is really at an it, nor can I e deep gratitud‘ A despatch from Ottawa sziyszâ€"“H can never forget it, nor can I express! the whole of my deep gratitude furthe- openahearted welcome which my Cana dian comrades in arms and all my," Canadian fellonucountrymen and wo~ men have given me.†The foregoing is from. a farewell message from his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, which has been received by his ExceL lency the Governor-General. ; The message follows: H.M.S. Renown, Barrington Passage. “The Renown is weighing anchor, and I feel that my ï¬rst visit to Canada! “Coal will be produced,‘ and every miner, operator, or any other person who has acquired knowledge of the temporary injunction and who there- after violates its terms will be cited for contempt,†the statement says. “In addition to this," it continues, “all per- sons, whether miners or operators, whose acts of conduct briw: them Mr. 'Simms said that every ofï¬cer and miner connected with the United Mine Workers of America has full knowledge of the terms and pgovisions of the temporary injynction. and that] every local has received a copy of the withdrawal order cancelling the strike. “Coal will be produced, and every My. Simms issued a statement of warning to all. It has been indicated here that if the miners do not return to work after the posting of notices by the operatovs that the mines. will be operated in compliance with the decision of the Government, main men will be brought before Judge A. B. Anderson in Federal Court here next week to face a charge of contempt, 1 Indianapolis, Nov. 30.~â€"Coal must1 be mined and every miner, operator or; any other person who has acquired, knowledge of the temporary injunc-g tion and who thereafter violates its; terms, will be cited for contempt toâ€"( day, declared Dan W. Simms, speciall ASSistant United States District .At‘} torney. 1' PRINCE 0F WALES’ FAREWEE MESSASE 155% E53 Fflm Persons Violating Injunction Cited For Contempt, MINERS MUST Although. according to the Meteor- ological Ofï¬ce, the wind storm on Sat- urday night was not the worst Toronto has experienced, it reached a velocity of 60 miles an 'hour here. In Buffalo, with. which the Meteorological Ofï¬ce was unable to establish communication until 10 o'clock last night, the mind reached a velocity 0 80 miles an hour. In Toledo it was 68 miles an hour, and in Windsor 56 miles an hour. It is be- lieved that in other points nearer the centre of the storm the velocity was greater than in any of the towns men-‘ tioned, ’but owing to the incomplete~ At half-past 8 the machine for as-' certaiuing the velocity of the wind atl the storm signal station showed thei male raging at the rate of 78 miles an hour. This is a record for Toronto†Later in the evening the wind veered'i round to the west, and in the opinion; of some the change of direction saved‘ Toroï¬to from a stlill worse storm. I for nayigation. Above all, in the dark clouds a mysterious blue-green sheet of light came and went, fast and yet too slow for lightning, and added to the terrors of a fearful night. One death resulted from the storm, George Dox‘son being killed on On- tario street ~Jy a falling tree. The wind snapped trees like matches, blowing dead on from the south, and blew the rain before lit lg sheets. It tore the roofs ofl‘ houses and factories; it left line upon line of fallen fences; telegraph and telephone wires, caught by the falling trees, came down in the divest confusion. In homes near the lake the inlnbitants felt their a'bodes rock like a ship upon a stormy sea. Away out on the lake the water leaped in mountains, and the well-sheltered hay was too rough Toronto, Dec. I.