a permanent business of rhubarb forcing, it is necessary, each year to set out a new bed, its plants once forced are of no further value. In the spring large roots should be dug, Split in one bud sec- tions and replaced in rich moist ground. During the growing season they are kept cultivated and 1rd, from weeds. In the fall they are cov- ered with manure. Next spring a se- cond bed is planted as before. That fall a large part of the ï¬rst bed is taken up, leaving sufï¬cient to replant another bed the next spring. The roots are taken up the last thing in the fall before the hard freezing wea- ther comes and are placed in piles in a shed where they can easily be got at during the winter but will remain frozen. Early in December take in a sufï¬cient number of roots, place these bud side up on the floor of a warm cellarâ€"about 68 degrees or 70 degrees â€"â€" and cover with an inch or sand. Be sure to fill in all inter- space. Keep this sand moist. About a week later the buds will begin to swell and in from four to six weeks, depending upon the heat of the room â€"the cooler and slower growth starts Ringworm is a contagious disease to which all classes of animals, and man, are subject. THE LIBERAL OFFKE l I. D. RAMER Ringworm. dry hardwood To all who have shown such consideration during the recent coal shortage, we wish to express our sincere grati- tude and would say that we are in a position to take care of any demand of, The Ma ple Sand, Gm vel and Brick Company Ltd. have on hand for sale- Cement drain tile, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 inCulvert tile 12, 15, 18 311(120 inch (30 inches in length.) Also Cement Brick. Sand and Grave] sold by the load or in car lots. The NeXL Sitting of Divnsmn Uourt, N0. 3, County of York will be held in the Court Room. Sand, Gravel. Tile and Brick Tuesday, February 25, 1919 Notice is hmnhy givpn that, Gray-go Irvine Tuck, of the City of 'l‘m-nntrn. in the ()nunty nf Ym'k, in the vainca nf Ontario. Schnnl Teacher. will uppr Ln the parliament of Canada at the next, N‘ssinn lhmeof fur n Bill of Di- vm‘vpfrmn his “ifp. Edna Mnriv Tuvk uf thr- City nf Detroit. in the Slut? Hf Mirhigan. Murrir-d “’r-men. nn thv grmmd uf adultly :md desertinn. I):|U'd at Tmnntn. P|m~|ncvuf()n~ Lnriu. lhp 4th day nf Dvr‘emher, 1918. FRANK J. HUGHES NOTICE OF APPUCATION FOR DIVORCE. T‘Pnnmtw. (m the gluuml nf adults]; am] drsvrliun. DATED at, Toronto. Province 01 Ontario. 1811) day nf Nnvmnlm'. 1918 DOUG LAS & GIBSON. 17 Queen Sum-t East. annnm, Solinirm-s fur the Applicant. Ruse Hit-st. NOTICE is lnnrlw giw‘n that. RnsP Hll'af. Muniml \\'mmm, of thv Citv nf 'l‘nmnln, in Ilw (muntvuf York, in HIP PIHVilN‘t’ uf ()nlul in. will apply tn the l’nrlinnwnt Hf Cnnmln. m. ch» nth wswiun lhvl'o’nt, fur a BI“ nf Divorce from he]- hlmlmnd. 'l‘hnumR Leslip liilsr. ut‘ the said City of Toronto. Teams-rm. M) the gmuml nf adultery NOTICE OF APPLICATICN FDR DIVORCE. The Old Roliuhle anthill Numexie Established 1837 Largest list, of Fruit and Orna- muutul Stuck, Seed Potatoes, 9N3, gmwn In Ummdn. Make mnva in yuhl‘ Spurs- tiluP during: the Full and “inter nmuths by selling Blitish and European markets will he open again [01- (hmmlinn I“: uil and now is the limo In mdw fur spring pluntino'. \Vi Canada Fm Farmers Attention Division Court STONE & WELLINGTON Hardv Canadian Nursery Stock. fishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year Puhiic Notice ‘nmmencmz at, 9.45 mm. RICHMOND HILL Solicitm' flu applivunt Georg? In ine Tuck. stove coal, \Vlilé' nut and TOR( NTO, ONT. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK also ’I‘. COUSINS, Pu r1 icul 7446 nffl . and Manager I‘ll! Richmond Hill Annex This :mnnuncpnwnt will lw uf impr- (‘Sl tn thuse persnns \vlm Wpre unable Ln enter [hvir snham-pilinn ht‘le'P \he 1918 campaign clnsed or \vhn wish tn inCI-Pnse thnil' hnldings of R. W. E. Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS We shnll he glad to war-iv? nrde-rs for these bonds at prevailing pliCPS. Trading in tho. 1917 and 1918 issuvs is nuw taking place. FOR FURTHER 'NFORMA’IION W'RITE 0? SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LCCKE 82 CC.. Phones No. 6 Richmond Hill Motorize all your work. Raise larger crolis by Motor Farming and save expense. The Avery Motor, the ï¬nest power plant on wheels, mounted on a sliding frame burns Kerosene. AVERY TRACTORS LEAD. They are the only make of Tractors builtin ï¬ve sizes of the same standardized design. There’s a Size for EVERY SIZE Farm and EVERY KIND of \Vox’k. The TRACTOR is helping the farmer to rPise more food in less time with less labor and expense than he could do it with horses_ FIELD WORK BELT WORK ROAD WORK Preparing the Seed Bed, Handling the Grain Crop, Handling the Corn Cr0p and Miscellaneous Creps and Hauling. VICTORY LOAN Canada’s Safest Investment A. I4], GIAASS L. E. HAND, RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Herd sire. AVONDA LE PONTIAC EUHO (under lease), a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the wrrld’s best record COW for milk px'nduc- Lion and Canadian Record for butter. 41 lbs. Only one other 4l-lb. bull in Canada. 0111' herd of one bundled includes neatly ï¬fty daughters of a, 33.31~lb son of the great KING SEGIS, hmther tn the sires (9f thl-oe world‘s recmd cowsâ€"mature 50.68. Sr. 4-yr.-nld 46.84. Jr. Lyn-old 40.32 lbs. Junior herd sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, a half brother to AVONDA LE PONTIAC ECHO. out of a 30 lbs. Segis cow. He is im- snip. If [his Cmnbinaninn of breeding interests you, write for prices on either males 01- femalvs. FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL IUT'D 1373 STAN BARB BANK 5} 3- Gold Bonds AVERY TRACTOR RICHMOND HILL AVERIZE ALL of your WORK. Demonstration a Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmpnt and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale 011 Easy Terms BUY THE BEST This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 L. w. CURTIS, any OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO One and a half acres with a tidy lit.th house and uuthuiwings un the corner of Mill and Lucas Sts. A vacant lot on the north sidejnf Centre St. EnSt. Very desirable. A new well ï¬nished brick veneer th-Hing on Markham Rnud at n bargain. A very comfortable hnme nn Centre Street gund sized lot. A good house. stable. chicken house. urvhard. etc.. just the sput fm- n retired furuwr at Victoria Sqlml'l‘. A giant bdl'guin for a q|)l('k sale. I ll)? ar-xe farm on 2nd Vaughan. Brick house, gnnd outbuildings, 4 acre molnud. Mimndnntwuter. and ï¬lst class hmd. (msy thy-ms. Money tnluan on ï¬rst mortgage on turul prnpel-ty. .H. A.. Nieholls REAL ESTATE I? () I} {£14131 THE Agent RICHMOND HILL [0 Adelaide St. E, Teroum brick clad \Vest. with Manager.