Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Dec 1919, p. 8

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r hrick h-usv un Riuhmnml m funnncv, grutv. electric lighlfi. F. l’ \Vellwund. 24 2 OR SALEâ€"1 Buy llllli(’, 5 yls. (xld‘ Itop buggy. stm-l lire, lcntt‘ex lset, hnnwss. 1 tube. Apply A. Blm-k Lot 28, Gun. 6. Vnuglmn, m- phuno 33 Maple exchange. 23 2 OLD \VlllS'l‘ \VA’l‘Cllâ€"Jmst l) tween Richmond Hill and Am-II- “: \‘nlued HS :1 km‘psnkc. Reward at The Liberal Ufficv. 23 2 OSTâ€"On Sntuudny night. helween 'J‘homhill nml Edgelvy. :1 tan raincmit. (Gentlmnen‘s) Finder leave at Central Maple 11' G. S. Brintnrll's Edgeley. Reward. 23‘}! IANU FOR SALEâ€"Squaw style, in good condition. Price $25.00 fur quick sale. A gnod Chrislmna presnlt, for some home. Apply j. Rumble. Richmond Hill. 23 2 EEDâ€"Yuur hens fuuh ground bone and make them lay eggs in wintel: Fresh cut (wen-y Sutulday. Seven cents a pound. A. Mnhnny, Centre St. East. 23 2 UUSE T0 RENTâ€"~Yonge Street. Elgin Mills. Auply ill Liberal nmm-. 23 2 I CSTâ€"Tho Scm.tnmstt1"s Fnuntm _, ,Pon. m lhe Public Sch 0'. Fridn evening. Dt-(n 5. le finder will he I( walde at The Lilwrul Office. 0R SALEâ€"Tummy barn-d ror-k cnnkorels. din-vet fnmn Guild‘s lnod U)th strain. Apply Slew-n Thomp- son, Thu: nhill. 24 2 FOR SALEâ€"Black jersey milvh cow and 6 [nonihs‘ uld heifer. Exm-l- n t stuck. A. L. Phippi. 24 2 affiée. RESS MAKING â€" Up tn-dnte dress making with Inndvmte prices. will be dune at '[llmnhill Mill- inery Store. Leave your oxdu- early with Miss E. G. Ban ker, Thornhill. â€"7) I{EN'IÂ¥-Six-I-r(>|xn Blirk in \illngc of Richmond Olivcr& UuI-Ler. 2 ()STâ€"On 11w 2:!” _ A of Muplv. :l silk finder will please 11 O’Unnm-r, Tl'ihll), 0| OR SALEâ€"Frame G-I‘OOln H nnse. neatly new. Furnace, hard and soft, water. Lot 48 x 168; hen houso. cherry. plum. apple and [war new. A nice. tidy hume. on Center street East‘ 20 tf Apply to Ii. A. NICHOLLS. TUESDAY, DEC. lflâ€"Registered Perch emu mares. farm stock. implements &c.. west. halflut 30, con. 7. Vaughan the property of Mrs. Jnnms McUam lay. Sale at 1 o’clock. 11 months credit. Suigeun & \Vulkington aucts. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 17 â€" First-class draft; horses, registned shut-thorns. grade. cattle and farm implements. lot (H, con. 1. King. the property of T. H. Legge. Sale at, 10 o’clock. Terms 10 months. J. T. Sdigeun and Frank Egan. Aucts. THURSDAY, DEC. llâ€"Reglstered fen-m stock. implements, &c., lot 19. con. 4. Markham. the property of Lorne Perkins. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 12 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. SAT. DEC. 13â€"Stzmding timber. prin- cipally cedar. 10L 3?, rear of Gun, 2, Markham. on the Mary Hilts estate. Sale at lo‘clock. Tex ms 11 months. T. G. Lyon. Auct. ‘ OTlOEâ€"Team N0. 3 of the Ladies 1 Aid Society of the Maple Meth- odist Chmch is prepared to do child- ren’s sewing at llie following prices. Rompers 500. Creepels 50. Nightgowns 25c. Pinufmes 25c. Slips 35v. Dress Dolls. 25c. up. These pricss for plain garments only. trimming extra. For mox-einfnrmutiun telephone Maple 743. Miss Jessie Rumble, Secretary. 23 2 DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER, GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Phone 2449 Maple' “TANTEDâ€"W'e want some good farm and small properties for quick sale. 0|ivor&(‘uu-Ler. 50-tf CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER WANTED r "wtiffipump repairing and well dig- ing or Chilling. Richmond Hill P. O. ’hone Sims Store. 23 4 TORTIER & FLEMINGâ€"All knde We want several more good butler makns to supply us continuously with first quality butter. Highest cash price paid for same. ()R RENT â€"â€" ‘Vnnt Ads . S. SHEPHERD (Late of Maple) Sales Register W. A. DuncanE use nntify 11. Out. mil Mun-h 15H), m Richmond St. Ill lush 'nr. [mull muff. The M L's El In Fountain Hun Hill ()1d.‘ 335 Farm For Sale Dam-d :I't, Tmnntn. Province of On- tario. this Thillielh Day of October. 1919. Notice is hereby given that MARY IRELAND, rzf the city of Toronto. in the Cnuntynf Ymk, and Province nf Ontario, will apply to the Parliament. of Canada. at the nth svssion the-reuf. fur a BI” uf Divmce- frmn hPl' husband. ALEXANDER IRELAND. of the said City nf Toronto, Baker, on the ground of adultery. 19 14 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Notice 15 hereby given that Jnss-ph Sm ton. of the City of Toronto. in the Cvunty l'f York and Province of Out- ario. Electrician. will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next sessimithoreof. for a Bill of Divorce from his wife). NELLIE DORIS \VHITLEY SORTON. of the said City of Toronto, on tho ground of adultery. 100:u:lesl,§n1ilesfrmn Ynnge Sll‘?!‘t. 2nd con. \Vhitclnnch. Bunk Inn n 45 x (55. water in sluhlvs. Stun" homo, 7 rooms. 93 "(‘I'FS workable, full plmvâ€" ingnlldnmu soil clay lmuu. 8 :u‘ros fall wheat. 