Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Aug 1919, p. 7

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hour Rm "stun ill can i BRITAIN REACl-lES DANGER Pom Commerce of Country Faces Temporary Disasterâ€"Downfall of Government Considered Possibleâ€"London “Bobbies” and BritiSh Bakers Join Strikers. A despatch from London says:â€"â€"The general industrial unrest in Great Bri- ‘tain which has been seething ever since the armistice, seems at the present'hour to have reached a point which menaces the commerce of thecountry with at least temporary dis-l aster. It is considered possible that: it may mean the downfall of the Lloyd; George Government. The strikes of the past month have been serious enough, but they are; merely symtomatic of an epidemic ofl dissatisfaction which appears to pre- vail throughout the ranks of organized "labor. Half a million Lancarshiire cotton operatives were idle for more than three weeks. Two hundred thousand Yorkshire miners have been on strike since July 20. The Liverpool (lockers have paralyzed shipping there for two. weeks, holding up hundreds of ships, 1 scriplf'cai The Worst movement of all from the Government standpoint is the threat 0f “direct action’ by the triple alliance of railwaymen, miners and \stransport workers. These powerful unions are taking a secret ballot to decide whether they shall use the weapon of a general strike to try to enforce their political program of the nationalization of mines and railways, and to end con- and withdrawal from all participation in Russian affairs. In these circumstances words of revolution and Bolchevisml crop up in the newspapers, and are used by con- servative men to describe the present movement. Some of the newspapers are asking where the money comes "As LONG AS p'vs ear 'sm Tms WAY THEY " my GET rOGE‘rHER. from to finance all the propaganda being put forth. The Government regards the police of all sizes. The bakers decided to strike on Saturday, and now the 'London police are about to go on their second strike. , stu‘ke as the most dangerous feature : of the prevalent unrest. It may prove i a critical test of the labor convention. lilirkels of the Teddi Breadstuffs. Toronto, Aug. 6.â€"Manitoba wheat â€"-â€"No. 1 Northern, $2.241/2; No. 2 Northern, 82.21%; No. 3 Northern,’ $2.17%- No. 4 wheat, $2.11, in store Fort William. Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, 92%c; No. 3 CW, 89%c; extra No. 1 feed, 89%c; No. 1 feed, 87%c; No. 2 feed, 84%c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barleyâ€"No. 3 CW, $1.41; No. 4 CW. $1.36; rejected, $1.295/s; feed, $1.295/s; in store Fort William. American cornâ€"'â€"No.~ 3 yellow, nom- inal; No. 4 yellow, nominal. Ontario oatsâ€"No. 3 white, 92 to 95c, according to freights outside. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 1 winter, per car lot, nominal; No. 2 do, $2.03 to $2.08; No. 3 do, nominal, fob. ship- ping points, according to freights. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 1, 2 and 3 Spring, nominal. Barleyâ€"Making, $1.31 to $1.35, ac- cording to feights outside. Buckwheat~NominaL Ryeâ€"Nominal. Manitoba flourâ€"Government stand- ard, $11, Toronto. Ontario flourâ€"Government stand- ard, $10.25 to $10.50, in bags, Monâ€"l Itatoes, per ha , ca lots, 2.50 t 3., ,. . {Dressed h‘ogs,gabat1‘rtoir kilsled, $393 $t0‘ Franklinâ€"Bouillon and other oppon-v treal, prompt shipment; do, $10.25 to $10.50, in jute bags, Toronto, prompt shipment. “ Millfeedâ€"Car lots, delivered Mon- treal freights, bags included, bran, per ton, $42 to $45; shorts, per ton, $44 to $49; good feed flour, per bag, $3.25 to $3.35. ‘ Hayâ€"No. 1, per ton, $22 to 524;, mixed, per ton, $10 to $19, track, To- ronto. " Strawâ€"Car lots, per ton, $10 to $11, track, Toronto. Country Produceâ€"Wholesale. Butterâ€"«Dairy, tubs and rolls, 36 to ,38c; prints, 38 to 40c. Creamery, fresh made solids, 50 to 50léc; prints 50%; to 51¢. Eggsâ€"45 to 47c. Dressed poultryâ€"<Spring chickens, 50c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 30 to 32c; ducklings, 32c; turkeys, 35 to 40c; squabs, doz., $6. Live poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 40c; roosters, 22c; fowl, 26 to 30c; duck- lings, 30c; turkeys, 30c. Wholesalers are selling to the re- tail trade at the following prices: Cheeseâ€"New, large, 28 to 29c; twms, 28% to 29%c; triplets, 29 to 30¢; Stilton, 29 to 30c. Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to 48¢; creamery prints, 55 to 56c. Margarineâ€"36 to 38c. Eggsâ€"No. 1’5, 54 to 55c; selects, 57 to 580. ' Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens. 50 to 55c; roosters, 28 to 30c; fowl, 37 to 38c; turkeys, 40 to 45c; ducklings, 1b., 35 to 40c; squabs doz., $7; geese, 28 to 30c. .Live poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 45c;v Bowl, 30 to 35c. Beansâ€"Canadian hand-picked. bus, $4.50 to $5; primes, $3.50 to $4; Im- l ported hand-picked, Burma or Indian, $3 to $3.50; Limas, 14c. ‘ Honeyâ€"Extracted clover, 5-lb. tins, 24 to 25c; 10-lb. tins, 231/; to 24c; (SOâ€"lb. tins, 23 t0'24c; buckwheat, 60-l-b. 1:", 18 to 19c; Comb, 16-oz., $4.50 to $5 d-oz.; 10-oz., $3.50 to $4, dozen. l Maple productsâ€"Syrup, per imper- ial gallon, $2.45 to $2.50; per 5 im- perial gallons, $2.35 to $2.40; sugar, (1b., 27c. l Provisionsâ€"Wholesale. Smoked meats~Hams, med, 47 to 48c; do, heavy, 40 to 42c; co'oked, 63 to 65c; rolls, 35 to 360,- breakfast bacon, 49 to 55c; backs. plain, 50 to 51c; boneless, 56 to 58c; clear bellies, 33 to 35¢. Cured meatsâ€"Long clearbacon, 32 to 33c; clear bellies, 31 to 32c. Lard~Pure tierces, 35 to 351/2c; tubs, 36%» to 37c; pails, 36% to 3714c; prints, 371/2 to BBC. Compound tierces, 31% to 32c; tubs, 32 to 321¢cj pails, 321/4. to 32%c; prints, 33 to 331/20. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Aug. 5â€"Oats, extra No. 1 feed, $1.03‘/>_. Flour, new standard grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $5.25. Bran, $42. Shorts, $44. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $28. iCheese, finest easterns, 25c. Butter, lohoicest creamery, 541,; to 'Eggs, fresh, 62 to 64c; selected, 58c No. 1 stock, 52c; No. 2 stoek, 45c. Po~ $32.50. Lard, pure, wood pails, 20l libs. net, 38%. I. “ Live Stock Markets. oronto, Aug. 5.~Choice heavy ,steers, $14 ’00 $14.75; good, heavy steers, $13 to $13.50; butchers’ cattle.l :ch01ce, $12.75 to $13.25; do, good,: $11.75 to $12; do, med., $11.25 to $11.50; do, com, $7 to $8; bulls, choice,. $10 to $11; do, med, $10.25 to $10.75; do, rough, $8 to $8.25; butchers’ cows, cholc , $10 to $10.50; do, good, $9.25 to $$§05; do, med, $8.50 to $9; do, com., $7 to $8; stockers, $8.75 to $11.75; feeders, $11.50 to $12; canners and cutters, $4.50 to $6.25; milkersfl good to choice, $110 to $150; do, com.; and mod, $65 to $75; springers, $90 'to $160; light ewes, $9 to $10; year-u :lmgs, $11.50 to $12.50; spring lambs, j per cwt., $15 to $16; calves, good to, choice, $16.50 to $17.50; hogs, fed and: watered, $24.25 to $24.50; do, weighed: off cars, $24.50 to $24.75; do, f.o.b.,. ,$23.25 to $23.50. 5 Montreal, Aug. 5â€"-Best butchers’l bulls, $7.50 to $8.50; poorer grades,’ 1 $6 to $7.50. Best butchers’ cows, $6.50 to $9.50; good quality, $5.50 to $6.50. {Canncrs down to Grass calves,‘ Sheep, $7.50; milk-fed, $15 to $17. lss; lambs. $16. off cars. $24; others, $20. , __._°______ WINNII’EG HAS ARMY 0F UNEMPLOYED; A despatch from Winnipeg saysz‘ 54%c. I, i not consider the treaty until the Unit~ q chant apart. our COMMUNITY growth. PEACE EFl'EC'l‘lVE ABOUT Allii. 20 * Treaty Requires France’s Signa- ture to Make Up Necessary Three. A despatch from Paris saystâ€"It is expected in French circles that the discussion of the German peace treaty 'will open about August 10th in the ‘Chamber of Deputies, and will con- tinue‘for three or four days. There will then be a three or four-day dis- cussion in the Senate. A suggestion that the French would ?ed States had acted, came from M. cuts to. Premier Clemenceau, who are considered to have political reasons , for delay. But it is generally believed ‘that M. Clemenceau will be able to ; bring about a speedy consideration. As Japan is supposed to have a copy of the treaty by this time, and. the ,Emperor’s ratification is expected at an early date, French officials are of ‘the opinion that the treaty will be- 3 come effective when the French ratify, b about August 20th. England has alâ€" ready ratified the treaty, and the sign- atures of only three great powers are necessary to make it effective. realismâ€"I1 BlitSliEVlli roads Over 5,000 Prisoners Taken by Gen. Denekine on the Volga. A despatch from London says:â€" Gen. Denekine, the