J- T. SAIGEON C. WALKIKGTON - Maple King Lin-ensed AuclinnH-rs fur H‘s-Unumy n1 Yurk. SJIGSHUI‘IH‘P‘] to un shunt-5L MUHPP, "NJ at l‘euqmmhlr run-s. Pull'nnuge anlic'ilml 'I'IAIPphnm- “Psi-It'll“? Elgin Milk Main 2777 1{P.\iden(‘e Phlllw “.4 .1. II. Naughton BARRISTER Sour-nun _N-HT.\RY {Lmnsdvn Bldg. U Atlrlai-lk' 5L. Ufï¬cos { East. ’l‘m-unm tNuughtun Bvak. Aux-urn. {Thr- Tuwn nf Aurora SUIlmtnr {ml IJ. M. \Vulmn. Aumru M JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO rUNER AX) BERESFORD AWL. W EST TORONTO Phnnp Junctmn 72. Spï¬cial attention giVPn to sales nt every description. Farms and farm snka sulas a specialtv. Farms hullghl, and suld on commissiun. All salve at- tended to on shortest notice, and cun- duet‘ed by the [mustupproved methods. Patronage solicile-d. BARRISTER. Somcx'mn, NOTARY ETC Torunto 0mm), Richmond Buildings, 33'Bighmonfl blraet, \Veac. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ol‘flcel. every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afmrnnun. Woudbridqe. Saturday foremmn. 415 Ballial St... menm. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER mm COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO TWENTY-FIVE YEK'RS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prmupt attention. Money to Loan at Current, Rates Barristers. SnlicInN. m: MANNING Am» 1 E. 2% KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA Frank Danton, K. C. John Irwin Grover Arthur A. Mncdmmld ‘ Harry D. Angel- Benton, Grover & Macdonald Glazier. Grainer and Paper-‘ Hanger. RHS’DENCE. RICHMOND HILL PIANO TUNING RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE A large stock nf Funeral Furnish ng Kept at, the uhnve places W. HEWISON A. Cameron MacNauzhton Tel. 31. 3631" Th linden-takers 4" Ila-banners. $1.53 per annurra, in advance.] I“hone or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE H21 THORNHILL VOL. XLII Tuesday, August 12, I Vuru Lu urul uAA. lltlll Ban-mm" sondtor’ Noni-7' m ‘ will place the views :1 UFFICFrâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO ‘tmmm plainly M DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING [ (‘Uï¬VEN‘l‘lUN will HOUSE PA INTER, Division Court {loin 3. 21101113012 . II. Prentice Organ Repaired. mxpen Work next Sitting uf Divnsnon Uemt 3. County of York will be held in the Cum-t. Room. WILLIAM COOK Commencmz at 9.451.“) RICHMOND HILL WRIGHT B R0 S. STRE ET \V EST T. . MC MAHON l‘.‘ I" K ' Th.o fullnu‘ingnre tlw \wnnnw in the 'Fivld (‘Iup CumpPliliwn fur Mmquis \Vllé’fll conducted by the! \Vnodhridgu I Agricultural Sur‘iflty:â€"Rahf. \Vulsun. zPinP Gwve. 89; Gem. 'l‘rn-vpr, \\'(-nd- \ ht-idgv. 85: Wm. Lawrw. \\'«mdlu-idup. 84: Isaac Fletcher. \Vundhlidge. 79: ,Ru-Iwirk WPllll‘il‘k. Manly 78; Geo. Farr. 'l'histlvluwn. 77; J. Campbell. Maple. 71. F. \V. RILANCE. Judge. : Ruin Saturday vaning wary much inLPl‘ft'l'Pd with th" garden partv pre- pal-vd for the relurnvd snldims of that; ‘disllivv. l-y Ihn ank Brunch hf the lie-d Crosx, Sucivty. Tnivlvq fc-r [he lefreshments hnd heen apt in lhr- uan nil. hut thvse had to he hunivdly taken nndur a large trnf. Must of > the spmts had to he (-:\n-~<-l|vd. hm. an interesting prugl-unmw \in gin-In un- dc-r cover. Mr. \V. F. M'u'ivun. M. P.. : acted as chnirmnn. and shr-IL :Iddl‘éNSPi ' wen-u given hr Mrs. L. A. (Mltn. Mr. ' G. S. Hrm-y. M. P. P. Th» wmm-n in ichurgr of thv affair \vmv Mm. L. A. ' Linn. Dl'PsidPnl; Mrs. H. W. Sleigh. lst vineqn-Psidvm: Mus. M. Holley. :SPCrMmy; Mrs. J. Bales. 