Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1919, p. 7

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“SYRUP 0F FIGS" CHlLD’S LAXAIIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the pest and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Ohild- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full lirections for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. . Mother! You must say "California." ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You’ll find Sloan’s Liniment softens the severe ’ rheumatic ache _â€"~ Put it on freely. Don’t rub it in. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon fofilows! External aches, stiffness, so eness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back “cricks"-â€"those ailments can’t fight oil the relieving qualities of Sloan’s Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical. Made in .Canada. ' ' 85c, 70c, $1.40. English Scheme for Second Garden City. A new project in industrial town building to be called the Second Gar- den City is in course of formation in England and the development will be on the Iin of the First Garden City, which was established at Letchworth in Hertfordshire, fifteen years ago. The estate chosen is in Hertfordâ€" shire, about ten miles from Letch- worth, and twenty~one miles from London. Provision will be made for a population of from 40,000 to 50.000. While the offshoots from the Letchâ€" worth experiment have been many, rthey have taken the form of garden suburbs, with the idea of providing better accommodation for the workers in the city and. to that extent, have served a useful purpose. But no single development has embodied the prin- ciples of the First Garden City, which postulate a highly organized indus- trial town complete in itself and sur- rounded by a permanent agricultural belt, that shall not suffer disintegra- tion by the expanding needs of the ur- ban centre. The idea is that a chain of small towns properly equipped for all the uses and amenities of life and permanently in touch with agricultur- al areas is better for public welfare than a few large and overgrown cities constantly destroying the land areas that should feed the population of the cities. It also includes the idea of pub- lic ownership of land and public ser- vices so that the increments in value of the land and the profits of public utilities shall be conserved for the beople who create them. These patterns may be obtained | dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box l 9‘154â€"Girl’s Coat. Adjustable collar; side sections and Price, 25 cents. Cut in 5 sizes, 6, 8, 10, 'Size 8 requires 23/4. sleeve in one. 12 and 14 years. yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. Wilde; lining, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide. from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall 00., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. 5â€"...â€" l CHylLlllilâ€"ltlrlltllS'l'il’l’lllli ' Constipation is one of the most com- mon ailments of babyhood and child- hood and unless it is promptly cured will undoubtedly lead to disastrous results. To cure this trouble nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tablets. They are a mild laxative which instantly re- gulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus banishing constipation, colic, colds, etc. Concerning them Mrs. Eugene Vaillancourt, St. Mathieu. Que., writes: "When my baby was constipated I gave her Baby‘s OWn Tablets and am well satisfied with the result. I would strongly recommend them to all mothers for this trouble." The Tablets are sold by medicine from The Dr. Williains' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. o '0 Fur Farming in P.E.I. The recognition of Prince Edward Island as the centre of fur~farming as an established and scientific industry is constantly in evidence. The fame of the island has spread not only throughout this continent but has crossed both the Atlantic and the Pacific. Norway has drawn upon Prince Edward Island breeders for black foxes with which to establish a fur-farming industry in that ,country. Japanese business men, now investi~ gating industrial conditions in Canada and the United States, are paying a special visit to the island to get first~ hand information methods. Fur-farming is a pursuit which can and will be carried on extensively and profitably in many sections of Canada. But Prince Edward Island has achieved a unique reputation for the industry and is likely to beco'me permanently as renowned for its furs as British Columbia is for its salmon or the PrairieProvinces for their wheat. o o '0 Farmer’s Account Book. _Mr. Farmer, if you require a book which will give you a complete, yet simple, method of keeping your ac- counts, with blank forms already rul- ed, apply to the Commission of 'Con- servation for the “Farmer’s Account Boo ." If you have never kept books of