fruni a distance. Cnnveynnt‘vs will meet, G. T. R. and 'MeLl-nprvlilun curs at. Aurora onInm‘uingnfsulu. ulan. N. R. morning train from north at. Vandal-f, F. \V.Silvvrsides. Anct. Catalogues of .lvrsvys (m .-1pplicntiur. TUES. FEB. Zï¬â€"Ewrm stuck, imple- ments 9H2. Int 23. con, 1 Vnnglmn, Staples Cunwr. the property of G. Skipwmlh. Sulval lo’cluck. Teims 9 momhs. J. H. Prentice. Auctr. VVED.. FER. 26â€"-High class Holstein cattle, horses. implements etc, lot 25. (run. 5 .\l;n-kh:un. Cashi-l. Pinp- erty of ’1‘. 0. anel‘)’. Fale nt 12 nnnn. lunch pluvidml. Train]: 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Anct. \VED.. FEB. 2(iâ€"Furm stuck, imple- ments (10.. int '71. (:nn. 1, \V‘hi‘c church. the- pruneity of John Monk- nmn. Sale at l (I'L’iuck. ’J‘Pi-ms 9 months. Saigmm & \VaiKing'nu, uuclin-mers. TE“:qu FEB. 27 “Farm slack. ilhpiP» ments etch. Int. 1. c.n1.9, Markham. Th» pmpexty of Geo. \thlly. Sale at 12 (H'lUCk. 'l‘rrms 9 m-nnths. J. H. PimAice, Aucf. SAT. MAR. lâ€"me SUN‘k. implements elm. int 27. con. 81h line Meuklum. the plum-11y nf (Kl). Smith. Sula at lZv’clm-k. 'l‘ermeSnmnihc. .l. H. Prentice. Anct. DR. DeVAN’S FRENCH P11153133: gnlnting Pill (or Women. 35 a box or three for $10. ISold at all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on rcceiptof price. Tux SCOBRLL Dam C0,. 5!. (Luthnrines. Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN . 0 \ ml and Vitality: for Nerve and Brain; increases “grey umuor";a Tonicâ€"will build you up‘ a. box. or :\\'0 for $5. at drug stores. or by mni on revoip! uf priqa Tm; SWBELL DnL‘u Co.. St. Catharines mmmo. Cusln-l. the prupelly of \VilliumS. Sulv :ll Ink-lock. 9 mom hs. J. H. Pie-mice THUR. MAR. (iâ€"Fnrm stuck, mean um. Int 1;"), mm, 2, St- the pmpmly of Alvx Nt‘ilsul' aL13u’uluLk. 'i‘m m> 91mm†d. ll. l’l'l'lllll'l‘" MllCl- THURS. MAR. 20-â€"F.-u‘m stock impleâ€" mean pun. lot 1, con. 9. Maukhaln. the property of \V. Bruwn. Sale at ln’clnck. .7. H. Prentice. Auct. \VED, MAR. 2Gâ€"High class Reg. 0|de- dale horsps, Reg. holstvin cattle. implemvnts etc†10:30. cnn. I Smu- the property (uf Alvx NI‘HSUI]. Sult- at 12 u‘uluLk. 'i'm ms 9 nmth‘. J. H. Pl'°l)lix:v, Auct. Sat. MARCHâ€"S, crudil 5:119 of Faun Stu: k, implemenh etc. In! 67, run. 1 King. Yunge SL. Slup 57.5. lhv Pl‘npOlLY uf Jus. Jones. Sillt.‘ at I, 8munths. J. H. Prunlivv. Amt. \Vpd. MARCH 13â€"â€"l“:nm stnckJmple- nzeuls l-tc. lul 14. run. 5, Vaughan, the pl-npmty (f “'m. Usher. Sult‘ at l h’clnck. 'l‘vrms 9 months. Saigon“ h \\':-lkinglon. Ancls \VED. MAI}. l2â€"Ful'm slum-k, implv- uleuts. furniqu elm. Int 22.. mm. 2. “'93! Yux k. the prupurly uf (lwlmtu Hem-y \Viltshirv. H.1lrutll)u’cluuk. Ht 12 (IV-lurk. 'l'mms H Illi'llllh. Suigeml & \Vn!kin;ztnn. :nu-ls. Thurs. FEBRUARY 304F411†<tm-k. implmut‘ms‘ ('U'. Int 4. mm. 7, Vaughan, the prnpmty of \\’m. Hendry. Suh- at l! u‘uluck. Tmms 9 mos. Saigwm & \lekillg'nl] Aucts THURSDAY. FEB. 20â€"3112 Thus. J. épanlding ‘Vlll have 31811:- of Gen- eral Farm Stuck. Purv-BH-d .lvrspys and Implenu-nts. an [Ant 2†in [hp 2nd ()un. uf \\’hituhurch. S-nle nt, 12 shmp. Lunch pmvidwl fnl' thus»: frum “distance. Cmn'eynncvs will Lunch pl-midvd. ’l‘x-nm 9 month». J. H. Plenlice, AlH‘l. THURS.. MARCH l3-Hull.