Mr. and Mrs. sonaiugucmlpl OuLaI-iu. Mrs. (Uh) Anguish nf Blamfuwl is \ieiling Miss Muyle and Mr. Harry Mnyle. M r. and Mrs. Ghurl Pew! Inn-(- \‘ia‘ilt‘d rulnl Thursday. The High and the Puhiic suhunl re- npened on Tuesday. both with n good attendance. . tillâ€"U; ll'n: services in Church mxt Sunday. Mr. Ruhnt Mchlfrey uf \Vuudsluuk formelly of PAUQ'I‘SUII. visiled lnsl week. with his cousin Mr. Juhl) \Vnnd, Univusity hmtlwr. M Mr. and Mrs ville visilt'd H nnd spent (H‘t‘l' here. Sgt. Mummy left Friday with ahnul twenty nLher cricketers frum Tul'nnLu Lu play a uuuuwr uf mat/clues in Glerela nd. Meeting uflhe \anan’s luslimte at Mrs. ATIHH's next \Vpdnx-sdny ew- niug at, 8 o‘clock. Full attendance is requested. B-winnssimam-lam. Mr. Gen. Hunt of the Standard Bunk staff at btuuï¬vme spent pan of his bullduys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt. Rev. A. P. Bruce of Taunnln vanl lhe WrPk-Phd and \he huliduy at Mr. HJ. \Viuch's. Hnadful'd, and Hllt‘th-d vhuI-ch at Richmond Hill Sunday morning. Endwm Bras. display of pewnnials, shrubs and rut-kery plants at [ulnnm National Exhibition was a ('I‘f'dil, not unly [n l.ln- ï¬rm but In the \Illagc of Kiclmmml Hill. Visitors over the Week-end at Mr '1‘. F. “HMHIHm’b ware Mrs. Edith Rubinsun and scn Ralph nf Emmsnn. Mam: Mr. \Vilfl'l‘d Glut-kn! \\’ellund Port. and Miss E. M. \Vifey. anuntu. My. and Mrs. Junus R. Buker. and Mr. and ‘Mt-s. \Vill. BJker :lud lhlee children llthul’vd down {mm Grand Valley and spout. frmn \Vednesdny m Sunday \VIAlh‘l'Pluth't’s in Richmond Hill and UurI-villv. Mr. P. H. Pmut-r, Pust Muster at lrondulu, spent. :\ fvw days in the Village Mud Vicinity. Hisuvu children who ucmmpxmied him are: remaining for a few “‘l‘l‘ks with llwir ~gland number. Mrs. \V~u\. Rumble. Mr. and Mrs. l‘nmnas I". McMahon, Richlm-Iud Hill. :mmunme (he engage- ment, of their daughter Hqul Irene In Mr. “"illium H. 'l‘humsun. sun of Mr. and Mrs. John Thmusuu uf PmL Credit. the mauingu In Lake pl latter putt «f September. \VhiLe Huckahuvk 'J‘uwds. sizvs 18 x 31$ inchrs, heavy qualily, with dmmask border and hemmed ends. t-uch (50c. Heavy Weight Hannah-tie, in light and medium stripes, 34 “L wide. yard Mk. Boys‘ Ourdurny Blnumers. dark gold- en hmwn cnlur, gnod hwu'y \wighl. in sizes 26 to 3:5. Atkinson & Su ilzul. Mr. Muffvfs sale of huuselmld furniture &c held lnsL Saturday ulter- noon. was well attended. and every- thing sold unusunlly well under the hanxmvrnf Mr. '1‘. G. Lynn. nuctiuneexu Mr. Malfey wishes to thank all fnl‘ lheirulteudunce and pulmnnge. alsu Mr. Lyon far the :ll)lc way in which he conductld the» sulv. Th» pustm'. Mr. \V. House Dxessw of go<d navy pl'iul, in assorted pulterus, fastened duwn front with pezu-l buttons, collar; jnck- ets sleeves and bait trimmed with lam blue. Sizes 36 no 42. Price $3. udies' guwns of ï¬ne qualin white- hull blue. Sizes 36 no 43. Price $3. udies' gmvns of ï¬ne quality white- cotton, in