fur-farming of the year. Start now. â€"â€"â€"â€"0: The few minutes after sunrise is I usually the coldest period of the day. The strength a economy. flu-CII...IIIIIIIIIUII-IIIIIIUIIIIIII-IIIIICII ED. Inn-Il-Illa-Illnunnn-I-uIQI-IuaIIn-n-a-n-Innullullfis There’s something really fascinating about the nut- like flavor of Grape Nuts leaned from this wheat and malted barley food make it a. most sensible breakfast cereal. while its low cost adds true and nutrition ISSUE No. 50â€"319. l the ground, and does even better when, l l l . , and goodnight before, this book Will teach you. There eggs, and I could ask a fellow to lend is no better time than the beginning me money and ten ,1 gm I loved her found my mother lamenting over the Will] the Fingersl Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain W O â€"oâ€"â€"oâ€"oâ€"oâ€"H Sore corns. hard earns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the com a few drops of freezone. says 8 Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter or an ounce of free zone at any drug store, which is sud]- cient to rid one‘s feet of every com or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound. and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. This announcement will interest many women here, for it is said that the present high-heel footwear is put- ting come on practically every woman's feet. New Way of Slumping. A novel method of clearing a field' of stumps is described in the following letter from a farm woman: “I had purchased a steam-pressure canning machine, but didn't have any land on which to raise the tomatoes: . with which I had hoped to make my runner a profitable investment, Even-i tually I persuaded my family to let. me have the use of a two-acre strip‘ that had been cleared oil during the Winter. I managed to roll the logs together, and either burn them en« tire or in small enough pieces to allow me to roll them entirely off the land. But the stumps stood so thick that the; land was practically useless. “Coming in the house one day I number of holes in the bottom of the heater that was being taan out of the dining-room. I asked for the stove, and was given it, with a lot of ques-i tions and Wondering looks. I backed the bottom out of it and carried it out: to my new ground and set it over a stump. It worked fine. I put on a joint of pipe to keep the sparks in.. It burns them out quite a distance into I dig a hole through under the stump, next to the taproot, as it seems to draw better. And speaking of draw- ing, everybody knows how a heater can draw. 01' course. the stump has to ‘be chunked up, and it isn’t very fast? work, but I find I can burr. out any:l stump the stove will fit down over,! and do it well and safely.” l was cured 0t ,paintul Goitre by MINARD’S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULLIN. Chatham, Ont. , I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD’S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINAI‘.D’S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. e A New Sex. Teacherâ€"“How many there ?" Little Boyâ€"â€"”Three." Teacherâ€"“What are they ‘3" Little Boyâ€"~“The male sex, the fe- male sex and the insects,” sexes are MONEY ORDERS. A Dominiolr Express Money Order The Essentials. “And so you learned French tlior- oughly while over there, son?” said the proud father of the returned sol- dier. ' “Sure! for five dollars costs three cents. I I got so I could say hello and order ham and better’n anything and that's all a fol- low needs in any language.” ulnar-(1's Llniment Cures Distemper. Keeping Canned Sausage. In fall when we kill hogs I always fry sausage in cakes just the size we use on the table, put them in glass jars, cover With melted lard, screw up tight, and it is ready for use at any time. I have kept it this way as long as a year. There has always been one drawback~it takes so much laro‘ to cover the cakes, and while it was never entirely lost, it was never so nice to use again. Last year I tried a new scheme: I used only the grease that fried out of the cakes as they were cooking, two or three tablespoonfuls to each jar of sausage; after screwing tight I turned the jar upside down to cool. Of course, the jar was perfectly air-tight when the lard cooled and my sausage kept perfectly. I left the jars standing on the tops, as in the warm weather the lard might melt away, and the sausage Would spoil. Redresses Wooden Blocks. A machine has been invented in England to redress worn “n oden pav- ing blocks at a rate of\1,000 an hour [so they can be used'again. I Guess That‘li Hold Him." They were very fond of each other and had been engaged: quarreled. and were too proud to make it up. lle called afterward housewto see her father on business. She was at the door. "Ahâ€"Miss Blank. I believe?" he. “Is your father in ‘3" "No. sir.” she replied. "father is not. at present. Do you wish to see him personally?" “Yes,” was the bluff response of the visitor. who felt that his former sweet- heart was yieldingâ€"“I wanted to see him on very particular business-fl and he turned away liaughtily. ‘ “I beg your pardon.” she called after 1 him as he reached the lust step. “but K who shall I say called ?" l l Minarif: Linnnent Cures Garget in Cows. I Language in China. but they had ‘ at her 1 said [ Three-fifths of Chinese speak prac- tically one dialect. tlu: Mandarin. and x the, educated among tho other two-4 fifths are becoming), familiar with it. a SINCE atom ' , 5L . . 