Maple King Lianse‘d Auctiunm-m for 1h» County 0} York. Salvsnhended [a (m shortest notice, and at. reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited TPIPphO'H‘ M liu L777 Sulit‘ltnr for JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD Av-E.. WEST TORONTO Plum» JllllCtllH] 72. TWEN FY~FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mrzil orders will recvive prnmpt attention. 415 Bulliol St. Toronto. Plume Belmnnt 1317 LIC INSED AUGTIONEER FUR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special atu-ntion given tu sales 0! Pvery description. Farms and farm alm‘k sales a specialty. Farms lmughl, uud suld nu cmnmission. All sales at- tended to on shortest nuticv. and con- «lm-ted by the must, npproved methods. Patronage solicited. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Street. \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofllce (‘ Liliei-nl‘ ()ï¬icM. every Thursday forenmm. Maple, Thursday sztei-nnuu. \Voudbx-idqe, Saturday forepnon. Maney to Loan at Cut-reï¬t Rates H’ï¬cvs Danton, Grover & Macdonald Barristers. Solicmm, &c MANNING ARCï¬LE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA Frank Danton, K. 0. John Irwin Graver Arthur A. Mucdonuld Harry D. Anger Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE PIANO TUNING A. _Ca.;nero_1;_ “MatcNaughton Tel. 11. 3631? A large stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept m. the above places W. H EWISON HOUSE PAINTER, J- '1'. SAIGEON The next Sitting of Divxsion Ceiu't No. 3, County of York will be held in the Com-L Room. ' l'. H. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY (Luuwden Bldg. 6 Adelaide 5L, mlws { Eust. Tun-(Inn: [Naughth Black. Aurora. Undertakch & [‘lllhflllllc‘l‘s. VOL. XLII phone or mail messages promptly attended tn. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL Tuesday, August 12, 1919 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Division Court 50ft: 3. 9avidson 3') per annum, in advance.] Organs Ropuured. Expetc Work - 11. Pre ntice WILLIAM COOK Commencing at 9.45 mm. T. F. MCMAHON. RICHMOND HILL WRIGHT BROS. 'l‘ht~ 'l‘nwn of Aurora J. M. \anmu, Aurora _0N_ Rosidancp Elgin Millq Residence thn- 41.4 n Block. Aurora. C. WALKING’I'ON CLERK The Cnum'il of the nuIniL-ipulity of l the 'l‘nwmhip (If Vaughn“ "wt at Hw vaan". Vellum, (m Monthly, the 71h anuly. MemlH-rs prespnt; Mr. .Iuhn G. “'hitmnw. wen»; Mr. \Valtm- Anderâ€" son. depMy l‘Bl'VP; and Messrs '1‘. B. \Veldrick. Gen. Kellam and \V. U. McDunald. councillnrs. Minut‘r’s of lzwl upprnvul: also mir iug held on J( upplou-d. Mr. Alvx Calnm ‘Ml'. Alvx Gunman Jr. appvured be- fore the ()uuucil asking fur the usual donation to [he \Vuudlu‘idge Azl‘i' cultural Such-(y. The fnllmving petitions WW9 received: Frnm 20 Iesidvnta of the village nf Kleinhuxg, and 13 fax-nu-rs residing on the Gravel Road. and QIE Gun. hum Int, 13 to lot, 35 m, King Town line. asking for hydl-n light and pnweif. Anderson â€" Weldrick â€" That. the Tx-Pas. he and is here-luv aulhm-izvd no pay {0 the] \Vnudhridge Agricultmnl Suck-[V th sum of $50, curried. A large number of mad and goneml accounts Were on motion nrdered to he pdld. KPH-4mâ€"ledrickâ€"Thn: whereas a petition has hue†presentvd -ln this Uuuutil by 37 ratepuym-s nf Kleinlnu'g and sun-nunding distyict asking fur elecuic light and qut-‘l', be it there-- fore resolved that the clerk he and is hereby instructh to Lakv the necessary legal pmceedings fun procuring the SillllP. curried. Andm'snn â€" Ke-Ham â€"â€" That. this Council appoint Mr. J. B. McLean. treasurer nf the township to act as :| member with the Citizens Memorial Gullinlittee for the returned soldiers. carried. The Cnnncil udjnurnpd to meet. Monday August, 4. ntl p. m. Promotions, Richmond Hi1! Public Schoo'. Names arranged alpha hat icallyzâ€" 15L Tuhletâ€" Dorothy Duncan, Sey- mour Denhy. JPun Gnuld. Allnelt Mormun. GUIdUlI Murray, Fred Palmer M.