‘1‘ neatly new 3‘1qu \Vflll'l‘. [.n cherry. plum. .1; nice. tidy lluflfl‘, STRAYEDâ€"On In lhv premiws nf 10hr} F‘. (‘r Dmhnm, Bond Lukp, young heifer. Ownermn haw salm- hv proving [)l‘Ulu‘lt)‘ and paying e-x- penises. r Rang: Yonge St. Salt" to M‘ L. Tuwna south of the I‘ululic sum ;li1111l)1‘|-tvfgr»lr‘i : Apply tn H. A Savage, VIANTEDâ€"“H- \Iunl smm- good \I fnlm and Mlmll Dl‘lll)l‘l'lit'~‘ fur quick sale. Olin-r81 “ullt’l'. 50-1f 1 OTICE-â€"â€"\Vill [he person will. hon nw. d 1 hr cx u‘ssâ€"uul saw frnm Mr. Jacob Eyer ple-nso u-tuln it to the owner as hosâ€"is in nu d uf it, 21 2 61d Gmmley THURSDAY. Nov. 27â€"Ful'm Slm 1:, im 1f OR 5A LE a A. WEDNESDAY. I\'()\'. 2% implements. elm, luL 2:2 bum. the propel-Ly of '1‘« Sale at 12. 11 Inunlhs. Lice, auct. DIONDAY, 10L 5. C" of Gen. month mumhs. J. H. Prentice. :mcl. TUESDAY. DEC. 2â€"1Cxlensive credit sale of farm stock 8c impluuu-nls, on Lot, H, (Jun. 4. \\’(*3L York. l)u\\'ll:‘- View. the [impel-[V ‘f J25. Ncshit . Sale at 12 o'clock. Tex-ms cash. J. H. SATL'R'J).\Y DEC. ( and lurnilure. u Aurora, [ht- pull Nvil A. Mullny. : 3:90:18: \Vadkingu T111 FOR SALE Agent (‘0 70R SALE \V E \V E 20 tf TL‘ pleura-M‘s; “funnilure. elc.. In! :9. Yunge street, Nul-th of Aurora, the pmpr (.f J. H. Builingel. Snlv :nt » -- A- - x: n, \....x mellls, OR SALEâ€"(“mire Ic-giMPH-dJe-Isry Cow. 3 you†old. with ('uH :ut fmvt. Apply tn JAS. blmAmmwx, 9 Bullon. ()nl. of UM». (inn ruw. lU llh'lllha‘ cu-dil. mng). aucts. grade cattle and Lll‘lll Implmnents. 10!, ï¬t, con; 1. King. the prupert)’ of T. H. Legge. Sale at 10 o'clm-k. Tex-ms 10 months. J. T. Saigmu and Frank Egan. Aucts. 0 009004 L‘ESDAY. DE( il!)|)!8lllelll5, Pxelnllce, Aucl. E. Pen y. 10 months CESDAY, DEC. lGâ€"Registexpd Perch pron mart-anrlu stuck. ilee-menls &c.. west hulfluL30, con. 7. Vaughan the prnpel;ly (uf Mus. Juums )IcUzur lay. Sale at l n‘clnck. 11 months czedit. Snigeun & \Vulkingtun. SESDAY. Dm: 9â€" Farm sn ments. &c._ Int 18,an. mile.- smith vf Maple. the p R. D. Mucnuughlnn. . u‘cluuk. 11 Inunth' cwdit & \Valkingtun, uucls. stuck. lmpimn 4. )Iurkhzun, L Perkins. Sale 12 months. J‘ 0R SALEâ€"A valing Filly (‘ull G. 1". Apply lundup Slt‘k’kll')‘ A Y EDEXDAY. DEC. IUâ€"Registl- ,ein c.1tllé. farm stuck, imp] 0.. lob 27, cum. 2, Scurlmn Hut. the prupelty of thv. )1). Sale at L )0 months ‘rentico. uuct. upt‘l [y H. l’IL-nliu 'RU.\\'. DEF. 6~I‘ nwnls, turnilun I. 1. Vaughan. ‘NESDAY, DEX ft hnrses. rrgi: d9 cattle and 91).“: DEC l. \"nugh ‘lly nt' Im- ll 1 u'vlurfk FOR SAL! nmnllh stup But (he pmpgl-ly of ALEâ€"0MP NH. 24. Nuliun ll CUM] Slnye :II $25.00. A fgmui slave pipes at lï¬cls. v H. A. NiL'lu-Hs (:l' \V. U. App†[0 H Slop 49 D In )EC. lâ€"Slunding limlwr. 4, S<:.u-lmr.». Lln‘ pmpmly Mclulush. Sull- at 1. Jr) Sales Register â€"â€"anw 6-mmn H nusv. PW. FUI'IIIIL‘E’. hm!) and [ml 425 x “38: hon houw, apple and pvarlwvw. A no, (In (‘vnlvr siren-'1, East. r-lv Lu H. A. NICHOLI.S. A pply Mrs. th rwgistm 9‘ Hits he: Aucl â€"b'u|'m Maple. 6â€"Hnuso am I: the resid qmrty of the bah) at 12.30. .0", Auclimtee â€"Ful'm slack 13. cm]. 