\t'huld funni- tuw l‘lC.. at [he l‘lSidl-‘HCO Newton Brunk. Properly nf llrnry Denhy. Sale :lL 1 p.m. Tm ms (ilel). J. H. Prenticv, Auct. Fri. MARCHâ€"H, farm stuck, impr 1m nts, hay. grain. mus, Mu. lot 24. con. 2, Sunrlmro, Agincmn-t, the Property of \Villinm l’..terscn. Sule at 11 o'clock, lunch pluvidvd. ‘ J. H. Pl"‘l)li(3P Auct. SAT. MAR. ‘lï¬â€"Hnrsv, rigs, hHIHb‘SS, robes. househnld furnilmv etc... at that-(widens? Uniunvillt‘, the prop- erty of “’m. Mvmknmn. Suh'ut] o’clock. Town (3 mnntns. J. H. PH‘IHICP, Aunt. TUES. MAR. lSâ€"ann stud ments $46., In! 30. con. 2. S the pH-pvrty of Arthur Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms 9 Shrub! price Ii includi \\'ED.. Fm; bred Huh registewd lot 1.01m. Albert and \VED. Fun. 194% Slm.k. llllpll'lné‘lllï¬ Markham. the: [m Mulho\\'.~‘. Sale at, prm‘idrd. Tm ms 5 TUESDAY, Fun. I plum-Hts (411;,11» The prnvay 4 Sale at 1 o'clock Hen ry Lunch bm'n. the property nf \V. H. Patton sun. Sale at 12 n'clnLk. Trl‘nm 9 nu nths. J. H. Prentice. Allcl. 1din RPpI-esentaliw- ful' Ihv dislri D.SMITII («Emmi 11m. \\'1qu. uwer ut' all kinds Nursmy 5m Geo. H. Price Fruit Trees Unhlein :\L'(ITIU.\' SALES liH HLqu-m SHIL Leiu and grade C=ll swine, implemst e 3. King. tlw pI-nprl‘ty Mrs. Jumps liudgm‘. b mk. THIHS 9 mum )NDHILI H H. I’m-mice, Anct‘ um stuck. imple . Con. 2. Sourhnrn Arthur Oldlmm Terms 9 months H. Prouliu-p, Aucl [)lt cun. 1 Vaughan, property of G. 1 o’clock. Telms . Prentice. Auct. ‘m‘ms 2 Grinch. [um-i Innnlhs. Premier. Aucl Huck. [homung grade, )lll Itv m stm: . III] M. 5‘ Sin-u hon I. ’l‘hnmpszm ns 10 Immth n-nliw. Aum XIXUNA 0N1 Iv Stock ir. ice. Aurl. k. unpluâ€" ‘ :uhm-n, :1-1‘. Salt mum 1| Aurt. imva nimnt hum (41:11.3 Hun-y lunch )l'l 7 Acres House and bank barn ad- joining Richmond Hill, a lmrgain. A few good 50 & 100 acre farms for sale in vicinity of Richmond Hill also some choice 5 & 10 acre garden lots. OLIVER & CARTER wow. 11 RICHMOND HILL Pmperiies For Saie \ViH he at and will tulu pupilï¬ Pure White Bread Flour Music E Grafonolas and Records Th Have :1. Inputulinn fur dung thmough wurk. Thu! pmlly vx- plains why we have ten sohw ls in annntn. Business, Shorthund and Uivil Service Cnnl'svs. \Vlilr‘ \V. H. Slmw. President, for Cdtulngnv. Phone 77 High I’m-k AH Shaw’s Sshï¬ï¬‚is At The Richmond Hill Bakery A. A. EDEN, Prop. Division Court Come to our store and let us prove that statement to you. Let us play you some of the latest Columbia Records on the newest Grafonola models. Then let us explain to you our con- venient purchase plan that makes it so easy for you to have good music in your home. v If you are not, you are missing one of the best things in life. Nothing in all this world can give so much enduring pleasure as good music in the home. And nothing we know brings to the home so much good music at so moderate a cost as the MM hndlst :hl'l' Tun RICHMOND HILL Are You At Home GWith Good Music? "l Toronto, Ont Sittiu unty( the C ‘Ul‘nntn Muph Tree from substitutes at $6.00 a bag Wm. Graham; also Graingér’s Barber Shop Pl .~\.