BARRISTER SOLICITOR -NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide 5L. Ofï¬ces { Ensl. Tm'untu LNnughtun Blnck, Aumru. ‘ . . _ The ann of Aurora Dvllmtm rm {.1. M. \Van. Amnru Torunm Offlcv, Richmond Buildings, 33_Riplnuon}i Street, \Veat. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (‘ Liberal Offlcol. every Thursday fm-enoun. Maple. Thursday uft-ernnun. \Vuudhridqe. Saturday forenoon. PIANO TUNER 300 BERESF‘ORD AWL. WEST TORONTO Phone J unchon '72. Schinl attention given to sales 01 every. dvscription. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Fan-ms hmlght and snld nn commission. All Sales .ut- tended to on shm'u’st notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. leti-nnnge solicilvd. BARRISTER. SOLICITon, NOTARY ETC Telvphmw Main 2777 Money to Loan at. Current Rates 415 Ballio St... Toronto. Phone elumnt 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Barristers. Snlicmrs. 8w MANNING Arcana 2% KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA Frank Denton, K. C. Juhn Irwin Grover Arthur A. Macdnnuld Harry D. Anng TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail nrdens will receive pmth attention. Danton, Grover & Macdonald PIANO TUNING RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RES’DENCE. RICHMOND HILL d lzu‘g W. HEWISON“ A. Camera}; .MapNaughton Tel. )1. 3631' MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmderg‘arten Undertakers dc FInhaImc-rs. p $1.50 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XLII lpils puss Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18..KING STREET \VEST ‘hnne or mail messages promptly attended to. PHONE 1421 THORNHILL JOHN T. ANDERSON HOUSE PA INTER, uminyu l iur STUDIOâ€"HOTEL R Rivlnnund H Division Court 30K): .7. ‘Z’avidson Orms Repaired. Expert. Work . H. l’rentice ge stock of Funeral Furnish ng Kept, at. the above places WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL -03:â€" esday, October II. Nallg‘hton xL Sitting uf Dimsnon L‘e ‘ County of Y( N: will he he in the Court Room. mmencm F. MCMAHON lit-sidenm) Elgin Milk Residence Phone 4L4 1t H'HMOND. ill. 9-3†I919 im eurt l Lnndnn. Eng. Sept. 51h. 19“). Dear Mr. McMuhnn, l Richmond Hill. Out. I May 1 through your (enlnmns svnni :i ! message tu my flit-lids in Ymk cuunty from the fur (\ï¬â€™ motherland. It has ‘ hf‘Pn a great pi ivilvge to unme to this old land the hnme uf our ancestors and to Innvenhont the places where the men live-d and acted nut their Well spent livvs, who did so much to make our nnlinn huth loved and feared in l the wide \vurld and who gave to all 5 nther lands tlw best and noblest in- ’ spin-Minn uf life and Sui-vice. I l have sppnt, seamely a Wevk in this great city. nnL lung e-nongh to enable one to learn much or to study the complex situatim to he found here. Short as it; has hPPn though «me can but sve how sex ions is :he pnoitinn of the penplvnf Great Blituin. and m | lealize than (llï¬'lcull, and complex as I are our Canadian prnhanH those of ltlhe mnthlnnd we both lmger and ‘ mm'e involved. \Vunld you be good enough u. put an insert in yr-m- lll'XL edition rpgal-d- ing this mislnkv. us it is only fair to (hnsvvhildn-n who took part in (he c-xen'isé-s. EDITOR [amen-AL. DearSiIuâ€"In Saturday's Globe. in tho Yurk Cuunly nnws, an :u-cnunt of vhe Rum] Srhmvl Fnir, lwhl :IL Mnlk- lmm lust Thursday was: giwn. 