Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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Mr. John lnnes and family are rpjuyv'ng a turn”) at thrir cottage in Muskoka. Mrs. (Rt-v.) Trench and son Bi lice of Toronto aie \iaiting u itli Mis. Trench and tamin lieie. M iss lier‘e McMahon is. whiting twn wreks “ith ielatiies at Attcrclil‘l‘u and \Vellandpmt. Miss Vern \Vilson nl' Goimlcy. spent iifuv days Vacation with her Ultlslll Miss Verdella I)t'l)t’l'. A special practiie of the Fire Btigade is called fnr next. TllFsdnv evering. Momheis please attend. His Honour, Judge l‘IiIlCUl'Iltl'ldgt" p;.id Richmond Hill a \‘lrlL last Fiiday rind callHl 01) Mr. I". G. Savage. Miss Bessie A. llagerinaii watz a successful student at the l’roviiiiial NOimal Schtml i'xaiiiinatiinis. Misé Gertrude Derry of'l‘uronto and Miss Marion Patiillu of New Yolk visited over Sunday with whithes here. Dr. and Mrs. W. L). Godwin and family have moved to Pint Gulliuriie whers‘ 1)i-. Godwin is ptttclislltg den- tistiy. Mr. and Mrs. Saigenn and Mr. and Mrs. Keys of Maple spent .‘unday afternoon and Honing,r \\itli Mr. and Mis. McMahon. Mi. .1. H. Fnrhan, Principal of one of the \Vinnipet: schmls. with hi4 wife and daughtur calleti on friends heie last Fi iday. Mr. and Mia. [\V. A. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sandwisnn tllntul'l'tl to Elini'ale on Sunday and spent. a few days with Mr. and His. James Hill. An icem'eani smial will he held on St. Mary’s Angliran Church lawn next Saturday mening. under the auspices til the \\'nman‘s Auxiliary. Hemv-mlier the \V. A. Gaideii Patty on the-V lawn of Mr. Hiulieit Fee. .stup 43, Yniige strcct Saturday evening of this wet-k. Tea smud finiii .‘i to 7 o‘clock. Mr. Frank MirCtinagliy, youngest son nf Mrs. \luUnnagliy. li'fL Friday for Regina. having enlisted for three years with the North \\'i-.~t Mounted Pnlice. Mr. R Putcli i< hick to \\'(‘| k again 'Al. the Metrnpnlitaii statit n altt-r a pleasant holiday at the Fuik< ul' lllt' ‘iredit, accompanied liy his wife and :laniil} . Mr. \Vin. (Kink. liariistnr, who crimes tn Rit-hinnnd Hill and Maple (wet-y day Tlllll'Stl?‘_\"\\'lll take his lltill: days all ‘llll'tvtlgh the. month 0. August. Judge Enit'rznii (Lmlanrtli has heen appointed Senior .ltrlge of Ynik Ciiilntv. tti snort-ed the late Judge \V'inchester. Judge J. 11. Dentun will SttctfPt‘tl Judge (‘natswnrtlr Mr. \V. J. Lawrence has snltl iii< greenlmuii-s and sixteen ai-i es nf l‘llld, missessinn tn 1w gin-ii the first, of October. 1i until-winnit tle new ninprietnr \\ill erm-t tltti‘lltt‘t' gruen- house. 15 The ninth annual picnit- and dance til the viiiplnyri: nfthe Tninutu and York Radial Railway thanpany tn hr held at Bond Lake. l’aik has let-n pimtpttnetl tn \Vcdnt-sday. the liltli of August. 