Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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Al. the I4Hll'l'll smro ynn (‘vllrisluins cmds. hruklvt“. hunks, Christmas(Ir-(:uruliuus ius,sunp shot- alhmuc, wax crepe paper, via, m, ', Richmond Hill was in (l:u-knessT1Ies- day night. snnwthing huving gone wrong will] one uf the lmnsfln'mol’s. Business during the evening was almost at a, standstill. "You never miss the \valvr till the well runs dry." D‘vfinitv infulmntum (-nmvs fumn th? publishers that lhme will he nu va Ymk Pictorial Rm-ivw issued fI-I‘ [)0- cvmher. The next issuu will incluth- Jupuury and Foln-umy numbers. Sen-views will he lu-ld in St. Mary's Anglican church nvxt Sunday AL 11 mm. and 7 [1.1:]. Mr. R \\'. Allen, 'If the Luvnwn‘s MisdnnmyMovemvnh will address lhu ('(vllgl'tgntlflll at lln' «avenng serrlce. All we invited to [he Xmas (‘HIN‘ lninmenl nt C-Il'l ville srh'ml (m l“: iduy :Iftvrnmm. at 2 ()X-Inuk sh u p. Admis- sion lOcvnts; lmuu not l't'fllSL’d. Flt-me cume early. Mr. Chunk-s Burkur (It S ml hmn Suskntcheumn ii 110nm Ln spvml n purl Inf llw \vintr-r will] his [)vas MI-_ .md Mrs. JnmL-s [Lu-kw of this Villuht'. The Oh Tlmmllil held 0n '1 Peopleurvadvisod mas shopping early. He Ln shun in the l.« Mrs. Eliza. Durham Penn. is qwndinu the: son. Mr. John H. C. lu-en :Ippniulu newly fm mod T1 nslm-s fvr Y Markham tn“ nshin will hy-lnw nu MW 5111 «f .lnmm ing’ 10 meat .1 Mrmmiul “u Mr. SHHP)’. Cnllpll‘ fritnds The Village n-ndels fur lh» Rumlnl Mr. Ikt 1 letter fmm Mr. now in Swilzwrl 91' until nvxt m v xlmuL $lli.0UU \ Victfola hr' ‘ nsku “la- hmm munlh; will) Richmond Hill Hardware Co. lw (h (‘SJylvl'i {lay e\‘(‘1 Sacp in at any lime 1nd let u. demonattate :hc Victrola. ~ We'll gladly phy your favorite mulic for you. M r~' d As~Urluli ank cum“ Ilullm 7 You con have encores without number. You can hear the interpretations, by the very same artists who won your admiration at the opera or concertâ€"for the world’s great- est artists make records for the The Victrola makes the opera and the concert more than a fleeting pleasure. It brings them right into your own home, there to be enjoyed as your permanent, priceless possession.’ li‘ lll It.” null Il‘ u do tho-i: md whvl Ht 1' Oak Rid ‘-pl'P\‘itlI m from winter with hwr Dmhun. Build ll'y Mny timn l'l‘l;tLi\ l \\ ll 5H ugsl Sp In h can get picture 1):: {.91 0 mind It! In HIPI sh [ht l’lesiilm-it. Mrs. Campbell; Vice-Pres- ident. Miss Mary Tieuch; Secwtary. Miss Gi-ncu Pratt; Treasurer, Miss Emily Bnylu. l\lx~s.J911kinsvf Smithville llvn gave La highly hisn-nclivo and delightfully illllslrntml lecturv rm Dutch Alt. Shv l first rt-vimved a little of the history (If lthe country. and then, by prints of l some of the mastm pieces which .