13de this 11th SEVENTH 19H) am] I» any en-nrs m ending to law Voters’ List, £919 ~\n:i During the early stagesof the pros cnt Victory Loan campaign it seemed that one class of the community which was showing reluctance in subscrib- ing for Victory Bonds was the farm- ing cornnrunity, but it is hoped that before We subscription sheets close, this reproach will have been removed. There were similar indications last year, but during the last few days (’ f the drive, farmers' subscriptions came in very rapidly. Anyone would be loath to believe that the farmers, who of all classes of the communitv are most directly in- terested in a heavy oversubsm-iption way things tunity wull well stockc From November 10 to Decemâ€" ber 10th, 1919, we Offer our en- tire stock of Groceries,Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Dry G00ds,.at a big reduction. em; tht ny 0th lust: ï¬l‘ Driw \’ Municipality of the 1‘1 V";& U (fr 1-1 is. 3" ‘. 11:11:11] immvdi Richmond Hi Big Reduction Saie For Thirty Days C‘ln but; J. B. McI.E.3N. ACrleqk (\fylle said, Municipal“ (‘0 L'NTY UP YORK Far».ers Must Wake Up ll the Pr impor J. VANECK Schomherg Junction Ill CH LXY 1 up taken rlilN than: ful‘ ilhpeuliulm ca“ upnn n†Voters {1 ‘te proceedings tn h;l\'( mnissiuns cuu'ecled zIC- h I" Maple. nu the UF NOVEMBER, present an n to have th liquor b ssvmhly. and at and that the Said up in my ofï¬ce. Maple. nu the Township of the L theret UV n Nine :L†the ) in 1919‘ LhK: I'HHS‘ mmh 1):) v [yr-‘1 f1h )l' paid. and menL was ne'cdssury 4 questtfll by lllHllfl $141M. $1 $1 m SAL-01')", gim ing no. the 11 The. P. S‘ A: the minimum maximum $9 gnmtvd. m mlwd t4 lemhe-r. Miss I? \V. BIL-KG BIC( Mrs. 15. Jackson. The members of Hope chm-(2h intend holding anniversary sexvicei in u few \w eks. It is expeclvd that Rev. S. \V. Dean will be the pu-uchur on [he occ::~ sinn. MI. and Mrs. T. \V. two ('hildl't'n, Mr. and M Done“, and Miss Jnsvphi '1‘“!!th spenlv Sunday \st. Chas. E. \\'illizun.~‘. The (0110“ (mt at n “1(‘9 3th Hf Nuven' Mrs. B M‘s. \‘iSitK'f‘ Mr. and Mrs. l" Gonnlvy spenL the n and MN. 0111‘. PI \V Mr. R. Manugh farm at :1 gmwd pmcu son of King and int the \‘iHuge in the new Quilt ï¬l|e_p)x special Mt-Inm‘i August 41]]. menâ€"G ve-pr lht‘ sun by inst! uctw Ht]le The (‘1 from H) sum of A nnmm 1nd [ht‘ Cu rrml. ; his pH . 'gue and Dr. L'mgstnfl'. All the teachers in the High uhlic Schmuls applied fut-em inc 15,11,113", giving the high rust 0 [h Th L A IIIIIIINE $0!) 300‘ Thv h in Minuï¬ â€˜1' "I Thu ()1 rk Inâ€)!!! .W Park and Miss Clark \v lgwl in the [1.9. nta‘ “‘ilh annual iuc1~ens< Principal Haynes \vn «L a sulurv of $1900 ful- :nremkex’s salary was 1; In (‘JEI-k meet in (wemlw a numb?! wing mutt UV?! H) Board of Education (1 Field $1,594.44 [he Fiï¬â€œ dinn ll) insn'ur-tml t4. make th§ lull);sz in the sv-tls, :15 re- the Inspector. Oak Ridges mg Ilv -Grm~‘n: That the mum. and [hut 1hr led to plut't‘ the H count. to he lam Account. mncil :ldj Th (v: p rigm 1111;] ll IN “I iUO 400 Village Council xi] I [lit Thv my MCM {um Clmpm Sunday \Vil the 1.1 1m M) um-d munt It] I): ll] M. G. Cmvi ALkinsnn‘ H l'. L‘ingslnï¬' MU‘LE‘ w 1 rcuunts weve m-dm-cd unmiltep of Mnnngv- members wow» prvs- (-f the Board on [he 111v high L‘USL of UVâ€" 11 f0] their H’qm‘st. nuts roqnwsted flml My ho $7110, and [he The request was $1300. and t 0:) [he 15L \Vl Ilk‘ HIV] fmm h I at Six H0 [HAM llggested that his $1300. maximum ’ill(‘d to mer the Ill \V. \Ynll 12ml; nuts m'nex by. m uf Purt Elgin with her sister, ghl 1an phine Dnner (:f r with Mr. and the :uuwunt in e l-:nu\vn as lh 1m ~11- MI mmilte lb? :19 ’01- 1921'. \- unised‘$75 I“ dl High and n incrense 'uSL of livâ€" 1- H’qm‘st. \Vl 1'? NH? Hem-v l‘lanr‘y (I d \\‘iLh Ml Vere each salary of (2 up tn [uni hut l: Wis until |t~it it be Sep- ISIH‘PI ndnd lnC [In the ll lh ( Ill ID Via COMMENCING THIS WEEK OUR STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS UNTIL 7 O’CLOCK. Yonqe & (Centre Streets _ 9 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar to each custmgr with their purchase Friday Morning Special-=F01‘ Cash Only Are they in your cellarâ€"1f not pla Potatoes, same quahty you had from us selectmg good stock saves vou all bother satisfaction. 90 lb. bags “HIGH OUAE To mike those Tit housewife, you will need Every one 01 them “HIC )l her inlormat MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rockies. GENERAL Commew : prlces supply 156 and Our UN. MOP Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian National all the way. WA Tuesday. North Bay. prxces are mg have advance SSENGER D APPLESâ€"1" 90 lb. bags “HIGH QUALITY" $2.15 TABLE CARROTS YELLOW GLOBE ONIONS-J7me «in UNION STATION) CABBAGEâ€" \Vintm Your Winter Vegetables DAILY FEELS SUNMAID RAISINS FARD DATES YOU REEK CURRANTS 1( W. A. DUNCAN ochran keep indeï¬netly in head 5 7 ‘7 (:r V S I o'i ESâ€"Finc Cooking: Varit by the basket or barrel. ages n Natianal Ticket Agents. or EPARTMENT. TORONTO GROCERIES Pure and Whoies: n Food turday XLI National \ w ‘ILS [.13. Not more ï¬rm 9 lbs net‘c, Mtge Special PHCt drv in the mntt pl UI‘ order 1C6, ‘i Elf] 31' V‘JINNIPEG Toronto - Winnipe our “’\\\\N ‘\‘\\\~.\¢ bv 1hr holce BIN thh u meth< Phone 8 zen IUD) TORONTO