20 nuws meadow. Pnce $83.00 fm quick sale. We haw? a lurge‘ list of other fun ms for sale in Ymk County. Dated aL'Tm'nntn'.’ vaince of On-t- ariu. this Fifteenth Day of September, 19“). KENNETH B. MAGLAREN 12-13 Solicitor for the Appliczm e Notice of Application for Divorce MOOWWW‘ ELLIOTT HOSE Yonge and Charles Sls.. Toruntm is holed throughout Canada fur high grade unining. Our grudualvs are in great demand. Get, our mt- nlogno. rend mu lccmd, then docidv. \V. J. ELLIOTT.PIin(‘ipal itis not too early to place your order fol-Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shmhheiy for next Spring planting. Many people were disappointed last, season be- cause their orders could not be filled owing to the lines being snld out. Order early and have the best chuice. You do not pay one cent when ordering. All guods shipped (}.O.D. in the Spring. all changed prepaid. Remember you make no mistake when you order from the reliable firm of “'H h G. H. PRICE. Representative Richmond St. Richmoud Hill, Ont. E. D. SMITH & SON, Winona, Ont. OLIVER & CARTER Busiiu SELECT A SCHOOL NURSERY STOCK BIGGS & BIGGS Snlicitm-s for [he Applicnn eyes wide open. nllegvsuru ImL alike RICHMOND HILL All Notice is hereby given that IGNM‘E FERITGINI. of [[19 (Jitv of Toronto, ‘nmnty of Yul'k. PI-nvince of Ontarin, Chauffeur. will apply tn the Pill'liJ- ment of Canada, at, the next sesshn thereof. for :1 hill of divorce frnm his wife, MABEL RUTH PERI'GINI. of the City of 'l‘nmntn, in tlw County If York. on the grounds nf mlultly and desertinn. (30 inches in Also Cement Brick Sand nr Grm‘vl sold in car lots. Notice of Application for Divorce Dale-d at Tmrmln, Provincv of On- tnrin, [his 14th day of October. A. D. 1919. WHITE BRAN and SHORTS Evening Subjectâ€"“Tho Shophmd the Hills." Fourth in smies 0n Bums with mPSSuge. Barley Meal Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour Monarch Pastry Salt, Cement Z4-in. & 48-in. Dry Hard Wood Pastorâ€"REV. P. A. JOIIRDAN Sunday, December 14 Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Egg, Nut and Pea Coal on hand; also Carmel at the Elevator Newton Brook Community Church Methodist +++++++++++W++++H++fi+§ The Maple Sand, Grave-l and Brin Mmpanv. Lt'd. th‘v on hand fur sale. ‘Pmenl, drain tile. 3. 4. 5. U and 8 in. ulven, tile, 12, 15. 18 and 2!) inch Public Notice ! I. D. RAMER The Pastor at l‘Olll services (JI'RRY & \VALLACE. A good supply of A car load of t9 Own a Grafonofi on hand. You Couldn’t Ask for an Easier Way Take for example this: \Ve can sell vou a handsome floor model Only$10Down Come in and let us demonstrate these Grafonola: and learn how easy it is to own one. You have a long winter of enjoyment ahead of yonâ€"begin early. When it will be delivered to your home, and you can pay us balance of purchase price in sniall weekly amounts while you are getting your enjoyment from it. It is a superb instrument. having all the good features to be found in phonographs costing two and three times the price, such as threespring drive motor, large sound chamber, tone control leaves, patented start and stop device. graduated speed control and best Columbia reproducer. Cabinet has space for seventy-live records. (_‘21bfnot Grafonola similar to i1- ]ustration, in either mahogany finish or fumed oak, for T. COUSINS. Solicitor“ fm- Applicant Wright Bros. Agents, Richmond Hill Pros. and Manager Maple. 4, 5. U and 8 in. 18 and 2!) inch length) by the load 01 (If Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spadina avenue. or George A. Reid, 223 College street, Toronto. [Hill has done me :1 great deal of, good; everything is lmely, and I} like it awful Well." The other: “I have gained twelve pounds, and think I I will b;- nble to go home for good‘ in six months." Such is the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Thousands of grateful patients can testify to the help they have received therein. It costs a great deal of money to carry on the work. Will you help? ALMOST naruwa gamma 1%} Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. ' Farmers’ Supplies Pumps \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing a nd Sding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatbam Wagon on hand. W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill sun. S( npm Ming and win a Shuw‘s Schlml. 393 Ynllgt‘SL, 'I‘urnntn lms the finest, sot Hf modern apparatus and~ gives hl’StilIStl‘lltiliUn at small ct‘s’. \Vritc fur facts. 0. W. Grew- happy LEARN WlRELESS Hardware tel-s, sol 1 family. “'IIOLI I’I'IRISH. survivox's of :eeted us ple n a sunny w; gnod sulu ral other (1 died of ague had so for its FAMIL Ladders \Vheelbarrows Scmpers Iron Posts, Gates Hydrated Lime Root Pulpers Rubber Roofing. always on hand. FULL LINE OF STANDARB BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods and begin today. We have a Savings Department at every Branch. 299 ECONSTRUC- E TIONis the order _ of _the ‘dqy. _ If L. E. HAND. MANAGER THE

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