Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Feb 1919, p. 4

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No not yet, there will be plenty of cold weather this season when you will need extra heat in the mornings or at night. Our New Perfec’tion Heaters are just the thing for this. If your bedroom is cold in the morning light the oil stove and in half an hour your room will be , warm and cosy. If . you happen to have ~ ‘ company and the parlor or sitting room is a little chilly, light the oil stove. . If your bathroom is cold it will only take a few minutes to warm it with a New Perfection Oil Heater. Smokeless, smelless, dangerproof, easy to clean and fill. New Wicks always obtainable in any town. Just what you need for this time of year. Prices $7.00 and $8.25. PHONE 18 ’ A Present Worth While Yonge St. ; Store closes Mnnday and \Vednesduy day 9 p.111., Friday and Saturday open. While Mr. Hewison is repainting the interior of our store there will be some interference with the display of our goods but no interference with business. We believe our Patrons will appreciate the result of our brightening up process. . \Ne have made the selection of good butter :1 busmess. Leave your orders for :1 weekly supply of our Dellcmus Dalry Burdenâ€"fresh, firm and sweet as a nut. Delivery to (11 Thursday and Sulurd Example-$27.40 purchases a :20 year policy for $1000 in case of death or returns all the premiums paid at end of 20 years with profits or $1000 insurance. no more [0 pay and $132 in cash or $1430 insurance paid for, no more to pay. Because it; gives absolute Protection for 20 years; because it costs so little for young people to start; which saves the large Premiums later in life, and your insurance is paid for at the end of 20 years. Because it; is a good safe investment fm‘ boys and girls and teaches them-to save. Is a '20 year insurance policy in the Confederation Life, through P. G. SAVAGE & SON Why? The Richmond H§i Hardwaya 80 Is Spring Hare? Prime Dairy Ema Upen at 7.3»: Saturday when the outlying pm tions of the town 1 ay. . A. Duncan GROCERIES Pure and Wholesome FOOD ‘icensc No. 8 588 WIH close at IO NO‘R MA \‘ BATT ‘ I“ uesdny and Thurs . _ GE 1(1) Phone 8 uesduy. E: i I. D. RAMER In the January number of “Better Business," a j llll‘nfll published in Winnipeg, Mr. C. II. l-Illstnn Deben- ham’s Ltd., Torontn, has an excellent three column article. under the headâ€" ing “Co-Operatinn the Keynote of Success.” The arti le shows con- cinsivelv that Cat ah is full of busi- ness, and that ah that is necessary to buiid up our great country is fur cap ital and labor to go hand in hand and work together fur the good nf the country and mankind. As lung as capital. and lahnr are at variance, just so lung will the progress and prosperity of Canada be retarded Scranton Goal. The best mined in America We believe we fact; of the matter is, the Government does not stand at the present, time too highly in the (-s Limation of the farming: commuuiiy, and thev wislz to carryfivor by a little piece of flattery. But. the far- mers wives and daughters will not ask for more than equal rigth and fair play. Phosphonol [’35 'Co.. St. Catharines Elsctric Restorer for Men We believe the Gorerment will find a difficult task in showing the justice of such a measure. \lhy should furmers‘ wives and daughters be given a privilege that is denied the wives and daughters of mechanics tradesmen, shopkeepers or other classes? Manv women would