|l-j:)1-y Snnderann. 2nd l‘ubIetâ€"Hmny Barber, Elem)!- Drury, Malian Green. \\’mni;.».Gil|e-4m, Bunnie-Taylor. Jenn [)rudmun, Jurk Bmvldrn. BHILShill'kit‘. Adel†Savage, Evelyn \Vado. 3rd Tabletâ€"Philip Graham, Nun-man Hammond. Margaret Heuly. Mildred Hickman. Billy Kendall, James Ken's well. IS()l)t‘l McLean, Earle Patterson. Elizabeth Runihle, Mildred Rand. Billy Savage. Alfxed Stung. Austin Tuck, George 'l‘uwnsvn'd, Marguerite Thompson. Annie Newman, Phyllis \Vhitv, Aileen Grant. 4th 'i‘ahletâ€"Herln-rta Baker. John Blanchard. Graham Ellis, Kenneth Frisby. Jllnllllk‘. Giainger. Jean Hall. Dorothy Leach. Morley Sanders. Lindslvy St. John, Bullet, Smith, Duris Williams, Sl‘.PI'illlt‘l'â€"â€"Blll‘lh’L Brndziac, Char- lie Bt‘lknvllz. Bratiicn ktldwell Flurence Dudgi'. Mary Drury. Artie Loech. Ralph Mackie, Sadiv Murray, Vailes Niclmlls, Dudley Oliver. Anna Phipps, Tum Riley. Irene 'l‘aylm. Henry Stanford. Bvryl Sandwsnn.(R.) ISiihel Sandwa‘un (HJ. Gracv \Villimns. Patton, \Vilhelmine Remne Robinsml. ()ccil Tuck. L \Vrighl. Sr. Iâ€"Mul'garet Barber, 'I‘ed (RJ Marjory Graingm' (H.). Hick. Alice Innes. \Valler Hex-herb Slmrpless (}l.). Fred (H.). “ï¬llium Taylor (l-l.)t Jr. Iâ€"Lilliun Burns (IL). Mmis Berkuvitz. Malgzu'et Duncan. Irene Dendumn. Donald Fnishy. Lyle Gram. Brsxi‘e Kemper, James Lunzstulf (H.), Lillmn Fetch. GUI‘dUH Petal). Morris Patton. \Vilhelmiue Rembel', Agnes Rnhinsmn ()ccil Tuck, Ln. VeI-m' Jr. Hâ€"Oswald Cane-r. Azaln Denby (11.). Annie Fugal (1L). Donald Hick, Grant, Innes. Meriun Kidd. Ema! Kendall. \Vill Keith (R.). Dummy Lawrence. John McLean. Vent Mon-is. Clarence Prics. \Vinnie Stony, Mil’ dx-ed Sims (H.). Raymund Saul. David Sliding. \Villmrt St. John. Mm-jmy Tyndall. Sr. Ilâ€"Juhnstnn Aunstmng. l'dn Blanchnxd. Allen Duncan (R). Mal-inn Ellis (121.). Fred Greene (H.). Phyllis Glass. Bertha Hopper (HJ. Jucnh Koning. Ethel Lasher. Constance Mortsun. Phyllis Maï¬ey, Kathleen Mahuney. Kathleen Morris. Mildred Mackie (14.). W. Suundexs. Arthur \Vax‘woud (RJ. Jr. IIIâ€"Aileen Atkinson. Dorothy Atkinson. HuW-‘U‘d Atkinson. Francis Batty (FL). Tom Curler. Margaret Dixon, Francis Duuy. Lorraine Dunâ€" lop. Ivy Fuden, Alfred‘ Grainger. Bern-nun Gruinger(R.). Bel t Hammond Hany anppr. Bluce Innes(R.), Dean Innes. Russell Lyneu (1-1.). Eva Mayâ€" nard. Frank McNeil. \\'il] hlylks, Rich:u-d Saunders. Muhel -Rand, Lewis Sims. Sr. Illâ€"Jean Lasher. Rex Mam-y, RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY 17, 19M) also minutes nf uu June 1' Vaughan Council “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty,- in allthings, Charity.†-09 numbing read and Special Int-et- lead and Bennett Dorothy Kendall. Sanders. Edwmd Rnhmsrm. Queen Smith. MFII'EHI'F‘I', Stirling {R.). Olin- Taylnl'. [Sqlwl Elem-Lvnldn Stpng. Jr. IV â€"Bhlnche Gram, Lillian Handing. Hl-Ien Innos. Ralph Juhnï¬. SLt-Iln Markic», Clmencv Mylks (3.), Mabel Patton. Peall Rubinsun, Beat- lilre Smilh, Agnes Sims. Sr. IVâ€"Lamherb Atkinson. Imhel (‘vnwim Mahvl Mm kip, Jumvx‘ McLuun. News-ll Prick (FL). Gertie Smith (R.). Jack Vanderlmngh. Tm'nntn Liberals fmmed :I com- mittee to supervise the voters' lists. vw anmmwmw†' L. W. CURTIS i ‘HPAWHW1WNWMW!EWBIHWHEHBHWWWmml\E1H]14IiWWIIFWWMMHM nmmmnmn Inspectiun of this outï¬t invited at. any time. Your patronage sni' ‘iLed. Threshing Outfit HEW (l4 wishes to anncunce to the public that 1.6 has purchased a new W. G. BALDOCK, 1: with all xhe latest im wrovements. Steam pmver am! all the. labor-saving appli- ances, even to a Gasolene Engine on the tank to pump the water ; also new corn box. The Family Car Should Be a Maxwell Here IT lSâ€"-Get IT NOW! T'S both a man's car and a woman's carâ€"thls latest Maxwell. It has the dependabilityâ€"the in- built quality that a man demands. And today's Maxwell, improved in 24 ways, has the advanced style and cosy, roomy comfort that a woman adores. The 300,000 Maxwells that have been built on this original chassis (designed ï¬ve years ago) prove that it is the ideal family carâ€"easy on tires, easy on gas, easy on oilâ€"handles light, rides well, performs amazingly. Bring the family around and make your test of the Maxwell. Or have us come round to your place. But by all means see the latest Max- well. Today. Richmond Hill Ymuze SII'PPY. TORONTO. Distrihu United Auto Sales, MML‘EWW ‘ The Ladies Aid Society nf River dale Methndist Church. held their annual lmskel; picnic arithu lmme of Mr. and Mrs. \V.J. Jackson, Lung- staff. Some. 85 members with their children sat duwn m supper. A gund programme was provided by the committee and allenjnyod themsvlves. A heArLy vnl’enf thunkï¬ was Vended tn Mr. and Mrs. Junkenn for their invitzltinï¬s: and all left, for hnme on the 8.36 cur. DEALER. [CHMOND HILL GARAGE WWWW LANGSTAFF MEWMWWWE BARRKSTEES. SOLICITORS, &0. Richmond Hill and Toronto. Mr. G. \V. Murloy, LlJ.B.,:umounces that he will he at the ofï¬ce of Messrs. ()livvr & Carter. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon from 3 until 5 n‘chmk. and on special appointments. [.icpnsed Auctionpers fur Tor-unto and the Counties at York. Peel and Simcoa Hnn. Graduate Rnyal Cnllege of Duntul Surgmms. Torontu, Will be at; Richmond Hill every Tuesday and. Fridav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY @fflce located in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hnurs 9.30 a.m. to 5p.m Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison 2n" G.‘V’. 1\[()RIJEX’ Teac war of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory uf Musip Organist and Choirnmster St. Paul Presbyterian Chmch. Toronto Conductor Ym-k Choral Sociefy \Vill accept a limith number pf pupxla at his Home-studio, Richmond Hill Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill on Thursdays Address Nbrdvimex' Building 220 Yonge St. Tum Residence address Victoria Square '1‘. Frank Slattery COMMISSIONER. CONVEY «NhER. I Real Estate and Insurance Richmono Hill Telephones, Phone residence 91 R 12 J. If. DIOEW'en PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS A. J. II [T BIE H. A. NICHOLLS Riclnnond IIiH THORNHILL Commissioner, Cnnveyancer eta Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC 1:37 Buy Sweet. A. C. HENDERSON . EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Brillinge rs Blacksmith Shop. East of Bank of Toronto. LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronace and influence respectfully solicited N. H. ROGERS NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSES [Single copiesI 3 cts. Phone 950 \Vnndbridge THORNHILL, ONT. BARRISTER. SULICI'I'OI AND NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING NEWMARKET as: Son {Ofï¬ceâ€"Main 4508. } Hotnsoâ€"-Mnin 2067 ISSUER 03' P. O. addres Gut-Inlay. R. R. Tuxonbo Toronto