a Swedish doctor spent many years .working on his theory that the secret of perpetual youth lay in the intro- duction of a certain serum into the thyroid gland, or “Adam’s Apple,†which, according to eXperts, is the one mainly indentiï¬ed with ageing of the body. Extraordinary results are claimed for the method of treatmentvinvcnted some years ago by M. Quinton, of Paris. He contended that all living creatures had their origin in the seas, and that our complex bodies were simply large collections of cells and cellular bodies to be found in the sea. Quinton argued that .by injecting a preparation of sea water into the human body, the cells would be sup- plied with the original fluid from which they came. Thus would renew- ed vitality be secured, and disease and old age driven away. This is briefly the theory. and in actual practice it has proved one of the most wonder- ful remedies discovered. " We waited patie on, knowing well was as much for ‘ because he desired “By gar, I let 0 yell, and drop off tl jback and hang on ‘he give beeg jump Gosh, how he run! once, twice before 1 right up in front of maybe three mill start. Bear he st right on going, butt and drop down deal “Then I hear bee all around to see w body there. Then and, by gar, what y be echo. Yes, sir, beat our own echo ‘ The Women’s I] Edward Island wa the wool they used sncks during the w The search for the elixir of life has continued for centuries, but we seem no nearer the solution! “Heaven is not a place we get into by dying. It is a state that we realize by living.†1 The famous French physician, Dr. Brown-Sequard, claimed to have in- vented an “elixir 0! life," a serum which he preposed to inject into the veins of the aged and the jaded, while a Swadish doctor spent many years One of the most amazing theories put forward was that of Metchnikoff, who recommended those who Wanted to live long to drink sour milk. His prescription was taken up by thous- ands, but so far there has been no great increase in the number of cen- ‘tenarians as a result of the sour milk craze. Can We Prolong Life? In connection with this vital ques- tion, it is interesting to recall the dis- coveries 0,; scientists who claim to have found the elixir of life. Accept."Califorula" Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowelsl Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions 1391' child‘s dose 01. each bottle. Give it without fear. “SYRUP OF FIGS†CHILD’S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Mother! You must say "California." A Health-Ballding‘ Food ‘Therels a Reason A blend of wheat and barley prepared to di~ gest easily and make ' and keep people strong". ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ "By gar, I let out one great beeg yell, and drop off that limb onto benr’s back and hang on. He so surprised lhe give beeg jump and roar and mu. “Then I hear beeg yell, and look all around to see who calling lye. No- body there. Then I hear beeg roar, and, by gar, what you think, eh? That he echo. Yes, sir, we go so fas' we beat our own echo to that cliff.†The Women’s Institute of Prince Edward Island washed and spun all the wool they used in the knitting of socks during the war. When you/are talking with other people even in the strictest conï¬dence, always keep this in mind: “Am I reâ€" vealing business or family secrets, or private affairs, which I may regret some day?†Gosh, how he run! I don’t breathe once, twice before I see beeg c‘iff rise right up in front of us. That cliff two, maybe three miles from where we start. Bear he so scared he keep right on going, butt his head into cliff and drop down dead. “By gar, you think Pierre make fool talk!" exclaimed the French Canadian guide of a tourist. "I tell you that hear was tï¬e beegest Pierre ever seen. Sacre! He beeg as little mountain. and hees'eyes burn in hees black face like two ï¬re coals. He jes’ stan' that by rock and look at me, and all the sap run out of my bones, and I got no more lite’n ole tree. ' “Then bimeby he take step toward me, and my hair rise right up on my head, me, and I drop my gun and run up tree. I never know how I get up that tree, na Bear he sit down 'at bottom and wait for me. Cold? Sacre! I like to freeze. I stay there long time, oh, beeg long time, getting colder’n colder. I think pretty quick I drop off, but hear he kind of laugh and I hang on little while longer yet. Wish I have my gun along me, but I ain‘t got; bear he almos’ setting on it. I can’t hold out no longer. What you think I do, eh?" We waited patiently for him to go on, knowing well that the Question was as much for rhetorical effect as because he desired an answar. These patterns may be obtained from your ‘local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W. No. 9153â€"Ladies’ Dress. Price, 25 cents. Two styles of sleeve; with or without side-pleated sections; instep or shorter length. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36, with pleated sections, instep length, 31,"; yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 11/2 yds. ‘ No. 9175â€"Ladies’ Dress. Price, 25 cents. With or without vest and tunic; two styles of sleeve; two-piece skirt, instep or shorter length. In 7 sizes. 34 to 46 ins. ‘bust. Size 36, instep length, with tunic, 31/5 yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1% yds. Fashionable Winter Gowns. Bear Fact. Pass, Friend. ' The new recruit, being a very pro- mising young fellow, was put on guard after he had been a soldier only a week. He was given strict instruc- tions not to let anybody pass until they gave the pass-word. The word chosen was “Efï¬ciency.†The Widowâ€"“Indade! Sure it's nice for ye to have something to raymim~ ber him by." By Way of Remembrance. Groganâ€"â€"“01 hate to mintion it, Mrs. Casey, but your husband owed me tin dollars when he died." Minard’s Liniment 00., Limited Gentlemenâ€"Last winter I received great ,beneï¬t from the use of MIN- ARD‘S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. The famous fruit districts of Canada are the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, the Niagara Peninsula in On- tario, and the Okanagan and other valleys in British Columbia The mar- ket is world Wide. Social conditions, the beauty of homes and the abun- dance ot good land open attractive op- portunities to prospective fruit grow- ers. a DeveIOpment of an asbestos deposit near Port Daniel, which is about sixty miles“ west of Gaspe, Quebec, is being ï¬nanced by a company in Montreal. The material is low grade, but with some€,000,000 tons in sight. The maximum quality of the asbestos is stated to be No. 2 crude. Mining developments in Canada are proceeding along several new lines as the result of distinct discoveries. Im- mense deposits of astricsnit have been found in Muskiki Lake, near Kaska- kee Springs, in Saskatchewan. To the trade this commodity is' known as crude Glanber's salt or salt cake sul- phate, and latest surveys indicate that there are deposits to the extent of 9,- 000,000 tons. The crude material is at present being shipped to Kitchener, Ontario. The byproduct will include Glauber‘s salt, which is used extensive- ly in paper making; Epsom salts, bromide, common salt. and magnesia, which articles were largely imported in pre-war days from Germany and the United States. ’ British Columbia has been able to offer a new industry in that of mining Epsom salts. The discovery of large deposits of these salts was made a few years ago in British Columbia, but it is only now that they are being mar- keted to any extent in Canada. The deposits are located in a chain of ï¬ne lakes near Basque. The lakes are of the basm variety and are in the dry belt, Where the combined rain and snowfall does not exceed ï¬ve inches annually. The deposits are covered with water from 6 inches to 1 foot from the last of March until June or July. The hot, dry summer winds evaporate the water very rapidly, and during most of the year the magnes- ium sulphate may be easily removed. Keep for far Druggis Sloan’s l in allaying bruises, ach cles, lumbag matic twin}: WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES 85c, 70c, $1.40. New Canadian Chemicals. Sloan’s Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain Iitt nctmfc immediatbly am the the nerves. ’5 Liniment is very efl ying external pains, 51 aches, stiff joints, sore nbago, neuritis, sciatica, Canadian Fruit. big bottle always on hand .' use. Made in Canada. everywhere. applie illwut rubbing, iatbly and rest vqry efTective )ams. strams, mus‘ rheu- Cascarets work while you sleep; they cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food" and foul gaséé; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Cascarets never gripe, sicken or cause inconvenience and Cascarets cost so little too. You men and women who can’t get feeling rightâ€"who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste anti foul breath, dizziness, can’t sleep, are bili- ous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach and colds. Are you keeping your liver and bowels clean with Cascarets, or shock- ing your insides every few days with Calomel, Salts, Oil and violent pillé? [i R] M. D. suffer and c4 selves Mam excitement. In the last scene, after“ Hamlet had killed Laertas and the king. the queen had died of poison, and the “Moody Dane" of a poisoned wound, the younger of the lads could contain himself no longer. Turning to his chum of the streets, in raptur- ous tones he said, “Gosh, Bill, what a time for selling extras." Two newsboys sat in a. theatre gal lery while “Hamlet†was being played It was the ï¬rst time they had seen a play, and they were quivering witi' excitement. In the last scene, afte‘. in the night. portun “I won't be long. He'll pay me a quarter to git out." She Should Worry. “Dena.