make excellent trustees, whether they re- side 0n.a farm or in a hamlet. Surely intelligence should count for more than occupation. Ata session ot the Ontario “'0 men’s Institutes held last Week in Toronto lion. Dr. Cody, Minister of Education, announced that he had authority from I’reinier Hearst to say that a bill isin preparation which is described as “An Act to render far~ mers’ wives and daughters eligible as m':lllbel‘s of school hoards.” At present they can not in such Cupflcily only if they are on the assessment roll in their own right. The new measure is to give eligibility to the wife or daughter of any farmer who is on the assessment :‘oll, provided she resides on the farm. Surclv, that was not a suhjec‘. fur laughter. If” the County Council think Bals‘evisu) a menace, it should be taken seriously. Intakes little courage to pass resolutums. To fol- low them up and act upon them is another matter. And the constables and magistrates are surely entitled to know what is expected of them. A: the recent session of the County Council a resolution was move: and carried, “That the constabulary uni magistrates of this county he and are hereby requested and required to take stern and stringent action in the matter of any appearance of we principles of Bolslievism within hhe county, by imposing such penalty as will tend to the complete suppression of the menace.” After the motion was read onent‘ the members asked tre Warden. for a definition of “Bolshevism,” but, according to a report in the city papers. he said it had to be taken as read, and his answer was followed by a burst of lziugh'er. A good supply of White Shorts and Bran for sale also Excelsior Dairy Feed Nut and Stove on hand Special fitteniian Hard and Soft Wood Special price on Mixed Poultry Feed {resh suppiy of Purity Flour ND [111 License ‘5 every nerve in the body Os-r u“ on of the County was moved and :onstabuhry uni :oumy be and are The Sunken Drug 0309 rhésphcno! the city taken as followed Wl @j The Farm consists 0f 100 acres more or 1959 clay luum. 75 acres Hf Whilfh is cullivated. Hm rvnmiuder lwing hush :md p-ustnw, lhrnngh which it never failing stream fl~\vs. Thle is situnls‘d upun thr- nhuve n 10 rmnm-d hrirk dwelling: nlw frme lmrn 100 ft. by 30 ft. Swirling fur 26' hwu] «.f stuck. Got-d pig pun and thne-ry. Fum- “mes (nf gmvd urchanl. Good \ve-ll and windmill. Thereuxe about 3mhm1s new fence. Termsâ€"Ten pol-cvnt. cash. half of relunindm- in 30 days. balance ml mortgage of (3 pur cent. m an- Uunnly ul )m k. III the Plnx'inu- uf ()nluliu. HmnkP Inspmttur. will :Ipply tn the ":11 linnwnt, uf Canada at the nvxt svs‘m‘inn HH'lPllf fur :1 Bill (If Divnrm- flu-m his‘ “‘ift‘Jl'ssiI‘ Lmvx encv. fnruwrly Hf the sail! (Riv (if 'I‘m-nntn. nmv uf lhv (Fitv of Bnfl'uln. Slate hf va Vm-k.(‘nn9nft1wUniledfilntr-Snf Alnvricu, on thy grounds 0f adultery and deeprlinn. Dutv-d at the City of Tin-onto. in the Provinm- nf Ontm'in, [his 2lst (My hf January A. H. mm. CURRY & WALLACE. By Pllhli\:1\l1clilv!lnt Lot 2. CH!) Markham. lhu pmpvxly nf HARRY s. MA'I"1‘HE\\'S Wednesday, Feb. 19, 19l9 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. in AII thew grmdsnrc Richmond Hill every and Saturday. PHONE 8:2 IOI- High I Homen Everything the farmer needs in the way of new Implements and repairs to fix up the old. Also Pumps, Ladders - Bixd Proof Barn Door Fittings \\’ire Fence and Iron Pogts Binder Twine Fleury Pulper a bargain Farm For Sale hn I. Maple Bake FOR PURE BREA Subscfibe For “The Libera F. J. MANSBRIDGE BUTCHER AND PROVISION DEALER YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL ‘1‘» hole Fish 18c. lb., Half Fish 20c. lb. 0r Sliced 25c. armers’ Supplies Headless and Cleaned 10c. lb. or 3 lbs. for 25c. FRESH SEA SALMON A plentiful supply of Fresh Fish \Vhite Fish ................................ goo. per lb. Fresh Sea Herrings ................ 12%c. per lb. Finnan Haddie ......................... 18C. per lb. Haddie Fillets ........................ 23¢. per lb. Kippered Herrings 20C. 3 pair, extra large Ciscoes . ..................................... 23c. perlb. at. FRESH HADDOCK Extraordinary Special in Snlicitm-s tor applicant u’clook ‘unche H PRENTICIC. Autt. J Schm jOHN (‘ akefi] l I FISH W t cred In illcsdu \' jI l E \Vh Ln, W. F. Carter RICHMOND HILL the claims of \vhi-th it shall then have notice, and that, lhv said 9Xl'cutor will not he limblt- fill tlw said assets or any part iherenf m anv persnn nr peisons hf \vhnsP claim nnliuv shall nut have been x-eepivvd by iL at the lime of such distribution. thril Chlistnin names and sunmnws nddr‘ssvs unll dvscriptivns. the full particulars. in writing. of their claims. :1stutenwntofthPir acummls. :md ['10 nutnm- (-f the soc-unity. ifnny. held by them). And take notice that aflvr such lust. mentioned date- the said expuulm- will prrmved to distribute [he assets of the said decenle :unnng the parties on- liled tlwrptn. hHVillg rvgnrd nnly to [n the Mattvr «If tlw estate of Mary Elizaiwth Hiltslaleuf the- vanship of Markham. in the Ununty hf You-ll. Marni-d \anan. deceased. Nutim' is hers-hy give-n, put-want tu serttinn 5U uf the TI llsll‘vs Act. R. S. 0. 19H. Chap. 12]. that all cuediturs nvd others having claims U1 demands against t‘ht- l‘fil-‘ltt’ of the said Mary Elizdwlh Hihs. whn (iwd rm m about. the smeJutm-nlh day uf nt-cmnhernine- teen humlwd and eighteen, at, thv ann~hip of Markham. ale rtquiretl «m m- huh-w the mwnlieth day of Feb- mmy mm. to send hy pust. prvpaid. m- :lvhxm- m Lmi Hum 91'. uf the van- ship (If Markham in-the (hmnly nf York. the axe-cutm' nf tho last. \rVill and Tvslamvnt of the said (ivcuused. hvim- Tuck. uf the Uin of Turunlo. in the (Immly uf Ym-k. in [he Prm‘incn of Untmiu, Srht'ul Tam-her. will apply in lhu psll'liillllt'llt nf Canada at the nvxr, SP>Sinl| (hum-pf fur :1 Bill of Di- vm m- frnm hi- wif». Edna Mnrir Tuck u? llu- (‘ily nf Don-wit. in the State of Michigan, Mnrrird \anen. 0n the ground of adule y and (lesPl'titm. Dated at. Tmnntu. vamce of On- tm-iu. (ho 4th day nfDecemht-x',1918. FRANK J. HUGHES NOTICE OF APPLYCATION FOR DIVORCE. Ont. NOTICE lllt (‘uhk .VL Hilchllsr. Suliuitm's fur the- snid Exvcutmu Dated at Tmnnm this 14th (luv of January, 1919. 30-4 NOT“ int. M ll) “tit-k NOTICE TO CREDITORS. (ivsr'l‘liun. ATE!) 21L Tmmun, Province 01 min. lSLh dfiy uf Nuvember, 1918 DOUG LAS & GI RSON. ’ 17 Queen Street. East. Toronto, SnliciN‘I'S fur the Applicant, Ruse Hirst. Ill um 11 t Filliuit,tll' fan applicant quge 1: wine Tuck. nent there hm- h Uf [ht mwd \\’u in the (In Hf Untmi is h F APPLICATION PUR DIVORCE. (I “’t -I.-hy gin-n Hf the (V‘in uf Yul-k. in lwul THICht Sill! tho Oily of Immd (1f Id given that Rose Ill. of the City Of LVuf Yurk. in 1h? will apply tn the (In. M the. next l Bill of Divorce Thomas LPSHH ’ily (If Tm-nntu. mud of adultery thnt. George of anunlo. [he Prm‘incn 1'. will supply muln at the :1 Bill of Di- Gilchl isf

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