‘ldOl'll l the mt, gallery of Amsterdam. sought I to explain hnw Dutcn mt is so typical inf Dutch mitiman. iLs sincerity in I Lunk plmru and resulted as follows: tH‘ut‘nH‘llt nt' the subjeut being the trait, which plan-9d it, in rank among the glentest, ( f the- World. 01 e of the mzrsL enjoyable Alumnae mm'ings nf the yvur was the annual mowing. held last, Thursday evening in 1hr High School. After lhu lending and adoption of the reports. the election of officers tlmk plunu and resulted as fullows: 1’1 esidr’nt. Mrs. Campbell; Vice-Pres- Ten was served by Miss Olive-Swilzvr. Miss Anna eryle, Miss Allism} and Mrs. P. G. Hill. :ufwr whicth vote of nppwciafive thanks was extended the speaker uf the evening. The fulluwing Unlth (‘l'lllltil ll llwv pul'pnse dr rind of this your New murktt. S, F( H. D. ansdvn of J. Knowles uf Am 1h:- (h‘mmmm fur Nmth llmjurily (f about, 200. McKinnmx. Indvpvndvnt chni Sun Th:- the. \V. friends ('pvl‘uli A“ I‘. :I about 'rlw Muph MI XII ll” ml I’RESBYI‘ERIAN CHURCH ul Mr Fig!" (mt h il the II] held lheil I in the 3 R. H. H. Alumnae l” M l'i. Th Sll( Hullwl't [m l I‘Ulli’lA 1 support ews Notes \urnm in (fifty “my. and thank [llt'il' many nth Unlnl HUS XH residt-nt h um hm llnl‘it). hy .L 01 Mr. Nt‘il lliunis . all he nth lhr UL “L1 It plnn( )u nud ill tho mcl) lll lil “0 ud hL [0 Richmond Hill Hardware and 4th Tue§duy of each month. Victm-ia L.(). L. 2368â€"Meots 4th \Ved' nesduy of each month. Unnrt Richmond, A.0.F.â€"Meets 4th inday. O.F.â€"Meets 3rd Thursday of every month. Camp Elgin, S.O.S.â€"Meets 2nd and 4th \Veduesdzly. About your Furnace Work before cold weather sets in. EAVETROUGHING and kinds ot Tinsmithing done. Furnace and Stovepipes on hand. TINSMITH ING Band Practiceâ€"Monday bf each week at 8 p.m. v Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"â€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- nings. ' Richlmmd Lodge. A.F. &A.M â€"Meets 3rd “’ednesdav of each month. H1“ {31:estLodge. I.0.0.E.â€"Meetvs 2nd F. Teetzel Methodist ChIIICh-SPI VICPS at 11 a.m. and 7 p.11). Sunday Schoul at 2.30 General Prayer Meetmg Thursday evening. Epwm-th Leagueâ€"Meets every Mon- day at 8 p.111. I’rpshytm*i:ln Yr-nng meplv’s Societyâ€" Meets even-V Thursday at 8 p.11). Village Cunncilâ€"Mr’ets lst, \Vednps- day of Pnch month. Unite-d Farmersâ€"Mann in Rnhinson‘s Hall. Riuhnmnd Hill, 2nd \Vednes- day. Fire Brigade -â€"l\Ieet.s lst Tuesday of each Month. - ning. Roman Culhnhc Chm-(‘1) â€"â€" Services on alternate SlmdzlyS at 8.45 mm. and 10.30 mm. ' Chmch of England â€"â€"Services 111‘ 11 11.111. and 7 p.111. HuIy Cmnmuniun 11111110 lst Sunday in the month M11 (1.111. and on 0th1 Sundays at 8;1.1n. Sunday School and Bible Class :11 311’clnck. Presbytmizln Church â€" Sex-vicPs at 11 mm. :1an 7p.m. Sunday Sr-hool at 2.45. 1’! ayer Meeting l‘hux-sdav eve of heaven. 