1~ it nut. time that the lt'tlll)t'l'.‘tl‘(€ ft‘l't‘k" in the village are getting hu~_v niganizinp,r the vote. for pinliiliition at the coming referendum. Meetings are being held in vaiious ()lllt'l‘ cniistituencn-s. Mr. Rnlph Mt-(‘nnagliy “lin Exhihiliun Park with the Elllllh liattalinu (in the 23rd nf Apiil. 1917. returned ll‘.Illlt‘ tin Satiiiday. the 12th 01' July. 1.:tttrrl_\'. Mr. .‘lt‘(‘ttll‘l;{l1)’.~‘ wink was in the t‘anadian Flyingr Corps. left ‘1‘ho.(iirls Auxiliary “'1” have an mange tree and home lllltlf' candy and also have a salt.- til" iiselul and ntnauiental aitit-les at lllt‘ sut‘ial on the Anglican church lawn to lll‘llt‘ltl (tll Hattiiday ruining; nftliis “Wt-k. Mi“. and Mis. t,‘. 1‘). 'l‘iiiniipwn .ttl‘l dtuqliti-r (ll. Twi‘nntu spent a wet-k “‘illt .\1is \V. \\’ NH, Mix 'l‘lit-nipsimg Sister iif I‘lluiii Milk, phalanx tt- ru- nitn‘ing tiLns .'\ltl‘_i'l‘l.‘\ l’rnl‘. Slit-il- den the wt-il-kiinwn zit-naniii'. and wife. n1"1‘ninntn. alm :.pi-iit 5tlll'.l:t'\' with Mr. and .\1i<. \\':itt\. lt‘. \Vest Yink :tt \\'i--ttin. l'ritlt)‘ afteinnnn. Ill" following were t-‘t-t‘t 4d delegates to attrntl the ltt-iiiiniJn Liliural ('nii\‘ zit Uttawa. in Attitht: .‘l-I‘lttt \‘rin-iglil. .lllllt‘ t'nIA tlitrl. -\lire _\li .\'.iii'. In Smith Ya k "19 it lI-gt w '. '1‘. l) “‘a '. \\'. hill 11.t;t-'.\ll{.i'_-}‘. t H U~UL l l Peace Day Baseball l _ l Saturday. July 19. being Peace day. the hind will march at 7.30 and give a. Concert of putrintic and popular Tim Willnwdali- llils‘t'llilll tealu izame iipppe evening last, wet k and played a Ittl'lltlly game- with the. Richinnnd' "‘11!leth tln- Pnlvlic Suhnnl gi-nunds. [1ill trail]. The home twin wi-rt- In met-t. the WISlIt‘S of math end Mlt‘til'ssftll llVH score t'f 11in T. The (.‘llllt‘ni the next Cttllt't‘l't, wdl l‘e (In Richmond Hill plan-rs juurnevt-d tn: the High Srtiuul grounds. on Monday, ‘ \Villmrdale Munda' ‘\“I it f i th» July 28. at NJ‘Up. i-ii. ) i i | lg n l I ‘ H i return match. and wow again } (I. 9 Sims. Spry. ‘ \it-tntinus by 17-11. Public Holiday 51”“;8 7 i Hl“ Mt'j‘NI." Kill}: GW‘I'K“ “"5 “fit-“(l ‘ llt‘MItt.E~Un July 91h. 1919, nn the i a Pl'tlxllutllilllltll appointing Saturday‘ July 19th as a peace (It‘lt‘lll'i‘ltltlll holi- day through: u: lhe lliiited Killgtll'lll.i filed (-iiiii-essiun (If Vaughan. in Mr. and MN. Frank S. lliiinhle, a daughter. (Duintliv Jean.) and the lL-tnitiinn government. has (fulltftlll‘t'd in the :ippniiitiiient and ~~ 7- '_â€""_"- ~~~ July 19th will twnlisriw-d asa pulilic . holiday in Canada, as Well as Git-at Ina-"Ills Biilain. .....â€" Q. -~»â€"â€" â€" COLEMANâ€"At St. Michael‘s Huspilal. hundav. .liil_\y 13th. Patiii'k F. ('nle- niaii (Dm'l. aged 56 )‘t‘:tl‘~‘. Funeial fruin the lesidi'ni-i- of his lirntner. l‘llt‘llilt’l (,‘nlvman. 