\'O AND VOICI g of Divxswn Uourt )f ank will beheld om‘t Room. ,‘hlr hm M v. ouoh Sulurd united number inin OUTTE my HARRY HULSE, Aurora ‘m-nnlu. Jrvntm'y uler. Hi SHORTS $43.50 per ton $2.20 per cwt. m Ton-(ml Musi IQIO LEI | Wednesday & Saturday Evenings \Yednesdnv Evenings â€"- Admission for nil 10 cents. Szx‘hu'dny Evenings-Adnhs13 cts.; Childn-n 10 (:e-nts. The Rink will he) opvn m) \VPdnes- days frmn 4 to :) p.m , free to children under ten years uf age. l‘lw Old [*1in Saturday Evenings Richmond Hill Skating Rink llll‘lll during the by selliuz in unit STONE & WELLINGTON Farmers Attention Hardy 31H “H BAND Open fur Skate-rs nn lll I]! h-linhle Funthill Nm Esluhlishtd 1837 ilf TORONTO. ONT. nadian Nursery Hindu {U [(1 ll! TICK HTS I. A. MuNKMAN. Chairmth nf (Vummitlee [If Ill n1 iL'lll 0111' \V \l Hit and 0mm III. lll llt ll) Ill tock. I-tf tiulr et( m m Cockshutr Farm Imp‘.ements F. R. {)UVER Phone 11 01186 Rick R. W. E. Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. Richmond ï¬ï¬‚l Annex HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill There's a Size for EVERY SIZE Farm and EVERY KIND of W’ork. L. E. HAND, The TRACTOR is helping the farmer to raise more food in less timc with less labor and expense than he could do it with lmrses_ RICHMOND HILL BRANC FIELD WORK BELT WORK ROAD WORK Motorize all your work. Raise larger crops by Motor Farming and save expense. The Avery Motor, the ï¬nest power plant on wheels, mounted on a sliding frame burns Kerosene. AVERY TRACTORS LEAD. They are the only make of Tractors built in ï¬ve sizes of the same standardized design. Phones N o. 68- 7:, Preparing the Seed Bed, Handling the Grain Crop, Handling the Corn Crop and Miscellaneous Crops and Hauling. Lion and (Jun in Canada. ( :l 3331-“) son world’s H-cm Ihs. .Iunim- hmthv- He is f prices I Ilvrd sire. AVO MAY EUHU SYIA g-Q STANDARD BANK Truck Service AVERY TRACTOR FOR FURTHER ‘NFORMA’IIUN WRITE OR SEE ll AVERIZE ALL of your WORK. Demonstration any time. tn Building Lots on Yong and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots 0n Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. ilhm' mu] md cr .1' he: Mcney 10 Loan 0n Farm Pmperly rt currext rates AVONI).~\ LE l0. If this cl Stock, Furniture Etc 0m to Toronto or elsewhere for moving For Sale 011 Easy Terms BUY THE BEST [he gm: nvs~m d sire. Ill ARM Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 L. W. CURTIS, ALE PONTIAC ECHO (undm . [he \rrI-ltl’s best Ivcmd cnw f( ml fm- hutlvr. 41 lbs. Onlv um- 'mw hundth includvs neatly ï¬ XL KING SEG IS. [unthe nture SMASH, NI KING SI‘IGIS PONTIAC CANADA, :1 half PUN"[AU ECHO. (int (If :. 301115. Segis Cuw. Inhinutinu of breeding inlvrests yuu. write for fe-mulvs. reasonable rates Brantford Caniages. Adams Wagons Try Our 01) 55. OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO onge J. T. LCCKE 8: C0,, ()NGE ST. HADIA L Richmond Hill THE SL, Belmpnt uld 46.34 l0 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Agent RICHMOND HILL under lvnsv]. a son of 20w fur milk produc- y nnv thr Jl-lb. hull nly ï¬fty duughtm-s of ~Lu (he sires (of three ($.84. Jr. 4-y1-.~old 40.32 Manager