â€"~Toronlo was swept by a. Windstorm, the fhi'y of which has seldom been equalled-here. at a little past eight o’cloek’on Saturday night. It was heralded by the failure 6f the electric Lights. Just short of 8 o’clock in the residential districts the street cars came to a stop. Within a few minutes the street lights faded out. They came on again shortly, and hardly had they begun to glow when the storm came in all its fury. (SO-Mile Gale Causes Great Havccâ€"Buidings in B. Cities Blown Down, Trees Uprooéed, Car Lines Tied UD F or Hours. WESTERN ONTAREQ BQRE BRUNT 0F DISA STRQUS WEED STQRM 91 that my ï¬rst visit to C at an end. I can never an I express the whole ntitude for the open-h ue proauceu,‘ and every or, or any other person RESUME WORK ues, “2111 per- »1‘ operators, bring them ada EES FELEJGWCANEEBWES EMU m arms gwithin the inhibitory terms of the ‘ Lever Act will be pr05ecuted.†The Government also is having d-ifâ€" ï¬culty with the mine operators, it is lunderstood, and prosecution‘s of the : operators are in prospect unIeSS they fcomply fully with the Government’s ‘ orders, it was indicated. surpassed fubure. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont-5:, Nov. 30.“ '1 Though a mild sto’rm has been raging lover Lake Superior since yesterday ~ no reports had been received of any accident on the lake up to 6 o'clock, neither the Canadian Ship Canal nor the American Ship Canal having heard of any damage. The only vessel which has passed through here to-day was the steamer Utley, which was downâ€" bound, and had a rough pass-age over Lake Superior. The wireless station here has no reports of any trouble. A despgt-sh from London says:â€"Sir Robert Hariï¬eld announces that the largest calibre of armorâ€"piercing shell has been driven in recent British tests through the thickest of mo‘de‘rn armor plate. This feat iii gunnery, he sgys, will render the British weighing something like Largest of Shells Driven Through Thickest of Plate welcome 7“ Negotiations are 'being carried on with the quernments of Canada and Japan for licenses to construct and operate the two stations necessary to establish direct communication across the Paciï¬c. New York, Nov. 30.~The Marconi WireleSS Telegraph Comp-any of Canâ€" ada will build in the vicinity of Van- couver, B.C., :\ pOWerful radio depot. The station, which will cost $2,000,000, will handle commercial business be- tween Canada and the Orient. A vsta; tion of like power audmost will, of course. he built in Japan. Negotiations are being; carried on , ness of its reports the Meteorological Ofï¬ce could not make any deï¬nite ‘ statement in this connection to-night. L The disturbance was ï¬rst noted in I, the Lower Mississippi Valley on Fri- ‘ day night, and was caused by the exis- 1 tence of an area of low pressure there. It was not: until late Friday night that it showed signs of gathering strength, but its development was rapid, and on [Saturday it umnnenced to move in a north-easterly direction, gathering strength on the way. It crossed over ‘Lake Michigan and Georgian/)Bay, wvith the centre of the storm passing in i the vicinity of the 500. i London, Ont. Nov. 30.â€"â€"Cyc.lonic lgales of a veloeity estimated at 60 miles an hour swept London and dis- ! trict for three hours last night, wreck- ing, unrooï¬ng or sweeping chimneys ’i‘rom buildings, uprooting trees, 'smushing windows and causmg damâ€" age that will run high in the thou- !