2131) Seatâ€" (-11 street, “Value-“lay. ltith, at 8.110 a. "L, tn gt. P.iiil‘< (Tliiircli. ltthl- nit-lit at Thnrnliill. Community Field Day The vaiinim committees met. at lllt' Skating;r iink Mtiuday evening and ii'p-irlt-d nix-gums. The Sports Cniiimitli-e lt'pitl'lr‘i: that ariaiigeint-nts had been made lint f~intliall. livid-SM“ liaseliall, lt:l~‘kt’[ll:tll and nlhvr t'tvntests. and the Banquet- tiug Cniiiniitti-e alsn [)t't'st’ltlt'tl a favorable iennrt fur the 4th ul' August. 'l‘hv question of having; a home lane and prizes fur ponies \VH.‘ left over for the next. meeting. Another met-ting nl lllt‘ jnint. (l-Itll' mitt: e will he hrld at. the hdlllt‘ plavt next Monday er. izing. Newton Brook community Church Methodist Pastorâ€"diam P. A. JCL‘RDAN SUNDAY: â€"â€"7 re «to-_. _. Horticultural Meeting ‘ , . 11 a. iii.~7”Tht- Failure th t Lea ls t'i ’IhL‘ Sitt'lHl)‘ tllt'l nu Mr. Allt'i. 5 snap/vs.“ I I l.t\vn_ Tuesday t‘\'(‘tll‘.!g, when Lllt’ 7 IL m._--'[‘h.. Snow.“ [hut Piesidt-nt. Mr. R. ltndean. gme a [:Nilmc'n pi-artical talk nii "Perennials." ‘Mr. Ellllt‘tlll‘s‘ task \\'is easier by having his audience walk with him arnund Mr. Allen’s lieaiitil'ul petennial linrder. describing in my L‘lltllct’ flint’vlS as hr Wont. Ahu~iness iiieeling fnllnwed. and three (iiiei-ti-rs were added tn llltN' already :.ppniiiteilâ€"â€"J. H. Uiin~ lnp. G F. Allen and George Allisiin. ’J‘llf‘.\t' iiieeting< are inteizsting. and every good citizen should join the Sntzii-ty. The I‘Ixhiliitinn will he Saturday, September 13. Letter Heads ""m Noteheads Cubs’ Camp (luhs Paine intii (lamp at, the farm of MI. Genige \\'estwnnd at Stop 46. twenty-two strung. and six Scouts to :is~i~t (‘ttli thvr July 1"). Senna] 'l‘ht- (Tutu and Sunnis p~iiaded tn . ' Tiiniiy (‘liurrln l‘livilnliill. \\lll‘l‘ Rev. (Uzi it.) J. \\'. Maod ll : ll r:i\‘ th- - 0 0 linys :i liil-cttilil'iil :Itltlt‘t‘SS‘tllll‘ latex dice.“ waids St‘l\t‘<l the l‘ltlx with 1't‘fl‘t'5ll» inenl<. Many thanks. are due p.iit-nh and l'i-ienil<fni' tunitiilnitimis of limit P . » fur the Utili< ~- rogrammes Sidney Hughes i-nnkvt‘t the dinner [in B Thursday: 1h 1 >lt‘\\' was fine. (‘tllh l).l\ll: Silllltlg zititl (lat'L evoked the ~npnur. S ' ‘ ' ale Bills all Sizes Concert Bills etc. \\'in. \\'lii_:li pirents \‘i\itt-d the Camp mi Sunday. The ladies lit the cungt‘t'gitit’in alter- (7iilistiiaiit lltltl‘\', Tnin (latter and Mt)- (Jilli- Slwlt‘tl nl' l'rnit. li~li. rte. Skinny Hughes lt‘t't‘l\‘t‘(l hin‘ (‘iiti littlgu. 'l‘lt.ttll\\' :iii- tlttt‘ In Mr. and \lis \\'e\twnnd fur lllt‘ll kltitlllfl<fi ti, Ill" ('iil)~'. and also Mr. H-ttik<. Cults ln-iikt' t'ainp Tue>day evening :Iliti-t' ll:i\ll.g u tiinst enjoyable little Min S'i lint: aiitl Mr. Banks waisted to - s 'tittlnidsli‘t in getting the camp It Pays To Get Your Print- t'tllllltlllt‘l.'