3 £¥8§§COUGHS America's Pioneer Dog Remedies. ‘ Book on Dill? DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any AI]- dresu. by the Author. 1;. Clay Glover 60.. 3.31:. Il'f \\'(‘=t 31:“. S'- rr‘ New ....,..,....................‘.....s.«My...qr.......q..g.u-c«-u‘«.ua TONIGHT! Take “Cascarets” if sick, Bilious. Constipated. ...........s.... ........ ... .......................................§ Enjoy life. Straighten up! Your system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head dull and aching. Your mealsare turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don’t stay bilious or constipated. Feel .........................m.a.....-.... . l l l splendid always by taking Casearets They act without grip< They never occasionally. ing or inconvenience. ’sicken you like Calomel, Srfits, Oil or nasty. harsh pills. They cost so little tooâ€"3Cascarets work while you sleep. 4 tourmaline that For Your iisir and Scalp Dandruff kills the hair. Cuticura kills dandruff. Try this treatment. Before retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into part- ings all over the scalp. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse with tepid water. Dandruff usually disappears, hair stops falling and becomes thick, live and healthy. Soap 25:. Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold throughoutthe Dominion. CanadianDepot: Lymans. Limited. St. Paul 5%.. Montreal. thou: mug. Cuticnrn Soap shaves wi » Hill 1 M Classified Advertisements. m FARM FOR SALE 03 EXCHANGE. 001), l~IQl'lPPED, SASKATCHE- WAN farm, and coal mine. Ensin worked. \‘l-r)‘ profitable. Bargain. Part ('ash or Hnturio property. Owner. 21 I‘reSt'nlt. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. PORTRAIT AGENTS DESIRING’ _‘ Prints, Finished Portraits and Frames. write for Catalogue and Prlcg List. l'nitcd Art (30., 4 Brunswick Ave. Toronto. ' “30351-432035. } ENS \VANTED, ALIVE, 17 CENTS a pound. any size. I pay express within 200 miles of Toronto. Samuel Lewis, 866 Dundee West. Toronto. ASCER. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. internal and external. cured without: pain by our home treatment. “hits up before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical (30.. Limited. Colllnnwood. Ont. Herbert Samuel, former Bnitish l Postmaster General, believ‘es that a 1 great emigration to Canada will take place in the near future. and more serious \ complaints 3 r e \\\\co n tracted in mean weather. Be rotcctcd.Take from the first sniifle or sneeze. Stopit in time and do not gamble with your health. Used over 60 years in treating coughs, colds and allied complaints. ' Everybody buys the Limo slab G1 7 g? Montreal 13. WATSON a co., New York i 0 SHORT TO DO UP A little . a» .r r' “Danderine” stops your. hair coming out and doubles its beauty To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a. small bottle of delightful “Dan- derlne" at any drug,r or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can’t find any dandrun'. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. WWW EA druggisr says 5 “For nearly 3 g0 ‘ D (localisation tore thirty years I have commended the Extract of Roots, known as .‘dolhcr Seigei's Curalivc Syrup. for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is ari old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops 2 thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggiats. a 0va TABLETS MARKED . “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Cross” The name ‘i‘iaycr" identifies the contains proper directions for Colds, only genuine A:1,ii‘in,â€"lhe Aspirin He!“ prescribed by physicians for over nine.- teen years and ROT.‘ made in Canada. package of "Buyer Tablets of Aspirin” which Always buy an unbroken lrche, Toothache, Eurachc. Net.- l‘"l=l... Lumbngo, Rheumatism. Ix'euri- tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Tin boxes of 1‘: tablets cost, but a few cents. Larger “Bayer” pas ages- There is only one Aspirinâ€"“Bayer”â€"You must say “Bayer” Aspirin is the tradn r".ch iregistered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-- aceticacldester of Salicylicacid. \Vhlle lt is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist tit-é public against imitations. the Tablets of. Bayer Company will be stamped with Ihvlf general trade mark. the "Bayer Crosa.

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