slipm'ex- style. smne have V uvck. others rouhd yoke, trimmed with embroidery and lance~$2.lU each. Atkinson & Switzor. Mls. J. Howard of] ennple of \\'('(‘k3‘ at r. James Hum. Those visiting at Levs‘lhmds. the humes of Mr. and Mrs. J. Duhczm and Mr. and ï¬lls. G. H. Duncan during the past week were. Lox-d Ashley. from Cnmhlidgv Ctvllegp, Eng.. William Pe|kins Bull of the Perkins Bull Hospital, Pulney Heath. Eng. and Mrs. Bull. Mr. und Miss Brennan of qunilton. Miss Galbraith, Bow- manville and Majur Lawrence, Toronto. On account of r cent accidents the Village Cum. all makes a. reQuest that nll play on Yunge :1. 'el wul be sLup~ Led. The Park gates are always open. 7. D. Moer Of Columbia y has In:le Visiting his Mr. Harry Muyle. Mrs. J. H. Sundn’snn'ale uuple nf Weeks in Lundun. Howard of Hgnnilum spent ' Mrs. H. Rvddill nf Cains- Pd the Nutimml Exhiluiliun (H'H'Sunduy wilh l'elntives ()hnrlus \\7i]uv of :‘d wlnliH-s hele (In NOTICE _ McNeil] will the Mekhudist Elli-"broth-er's, “(It 'UI'L (he Mrs. (3. [)9 Lu. anl0 and halve Hf Thnrnhiil havu gunw In M-mtrwl wilh |IPI' hrulhl'r, “here she wtll reside in [he futurm Mr. and “I'C. David Hill I'Llurm-d hume Tuesday zlfu-I- spending July and Augmt dttheir cntLage “Hillel-est Hmm.â€, Lakv Joseph. Wmd wasrvceivvd [hie week that 2nd Lie-Ill. Lluyd A. Hill. R. A. F.. whv hall hem) Pnguged us a lmllonn nfl‘icer in nssisling Ln swoop tlw Mediterranean SPa clear of mines. has left Kuphalos. (in-PCP. en raute '.0 Russia to do spnuing wm-k fnrlhe British Nuvy. At. Suvustnpal his hulnou wasnot wmking quite right 80 he Was tmvvd h) descenthe lust wm-d Nevile Ivy his nareuts was to the elfect that he Was waiting in Constantinople until necessnry repairs are efl't'ulvd. when he- hupes Ll) procéed nnrth. H‘P rnnï¬deutly expects to have Xmas Dinner at home [his year. Reeve- \Villinm .l. Walls. of the TV 0f King, was ln-nnghm lwfuw Magis- trate A. LuvP in the Police Court. Aurora. changed with committing an assault, 1m Um-vwlius McCahu. Mr. \Vells plPade guilty to the charge» and M45 ï¬ned by the magistrate and .n-dvrvd In pay all costs. The assault nccnrrvd at, a pic-nit: nu Sir va'y Pellau.‘s ful m vn \Vt'anSdHV the pre- vimm ‘Vka; when Mr, McCahe 9x- Lendvd his Imml Ln gram, Mr. \Vells, he recehvd n blow in NW face. Ew-rvthing pninlc [0 H gloat cr‘lv- bra! inn :aL \variin idge on \V1 dnesdny, 'hv- KM) nf Svptemher. gwhvn \h- t Village and Vaughan Tuwnxhip jnin in giving a Snldiera' Rl'co’ptiun. ()Iw uf the nt!r;u-Uons will b9 L119 hm-se racing. The-r9 will he pm-ses nl' $15“ in :1 flee-fnr-all. a 3.18. and a 2.30 km! or pace. There will HISC‘ he Lugs-uf-wur. fumlmll. pony ~lmw, fnot rncvx and nther spurts, Sports at nne o'cluok. Pi-L-senmliun at fvur n‘clock. 