2nd Vlcv- ]pIPside-nt: MN. \V. R. Pructm- and Miss R. Bathgule, Luau-5mm: y Hun. Justice \V. E. Middlvlum of the. Ontarin Supreme Guurl, and Hun. Joseph A. Chishnlin. x-l‘ the Supreme- Court of Nova Swlin, it is nï¬iciully announce-d. have ln-Pnjmuud by [he Dominion Unvm‘nlm-nr, a Ruyal Cnnunissinn tn prnlu- rhugvs made by the Rev. Kmmvdv H. Pullnrr, (if . Guelph. Outâ€, Lnd any other spwiï¬c charqu in n-gnrd \ln Ilw Guelph ‘Nnvixiate. The ll'Ulll-ll‘ (wel- the Nnvitiato. it will be “walled, Mose when Capt. A. C. M;I(‘Allle. on He nighL of Jun? 7. 1917. \‘lallé’d the institution fur the puipme of us- . cm‘taining whellN-r m not, any of its 1, inmates were evading military sen‘ice. l Aftvr nmny \w-Pks (if d! v weallwr :I lwm'v ruinsn'upt mm Ynl'k County Sulllrllny cumming. Spvvrul hnl'ns and (-ther "Ilihliugs were lmrlwd, and one nl'lnul'f‘ domth have huen Ir-pnrtur’. Th"l'k‘ was llsn :\ heavy dnwupmn‘ in val-inns parts of Ilw cumty Snndny nflm'lmnn. :lc(‘()nlpuniv.1 by much lhumlvr 9nd PIPCtl'il‘nl discharges. HHI‘VPQIiIIg npr‘mlinns rI-coiw'd a set Ian fr-I-n ft-w days, but Imu-h gond \riHu-sulf tn lhv pustlue lands, the‘ that cmps and the- cm H DIP. J. E. SPRRI‘KID. » luvde hnl'SP~ hrepder and dislillrr diwd at \Nulellno nn Mnndny. H» was an rx-MJ’. Mr. Henry Fund. 0m- ut‘ the largest. Pulplnyms uf labor in the wmld, was branded as an anarchist hy the Chlt'fl- gu Trilmmw. A julv hAS dm-idvd mat Mr. Fund was lihn-llvd, and [hp Judge awarded a lnnninnl \‘ordh t mi 6 cvnts. A memorial survive in menmry (:f Bro. Capt. Frvntl. \\'h.. was murdered by lho Hulls, will In: hrld by the Ancient ()nler Hf Fhl‘PslH's, in Mnsiev Hull. Thrimln, Sunday turning. Aug- ust 31st. (‘hzlir tuan at 7 n'rluck. The 48th Highluudexs Band will furnish selections uppI-upIinLv tn the mzcusiun. and n spt‘t'lul musical plu- grannuw will he pmvidvd. Ext-ryune will be welcome. Mr. P. L. Brm'kin nf Chuthum has hrwn l-t-miuntvd lay the Lihemls of \Vexf Kent fur the nt-xl Pll‘l'liun ful' U'u' Oulm-in Lv‘gislulnw. MI. H. H. Dewurt. K.(‘.. Lend-4r hf llw Oppusi- Linn. was presvnt and dvlivrxed an address. Hun. Justice \V. E. M the. Ontarin Snpwme Gnu Joseph A. Chishnlm. (-l'l Court of Nova Scutin, il annmmced. hth‘ hut-’11." Dominion Um'vrmm-nr, Cnmmissinn tn pl‘hlu- rl by the Rev. Krlnnvdv H NORTH YORK BRANCH vf thP United Farmers nf Ontaliu will hnld :1 PUBLIC MEETING and CON- VENTION in the Town Hall. New- markec on SATURDAY. AUGUST 23rd at. 2 o’clock. new time. Addlessâ€" m will he delivered by MR. R. HAL- BERT preeidenl of the U. P. 0,. and others. The public are cmdially in« vited to hear Mr. Halbext speak. as he will place the \‘ir-ws and nuns of the fmum-s plainly lwfmp Ith. A CONVENTION will In“ ht'ld inl- nxediutely at tho- clusv nf the public meeting to svlect a candidate to C(Ian~'L Nm-lh Ymk in Hue intPresls (-f the U. F. 0,. in lb:- Lucnl Logislnture. Barrie. . . . . . . Beavel ton. . Bolton . . . . . . Bradford. A . Collingwood Cookstmvn Markham. . . Ne“ max kt-L Ol'illia. VVes' on . . . . . . . . . . Woodbridge. . . . . RICHMOND HILL‘ ONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1'1, [01!) -nsvill - Inhng nto. WOODBRIDGE “'ILLOW'DALE NEWS NOTES Rain At Last Fall Fairs, 1919. “ In Essmtialc, Unity; ‘in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.“ Aug Oct llllPl‘ mm a (wall "9:": [nut N 13 Jim! as minimal and repwnensihlv in waste Monday as to desociate Sunday; that lsihm is the prim of all hnnest pusst-SS- inns; [hut nu one is exempt fl'hm lhe Obligation to luinu- with hmid. hands or heait: lhnl “un hom'sL man is lhv nnhlest, “01k (If God;" that kimwh-dge is puwer: that Iaihm- is \le‘shlp and idleness sin: that it is better t0 entthe crust, of independent poverty than to lnxuriute in the richest viands as u dvpendent. Teach him these facts till the-y are woven into his being and regulate his life. and his success will be insuredâ€"~though the heavens fall. Tm'ICh him that It is better In die than to H9; that it