1, I. Thumhill. lln Missvs (,‘lmpmnn 'l't-x-ms 12 munlhs iâ€"Iinuso and It‘t L the residencv, ,l'rly of the lulu rah» at 12.30. Sui- m, Auctioneers. pmp )lt‘. the puny Snlv ML 1 Gel Snigrun K" \ 3(15 renti rt-nlice. Auct r(-k,‘implvment Scurlmm, Agi um stuck. elm. lut int ‘n-(l. Dining uwe-rs. \Vnsh pglstex nu] (‘unking \\'. Hm I'isun. w-rw-nivnm' nd‘s. 3 dun. s Finn) stuck, 2. 2, Scan- Till-1C8 \\'¢-ir, J. Pl't‘u- arty of luck. In In) In" Md'ul thy â€" F‘rst-cluss short but us. implvmentst lll pl “pt Sula wk, imp] (4 plum-ll L l u’clm‘l 2| lll H 'l't-rm \ll(:[ . 'ed farm 19. can. inuplc :hun. arl)‘ rv Auvl d Hul at l liflt'nll Jnhn ‘m‘ms nlel‘ J. I! )l'lN Ill] md J Wv haul :I huge [ist Hf Hm sult- in Ymk (‘nunly. 6:9 “‘0 am as I} milus frt-m Ynnge SIN 2nd vnn. \\'hil(~hnu'h. Bunk h.- 43 x (35. water in <ln|vlw~n Sltvhl' hon 7 I'm-nun 9.3::(‘115 “'(n knhl'v. full pl: illg’all (hum. suil l'lny lt-um. 3 :u' full wth 20 urn-s luPaIdUW. Pl $8.200 [m quick Snlt‘. é wishes to announce that he has taken the premises 3 Doors South of the L Public School. where he !2 will carry on business as Notice of Application for Divorce NUUPP is hereby given that M ARV IRELAND, nf tlw (-ily Hf 'l'urnntu. in [he (‘mmly of Ym k. and Fun im‘v nf Unhllin. will :Ipplv ln llw Purliulm-m (-f Czumdu. ul lhc nvxt SPS~iUH lhul'g’nf. fur u Blll (If Divch from lwr husband. ALEXANDER IRELAND, of the Said (‘ily of 'l‘c-rnmn, Baker, m: 1119 grmnul of :IdllllPly. ELL“) 1: (gmw/ Carpenter Furn iture Repairer I ! 0â€â€OW and Upholsterer Dntnd Hi Tmhntn. Pl'u‘ tnriu, [his Thil-lielh Day 19“). 1911 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR EIVORCE an ice ls hp Smhm, «rt [[16 (‘vnunly nf Yr: :n-in, Elect: ic P.1rlinnwnt (‘ fmm hi< \Eifv. A'ELLH‘} DUIHS \VHI'I‘LEY ‘ ORTON. of the Snid City of Tut-mun, on the ground of ndulh 1y. Dated at,annntn.yruvincv of Ont- :II in. this Fifteenth Day(1fSept0ml9r, 1911). 69690000000006.9900909000‘ IT PAYS T0 PATRONEZE A WELL ESTABLISHED SCHOOI aELLIOTTfl/m \_ Ynngc- rnjnys highâ€"m fm- pln A (‘AREFK'L Is 01“ TH!“ \Vrilv [(-41 Students at OOWOOWW HO 1nd: Farm For Sale mun“ “iléd w nut. vhuiI-r \vhun pr ingz wet-(- di< \vhununlmmg. All 0.0.“. in tlw Splin prepaid. Rdnwml no mi<lnk9 when )n thr' re‘lhlhlr1 firm of G. H. PRlCF, Represenï¬ï¬‚ive Richmond St. Richmou-J Hill.‘0nt E. D. SMITH & SON. Winona, Ont. OLIVER 8; KENNETH R. MAPLAREN 13 Sulil-itnr fur lhv Applwm t Announcement § Gramophones and Records MLWWNSEND Open evenings for the sale of Violin Strings, Etc. is not too early to pl‘ '1' fur Fruit :I‘relw. ()h -s and Shruhlwxy 1 ng planting. Mawy 1- dimppninlenl Inst $1- :u lhrir mdm-s ('nlllll lowing l0 lho linmz In Ondvr early :1 m1 haw NURSERY STOCK md lll ule [shun-by given llmt Just-pl) rt Ilm City of l‘mnntn. in the fYnI-k and Pun'ince of Outâ€" ‘ctticinn. will apply In the [If 0f Cmmln. :ur Ilw next Snlicilm-s fur the A pplivun dxy fun nur l‘mtnlngu Idnnllrd at any linw. W. J. EI.I.IH'1"P,P|iI1('ip BIGGS 81 HIGHS husim-sa {mining graduates in pusi SELEC'I‘IUN 0)“ A S( Chm-Ins xvr-lle-nL QMOO memhel- ynn make- wlwn yuu mdm' {Pull} OOMOO TMU RICHMOND IIIIAI ;\ LSO 1nd have the best M [my one cunt, A†gawk shipovd ing, all ('hnrged CARTER rm‘inr'p nf On my of Octnhm‘ Hill in pnsitluns '()F:\ S ‘HUUI IMPORTANCE II' (lutnluglw pulqliun plnco your ()hlulnvnlnl y fur ns‘xl I'Iy pounlv svnsun h»- nlhel f niHuW-v ing nmln llld lllll< |l( Illl O l ,.