The stustislirs uf ox‘nsnlidntvd svhmï¬s shnw [hut pments‘ nlnjucliuns tu Ilnnspurt'ntiun (.1 their chihlwn are gradually “iLhdr-nvn. :Is (:hildru-n are likt-lv to he safer. as far as hudin tlungx-l' um] cmxtnminnliml (If their minds with PViI aw mncerned. when they are in change nf a ('ul'PfIII (Inn-l. 0nâ€. decided ‘xdvunhlgv of [he consol- idated school nvvl‘ the (me-wmnPd llll'.’ ipul ()nu derided hivnnlugo of t he- consol- iu-itml school over the one-roonwd Sclhml is in the division hf the \vm'k among SPVt’l'ill lt'ilchl‘l’S in the guided :-‘ 'hrml. “'ith the number of subjects iivcewsury to he taught and the number of classes. the: touchrr in the one-room- e-(l achool ï¬nds it simpr immiscible to give the time in teaching that is need- (‘(l in developing tlw mind along various limIs of study. In a good grudvd school of thrve or more tam-hers the average will easily do in sevrn years the woik of eight in the unguided school and the foundalion is he! trr for subsequent: wm k. The graded school makes it possible for the regular teacher»; or special Ivan-hers togive proper instruction in Art, Music. Household Scirncr. Manual Training. Agriculture and Horticulture. To be sure those sub- jects do not come under what is repui-di-d’ns GSSPnLially the three R’s, and yet, how much happinoss and well- lwmg ofthe indiv‘dual are wrapde up in a good foundational knowledge and conception of these more piacticul subâ€" jects. If we are tn raise the status of Canadian citizenship we must give our children El better and broader education than at present. This has hern the nim of the Depaitmmit of Education in qualifying tong-hers through Summer Coursvs in these special subjects. in offering special gman and zenernlly seeking to \‘i- KilllZe the schools, hut, w:- lmve been hard to woo from our ideas of purely litvrury educ itinn. u-l In the large sites of cnnsulidalud schuols.5ay ten acres. there will le proper spare fur the playginunds. the whom-gardens, expPrim-ntul plots. parking with minim-um] and nnr nitive trees etc. \Vith .‘I gum] school building placed in such nsile. the education nf our children will take mu :0. new nspect. Tho child Inin is‘ \‘vry susceptible to lhl‘ beauty and suitability of his surroundings Many ufnursclmnl buildings nowfwith their small. have and ill-kept grounds are u pusitive injustice tn lhefresh yuung minds that they recvive lusting impres- sinus. have their habits of llmughb mud outlnuk formed and their personal- ity lxrgely determined. Atameeting of tne Villnge Council hub evening. the lesolution reht he to the Agricultural Sncieby was x-e- con - sidered. and a grant; of $300 mm m ad e to theSociety Lu .\~sibt in lrlilding a new ticket oï¬l :e at the entrance. of the Park gruunda. On m otien the Reeve was instructed to sign the ngleen-ent as amended. Moved by Councillor Moukluun, that O ouncillnrs Hill, Lunnu and Greene be a Committee to assist theAglicultural Society in locating the new building. Council adjourned. T. H. I‘rvnch. A. J. Hume. Re-eve. Ulex-k. “.5â€, __.