is hotter to SHIIWP than to stem; [but it is better U. be :- smvongm' or u wondchoppm- thu n an idler and a dent] heat: that it is just as The Niagara grape crop promises m be the largest ever taken off. C. N. COOPER; - Richmond Hill ‘ ' “\umr‘ï¬ué \W“ ‘>~.:= e ~":,=v :- -m~;\'/ ’.h\- «nn‘; * New Hardware Store TRENCH BLOCK Farmers’ Supplies a Specialty @ E L. W. CURTIS -WWWWQWW I Three-burner Nuv Perfection, with Oven $25 00 I Four-burner New Perhction, with Oxen 23 0) 2 Three-burner Clark jewel, wim Own 2; n) x Four-burner Cilrkjgwd, with Oven 4 23 00 ON SALE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. 0rd:rs taken by Phone At Maple Hardware Whal Shall I Teach A' BARGAIN IN (3021] Oil Stoves V ; ,. ,éwé 3w» \W 5.7M?» m5)? Threshing Outfit Three-burner Four-burner Three-burner Four-burner wishes to announce to the public that he has purrchaSed a new with all the latest improvements. Steam power and all the labor-saving appli- ances, even to a Gasolene Engine on the tank to pump the water ; also new corn box. Richmond Hill My Child ? .T. A. ROSE t invite The sheep and mm, indlh'try in Can ndu cnnlinuvs to grow. nnL nnlv m :Icouunt of the money to hr- made from mmtun and wnul. but, HIP ful‘t that goals are umsideud to be immune from tuberculosis hm hr'Pn lhv great luctur in the Pncuuragvnwnr of milrh gnat Iaising in a number of th nit-V- incos uf Canada. Pamphlet Nu. 17, a diu-clm-y of Breeders of Pure- Bred Shoep and Gnats in lhl- DI minim: of Canada, l>sl~l9d by (he Shem-p and Goat Divismn of the Liv» Slmrk Branch and pmcurahlv. from upm: applicalirmJI-um the Publihntinns Branch. OIL-aw», givps the names and addresses nf breeders uf recognized V Int-+- ds of sheep and goats in all partenfC-uada. Ontario lPadS in the number of hrevd- era of pler bred shm-p while gnab hreedo-rs are more mum-mm in Brit- ish Columbia whon- th" [1 Huh gnat iudmtry is assuming fairly large pup pm-liuns. my time Sheep and Coat Directory. >01 Licensed Auctioneexs fur Turnnto and the Counties at York, Peel and Simmn Dr.. G. La. Verne Pattison 1A. J. IIUI‘IBZ G.\V. Bl( )I{I..143\' Hnn. Graduate Royal College of Dt-nmlSurgNms.Tin-(mm. will be at: Richmond Hill every Tuesday and. Fridav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECI-ALTY afï¬ne Incnred in Standard Bank Build iug. Oflice hours 9.30.1.m. to 5p.m 2l3 ]. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Tvacwr c-f Piano-Playing ut the Turuntn Conservatory uf Music Organist, and Choir-muster St. Paul Presbyterian Chulch, Toronto Cunducuu' York Choral Society Will accept. a lilllilPd nuthr of pup-h at his Home studio. Richmnnd H1“ Address Nurdvimer Building 220 Yonge St. Tu! Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Rvsidance address Victoria Squme CCMM'SSIONER. CONVEY“N"ER. E'DC. Real Estate and Insurance Telophnnes, .T. If. DIcl‘lvvenu & Son Riohmono I-Iill OFFICE AT RlCHMOND HILL is that (If 1‘. [4‘ ‘auk Slatt‘ery PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL Commissioner. (‘nnveyancer etc‘, Insurance. and Real Estate Isouer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC 157‘ B .y Street. U0. BARRISTEES. Suuurroa Richmond Hill and '1'“ in Richmond Hill on Thmsdays A. C. HENDERSON R ich niomd I 111111 mne teaiden LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrnnnuv and influence I'es‘pechfully solicited Br illir gels Blacksmith Shop. East 0' Bank of '1‘ u'untu. N. H. ROGE RS OLIVER & CARTER. [Single copies, 3 cts. Phone 950 \Vnodhl-idge MARRIAGE LICENSE!!! THORNHIDL, ONT. BARRISTER. Souvnon AND NOTARY PIfBLw NOTA RY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ] Ofï¬ceâ€"Main 4508; ) Hnusv-nMnin 2067 ISSUER 0' P. O. addres Gm mley. R. R. No. l. l l l on L ( n Toronto Toronto am