'Ihvbliofer life. lhecahnvrimmorta'il y \VIFE AND DAUGHTERs ’l‘h in] {I'MHLICâ€"In vn-I' luvinv: mmnmv 11 myth-:11 lluslmnd. \Villimn 5. Hum;- hlu, “'11” died wamhor 11th, 1918. t multers .mL at what Lime of day le righteous f'nll asleep )enph cannot- cume to him un!inu-ly whn h fit, mdie. The less of this cold world, the mom STOVES REPAIR ED He‘an his wsidr Yul-k. \Vi TTLEâ€"AL 1919. Will The Tinsmith llllCl uncl-ul nut [’11 nl hs. tw HIIHH meLH On S: >sidvm Village Directory IN .“EHUKLHI Fatal Accidcnt REAR OF upzmts vw l'lhht \u-Ie th IHSA'I‘HS m ll 'l‘lun M :ht lh Ml "I‘. (i. 1915), at lnuuk. \Vtaxt in his 72nd ll) inst all \\'il| hr Th SI Ill ()lll Groceriesâ€"Mince Pies are one of the essentials of good Christmas Dinner, if you make your own you will needâ€"Currants, Raisins, Peel, New Orleans Molasses. We have the best of these. Halloween Dates now in store. rm The Toy Store is Ready . With the Newest Toys in Greater Variety than Ever Men’s Furnishings, Negligee Shirts soft and stiff cuffs, Black Cashmere and Wool Socks, Ties, Arm Bands, Garters. Cufir Links, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Etc. China and Glassware. in many Fancy Pieces. Berry Seis, Marmalade Jars, Butter Tubs, Sandwich Sets. Condiment Sets, Cream and Sugar Sets, Spoon Holders, Vases, Bon bon Plates. llPS Games, a good assortment in stock. Lotto, Panchesi, Mlhtary Checkers, Dominoes, '!.eckers, Chess Men, A Number cf Card Games Dolls ofallsizes, Mechanical Alligators and Autos, Rocking Horses, Horses on Wheels, Roller Chimes, Carts, Cradles, Snow Shovels, Brooms and Dust Pans, btructomode, Telephones, Banks, and Many Others (on Numerous/to Mention. Store closes at 6 p 111. Monday and Wednesday or the Turkeyâ€"Have you the necessary herbs for the dressing, such as Savory, Sage, Thyme, Sweet Marjorum and Mixed Poultry Dressing. ATKINSO N & SWITZER nghhy Smil l1 Concmie Hause H Um upils Dudlvy Oliv [JIII‘ISI:Iff. Isl \\'( nnurh to i :nvxL Jum-. Rnnm III (I missed v\ ilv. M. S. CAMERON l‘hm-l *M‘ :I IN l-Ill mt. u‘mlmel Fin Russvll ex hart, Sh lelldt'l“, zht. J‘mn {mull Dunr, ’nHm R illi mm H. “I H‘ Pidgl vmlml lli & licu hum lid III udditiun tn lllt‘ um] (inn in LB. tuilh' the nsu Guns and TI" publiah \V ‘ .f 110w 1w spent Imungsl, Ihe ha dars (ling IIIIIS. Thu Public :n-v 1m in examine the work and Sh 3will uls; fsmnll p suitably pl'esk'ills win m Allb‘tu- n<u|mge V Rod and Gun ils but I ( ult'l' I md Gun in w “11 IInlv ,) Lmv Limit ed ready ml “fl tvn’sting stories and ml in Ihis isauo. In pll'ndid features Rod Lina: llw : Ines Ill” w stnrm swept \ (‘5 Ummyuustlv Imtmulist whu : :ulit-lm L0 Rod A {ow years ago of tho PilCIfiC ums .md phntns WP. December in Unlmdu tells Clnistmus Day uls, sea urchins OPENED limi low-mhvr run. In“ Fishing, l)v-pa1-tmean. \Vopdstuck, ,sesl urcl the Gulf the slit n wall and L prices. ll]( \\' ho has u-ge ll)(:( (Ihl'i Meth- \\'( nun) tn an

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