Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jan 1919, p. 1

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J. H. SANDERSON. V. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS 0N HAND HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper’ Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Barrister, Solicitor, NotafiiflEDt: OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631 RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE REAL ESTATE BARRISTER. SULIC‘ITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond B 3% Richmond Stréet, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. wale. Thursday afternoon. \Voodln-idze, Sa turday forenoon. .Iildings‘ 2% KING ST. WEST. Tonnxn‘o. L‘ Frank Denton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald Harry D. Anger .\ NA DA Dento'g, 'Grover 76: Macdonald Money to w 07' 63m G WHILE. CAMPBELL , _ V. .. and wld nu cnmmis Ivnded to un shm-te ducted by the must Rummage SUHUiU'd I" H Uuderlnkers & Enlhalmc-rs Mu i I‘l Lint-used York. E )Hllilu'. m TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEK'RS' EXPERIENCE -\ll mail orders will receive prompt, attention. :0!) HT! . Cal-nefggwMancNaughton large stock of LHS phone or mail messages attended to. Pm m COUNTY OF Special attnnti J. T. SAIGEON fivv-- BAR RISTER SOLICITon NOTARY (Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide 5r. “CPS J, East. Toronto LNaughL-nn Bluvk. Anrm-u. .-_ t I (The Town nf Aurora m “m {m ]J. M. \Vulum, Autumn v RICHMOND HILL 51:0 er annum in advance. 3 1 .T. II. 'I’l‘entice 415 Bulliul Sf” Tul'ulltn. Phone Belmnnt 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER BERESFOHD A VE. hullfl Junction 72. VOL.XLI. VETERINARY SUREEEN ’l‘hornllil] . JOHN T. ANDERSON phone Sofin ge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept at. the above nlaces . HEWISON by phone or otherwise promptly x-esptrnded h)‘ - _-_V--..4u Organs Ragaired. Expert Work cinl attention give dvscx'iptirm. Far sales a specialtv. ] WRIGHT BROS Maple King sed Auctionevrs for the Unnnty of Snles unendx-d Ln nn \shmlest -. and at reasonable- rates. Patronage snlirflted 2777 Mn ple WILLIAM COOK Canisters. Snlicmrs. &c MANNING ARC}: F ,1. II. anug'hton â€"AGENCY~â€" PIANO TUNER mall messages promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL MANAGER 9, Sn t‘urduy fox-enoon. mm at Current Rates Rvsidl-ncv Elgin Milk Residence Phnne 41.4 Richmond Buildings, set, \Vest. l Qt‘fice (‘Liheral’ YORK AND ONTARIO given to sales of Farms and farm [[v. Farmslmught :siun. All SHIPS ut- stnntice, :md cun- nppmved mel buds. 9avidson 0- WAY. KINGTON WEST TORONTO ......, w yum". Vroxoct <{our Idea-1: thev may bring you wealth Write J HN WEDDEHRURN' a: co.. Patent Attor- Joys. W sman D. CAD: hair ‘13) vrizsofl; K ad ll of two I mind In ntlon: w 15‘ ‘ Reuhvn A. Stivvr. a fm-mm- “'0'”- knuwn reside-m uf Unium'illv. and \\ hn. fur the past six munlhs' has wsidvd in ‘ Stanfffllln. pass't-d awn} sluldvnly (1) Saturday manng in that, villugv, % following a SllnkP ml Friday, The I 1:119 Mr. Slh or had lwvn in gund hwnllh fund spirits up to within a few hhlll'\' of ; the aLHIck and the news uf his sudden I dr'H{h came as :1 gleaL leH'k In m nws of people in Markham 'l‘uu nslnip. whm-e he- was widrly known 'lml highly ESLPPand. Graduate Ruynl Academy of Mush Londun. England. Gnld Me’dullist. Trinity C(lllrg£ Lnndun. England. Organist. and (‘hnil- Lvudrr. lIig‘ Park Methodist Church. Tort-nu). Teacher Turumu Cunservalnry 0 Music. \Vill lwat Maple. each Saturday and will taken limited number «1 pm ils. 42 igh Park Ave. Tux-mm TEACHER 0F PIANO AND VOICE The Rink is imhad shape owing the thaw. Pte. Rwy Ulmwrnnd Plt'. D. R1 are back with us again. play was fast and eriting. Suul‘e 7-13 in fuvm- Hf Ringwnnd. The "flu" has hmm "I, wnrk again but, thnse nfflictwd are on the A'mul [u recovery. Sundav. 