'I‘wu hands in “Llendaucv. Them will he midway atlractinns and drawings. The great, event will close with a dance in the evening. Outï¬t-in. WOODBRIDGE Struck by Auto Police Court MARRIAGES In three minutes you can change your Ford from a pleasure car to a 14 HP. gas engine for farm workâ€"sawing wood, cutting ensilage, threshingâ€"and in another three minutes it’s an auto again. The McGill Autopowcr has proved itself. Hundreds of Can- Their experience adjan farmer: have been using it for years. proves that it does not in~ jure the Ford Engine in any way. It hnsagovemor which automtically regulates the Write for literature fully describing it. and actual letters from farmers (some power to the load and main- tain: a steady speed. and an auxiliary fan which keeps the engine cool under allconditious. in your neighborhood. per- haps) telling what the Auto- power is doing on their Write today for ._.>..‘ You Don’t Need a 20-11. P. Engine McGiII Autopower does this job better and cheaper Have yoh a Ford Car? Then you have the 'most efficient, economigal power-plant in the world KNIGHT METAL PRODUCTS LIMITED £31555? workâ€"WHEN IT’S FITTED WITH THE McGILL AUTOPOWER. W. G. BALDOCK, Dealer, Manufacturers and Distributor: Adelaide Street West, Toronto ' The marriage was solemnized Thursday morning in St. Patrick‘s Uhnu-li. Schoniberg, of Annie V. Slinvy, eldest, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. W. Slinoy, to John A. .lwms. sun hf Mr. and Mrs: Jenns, Mnnvlwalel. England. Rev. Father Guil‘lllflll C(DIlllllCLl'd Ihe- ceremony. l‘lwluide. enlelinglhe church tenn- ing nn the urn) «f her father. was lmmlsunwly guwm-d in while genrgetle (:iepe trimmed with pearl «min-widely; her veil was arranged in u Juliet Unp \Fushiun wi|h clusters of orange hlnssmns. and curryingalarge shnwt‘l' bouquet. of pale ink sweetheait macs. Miss Annie\ allace. cousin uf the bride, was bridesmaid. gmvned in pale nrunge gem-gene crepe and \carried a huge bouquet of dutrhi-ss ‘I'USCS. Mr. John Sliiwy was gromm- Inan. She wedding march was played by Misa Sadie Murphy and hymns sang hv_ Misc Culmnml. A quieL reception was held Al. the hnuw ('l the bride's patents. after which Mr. and Mrs. Jeans left fur a hip in tilt-slates. Gomgiun Tp..SepL, Nthmt, Pu-f’fnrlaw. Suzn‘rlju!“ 'l‘p.. Sepl.. 17111. at Ecul'lmrn Heights. Markham Tn“ Svpt..'181h, at Markham Vaughan 'l‘p.. Svph mm. at annl'v. Killg_'I‘[).. Swpt. 2001.. at Kthlulw. WhiLchurch Tp. Sept... 22nd,. at Vle- (30â€. East Gwill Tp.. Sent. 23rd, at Sharon. Ntu‘th GwilJ 'J‘p.. Seapl.24lh, al Br]â€" haven. YI_\_r‘KA Etnhicnke Tps. (Li. ht Thiallenm‘n. York Tn, Oct.2nd Valuable Estate L‘HP MARGARET BAKER will off. r for Sale by Public Auctinn. nll Hie premises. Gui-Inlay P. 0.. nnSulmday. the 61h daynf September. 