{ O1 "gr Gummuniw Shawn Methodist Pastor-an. P. A. ICURDAN ('ulu-IL til:- 13. 15,18 and 2U xlwh (’H inohvs 1n h-ngth) AIM) (‘er-nt Blit'k. Sand m'Urnu‘l sold by tho loud or in ml lots. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Notice of Application for Divorce 191E? >¢6060¢60°6MNOWM000¢ WHITE BRAN and SHORTS Barley-Meal Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour Monarch Pastry Salt, Cement 24-in. & 48-in. Dry Hard Wood le Mupla-ï¬nnd. Grnu'l and Brick u-mpnnv. l.l'4!. hmr on hand fur Mlle. Min-m (1min Iilr. 3, 4, 5. 6 nml #5 in. ulu-IL til:- 13. 15, 18 and 2U llH‘h +%+&++++++++$ï¬Ã©+++++*+**eA sux'tiu huh (I Public Notice ! Sunday, November 30 00‘ Ill and iusm it son Bouks with u moss me blevamr 1. :0. BAKER lg W ;, Nut and Pea 'Cyul hand; also flaunt] :1: the Elevaior Newton Break (1 :nl 'I‘uu “In, I’nnim': [his HIJI (Lu (-1' Ocan (‘I'RRY 8: \VALLAFP. The Trumde ( ’\ car load (f 00d Sn on hand a, ï¬rafflmd Y 9:51 Ca‘uidnâ€™ï¬ Ask for an Easie? “fay WQ’EE E‘Vï¬akg Yam 'l'wkn fur wxnnmlv this: \YP van Oflï¬yfflï¬ï¬own SulicilmQ (‘()['SINS. Wright Bros. Agents, Richmond Hill 11011 11 Day :2 and let us demonstrate Erafonolas and learn how is to own one. You have a .15-2r of enjoyment dhead of lhd Munugr'l M.- pl». f1 ‘xmnplv tms: handsmnv flm raf’cmflu simil Applicant bia reprodu 1( men amounts ()n .unent, having all th found in phonograph 2 times the price, suc red to your home, and 0n 1110K of DECOR.\'I‘OR, PA PER-HANGER, thn' 2149 Muph GEO. (Yawn: PRES, Wi" all mmnbms of the: "have clu‘» it .11 any gr-Ixtlvmon interestâ€! in clul' ing, plvnsv nuond :\ Special “we-ting, in I lw ('lnh Runm :uljnilzing the rink («n Richmond Hill Curling Club loorï¬uode mild? to 11 \\'I Munday Evening, November thh Parmers’ Supplies Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs Implements. Pumps \Vire Fence Filler Plaster Pulling Bum-s Call and see the samples of Metallic and get our prices before givin Agent for Gray Buggies and Cuttgz‘ 111111109 hile you R [(‘H MUN!) HILL. ().\"l‘ eed control Cabinet has LEARN 5W1RELESS nt Ills SH PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GRANITE ANDTINWARIS,STOVEPII‘ING,BROOMS, AND BRUSHES, BUILDING PAPER AND READY ROOFING. The Doherty Steel Ranges are made to last. (I RAINIER ETC. S. SHEPHERD . F. CARTER, Richmond Hill (Lat? uf Muph ms the ï¬ Ippul :1! us md win 111V 1t 8 o‘clock C. N. COOPER small \V. DAVIES SEC. IIH (‘I 'rw Lmiders Sm apex-3 Hydrated Lime Rubber Rnoï¬ng. nlw \Va Trench Block FULL LINE OF 3011 O 1 times and bad tinies for the past 45 years this B.1nkhas steadily givenitsbest efforts to the development and upbnilding of theagricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial business of this Country. Ouretï¬cientserviceisavailable for the beneï¬t of all customers. THE 2‘" STANDARD BANK ' OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH :1 hand. HROUGH. gon L. E. HAND. MANAGER \V heelhm-rows Iron vats, Gates Rout Pulpers yrs on hand. Roofing and Siding g your order. Good Chatham for