_ hack tn the. Hill. ind 1)0ne D THE iitiiiiii GFFICE â€"â€" â€"«y - ~_,____ Ypres Troop Tlii- Situitits \\’int intn Camp at Ferguson's Lake. July :3 with .\.li. H. (l. llaniinnntl “lin \’1_\l[t'tl the (‘aiiii l'niit' tint“:~ (lining the week. liven thing \\'l‘lll line and all hid a gund time and pli'nty tn eat. Thanks [I lll-IItV gi-neiutis' gifts nl limtl and inuney liy lllt' llitl't‘ltl<. Hen-ml tests Village Directory 11 llnly t'uiiiiiiiiiiinii i‘liiiti'h of England -7 Hi-nitzi's at :i.tii. itlltl 7 p.iii. win ltt-\.T.1{.11aiiglitini$3. anti . i,lt'sll_\'lt‘llill| ('littrt-li i Ht-H’ir-i‘s at 11 ihe t-ltLir tn t-nnvv)‘ tents, etr lt' .\li' it t' ( It‘itlll | l'l‘nrniitu, spent lllt‘ “'l't‘k with us. ililC and T p.iii. Sunday Seliniul at H 1‘), \Veslwnnd‘. Mrs. Ariiistiniig, 3'“). [Navyrncvting l‘hnrNIHVOH. Mrs. Dunt-an and Mrs. (iiatit. sent ' _ . ning. pi iii'iSinii<. Four hiin pasth their 'l‘ciiderfnnt t~>t~z Ralph Julius. Edward Hrnwii. Allan Duncan and \Vlll. llt'ai'n. Tltlt't‘ >(ftttlltl l'rntii lllt‘ lllilt Trim!) altt-rnate Sunday.» at 8.1?) min. and lll.J$ll:i.tlt. \lvtlindist (‘lllllt'llâ€"A Ht'l\'1t't‘.\"itl ll and T p.iii. Sunday Selinnl at 2.31:. (lt‘llt‘l‘ill l’rayi-r Mrcting Th'irbtlay we u'eit- alw hunt ii-d li_\' hating Mi _ awning. ll. 11 tininnndk Find with in. Dr. l’lllkt‘lltlll (‘1‘ King (illy illltit'll lit the l)lt"|.~ltl't' “1' the t‘.inip by at. inter-«ling lt‘t'llll't‘ “It The Ilttl>th Mi. Hammiiiitl pa~~vtl m'tvtitx. All it. VII] l'liiwivitli l.t'.":;tli' day .it #4 p.iii. l’ivsli) lt'l i in \tting l’t‘l'lllt'Y5Silu'lk‘ly" Mia-h t’\t'l y Ilillltlfitlttv at S p.iii. i“"“*‘“".‘”#- "3”" “ “t”. “‘“l. “‘5' Village (R a... ilw .‘lt‘t'ls 1xt want-3. lllllt'S li»t' lllt‘ .\llllltll|ll(|‘ littlgv, 1 V 1_ N 1 HM H twinv Badge. l‘liic Winn. mm... ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ' ' '- llllinrv Tm, fm. “ht “Lb” 1:1,”; “MW l'intitl l“:ilttl>‘l‘~ Ali-eh" in lltlllll‘tlll‘h mnmium] All“) lumen“: “filly”,th Ilall, llicliiiit ml 1111]. 13nd \Vt-tlnts~ Badge. Allan Aliihtrtviig. m'wtit- ll‘_\'~ iiia<tt-i pawn] \|,tltl>‘. fur N.tlttl‘ftll~l .‘ll"t'l‘. lat TihmdaV til' liatlgw: lt.i\_\' M'iml..ii:ild. lllll't‘ .\l H'- dnnald. l‘it'd lIiiniii 'llll. lliitlilwiil Fair. l‘iliiiiiti- ll lltlll'L’. .l.itiit‘.~ Milli; II. Fal. lliitlgllllt’llt. l‘llltlt l't‘ llriidii u |ia<wtl ‘_’ntl ('liv. l"l."lttllli< lliilgw: .lai-l; IlilU'>. l'illlllll‘t‘ 11 iltllltl. l-I. lliingliiimn, I: I-' \\‘liitw lit twr ,\l u‘ llt‘lltlll wm: tii- lien-uni» lltll ': lilw Alllll‘l‘ll‘l- I‘lllt' “11.: ttlt‘ t‘.l|’ll _\1nntli. littiil l’l'ill‘llt'l‘ "Mirtnlay \ 1i t':t(‘l1 \\'t'i'l-i at -\ p.iii. l’itlilit: l.ilr|.ii}' .