191%). at 3 u’clock in the Murmur-u, by .lului H. Prentice. aucbinnerr. tlw residence uf The Lute Margaret Bike-I. in theI said VillngP nf Gmmlyy, leing mm. pnsed (if part, Hf thl1 Eastâ€"half (if but No. 35, in the 3rd Uuncessiun in th- Tuwnship (If Markham. L'nnluinmg one andmw-halfMu-es. more hr lvss. On the pmpmly is said in h» mauled a lll'lUk-(ilad (lWelling. cnntuining Seven rooms will) cellar. a brick-clad much» house and frame itahlv, all in gnnd 31,5116 «If repair. There are a numlwr Hf fruit; [reoe on tln- prupl-rly: .ulw hard and wit wntm: This is a wily desirable hnuw‘ siludlp in (he , Village- ut' Gul'uiley, convenient to clunche-s. schmil and l‘uilwuv. Thv pmpvriy win he Mfmnd suhjwrt Lu a lesm-ve hid. and [n Culldilihns (.f sale which Inav he sown at [he uï¬ice nf the Vendurb‘ SnliL-ilnrs, m- ;«L lime uf ’I‘ermsâ€"‘l‘Pn pm vent. dnwn at tinw (If sult'. sumt'ivnl In make up (Innâ€"half uf the Plll‘t'hfltit’ mme within 30 days [hermee-r. the hulnucv tn lu- sutured hya ï¬rst, lljtll‘tgugP. lwuring six per cent. halfyem-ly. lrpnyubh- h'vr yvars or iess hum (imp uf sulv. “1‘ lb? “huh mav be paid in cash. The huusehnld fmniturv and t-ï¬â€˜w-Is will I)» Mfr-It'd fm- SHIP by Public Auctir-u on [be same day a1. uue p. m. Executors’ Sale 'l‘hp Exu'utnls of (hp Edam hf T’he Write for literature fully describing it. and actual letters from farmers (some in your neighborhood. per- haps) tclling what the Auto- power is doing on their farms. Write today for this information. School Fairs, York Coun’. LA “'11 ENC/E A: DUN BA It. JEANS~SLINEY RICHMOND HILL Garage 36 'l'mnnh- SL. 'l‘umum, Snlicilols furle Exm-ulm 0F . at \Villuwdale \NILLUWDALE General Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. Stamped Needle \Vork Child’s Dresses, 3m 4 ylS. Huckaback Towels Doyiies and Centre Pieces l’incushions, Pillow Cases E mbroidery N eed [es Calored and \Nhite Table Uilcloths, 45 and 54 in wide “Ohm-Comb and Satin Quahs Bleached and semi bleach- cd Table Linen Window Shades, plain or ï¬nished in lace, in crcam o! glean color Concrete House tamped. Err hrnidery Stout dons a\ 6 p.m. ATKINSON 8: SWITZER Save Money by using our Battery Service white and colors We have a large and we†assorted stock of Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Flour. Feed and Binder Twine MCKENZIE BROS. SQUARE DEAL REPAIR smviCE is called the "ï¬ghting battery†not 0111be- cause Uncle Sam uses it for the Army and Navy, but because it wears out stubbornly and takes a long time about it. The plates are the reason. Let us tell you why. and T’S a sheer waste of money not to give your starting battery the system- atic care it needs to have. Regular in- spection will save that waste. Storage batteries are bound to wear out but they need not be wrecked. The 'esu'ng 'Iu-rry Briliinqer‘s Garage 'l‘llornhill (1. PATAICK, v wun .n- Monday and Wednesday lelly Tumblers, with tin covers Plain Tumblers Sxone Cracks with covers, sizes 1 to 6 gallons Cocoa m bulk Good Japan Rice Pearl Tapioca Macaroni Choice Cheese Choice Leaf Salmon Cascade and Golden Net Fluwer Pots, various sizes Sani Flush Sardines Powdered Bath Brick Comfort Soap PLATE 5 ruxt jars, Crown and Perfect Seal , all sizes my! 1'»: GROCEHIE Dray/naught Recharging A gen t ON TARK