'l‘hvre was an Pl‘lul‘ in [he n-pnrl. viz : the phvsicul cullmv ï¬rst prize did nnt go to Mnunt Jnv :ls sum-d. but [0 S. 5' NH. 2, Markham. As I undmstnnd tlin dutis-s of citizen- ship the fact that, our national and prnvincinl (lllPSllnnS will he lvss difï¬- cult. to deal with dues m-l pennit us to sliil-k any of the burden they impose, l-nlhm' senuld they incilv us tn take thmu in hand with a mental grip which is l'PSl'llltf‘ tnr 1hr» lwsl and mu!- iest tt-Lllement of thm. Sun-h a cmnse on our pain will by its vxamplp and influence stimulate lhp pw‘plp uf (uh-Pat Britain tn gi-mtvr dvIri-min Him" In deï¬nitely ympple will) Illl‘ll giealer piohlmns. [make free to wmind mu- pump]? that not lvss H-mI may and slmuld he the service which we in the Ovvrsens Domininns ran render tn the Empire during the years of pasta» l’t‘CUIISLluc- tiun, by hulwst and fnilhlul citizen service givingthm-ein wise and true lPHdOI'Shiphnlh tn the Empire and mt less to all [he nuliens and penplvs to whmn our soldier MHIS and hrnlhms gave lik? example upon the blond sminedlmulc ï¬elds of Francs: and Flanders. In View of such responsthility Imakel ï¬ve to urge our people in (lanada the service thvy can lPllthl' the Empire h_v doing theirpart in the pending vute‘ for pm-manency of prohibition and ' als‘» to honesth do lllt-‘Il‘ patt as they undexstand it in the ensuing provincial elections. Imnch I‘PgH‘L my absence at. this realizing as I do the impmtance of the results that will he attained. May I add a word in respect to the CllndldillPS splocted both for the pro- vincial elections and for that which x’ve believe must follow in the near future flu the Dominion elections. l The information which had made . known to us the alt-vgvthn-r dispro- portionate representation: of different classvs of our peoplo should load [0‘ catntulconsidL-t'ation of tlwirchaxactvx" and walk. One [nightv reason why l suppmlod \vnman‘Q sum-age. was ill (:1lht’ l was ashamed of the mes>~ nwn had "Hulk-(If legislation. Knuwing as We nn-w do thatontof about only the lhcus‘anlll lawyers in Canada lht'V fmIn m‘arlyl one-ï¬fth of the numhw of l‘f’pl'PSl‘lll-l "lives in the different 19; lmdies of our count) y. I can elude that as a body (If represe- they have been very far sh'll'l service they were in duty 1) Sf'l'Vlce they were In duty In render to uur peuple. This mayhap, lwcuusp they necnss: to Clem lv understand the new larger classes whose intervsls their hands. ur if [1193' did und the-nthe guilt (.f wilful nvgh weighed than of ignmance. to a l wm k justify One unf RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 19H) 11H. HU‘ Letter frrm Enghnd Sincm‘ely yt-urs, n Lli I‘l Gurluley, SP Ill Uh rllnl UPI pp e numher of “Jpn-sem- ‘e different legislative :nunny. I can but cm.- A lmdy (If representativw fl} rish In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chan'ly.“ G. MCC- ARITY. sincere HENRY begun pt. 22. 1919 Ih .9 shnl pruhil amp Wllu in the mnd to in part. lily fail 3. (If the stand L out ME The Septenllwr mes-ting of the “'0- nmn‘s Missionary Snaier «If the P1 eshytPrirm Church was held at, the home of Mrs. Milton Savngv. Miss Ram. a Presbyterian Deaconess from the Redemptive Home. Toronto. mu 9 an address on rescue work. At: the close of her address she said they were “my much in need of jam. vegetables and dishes. Persuns wishing to give nny of those things please leave them at the1 home of Miss Pelttland. or take them to 123 ankville Ave. Last wepk the Society shipppd th-ee ‘Splendid lmles of clothing. quilts. etc. to the Nurth \Vest. Ml'.J. M. thwn. bf Aurora was nominated hyth Lihl-l‘nls or an'lh York to cunu-st the smut fur the anul Legislature. Dr. Fm-hvs (hid- froy “as Imminutvd by tho Conserva- tives of \Vvsb York. vuters’ lists hum paIin. and with inspected nL my APPEALS to add IIJIIIPS to the vain m CHI-loot sanw. \VILL BE RECICIV 25111 SEPTEMBER, 1919. THE ONLY \VAY TO BE SURE LIST [3 TO FIND OUT FOR YOUR vulex's’ lists have been placed in [he hu‘ unlith and with n“ candidate-s and (tr: lll he 'l'illi J‘UR ll’pe SITTINGS TO H EVISE AND ULOHI AY. THE 27TH SE1 :Id in [110 City Hull, " {ONTO kpp ii? nht ulttee To the Voters of East and West York HI EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING APPEALS sons \\ h Nominations W. M. S. ï¬th nL my 0H} 'm ms will incd frum (nuns and H FINAI 3L “(\VIN. R0031 .\II HUNI AR 1‘ H E 'l-I M I ll! nl R EC 1‘) l V E I) l' N'l‘l L '1‘ H l AI MA I N lll I-nvinciul Voters nt (Emma and spend an enjoyable hour with thv Sunday Schtml at, the Rally Day service next, Sunday at, 3 o'clock. 'l‘hm-e will be an interesting addiess flmn va. MI. Hau-ris. (\l‘ Tm'nntn. music and it warm wrlcome awaiting yI-ll. , . The congregation has lost one of its nldest and gleatlv esteemed members in khe passing of Mrs. Marsh and Mr. \Villlmn Marsh. and home has Inst the sunny smilv and grand prusvnvre nf n much heluwd grandmother. whnse memory will he a fragrance through the coming yPals. On Tuesday evening of this week a reception tn Rt- v. Mr. Hay and his family was held in the Sunday School mom: of the church. The parish was well represented and an unthmiaslic and cmdial wvlcome was given the new minister. his wife and children. - The Mary Sleesnr Mission Band will meet at the honw of Miss Malle- line Cooper on Friday evening at, half- pnst. seven o'clock. \P'QEALS AND TO FINALIK i \‘ILL BE HELD ON SATL'R A'l‘ 10 A. M. All sittingw will he PP TS\VO RT H IVED A YOUR NANH ELF. Copies is of the Clerk uizvuiuns inlet-e u informalinn $ icnlinn to the l pal Clerks, (:1 f1 l’llICSBYTERIAN CHURCH Clerk IER THI llll 0f ( IS ON TH] ['yl‘ nthPl‘n‘is HSDAY. Ll) I'l‘Y [h pninl muni nuy HA1 DAX ‘G.\V. MORLEY Licensed Auctioneels for Toronto and. the Counties of York. Peel and Simeon Dr. C. LaVerne Patbison Hon. Graduate Royal Cnllege of DentalSnranns. Toronto, will be at Richmond Hill evs-ry Tuesday and Fridav. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank‘Build ing. Oce hours 9.30am). to 5 p.m 2lc' Richmond Hillâ€"VVednesdays and Saturdays. Address Nurdeimer Building 220 Yonge St. To! Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Residence address Victoria Square CCDIM'SSIONER. C()N,VEYAN"ER. ETC Telephon Richmona Hill 'F.IV1-ank Slattery J. K. DIOEV‘ven 8.: Son OFFICE AT RICHMOND HILL is that uf OLIVER & CARTER. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC j. EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacwer of Piano-Playing at, the Toronto Conservatory nf Music and St. MmgareL‘s Collvge. THORNHILL Oummiaqiunm, Cnnveyancer etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC 157 Bay Street. in Richmond Hill 0n Thuxsdays BARRISTEES. SOLICITORS, (to. Richmond Hill and Toronto. Ricluno A. C. HENDERSON LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Pulmnmzvnnd influence respectfully solicited ne I‘Q Brillix Real Estate and Insurance MARRIAGE LICENSES [Single copies, 3 ctsn Phone 950 Wuodbridge THORNHILL, ONT. BARIEISTER. Soucn'on AND NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARY J. II II NI E CONVEYANCING (E \ [Ofï¬ceâ€"Main 4508. J Houseâ€"Main 2067. ISSUER O! r.k of T 91 PUBLIC, P. '0. addres Gonnley. R. R. smith Shop No. 13 Tumnto Ilill Toronto