‘tl.ll'lit‘¢itllil‘_{. llllltltl Open '1‘ 1‘\tl.l'\' ..i.ti Hitiiitlay iiti.,;~. lli ' 1.4 ilw‘. .‘.. t\i'- l'i. A‘\ .\..‘\i 7AIUL'1? tlttit"|1rl 9W“ luv “iv ” r i.;i.i \\'..i._. ..ii.\- . l “at. 1... Li‘... "~ v - ' l'- \‘!i\ innit-J . 4. I‘ll'fl,“ “ ‘15“; "\(i ' 1 "‘lm . nai t text 1.. «lg-u IMAM-.7 nan-4m “'1 (“i \mei U [11”;1 r I (v “I I l ..i..l ltli Tip-«luv l I'll llit nth. : t i i'. v 7‘ H: m, It. . . v I." V [3“... _.\H p“ 5.x.,..§1..)-. (3.4". hulk/.3 \ .tt iia l. ~0.1.. :ol‘l\'~.\I('L‘l: lth \\ ul- Fit‘d ll i‘l2l1l ind. .lrit-l; llilit“. lint. i-l “Nil 0' v1 t'éli'lt tltittllll- ll'lttllig .izitl Jilii )Iillig-iii. lit-1‘» t'uni't Itisliiiitnd, .\.tl.1“. ’.\lk‘L‘l‘ ltli ll'lL'l'tll > 1;. «lgw: .latiit-s Slitill’g in and I“. Mr.“ Stanlev litim iii. l’ii«t l'iu» ' , . . .. l ‘ ' ~ ~ ‘ l-i‘i .‘ ‘lt>l. 'l >\‘ [I “Hugh” “UV aw“ Milgu‘. ‘ \ .lLLl‘ )ltl Ill 1 tit) ti. L tly .-.m> tl.\‘ l‘llll'rlt‘lltltln; .i' l_\l'iii; . > l'\\'l;§-,. \\ -., » ‘. ‘,:'y a |.; t .. ‘ '. ml. 1.: ii. \.',‘.\, â€" t Littl .Ltnl . 11nnt liy tLiv St'tuz‘ii iztsr. . R. ~ -... W6 Printlk \\'t'lt’ l‘lrlSst‘tl ltv Mr. llaiiiinniitl itllt. niillii- 1~t Mintla)‘ in the iinnitli lllt‘ Scout-master. lltlllillllllIV til' at 11 a.iii. and I’ll ttlllt'l Hiinilay~ :it ' Iiiiiney, Ilt‘, thiis 953, Rev. J. \V 5' H.111. Sunday St'lintil and Bible M-itluiialtl, :t~.~t. \. in. $3. Mts. llaii~ (llaw‘ at ilii‘t‘lindx'. Rnnian (,‘atlinlir (‘liiiit‘li â€" Services (in ‘ *AIL‘I‘IS t'\'t'l)' Mnnw l Concrete House \Ve are ready for the GANNING Alli] Plllllllllll SEASUN Fruit J ars Crown, Wire and Imperial Pints \\'iiie and Imperial Quarts, \Vine Hall-gallons ’ Perfect Seal Jars Pints and \Vine Jar Rubbers Pearl, Black and Grey Quaits Stone Jars with covers 51:5 1, 1‘, 3, 5. M -t‘ 5, 6 gallons Sugars Paris L‘: nip, Icing, BJSt Fruit and the Granulated. . Vinegar and Spices. Malt. \Vhite 3.1.1 quality. Cit'cr of the best Store (slows at 6 p.iii. Monday and l. p. in, Wednesday (luring July and August ATKINSON 8: SWITZER ooooomoocooomwmoomooooowwm“ lll'NNthl SillHCi ..\|l alfi's IV J} i x} i olkfésas. X'ung'v 3-5 : i-(‘nti oooocoeoeewooeoooooweoeooomeoooooooooooooeoooo» z I I I - i O '1 5 r 1:1 E tithinth tli. rtlllll ting are E tinting Time for Spriicing Up § H '\\'i- ll:t\'t"lllt‘ V ‘ l \Ve alw iiimuurt- you fit the i 3 ‘ Giiztrailtichl/(élsl‘iggltisri §uits g Tll‘lsibl Elihu.“ l (llVlC ('3' A (‘.r\t.t.'u : 3 9 § 2 o e- 0 0 m___._â€" __â€".- _. lld’ECE‘EENEZE Bfigfi. Dualt‘rs in all kind»; of Builders Supplies Coil, \\'octi anti Cement Flour, Food and 13in ,lei‘ Twi'ie \YILLOWDALE - ONTARIO A full line 30f Ciioyrolot Parts ‘Tiies all Sizes Also Genuine Ford Parts DAVID HILL 8: COMPANY

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