†said Mrs. Barrows, sternly, “I met that policeman to-day who sat in the kitchen with you so long last night. I took advantage of the op- portunity to speak to him." “Oh, go on now,†replied Delia, with a. smile. “Ye needn‘t ,think that you make me wan bit jealous, mum. 01 1121' got him safe enough." 3A Eysgaeysga mm Mmard‘s Llnhnent Cures Distemper. The safe w by Domini Buy Thrift M. D. advises :' “Persons who suffer from severe indigestion and constipation can cure them- selveu by taking fifteen to thirty drops of Extract of Roots after each meakand at beéiime. This remedy is known as Molher Seigcl’s Curaï¬ve Syrup in the drug Seich’S Curaï¬ve Syrup in the drug trade." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. , x For Colds, Pain, Rheumatism, Ach- ing Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica, New ritis, and for Headache. Neumlgia, Toothache, Earache, take As irin marked with the name “BayerB or yog are‘not t‘aking Aspirin at all. “114....â€" VI"-IJ-A_ A. ml'KEII ‘VILLI um Ammv um,“ v. “A... JV--." _.7 a ,,,,,\ V you are not taking Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab Accept oniy “Bayer Tablets of Llets cost but a, few cents. Druggists Aspirin†in an unbroken “Bayer’flalso sell larger “Bayer†packages. There is only one Aspirin-“Bayerâ€â€"ch must say “Bayer†Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono} acetlcacidester of Salicyllcacid. Whne I: is well known that Aspirin menu: Buy“ manufacture, to assist the public against. imitations, the Tabieta of Bayer Comm! will be stamped Wiih their general trade mark. the "Bayer Cwsa." Don’t blast your Liver and Bowels, but take "Cascarets." TGRPEDOEBE mm. In the 1 : had killed 1 the queen had :3 “Moody Dane What An Opportunity. Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Crossâ€! MONEY ORDERS. way to send money by mail 'm'xon Express Money Order. ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER†ARE ASPIRIN and. How to Feed Mailed Free to 8. Ad- dress 1)); the Au 0:. 11. Clay mover (30,1 3.11:. 118 Wesx 313: Mreet Stamps \Yew York an‘ows, sternly. to-day who sat )u so long last age of the op- “"0"! EL §¥8§§CGEJG ISSUE No. 48â€"‘19. It is a sticky other compound which dries the moment it is applied and Simply shrivels the corn without in- r flaming or even irritating the surround. I lng (lasue or skin. It is claimed that ‘ a quarter of an ounce of freezode will cost very little at any of the drug I stores, but is sufï¬cient to rid one‘s feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. 13133: You reckless men and women winâ€"o are pestered with corns and who have at. least once a week invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood poison are now told by 3. Cincinnati authority to use a drug called fl'eezone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any com, the soreness is relieved and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out with the ï¬ngers. package which contains complete did rections. Then you are getting tea! Aspirinâ€"the genuine Aspirin gre- scribed by physicians for over mne- teen years. Now madq in You are further warned that cutting at acorn is a suicidal habit. Prior to 1825 women’s shoes were madé without heels. Onilarlo‘ f Staie exbéf Reid 131-05.. Bo within 20 Man for ‘ Dundas V Within a new electric flat iron is a fusible strip which melts if the iron becosz overheated and cuts off the current. ' ~ Miami’s Llulment cures Gal-get in Cows. ‘ANCER. TUMUHS. Lumi'sT ETC»: internal and external. cured wlthout pain by our home tronrmem. Write ul 1) 01’s too late. Dr. heliman Medical C ,, Limited. Colllngwnnd. Ont. Cutlcura Soap 25c., Ointgnent and We. TAI- cum 25c. plus Canadian dunes. old cveryw as. For sample each tree address: “ Duncan, Dom. N, Balkan, U. B. A." Laiiies E’wfmé Yam Skin Wit}: Emits :‘a TEEch Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodoriz- ing, fragrant and refreshing, Cuti- eura Talcum is an ideal face, skin, baby and dusting powder. Conve- nient and econ omical, takes the place of other perfumes for the person. A few grains suï¬icient. One of the in- dispensable Cuticura. Toilet Trio for keeping me skin pure and sweet. mns'r CL Classiï¬ed Advertisements. LESTEN TO THIS! SAYS GflRNS LEFT REGHT OUT NOW A\V F Ul‘ What pt AI R I Also m'en. ’RACTICALLY BLACK FOXES. twenty other pairs. Reid Erna; Ontario. ‘ W’ANTEII undv any 0 miles of shrinkage. MISCELLANEOUS. RS. WHAT HAVE YOU! mice? Reid Bros, Bothwefl. 1'03 BALE. any siz WANTED WANTED ASS GARAGE MAN. 'ience and wages wanted. thwell. Ont. Samuel nto. ALIVE ENTS tress due. 660