Russian command- er, has gained an important victory Choice selected hogs, over the Bolslievik and captured the‘ ,, . . . . , addition, ten assistant Judges Will oe: babimv‘ earlv in 3905,“,er town of Kamashin, on the Volga. Five thousand Bolshevik. nine guns and large quantities of material were also taken. In making this announcement, the: According to a‘ statement given out by, officials of the Dominion Einployznent' Bureau here, between 10,000 and 12,-1 l time. of Winnipeg at the present 1 Gunman coin) PAYEN Prevailin_g.World Prices to he Paid at Deliveryâ€"Speculation Pro- hibitedâ€"Speedy Movement of Crop Along Usual Channels of Transport. A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" The Government has finally determin- ed its policy in regard to this year's wheat crop. The main features of the plan are: if (1) A Board to buy and market the crop of 1919. , (2) A cash payment on account to, be made to the farmer at the time he' sells his wheat. (3) The wheat crop of Canada to to Stu. your, l 0 use l0 FARMERS, the Wheat in proportion to grade and quantity. (4) No speculating on exchanges or‘ profiteering by handlers to he allowed in dispOsing of the wheat crop of 19.1.0 to the disadvantage of either produqr or consumer. (5) A direct and sale by the farmer, and a speedy movement of the crop along the usual channels of transport. a The personnel of the Board will be immediate cash . . . , r er hold on the river and his main on-" jective in the advance on Saratov,. 000 persons are unemployed in the city, threatening the 30151191.”; communicw: LONDON CHEERS tious with Astrakhan. Kamaskin was! entered by the anti-Bolshevik troops} on July 30, and the fleeing enemy was; pursued 12 miles beyod the town. i o EMBARK AT PORTSMOUTH ON THE RENOWAV ON AUG. 5f _ 1 A desnatch from London says:â€"â€"‘ The Admiralty has issvcl the pro- iDragon and Dauntless for the visit of and Cheer“ by GXClted CI‘OWdS. the Prince of Wales to Newfoundland and Canada. The Prince will embark, on the Renown at Portsmouth, August 5th, and trinsfer at sea to the Dragon on arrival in Canadian watcrs. llc will 1‘e-eznl':.rk in the Renown nfi‘ Charlottecown on Augmf 19th, finally disembarhiizg at Quebec, after arrival there on August Elst. On his journey, This is the one big THUNDER cloud on our country life. This GIANT monopoly works NIGHT and day to keep us APART. He knows that » man States. CO-OPERATION NEEDED. The mail order king with his da rk shadow is the one FORCE that is keeping the farmer and the home me!“ once. WE GET TOGETHER HIS business is doomed. Where. then, do WE stand? in the GRIP of the GIANT? Rest CONTENT under the DARK shadow? Rather. let us break up the monopoly and th? shadow by the SUNLIGHT of co-operation, ALBERTA 05000571" RELIEVED BY RAINS Situation Regarding Feed Short.- age is Rapidly Improvmg. A despatch from Calgary says:-- General rains throughout the southern section of the Province indicate that lthe long drought has been broken and the situation as regards feed shortage for cattle is rapidly improving. | News to this effect was brought in from all quarters of the Province by Provincial Government Min- isters, gathering here to confer with ranchers and stock men in the Calgary Board of Trade rooms. 19 SUNKEN ENEMY W I\RSlllI‘S ARE READY TO HE S XLVAGED A despatch from Lindon says:â€"â€" One battleship, three light‘ cruisers, and fifteen destroyers of the German Grand fleet, which were scuttled by :their crews at Scan). Flow, in the , Orkney Islands, on June ‘22, are ready, to be salvaged, it was announced in he House of Cominch by Wahcr Hume Long, First Lord of the Admir- ’alty. Mr. Long said work was pro- ; ceeding on three other: destroyers. llc Ia court of enquiry. M GERMAN STATE TRIBUNAL TO PASS UPON KAISER’S GUILT A despatch from“ Berlin says:*.state tribunal is to enquire into and fix the responsibility for the war. It ,will be composed of the Supreme lCourt of the Empire, whose president will be Chairman. He will be assisted by the president of the Military Court and the judges of the Pruasian, Bav- arian and Hausa High Courts. In elected, five by the National AsseznbLy and five by a committee of the Ger- The sittings Will be public. The tribunal will be only cm- i ishment. ._.