‘sands of dollars. To-night it is still faimost impossible to communicate ! with‘outside places by either telephoneJ l or telegraph, but reports, particularly" ifrom the territory south of London, 'are that damage is everywhere quite heavy. Detroit, Nov. sotâ€"As far as can the learned at this point and at Port Huron, at the south end of Lake Huron, no boats were lost during the i storm. The White Star Line steamer i Wauketa, from this pert, believed lost; : last night with 256 passengers, sought :shelter from the storm and reached‘ '; Port Huron this morning. The steamer‘ ;W. E. White reached here to-nig‘ht r from Buffalo and repbrted no shippingi l in difï¬culty. Reports from Lakel lHuron points are meagre because of l demoralized conditions. Big Radio Depot For Vancouver, B.C. ness of its 1 Ofï¬ce couk statement. ix The distu and 11 m y Can a! engag 1ings in Many anadian comr me 180 lave mes lat al' un’s the I Toronto. gsteers, $13 Lsteers, $12. j‘choice. $11. ‘to $11; do; :com., $6 to $1050; (10,] [$7 tn $7.25 to $10.50; med., $8 h Toronto. December 2.~Choice heavy steers, $13.25 to $13.50; good heavy gteers, $12.50 to $13; .butchers’ cattle, choice, $11.50 to $12290, good, $10.50 to $11; do, med., $8: o to $9.25; do; c0111., $6 to $6.50; bulls, choice, $10 to $10.50; do. med., $8.75 to $9; do, rough, $7 tn $7.25; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $10.50; do, good. $9 to $9.25; do, med., $8 to $8.25; do, com.. $6.25 to $6.75; smokers, $7.50 to $10; feeders, $.10 to $11.50: canners and cutters, $5.10 to 9502'; milkers, good to choice, $25. Lard, pure, Whoa pails, net, 310. Lard-â€"Tier'ces, 29 to 2915c; tubs, 291/; to 30c; pails, 29% to 3014c; prints, 30% to 31c. Compound lard, tierees, 281,4; to 29c; tubs, 29 to 2935c; prints, 30 to 3055c. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Dec. 2.â€"â€"Oats, extra No. 1 feed, 981/26. Flour, new standard grade, 311 to $11.10. RoIled oats, bags, 90 lbs., $4.50 to $4.55. Bran, $45. Shorts, $52. Hay, No. 2, per ton, eat lots, $24 to $25. Cheese, ï¬nest; eastâ€" erns, 270. Butter, choicest creamery, (38 to 6812c. Eggs, fresh, 90c; selectâ€" ed, 65c; No. 1 stock, 58c; No. 2 stock. 55c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $2.05 to $2.35. Dressed hogs, abattoir killed,‘ Dry Salted Meatsâ€"Long clears, in tong 321/51; in case's, 28 to 29¢; clear beélxesZ 21V) 280; fat back}, 32 to 33c. Baiw‘renéa’i/Iéa'tSLPi’ékled pork, $46; megs pork! $45. Gre-én hfeét340x1t of pickle, 1c less than smoked. ‘ Straw40ar lbts; per ton, $11.50 to $12.50. track, Toronto. Country Produceâ€"thl’esale. Eggsâ€"~New laid, cases returnable, 80 to 85c; held, 55 to 56c. Butterâ€"- Creamery solids; 61 to 63¢; do, printsq 6230 64c. Honeyâ€":White, per lb. 20 to 21¢. Live poultryâ€"Ahens, 4 to 5 lbs., 18 to 25¢; hens, under 4 lbs, 15 to 20¢; hens, over 5 lbs., 23 to 26c- spring chickens, 19 to 28¢; roosters, 13 to 20c; ducklings, 22 to 28c; turkeys, 30 to BBC. Eggsâ€"No. 1, 60 to 61¢; selects, 63 to 64c; new laid, 85 to 90c. Butter __C1-eamery prints, 65 £3 67c; choice dairy prints, 57 to 59¢; ordinary dairy prints, 50 to 53c; bakers’, 45 to 50c. Oleomargarine (best g1‘.), 33 to 37c. Cheese-New, large, 31% to 320. Maple syrupâ€"Per 5-ga1 tin, $3 per gal.; (10, oneâ€"gal. tin, $3.15. Provisionsâ€"Wholesale. ‘ Smoked meatsâ€"«Rolls, 30 to 31c; hams, med., 37 to 38c; heavy, 33 to; 340; cooked hams, 49 to ï¬le; backH plaan, 47 to 48¢; ba‘cks, boneless, 49‘ to 52c; breakfast bacon, 42 to 46c; COEtage _tolrlsr,733 to 34g, Millfeed~Car lots, delivered Mont~ real freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $45; shorts, per ton, $52; good feed flour, $3.15 to $3.50.» v Ontario flourâ€"Government stand~§ ard, $9.50 to $9.60, Montreal and To~ route, in j_uten‘bag§.l Pryrflpt shipment. I -.....- 1 u;- Hayâ€"No: 1, per ion, $26; mixed, per; ton, $2} to‘$‘_23, track, Toronto. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 1 5 ring, $2.02 to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.89 to $2.08; No. ,3 Spring, $1.95 to $2.0], f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights. Peas~No. 2, $2.60. Barleyâ€"~Malting, $1.50 to $1.53, ac~ cording to fraights outside. Buckwheatâ€"$1.30 to $1.32, accord~ ing to fxgqight optsige. Ryeâ€"No. 3, $1.37 tol$1.40, accord~ ing to freight-s outside. . Manitoba flourâ€"Government stand- ard, $11, Toronto. No. No. liam Arrierican cornâ€"No. 2 yeliow, $1 No. 3 yellow, $1.69, track, Taro prqmpt _shipment_s_. Man. barleyâ€"No. 3 CW, $1534; rejected, $1.351/2; feed, $1.35Â¥-’;, in store, Fort Willian‘L Brendstuffs. Toronto, Dec‘.‘ 2.â€"-â€"Manitoba. wheatâ€"- No. 1 Northern, $2.30; No. 2 Northern, $2.27; No. 3 Northern, $2.23, in store Fort William. Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, Sï¬erC; No. 3 CW,,86%c; No. 1 feed, 8399c; No. 2 feed, 81%c, in store Fort Wil- LEADING MARKETS :5, $13.25 to $13.50 rs, $12.50 to $13; b1 :e, $11.50 to $12;‘7§( 11; do, med., $8; a , $6 to $6.50; bulls, 30; do. med., $8.75 to 3 $7.25; butcher cov Live Sleek M arhets it lbs nto. l A despatch from London sayerâ€"l [Great Britain is going to haye ï¬ve-| {shilling notes, which at the present Irate of exchange are equivalent to one- ! dollar bills. A despatch from Paris says:â€"â€"The Supreme Council has adopted the Bri- tish suggestion for partition of the German war fleet. Under the arr-auge- ment Great Britain will receive '70 per cent. of the total tonnage, France ten per cent, Ital}; ten per cent. Japan Eight per cent, and the United States two per cent. The present high pxiCe of silv .is responsible for their introduction, and if the cost keeps at its present height some substitute will have to be found for lesser valued coins. 70 Per Cent. of Garman War Fleet for Britain Five conducted parties of about the same strength will sail for Canada during December. Winte‘f weather will not deter these enthusiasts, who have likewise undertaken to go to any part of Canada. Five-Shilliï¬g Note London, Nov. 30.â€"â€"A party of 62 girls and‘ women sailed from Glasgow on the Pretorian yesterday. All of them had been selected strictly in ac- cordance with the Canadian Govern- ment regulations. All were eager to exchange the stale old world for a life of fr‘eedom in the households of Ontario. A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" Unless severe weather upsets the present expectations, the Canadian Government Merchant Marine Fleet will number twenty-three vessels be- fore the end of the present year, ac; cording to Mr. Alex. Johnson, Deputy Minister of Marine. It is hoped that sufï¬cient vessels to bring the total to the above number will have been de- livered before the end of next month. The Canadian Navigator, 9. steel vessel of 4,360 tons, built by the Cana- dian Vickers yards at Montreal, has been completed, made her trial trip and handed over to the Government. The Canadian Spinner, an 8,850-ton steel ship, will have her trial trip and be delivered before the end of next A despatcn from Ottawa sayszâ€"v Unless severe weather upsets the‘ present expectations, the Canadian; Government Merchant Marine FleetI . I Will number twenty-three vessels be} fore the end of the present year, ac; cording to Mr. Alex. Johnson, Deputy Minister of Marine. It is hoped that' sufï¬cient vessels to bring the total to the above number will have been de-l livered before the end of next month.’ The Canadian Navigator, 0. steel vessel of 4,350 tons, built by the Cana- dian Vickers yards at Montreal, has been completed, made her trial trip and handed over to the Government. The Canadian Spinner, an 8,850-ton steel ship, will have her trial trip and be delivered before the end of next week, it is expected. She will, after being handed over, leave Montreal either for Halifax or St. John, to load for South American ports. An instance of rapid shipbuilding work has been accomplished by the Vickers works in the case of theCana- dian Planter. This ship, which is of 8,350 tons displacement, was launched on the afternoon of November 22, the boilers were installed on November 23, the engines installed on November 24, and, it is expected, unless severe weather upsets plans, to turn the ves- sel over to the Government before navigation closes. The Canadian Settler, which is be~ ing built at the Tidewater" Yards, at Three Rivers, Que., will, it is expected, be handed over on Saturday morning next, while the Canadian Rancher, also from the same yards, will be delivered before the close of navigation. An: other vessel on which delivery .is ex- pected before the close of navigation is the Canadian Traveller, being built at the Levis yards. The Canadian Railer, under construction at the Wal- lace Shipyards, Vancouver, is expected to be complete and handed over before the end of the year, making: the twenty-third vessel of the Canadian Government Merchant Fleet in com4 mission. British Girls Sail For Canada Completed Before End of Hinders Construction Now Under Way CANADHAN GOVERNMENT I? For Great Britain n Paris says:â€"â€"The as adopted the Bri- >r partition of the Under the arr-auge- VERNMENT MERCHANT MARINE FLEET 0F 23 SHIPS 1919 Unless Severe Weather of Many Large Steel Vessels in Dominion Ship Yards. many Dmp -l Mr. Clarke in recent years has giv‘ en considerable of his time to muni< cipal affairs, although he never sought the suffrage of the people in any civic ofï¬ce. For one year‘hq was "Presi- dent of the Toronto Board of Trade. He was also for a time the city’s repâ€" resentative on the York County Good Roads' Commission. He was also a member of the Canadian Niagara Falls Park Commission. When the Toronto Harbor Commis- sion was organized seven years ago, Mr. Clarke was appointed Chairman, which position he has occupied up to this present Lime. Under his adminis- tration millions of doilars have been spent in carrying out the harbor imv Iprovements, which will give a water- front unexceiled on the Crew. Lakes. Work liame ï¬ttir in case in Have New Home ast About thirty years ago Mr. Clark! came to,Toronto, and he has been active in the grain business. He is President of the Canadian Malting Ltd., and up until the Dominion Gov‘ ernment appointed the Wheat Board Mr. Clarke was a member of the Board of Grain Supervisors. ’rincess Mary Makes Debut In Speech at Public Func‘tio: Lionel H. Clarke, Ontario‘s Lieuten‘ ant-Govemorâ€"to-Abe, is well known it the business world, but; to the public generally he has not heretofore beer in the limelight. He was born it Guelph and educated at Trinity Col- lege at Port Hope, being an Anglican: in religion. Chairman of Toronto Harbor Commission Succeeds Sir J. Hendrie. ' A despatch from Ottawa say~s:-â€"»Mr. Lionel H. Clarke, Chairman of the To- ronto Harbor Comm‘ssion, has been appointed Lieutenant-Governor of On- tario in place of Sir John Handrie whose term of ofï¬ce has expired. Ht will take over the duties as soon as In is sworn in by the Governor-General L. H. CLARKE NEW LlEUT.-GOVERNOR{ ilding‘ to accent BY despat will b xtaï¬or XOR LtCh from Ottawa says:â€"« be ru-s'hed on the new Par- ildings so as t‘o have them occupation by February 1 xould be decided to have the «n begin then. Temporary amen the 4 For Next Session rom Je her =, and later pper a d co: Peg a hearty he 'J‘empcrary placed in the the members mmons staff. a. being con- system, will :. instead of rated, main- rkmen \vill ion of the before the 1. Half a crease t w<re r were :oncert. 3 Y5 as 'a hurs- york mi 0D ill