Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jul 1919, p. 1

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I‘el. M. 3631" W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL TIMa next Sitting of Diwsion Ue‘ux-t No. 3, County of York will be held in the Court Room. Undertakers a: Emhalmors. RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE Barristers. Snlictnrs, &c MANNING ARCA L E. '24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA Frank Dentnn, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mucdonald Harry D. Anger Special attpntion given to sales 01 avery description. Farms and farm atm‘k sales a specialty. Farms lmught and suld nu commission. All sales at- tended to an shun-test notice. and con- ducted by the mustnppmved methods. Patronage snlicited. Danton, Grover 6: Macdonald Snlimtnr 415 Bulliol St” Tm-nnln. Phnne Belumnt 1347 LH‘ENSED AUGTIONEER mm. cuUN'n' UF YORK AND ONTARIO Offices .300 BERESFORD Av-E.. WEST TORONTO Phnne Junctmn 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will remain: prmupt, attention. d large stock of Funeral Furnish Kept at. the above places PIANO TUNING J- T. SAIGEON C- WALKINGTON Maple King Licfinwd AucLinnN-ra fun [ho Urmntyn} York. SulesatlendQ-d to Ivn shrulest notice, and at ream-mime- rutvs. Patronage solicited TFlehan’ Main 2777 Tuesday, August 1 2 . Pamerqn. ..Ma9Naughton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. UFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST phone or mail mess attended to. 49phnm“ Residencp Elgin Mill: Hill 2777 Residence Phone 41.4 T. H. Naughton Bmuusnm Soumnm NOTAR Y {Lumsdvn Bldg‘ 6 Adeluitlw St. “1095 1, Ensl, Tm-nnrn [Naughtnzn Blur‘k. Aurora. . , . The Town of Aurora 'hmml fl“ {.1. M. \anlun. Alum-en $1.5) per annum, in advance. J. II. I’ VOL. XLII Division Court JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Commencing at 9. 45 .7051! :7. @auids on RICHMOND HILL Orgcnn anmred. Work WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. -' T. F. MCMAHON mail messages promptly i to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL rentico OI 1919 LB]. CLERK II ‘The Council met unJuly 3, 1919, in jthe (‘vlm-k'n Uflil‘P. all the numbers plesvnt, minutes of last meeting read qqgflnufix'med. A by-luw to burrow A citim-ii's meeting was held in the Cuuncil ()humhm Friday evening. Mr. il’mlc. President, of Lhe Ratepayers Assnciutiun, in the chair. The Pres. idcnt, stalud that the Uhjt‘ct of the meeting was to enlisfithc comm-ration of the citizens with the Village Ununcil fur .1 Field Day. to tender .1 lecapiiun Ln reim-ned snldiei-s, and to strut a fund fur n Memm'ial to our buvs whu fallen in war. It was then decided to huld a day of (Spoils. &v. (in 'l‘hi’_flh of Augustâ€"- vn_, .,u . A Union Sunday Schonl Picxic of Vaughan Township “31‘ be held at Pine Grove on \Vednes ay. July 16th in the afternoon. SWir‘gs and spun; of all kinds will he m-rangvd fol the children. Every Sunday Schuul in the Tuwnship is expected tn be [here in full ful'Ct'. BI ing Vnur baskets with you and have u gund time. Saturday afternoon's thunderstorm and Sunday‘s Fully morning ruins. will doan immense- :unnuntof good to the growing crops of grain. and the late timothy and buckwheat lipids which were parched with [he tremen- dous heat. of the past week or UH). Barby is well headed nut, but the rain will keep the grain back from [on early ripening, will help spring wheat and oats immensely, and in (way way prove :1 gndsend. Little from the up~t:u‘rs was saved and the luss is heavy. Twu of the suns had only recently returned from {he front, and the gold watches du- nuted by the Luwnship uf Markham and presented to each of them a day or two before wm-e desu-nyed in the fil‘P. Th9 favorable wind prevented the bank barn. one nf the best, in (h? township, frnm igniting. Thu: migh burs from far and near rendered splendid service. During the absence of the family. the farmhouse helunging to Richard Ash. a short. distance nnrlh of the Village (If Unionville. caught, the and was in n shun, lime Inn-"ed tu thv ground. together with :1 large pzut (If the contents. Mr. and Mrs. Ash. tn- gether with some of the other mem- bers of the family. were in Markham. while two of the sons were in the back field dlawing In hay. heing centified by the Clank us snfliu- ivm under the Local Ixnprnwment Act. Moved by Ununcillnr Hill sec- onded by Uuuncillnr Mnnkumn and can-ied that wm-K he pruneedad “’II-h at once on Wlighc sl‘rwt “'I‘rtHétld fuuu Yonge to Hall. [)ntfnnin :u‘snue from Yunge eastward tn Chm-ch. east side. and on Ynnge. was! sidv fmm Lm-ne Ave. north wuld [u Muudie’s lut, 364. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Bert Jacky)" re “19".. Sum»- discussion was had whiting tn a Field Day in the near futule and u deci- sion made Lu ondwwnur tn have a rate-payer’s on Friday eve- ning. Julv4 The tulluwir‘g accounts “(we read and puyuu‘nt nt thv Same ()xdered 0n [Igutirnn «if Councillnr; Greene» and John Shemduwn. Labor. Cement etc $645.52 L. lnnes & Sons. Lumber $63.86 Gen. Allisnu, Teaming $23.7!) Municipal Lighting for May $132. 20 Chamberlain & Hookah-am. Mc-ters $110.50 H. B. Stirling. Servwes $17.31 Cuuncil udjulu-nvd. $25,000 and provide for the issuing of Dehenlurvs as cullateml security fur the same was given its first unlding. Five petitions for :idealks were read and on motion weie n-ceived. each It was then decidvd Ln huld a. day of BDIHIS. &v. on the 4th of Augustâ€"- Turonto‘s Uivic Holiday. A motiun was carried asking the Agricultural Society and ()Lht'l' soci- vtie-s here [u uo-npernte with the citizens in making the entertainment, of the 4th of August a succvsn. Monkmanzâ€" Mr. Pratt was nppninted Permanent, Chairman. Mr. McMahon, Sou-army. and Mr. Gi'eclw. ueasmer. Van-inlu counuitlves were then struck with Cunvenpx-s us fullmvs:â€" Spnrts. J. Lunnn Fllnlllcu. T. H. Trench Bunmwt, I). Hlll Bunlhs, J. Munkmzm Printing and Publicity. J. A. Grvmm Decnuling. J. H. Duulup The conveners lllPLHftt‘l' the meet- ing and appuinted lheil cmnmittm's. Erm-yhudy in the village and vicinity is asked to help and nmkt‘ the day a gland 5U! urss. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY ll), 10!!) Farmhouse Burned A Welcome Rain Citizens’ Meeting Village Council. Union Picnic In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Jr. III to Sr. III~AlIun \Vhitv (Hun) Mary “unit-r. Norman Bum», Eiht-l Andersmx (Rec ). M. EwrinuhnnuRm- D Sr. II to J1. IIIâ€"lulu) Baker. Han-1y Jnhnsnn (Kr-v.) Sr. III tOJI'. IVâ€"MA (Hon). Equmvr, Exit vey Abraham (Run). (1‘: (R912) - JI. 11 In Sr. lI-~ls;lhr-' Andvrson (HUIL). Sidmâ€"v Hughes (Hun). [{ny Abraham. Ev" Ablahnm. Juhu \Vilkâ€" inSnn. F. Evminghmu. M. Swphvnsuu, Emily Leech (Rs-(Q "The Supreme [I'h'vstmr‘nt the mvuiug tlw suhj.“ w Limin Allkgiaucc ” svlves. Sunday. July 6Ih was the first Sunday under the new arrange:- ments at our church. The-r9 were two services. a! ll a. m, and 7 p. "1.. the latter SPI'YlL‘!‘ lwing (If u pdtriutic nature in cvlehratiun 0f the signing of the Peace tH-uly. There were large Cungregniinns. and the sorvicei ware impressier Unde-r the new plan [he pflslt‘l‘, va. Mr. Jourdan. will have much mm-e time to giye to the wurk at Newtun Bruuk. and the intention is tn make the church. in all its lM'anhPs thm-uughly n-prvsvntalive of thP m-nnnnnily spirit which is such it pleasant feature (.f uur litlle \illugv. [7mm nmv (Ill. 1(11lllflr news nntes will appear in the Liberal cnntnininz tunnels nf interact in tlnb cnmnxunitv. Lnuk out for [he Newttm Bruuk nm‘ s. Thu pnxtnr, Rev. P. A. Jnmdun will lake fur hie sulrjvt't Snnd Iy>lrllurrning The annual Sunduy School picnic Was held on Mnndny. June 30th and was a pruunuucvd success hum every point of \ iew. Prmnptlyat 1.30 everyâ€" nne hmu-drd the car fur Bnnd la|k9_ “a. running at about 9 v-‘cluck. le most. pleasing feature of the day was that it wasa cnnuuuniiy affair. Pun-Hus and childmn and thr- neighhnnrhnnd gvnvmlly took in this (Im- duy of the year, and [hm-ungply epjuysd [hva gamma Moro an‘loavpcrgalb. Hon mile: on Hm mnunmnnm S. S. No. 3 Vaughan NEH'TUN BROOK â€"â€"heré. Conâ€"\e and get befiind 'the wheel. a But today's Maxwell has added beguty and style. It's waiting for you The more you drive it, the more you will appreciate it. For the Maxwell is, above all, reliable. It is built on a chassis designed five years agoâ€"im- proved and refined. ‘of course. In a thousand ways! Over 300,000 Max- wells have been built on