J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S.‘ W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALWAYS 0N HAND Tel. M. 3631 RICHMOND HlLL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Oï¬â€˜ice; Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vost. Richmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liliei'al Ofï¬ce). every Thursday fOI't’HUUH. Maple, Thursday 2Lft91'n'Hfl'1. \Vnodhridae, Saturday foremmn. '34 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA ank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonuld ' Han-y D. Anger 1 large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept. at the alon? places REAL ESTATE J- T- SAIGEON C. WALKINGTON Maple King Licensed Auctioneer: for the County of York. Sales attended to nn shortest vnnticv. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited JOHN R. CAMPBELI 'fl‘elepbone 1V1uin 2777 415 Bullinl Sh, Tornnlu. Phone Belum‘nt 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER mi: COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Slwcial attvntiun given to sales nt vvui‘y .drscriptinn. Farms and farm sini'k sales n specialtv. Farms lmught and sold on commission. All snle ut- Infilde to on shortest noticv, and CH"- duclcd by the mustuppruved methods. n i .. . - .701?" .7. Qavidson PIANO TUNING 3 )1) BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phnne Jnnctmn ‘72. All mail orders will recs-ive [gl-rllipt attention. Undertakers dz Elnhnlmers enton, Grover «S: Macdonald . gagerqq “MargNaughton f. H. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lmnsdml Bldg, 6 Adeluilh- SL. flicvs { East. Tux-unto [Nunghtnn Bluck. Aurora. [Thf‘ 'l‘mvn nf Aurora ‘llmtm' rm. 1.]. M. \antml. Aumm J. '1‘. SAIGEON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST ‘hone or mail message attended to. P1 my to l'nnag‘n snli RICHMOND HILL VOL. XLI. NENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER VETERINARY SURGEON ’l‘hox'nhil]. by phone or otherwise prompth responded m‘ Organs Ruptured. £11169}, Work Barristers. Snlicturs, MANNINU ARCAZ. 1 WRIGHT BROS .50 per annum, in advance. WILLIAM COOK â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" II. 'I)I'Qllti(30 mail messages promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL MANAGER NH] iu'd Residpnce Elgin Mills Residence Phone 41.4 1t C urn-ht Liher )l‘l 1 et m-ned nnd neighhum nf wa‘f In learn Lhat shv is from her lung illness traded last, Svplt'llll) m welcmue her hull)!“ N ew Ll‘m' themselve February. War 5. 5.. but Ctlllcelttd acLiun is needed. Thofullmving schools have had the Penny Bank estuhlishe-d Inrsmne tiuw: Silve'rthnrne. New Tumnln, Swansea. King Gem-go. Lmnhum Mills and George Synw. The I-epm'L uf the Penny Bank IIPFm-u me- for Jauum-V and February shmvs that Lhe- ï¬rst four of Lh‘t-Se stand ahead «If all nthr-r schools in the Pru‘incv- in the average mumth depmits mud-a by each pupil. Silverllmrne hming In its Cl‘l-‘dlL an average monthly dvptmit pvr pupil uf 136 cents. The-s» schuuls drummed over $1500 during Ihu munth nf Fell. New Ll‘nmnlu’s ï¬gnws are givvn by Thv Minislyer of Edumniun is strungâ€" ly urging the teaching of ’lhrift. iu the suhuuls, and nun-e strongly urging its pmcLu-o. Bunrds _of Educatinn. Trus- tee Bounds, and teachers shnuld under- [ilkl' [he work. at unco. if nnt. already begun and place it, on a properly m- gzmizpd basis. As far as I am con- cerned il; is my aim to have every schunl systematically pmcmsmz thift, within the m-xL few nmnths. either lhmugh the Penny Bank or by the purchase nf thlifL nrb‘uving Stampe. Teachers here- uud thew are begin- ning tn svcun- results through (ho if “‘L Mrs. staying Hill. of It may he of inn-rest to the public to Know What the schools of \Vest York are accomplishing along the line of thrift in thesv limes when the prac- tice of saving is esp-acisllly sn necessary. \V \Ve Hurry \viLh h‘ Richm: i 11 um {hhul~‘1 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. M \RCII '37 Thrift in the Schools that’s why the Cleveland is so efficient! 9S : Jnnu , $203.10 misï¬ng nu! lt‘fl Built like an army tank WWW! Mm? HE ability to travel over almost any coilâ€"that’s why the Cleveland always stays at work. That’s why it gets so much work done. And it is small enough to turn around in the cornersâ€"â€"to get into the farm lotsâ€"saves the waste ground that can’t be reached by the ordinary tractor. Weston. March 22. 