-.. In my next article Ishull speak of fuf'ther advantages, the ohj eclinns mused 1i nd the cost. The Council met in the Clerk‘s ofï¬ce unMarch 28. With all the members present. The committee recently apâ€" puinted to confer with at committee ut the Agricultural Society presented their report and also a draft agrarâ€" ment. The report recommended n grant to the Society of $300 to assist in the erectiun at“ a new ticket ofï¬ce. After discussion, it was moved and Seconded that the Reeve be authorized to sign the agreement. The motion was lost. Moved hv Councillor Hill, secnnded by Councillor Greene. that the agree- ment be amended by striking nut the words “'l‘hrve hunde dollars," in clauseflund clause 4. and by the in- sertion in lieu thereof of the words "25 percent. of the cost of the erec- tion of the said building up to .175." â€"C-anied. \\'hon {51.50 per annum, in advance.] ,\'hvn lwunr 1m n1 suhxml sortiu sections with lily. and build Idlug Centrallyrn III the outlying-{p VOL.XLI. Consolidated Schools. Vguage Council. : (In fm-Lh pni nts :u-e purpnse of thf few of its udvun m urban) mndvrn rhich [In I‘ll L. Campbell. rn school he pupils (conveyed. nsnlidulPd e of this I‘ present hdnte m n munic- pe-rsnnally um) :|\\'Nl'(‘ llr‘illk" ‘Dutch‘. :13: mun Elwlish "mi Yulksl hum mmr Shv'ï¬â€˜i-‘M i wuy hf inLI-nduutiun I Thu (‘flllit‘sb mvmnl'y thnL nt' :2 Sunday n Uhluch. lwnwmhm hand “lung [he “'in pmsed lwtvwen the places uf furan- Churnh-goers. I you tuned lwâ€. the hush. Memo: RICHM hilth Sunday nun-hing wqu to wnwmlwr lming lt-d hv 1116' [he “Wilding "\Vulk" that sugary»: It. A A‘fll't' th,.t instv: mnnv suppnsml IlkSllil‘P. tun, and Contrasts ONI ssmtials D. HILL &c0., Su Hm! I) Ind. and his limo IIUW n):- «I. 1 .lm In-ing l‘his hy ’anws Master Sixes Ill Unity; in Non-Essentials, \\'i' ll a rival: rm-md. .it ll'dS‘I vxte-rnallvi A tul) of warm water \\'a~' [nm‘idrrl and in turn we“pullud nt'f." () my. hnw gramlmutlwi‘ w-ruhlwd. hut mu lvlnnd ran ['Uld at the thought of tho ï¬nal act. for pm» we steppi-(l out nfthat tuh half a pail of that Ire cold water was poured over each uufnrtunate la'l. l’lr-adiugs for its muiasmn ware lulilr. the n:in (-umpe-inaliuu wa< in watching the other fullnw."get his". as the bays say_ Sunday mmning \ve l‘t’pnrlrd at, the schuolhouse for Sun- day schuul till quarter to elevén. Wht‘ll w:- marched in two birdies to Church. 'Ihe girls were seated in the hmly of the church, while we hays were 8‘5“th in the gallmv. A \‘(v‘twrahlr gunt with sharp eyes and armed with a hamlr o pale 8 or 10 feet lung with a hard knuh nu outer end. SUJUd guard. and War lwtidu the buy whn squirnwd in his seat or failt-(l to sit at "Attention." I well rememlwr one youthful Wag who during the reading uf the Litnny introduced a variation in the respnnses fut instead nf sayingâ€""delivvr us" hP sang out "liver us" As we knew he meant “rvmuve r-nr livers" iLtonk a, great effort In pt‘l‘sPt‘ve our gravin as at the- second repetition the knob came down nn his hvad with a distinctly audible ‘whuck’._ Tu resume. after your and (In- Lhuu mys If pvvning servicv at 7 m- re-nd gncd hunks nL hnnm, play was new-:- th ugh! of. and I (hunt vvpn renwmlwr a hwy vxhihiting even a nva jacknife (m Sunday. 