___._¢_...._._ GREATEST AIRSHIP A despatch from London sayszâ€"n‘ The giant British dirigible R~34, which; landed at Pulham, Norfolk, on July? '13. after making the first transatlantic1 dinigible flight, left there for East, Fortune, Scotland, the point fromi which it started for the United States; The R-34 circled over London at low, LET'S GET TOGETHER and scatter that GLOOM, i said there was no intention of holding' / This SHADOlV qf the BIG CITY is killing WHAT shall WE do? Remain Md“ than no pun ills mm Violence Kept in Check by Force ’of 6,500 State Troops. A despatch from Chicago says:â€"â€" Race war terror and bloodshed abated ,lafter four days and nights of rioting, but violence continued to occur spor- adically during the latter part of the .week, notwithstanding a force of 6,500 State troops and thousands of police- men were on active duty in the South- side negro quarters, Three negroes died of bullet wounds, making the official corrected death list 32, of whom 18 Were ne- groos. Only one of the three was shot Thursday, though a dozen or more imembers of both races were wounded- in the scattered disturbances, most of them of a minor character. In the down-town districts a crowd of whites attacked and.- severely beat a negro who was on his way home from work.‘ The negro area remained compar-' atively quiet. The presence of the troops apparéntly had calmed the negroes’ fears, and had a salutary effect on disturbing elements among both whites and blacks. The troops were well distributed, and the military machinery was running smoothly. Many of the poorer negroes were reported in dire need of food and with~ out funds. Thursday was pay day at lthe stock yards, but negroes feared ito go there to draw their wages. E Thousands of negroes did not attempt [ to go to work all week. I “Hg -â€"â€"-¢â€"4 CALL PmLIAMENr f EARLY IN SEPTEMBER A despacch from Ottawa. saysâ€"- ,iParl-iamcnt will be called. in 4'3 pro- } Thursrny, September 1, is suggest- led as a tentative date although no- thing has yet been officially determin- led. As pointed out some day; ago, War Office says. that possession of, flowered to. Damon??? up?“ the (“195' an earlier calling of sc'ss ca than was Kamaskin gives Gen. Denekin a firm-9 “on Of Tim”; it “"l‘ “’1‘” “1113059 pim‘ at first contemplated will be necessary owing to the lapse of the War Meas- ures Act (and the order; in Council passed under it ) on the proclamation of peace. It is lurther regarded as of great importan-e that there should be no delay in ratification of the Peace Treaty by the Dominion Parliament. “A What He Meant. Everybody who has used a telephone knows exactly what is meant by the following desoription of the way a cer- , gam of 111.; )[ales‘V-g shin; Renown 'altitude during the trip and was seenl tain person talked over the wire: _ . . . A ., The man at one end had become -qpâ€" LASTle MEMORIAL TO GLORIOUS DEAD; A despatch from London says:â€"~ The cenotaph to “the glorious dead” in Whitehall, now of plaster, will be done in marble. as a permanent mem~ orial. It was designed by Sir Edwin thoroughly exasperated, and asked his friend if he were losing his hearing. His friend was an Irishman, and re- plied; “I can hear you all right till you begin to talk, and then I can't un- derstand a word you say.“ 9., Just So. The peace crank was going strong. to Canada the Prince of Wales will Lutyensy who Wm now be asked tOIHis umbrella waved frantically, and occupy the apartments on the Renown usually allotted to the Admiral. The refitting of the vessel, by his ex‘ make a memorial in enduring form. W His Vacant Dome. be sold by the Board at the prevailing, made known very shortly. as also will world prices, and the surplus proceeds! the initial cash payment to he made after expenses are deducted, to bel on account to the farmer at the time distributed to the original sellers offoi‘ tiie’sale of his wheat. pressed “ish, is not to he on the usual Borleighâ€"Yes, the bullets struck my laviSh scale associaie'i with Statei head, went careering into space andâ€"~ voyages. The ship Will, in fact, be, Miss Keenâ€"-â€"How terrible! Did they little altered. {get out? his side whiskers bristled with the strength of his emotions. “Gentlemen, unity is strepgth. We keepers of the door of peace must all hang togetherâ€"4’ “And the sooner the better," came a sweet voice from the crowd.

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