1919. hut (:UHCc'lt/td acLiun is C. E. Cooderham & Company tubing schools have had the Ilium-d Inrsmne tiuw: 3w Tmmun, Swansea, anhmu Mills and The I'epan uf the “In Essentials, Unity; in A few good territories still open for live dealers. Write at once. Hill HM wa‘fw illL’llt “SON dt‘pnsit nut nppmlunity pl'uclicul 1mm. ("AMJ’BELL. who hue lily l'eét hirh sh» and me ‘III wiuto umuv f UH a» 2‘3 1'53? Mrs is- pie-used recnv. led aspect $216 glad Send for a Catalogue to $1.31) (\Var Tax 15:2) Fm- Tln ee Evenings only $1.00(\Va1‘ Tux 100.) Dominion Chautauqua F estivai FRIB DAY, You are invited tn Mk? advantage of Ihis‘ drligh'fnl Fr-Mivui t‘f M'BMC, Education and Entmtuimnvnt. Obtain Tickets at DRUG STURE and LIBERAL OFFICE. Hiohnmnd Hill. viauï¬ls in the: \‘illnéé: manly and should he stopped. Th0 rpgulm‘ mPPtinq nf [hp Horticul- tnml Society will he held on Tus-sday, April lst. The subject. will he “ Th9 Vpgemhle garden. its (-nltivutinn and care. and the lit-net varieties fur home nee.†illustrated with lantern slidvs. Now is (hp time tn pl‘Ppnl‘O for spI-inu‘. Evvryune is welvnme‘ 'Victniia hall. April lstv, at 8 p. m. The monthly meeting of the “’0- nu-n‘s Auxiliany was held on \Vc-dm-sâ€" day uflasL WPPk AL tho hnuw «vf Mrs. Runtley. Aftt-r thv dovutinnnl and business pant. 0f the met-Ling refresh- ments were served ThP crvanwrv and (‘tlwr property helnnging to Mr. R. Misnnlet have hes-n purchasvd by Mr. D. Knplan. and will he [He'd as n cheese factory. Mr. H. Snider is lpnving hem to stay with relatives in Yul-k ’l‘nwnship. and has rented his hmlse tn Mr. R. H¢>ale. For :1 long time some of the hays have tnkpn delightin trmingand play - iiig p_x-aclical_ juka on humble- indi- Three» Mechanics Hall, Aurora AY, SATURDAY and MON= MARCH 28th, 29th & 3lst 4ftornmms and (h TORONTO Tirket THORNHILL Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity MAPLE whnle serips (me Easy to operateâ€"economical on keroseneâ€"the Cleveland is a tractor for any farm. Thousands are now in useâ€"building proï¬ts-â€" making farms more productive. Yet there is sufï¬cient power and speed to enable it to get a great volume of work done. Pulls a two- bottom plowâ€"at a speed of 3% miles per hour in medium soil. Plows 8 to 10 acres per day. 9 evenings. A few good 50 & 100 acre farms for sale in vicinity of Richmond Hill also some choice 5 S; 10 acre garden lots. PHONE 11 The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Uourt N0. 3, County of York will he held in the Court Room. 7 Acres House and bank barn ad- jJining Richmond Hill, a bargain. Pmpenies For 338 J. S. SHEPHERD .T. If. RICE‘VQII (Late of Maple) ’ ¢\: Son ; 1 _ 9 Licensed Auctioneers fur T u'nnto and DLC()R‘\T0R’ I APER HANGLR' I the Counties of York, Peel #:nrl Simcop GRA INICR ETC. | Phone 950 VVnod bridge Graduate RoyalAcademv of Music, Lnndun. England. (inld Medallist. Trinity College. Lnndnn. England. . Organist and Uhuir Loman High Park Methodist, Church. anunto. Teacher I‘nmntu Unnss'l-vulm'y of Music. Will he at Maplv. oar-h Saturday and will take :1 limited numlwr of pupils. ï¬ 42 High Pal-k Ave. Turnntn TEACHER 0F PIANO AND VOICE L \‘h ". XVi'S‘h GEORGE I. COUTTS Division Court uesdas Umnmencmz at 9.45 mm RICHMOND HILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL OLIVER & CARTE 1‘. F, MCMAHON CLERK _0N__ April RICH MON 1919 ) 111111 19H) THORNHILL GARAGE Repaixs of all kinds of motors and gas engines. Get your cylinders re- bored and get more power on less gas. Richmona Hill CROW’NS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce lomtcd in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 mm. to 5p.m Hon. Graduate Royal Onllege of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Fridnv. O rg :1 n l Mr. Frank Converse Smith 1‘19:va ER OF THE VIOLIN Phune NL Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison \ViH “31.91: at his “I 20f {vsidencw Victoria S( H. A. N ICHOLLS D. H, P Richnaond IIill THORNHILL Onmmissiunel InsuranCe, Issue! of M PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA'I‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS J EDW G. H. HOOPER dM‘SSIONER j. EARLE‘ NEWTON PIANIST in Richmond Hill ‘(mducu NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pun-mung» and influence ‘ l'e-spectfully solicited MARRIAGE LICENSES Addx Real Estate and Insurance ("I . C. HENDERSON OFFICE a Iii n THORNH [LL, ONT Shyteri nt( NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts. CONVEYANCING J. E1 U NIE 11H. OTARY PUBLIC "VARD FRANCIS 1M ISSUER 0F Piunu-Plnying nt' unwrvnlm'y Uf M (‘huil-nmxtm' St. A ul' inn ('hmrll. Turnnto Yux‘k Churn] Society limitml numhm r\f puptls slmliu, Richmond Hill HONP rdvimm- Buildin K ERTDN. V.S. ND RESIDENCE . Cnnveyancer etc and Real Estate eriage Licenses. 3;. (ï¬nnt. 14 ‘Y () N Thur sd rm] N o. O. :Iddres 'uronto