1 think lhwn'smnenfmy ynuug waders say, “Bva vnuld you stand such bondage, was life wuth living?" YES. indm'd it; was, we lad nrvel- knmvn anything elw, and in looking back over ï¬fty-eight yams I ï¬nd no sweeter rerrnllvctiuns nf Parly days than lhose WP†l-nunded Sundavs. the solemn svrvices in the ivy- lad snncluury, and the wholesome instruclinns (if the Sunday Schnnl, (Unntiuued next, week) ‘nnt l'ilM- 11"“ us I)! urn \ve"pnlled ulf." O my mdmmhm' sr‘ruhher‘. hut (Illl un mnld at the thought of th: . for ('I'P we steppt-(l out of Lhn F n pail of that me cold wntm \red nver each unfortunate Ind gs for its mnissmn wen I-nught, 'J‘lwu lh Clnlh Ih tln ln‘ THUR bill SIN HI [he pails lhl- v Sululmlh l‘Xlé‘l‘llullV. < plnvidrd r," o my. 1. but out IghL of the out (If that, cold water Richmond; Hill In Liberty _- in :Ipply tn the ant Divorce formerly nmv nf ‘ NOTICE OF APPLICATiON FOR DIVORCE. DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER, G RAINICR ETC. Graduate R0an Acadean of Music, Lnndnn. England. Gnld Medullist. Trinity Cullpgo, Lnndnn. England. Organist and Chair London; High Park Methndlï¬t Church. Tun-unto. THH‘ht-‘P Tun)an Uunse'x'vntm-y of Music. Will he at Maple. each Saturday and will take- a iimited number of pupils. 42 High Park Ave. Tm-ontn TEACHER 0F PIANO AND VOICE 7 Acres House and bank barn ad- joining Richmond Hill, a bargain. A few good 50 & 100 acre farms for sale in vicinity of Richmond Hill also some choice 5 & 10 acre garden lots. Properties For Sale IHO‘IE 11 mum-v GEORGE I. COUTTS ()nl I desel-tijnn. ted at the City of Toronto. in the int-v uf Ounu'in. this let day nf m-y A. D. 1919. CURRY & \VALLACE, of the CilV tvf Buff Ym'k, mw nthO Unit rjca. an the grounds RICHMOND HILL. ONT to the 1 xt soss‘i . SHEPHERD OLIVER & CARTER fn-m his s hvl'vhy Riv 'l'vnt'e . 11f (h( mlv Ihis \vih the said xtv of Map! Snlicitm‘s ulium n lhm ï¬gs, Charm RICHMOND HILL’ Residence address | Victoria Squnre Uil \' (v Bnï¬'nl Unite: m In; 111.1 71 1h tor applicant [ht State States udulle Inudrl ; 1 Bill uvx-vnc I‘m-um (mm, the Count“ Dr. C. La. Verne Pattison Fr'iduv. crmwxs AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in SLnndard Bunk Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30:1.m. to 5 p.m Hun. Graduate Royal Cnllege of Dn-nlul Sm-gmms. Ton-(Ian will be at Richmund Hill twirl Tuesday and 20f Tencwr nf Plnnn-Plslylllg at the Toronto Conservatory of Music Organist, and Chuirnmster St. Pnul Presbyterian Chulch. Tm'unto Conductor Ym'k Choral Soclety \Vill accept a limited nun?“ of pl llS at. his Flame-studio. Ric 1m ill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill an Thursdays Address Nurdpimer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto COMMISSIONER. (‘0N\’EYRN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance Richmono Hill THORNHILL GARAGE Get your cylinders re- bored and get more power on ess gas. Repaixs of all kinds of motors and gas engines. King, ()ut. Phone No. 23. A. J. [I U NEE PLUMBING 4\.\'I) TINSMITHING IIOT \VATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. H. A. NICHOLLS Biclunond Iiill Commissioner, Cnnveyancer etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNIâ€"lILL j. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC G. H. HOOPER A. C. HENDERSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patr:,»nnae and influence respectfully solicited NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSES OFFICE AND RESIDENCE THORNHILL, ONT Phonv 950 \Vnudlu-idge Single copies, 3 cts. NOTARY PU BLIC CONVEYANCING ti( ISBUER Ol' PHONE 1‘: NKOIC Sou P. 0. addres Gurmley, R. R. Tm‘bnto and I and Simeon \"G? 21