this plan. And your first ride in it, whether at the wheel or in the tonneau, will tell you of its rare charmâ€"â€"its comfort, its responsive action, its fine performance. ND this latest Maxwell is a "bird" â€"your first glance at it will tell you that this new Maxwell is a distinctively smart car. It is robed in new beautyâ€"remarkably improved in appearance. Im1Innmmmnnnnm Your Maxwell Is Hereâ€"Waiting for You. IVâ€"Mdhd Abraham {WNW mmsimnm CL will he \Vhitr’. H Even iuglmm FllWW“HEEiIIHIHHHIIHHJHWIFE“ DEALER. RICHMOND HILL GAHAG F2 54.3 Yonge Stu-9t. T DisLlibutm United Auto Sales In . G. BALDOCK, Total Nu. nf mmks 8C0; required to pass 480; Hunnurs 600. To Senior lV~â€"qud. \Vm. 60‘.) r. h. Nuhle, Alicia 535 p Total No. of marks 70”: required to pass 420; Hmmurw 5L3. TnJuuiorlVâ€"â€"H;uni|l.Theressa 347 f. To Smuior IIIâ€"Unix. Stanley 545 pp h. \Vnuttx n, May 480 p_: Bomb, Dmmld 479 p :Juck, Mm ris 42.1! p. ‘I‘utal No. 0f mun-ks 0'00; required to puss; 360; Hun. ms 450. Tn Junior [11â€" lls-x'dmun. Leslie 4155 |).; Ruin-run”. Ruhr-rt 405 p.; Gill, .lvnnie 40:; p.; Sumnwls. Giffm'd 387 p.: Univws. Huwnul 357 p.| Nn. hf mmks 400: requiud to pass 240; Murmur: 31)). Tu Seuim Ilâ€"(Ltihmiih, Gmdnn 302 1) hi: Ri~r~hruugh. (Ilmrlie- 238 p.; Rise~ Inn: gh Diun in 21” n "'u Jul. 0 Iiâ€"BUULh. Frank 318 p. h. Gill. Ethel 277 p.; Uumwll. Husiha 27.7 p ; Nuhlv, Isalu»iie- 241) 5).: Dm‘ies Flnyd 254 p.: B: nmwvll. VVam-I- 218 f.: Filth. Jaime-3176 f.: Gil]. Thumns 1151'. Tu Form lâ€"Rnhinsun. Inna: Pubin- svn, Gem-gin“; \Vomn l', Mn“ is: Uds- \vvli, Gmdun: Dnggnn. Basil: Bird. Nun-mun; {\nhlv. Jth. Tu Pr. (A)â€"Fv()l'd. Flore-n09: Comp- lwlli Mul‘nu; Saundews. VViIfu-d; Uill. John: Firth.:§Gemgina: McKay. Ken- neth; and. Dunnhy: Hamilton, Isabel. Dominion Parliament mmngued Monday. July 7. Aunther session will be h: L] in the autumn. Required, 50% on each subject in term examinations, and 70‘}; on the total. To Svnior IVâ€"Mchgue, Mild red 34‘}; Tu Junior lVâ€"Smith. ll‘l'l.e 857;. Risehmugh. Jane 80% To Senior [11â€"qu, Thomas 71‘}; EXAMINATIONS ewhm Brook Public School 5. S. No. 5, York. Remus of Exmnin-Itions Flux-cure M. Jourdan. Teacher. TORONI‘U PROMOTIONS W P h on Riohmonc. Hill COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN”ER. ETC- Real Estate and Insurance Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill an Thursdays Address Nul'dt’illler Building 2.2.0 Yonge St. Toronto ’1‘. (3}. L Y O LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY on YORK PutruanPHm-I influence respectfully solicited Ré-sidence address P. O. adc Victoria; Square Gunnley. R Hun. Graduate Royal College of [)Pnt‘al Surgunns. Tomntn, will be at: Richmond Hill every Tuesdav and ‘ FI-idav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office lnmted in Standard Bank Build lug. Office hours 9.34) mm. to 6p.m 2’5 j. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teac wt of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Musip Organist, and Choirmaster St. Paul Presbyterian Cbmch, Toronto Conductor Ym'k Choral Society \Vill accept a. limith number nf pupils at his Hume studio. Richnwnd Hill BARRISTEEB. SOLICITORS. 810. Richmond Hill and Tuxonto. Mr. G. \V. Mm-lpy, LI... 8., announces that, he will ln' at the office of BIPSSI‘S. ()liw-r & Cnl‘h'l‘. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday aflvrnmm from 3 until 5 o'cluvk, and on special appointments. Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison Lim‘nwd Auctioneers fur Toronto and the Cunntles at ank. Peel and Simeon Telephones G.VV. DI()RIJEY £X. J. II U D[ E H. A. NICHOLLS Richlnomd H ill Oummissinnel. Cnnveyancer 9 Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT “WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC 157 Buy Su-eet. East H. ROGERS A. C. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSEQ esxdence THORNHILL, ONT Phone 950 \Vnod bridge BARRISTER. Scum-m: AND NOTARY PUBLXC NOTARY PUBLIC 231i: gt rs Blacksmith Shop r)f Bank of Tomato. [Single copies, 3 01:3. CONVEYANCING NE“ MARKET rank Slattery Q 1 Officeâ€"Main 4508. “ J Houseâ€"Main 2067. I. BloExven 8: Son ISSUER 0? 91R1 P. O. addres Gunnley. R. R. i! v’ No. Tot-onto

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