26th. Rev. R. B. Bevnvn of Tbm-nhill preached Lwoexcellem sm- umns at 2,250 and 7.30. The choir flllnibhf'd mu<ic in [he afte-rnuun :md Pvzxche’s Methodist Uhuu-h Choir in the evening. Offering $156. an The HQl-krv Clug Stnufiville lust, Fnidu‘ phyed agume with l Wantedâ€"ml idea ,v __ -__‘ A- 1.“ “an! n _y un: lumn In sum qll nlitV of ln'mld had to he obtained from (In1 Culluda. Bread ('U.. Toronto for his cusp m n. 7 MI. W. Bmwn is putting up :1 new harness shup at the Past aide of his house. 3 Miss Flnrs-‘nx-v \Vulkinglnn of Town! ) sanL Um m ek-t-nd with friends in Ihv Villugv. 3e“ Ive was held in St. Andrew‘s (‘vhul-ch lust Sunday after Inning been wilhdrmx'n fur sewml “Wt-L". Mrs. Anslvy of St. (Luharinrs visit- ed nver Snndnv :IL Ru-v. P. (hmphrll‘s. | Ml‘. .1. Grey of the Maple lekt’l'y has mn‘puym's of S S. No. 6. Vaughan lwld lam! Saturday. Mr. \V. L. Kntfvr was elected [Illah'f‘ fur the running three years. A flee-will offer-ingot" $40.25 \vns given in Hupe Cthh last Sunday uL [he th-‘I‘IUIOH servicv. Sen-\ive was lwldin St. All(ll9\\“\‘ Service was held ii Church lnsl Sunday a wikhdrawn fur sevrrnl Tummu by Ihe 15th of Fehl ugu'y. Four men on Saturday \vvw mach fined $10 and cmtq' fur lwing drunk in a public [)lillfk‘. ()n a. uhAIge nf In-eak- ing inlu lhe Mausoleum at Bali‘s Switch, and damaging the p-uuvrty, they wore fuund guilly. llllL lr-t ufl" m suspended sentence-n Mrs. Clarke). Wlfe‘nf On]. F. F. Clan-k9, rvceived word thatthe'127th wgimm.b, York Rnngwra, might In. rxpwrtvd in Tumntu by Ihe 15th of Fehl unrv. Canadian fu‘l'mH's and gm-demus me- prnteuled from: the evils uf pl-mling infvl'inr set-(l of many kinds uf cltwps impnl-er from nllu-r ('ountrirs. By an ordel-in-cuuncll that. came illtu effect in the autumn, impurlalinn Is pmhihiu-vd nf unh‘t so'Pd nf alum-rs grasses. \‘efulu-s, rape, utlu-r forage plants. field Hunt. and gmdvn veg- etables in lots of ten pl-uuds (H' more. In Pamphlet S-lZuf the See-d Branch of the Department, of Ag'iiculturt- at. Ottawa. and ()hLEilmi 19 fr an the Pnh- hcuLinns Bran h unfit, seedisdescrihed as LhuL nhich unes nut. comply with the See-d ()nnLrul Act I'Hlllil'emanH wspecling the sale nf seed 1:: Canada. or ifiL has been) “‘11)st ndmillnnur any other country un account uf luw vitality. The l'c'gulaliuns will lw Curried out Lhrnngh [he Cuslnm's officials who an“ Jequired Lo take- and forwud [1» Un- I)uminiuu Serd Lahurulm y for exam- inuliun. sample of lots u-f svvds uf the ClHSSPa named (‘lltt‘lt’l for unnsumpliun in Canada. Seed that has arm'de in Canada and fnund tube unfitlshnll be deIH‘er undm- Customs supmvisinn. The penalty for failing Lo (mmqu with l‘PgulaLiuns is $501). for [he first offense and nut exceedng $1.00” for the Svcund and each subsequent offense. Anni\'el'9-u_-v SEI‘ViCt'x were held on GEORGE RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. THURSDAY. JANUARY -" flyI‘I'S at S S. No. 6. Vaughan lam! Saturday. Mr. \V. L. Kntfvr Hech] [Illah'f‘ fur the running Seed importation Regulations. VICTORIA SQL'.\ RIC Int-Ming of {hp lrnstrvs :md NEH'S NOTES MAPLE .LJOUTTS In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in l) jam-“eyed In «y x-vvning and Hing/“mud. Th:- citing. Scare 7-13 \vho can than of some simple thing w patent! ’uronlu In lnasanI-nd» (turnian in th» ska rink nn Flid-Iy. Fuh'u-uy l4. Sp! pl'izrs will I)» nt’fi-I't-d. \Vutch Iurlher annnuncmuent next week. "D. Y- B.” Club Masquerade Carnival. “The D. Y. B." “The Liberal” Headquarters: Mail your subscription to Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: SIR EDMUND WALKER Toronto, Ont. Treasurer New Brunswick: JAMES M. CHRISTIE Bank of Commerce, St. John, NB. Treasurer Nova Scotia: DONALD MacGILLIVRAY Bank of Commerce, Halifax, NS. or to Ears Hame €fiming Camgaign A WORD ABOUT THE HOSTELS!â€"Have you ever been inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton, or any others that he has stayed in wet HERE. Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home cooking, the fried eggs, and hot cofl'eeâ€"and hot baths. If he knows you very well, he may give you a hint about the spiritual comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far from home and all it means! The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for the boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva- tion Army has made a general appeal for its work. We urge you noyv, for the sake of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor in the solution of Canada's Reconstruction problems, with the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally! Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year. While there is a company of Canadians in uniform over there or over HERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie. Tlhe weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers that MUST be guarded against. A happy smile and a com- fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance. Do not let the Hostels shut for lacl; of funds! The Salvation Army Miflion Daiiar Fund The “Welcome " sign still hangs high on the doors of the Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! VJhile our soldiers have need of the comfortsâ€"spiritual as well as bodilyâ€"DON’T shut the doors in the boys’ facesâ€"Keep them smiling! Subscribe For SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMITTEE Card of Thanks January 19th to 25th Club will huld 3. ul in the skating int to Serveâ€"Last to Appeal" Keep Them Smiling COMMISSIONER RICHARDS 20 Albert St. Toronto Spot-in] Municipal Officers Tho fulln“ ing :u-e Hm officers npâ€" pnintvd by the Villugv Council for the cum-an year:â€" Andilnl'sâ€"A. E. Lehman, G. Maudie. A“: \‘SUl'â€"C. A. Skee'lv. High Schnul TrusU-vâ€"H. A. Nichan. Bnnrd nf Hmllthkflvn. Rt-amnn. Pulvlin Lihr.u y Bmlrd â€" Rev. N. \Vpllwuud mec- Vimversâ€"D. Steele. R. Dixon and A. Rit-hamsnn. Slump Valuerâ€"Jun. Tyndall. imprnving smédily day by d inns all things, Charity." Knocked Down. 30. 1919 8V. Get your cylinders bored and get more pow less gash. motors and ,qas engines. THORNHILL GARAGE Riohmonq Hill CCMMI SSI()NER. CONVEY Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill an Thursdays Address Norah-imm- Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto Phone No. 2; Residence address Victoria Square CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office located in Standard Bank Build ing. ()tfice hours 9.30mi”. to 5 p.l:n 20E Teuc1€r of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist and Chuirmuster St. Paul' Presbyterian Chmch, Toronto Conductor Ym-k Choral Society V \Vill accept, a limited number of pupds at his Home studio, Richmond Hill .T. If. I‘lclfl\vcn 6% Son Licensed Auctionems fur annnto and the Cuuntws nt Ymk. Prel and Simcon Phone 950 \Vuudln'idge Dr. G. La Hm). Graduate Royal Cnllt Dental Sm-gmwns. Toronto. will Richmond Hill every Tuesda Fridav. 4. {T . IIUDIE Rielunond I’Iill H. A. NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oummissionez, Cnnveyancer etc Insurance, and Real Estate , Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Repaixs of a}! kinds of THORNIâ€"lILL G. H. HOOPER PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS j. EARLE NEWTON 195mm or MARRIAGE LICENSES LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Pun-«maze and influence respechnlly solicited ISSIONER. C()NVEY-\N"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance EDWARD FRANCIS . C. HENDERSON OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Kin 0- ( )ut. :9 NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL, ONT. [Single copies, 3 cts. CUNVEYANCING . PINKERTON- V.S, NOTARY PUBLIC HONI PIANIST Verne Pattison P. O. addres Gurmley, power on Cnflege of No. 31 'be at and

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