Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1919, p. 1

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BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofiico. Richmond Buildings. 33 Richmond Street. \Vost. Richmond Hill Ol‘flce (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternnun. ‘Voodhridqe. Saturday forennon. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales n. specialty. Farms bnugbt and sold on commission. All sales at- ténded to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the most approved methods. Paimnage snlicitod. Maple King LicenSed Auctioneers for the County 0} York. Sules’uttendcd to un shmtest notiqe, and at reasonable rates. Patronage suliqited Dr. F. E. MAXWELL V.S.B.V.Sc. Telephone Main 2777 Money to Loan at, Current Rate Phone 839 College and Tumble» University. Three years experimce in H‘ of A. Branch, Dnmininn Dept. of Agriculâ€" ture. All culls promptly and courtevusly attended. J. II. Naughton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide Sh, Offices 4 East, Tm'onm LNaughtcn Block, Aurora. . | . ThP ann of Aurora scheme! {01 {.1 M. \Valton. Aurora Hog. >(jru(1uat:er§>f Olltellif) Yetep inary JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Denton, Macdonald & Denton A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at; the above places W. HEWISON HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Bérristers. Solictors. 8m, MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedu” Frank Denton, K. C. RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Tel. M. 3631 A. pagerqq “MalcNaughton Calls by phone nr'nthprwise promptly I responded to. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten Pupils passed ful‘ Conselmtox-y Ex mninatinns. JOHN R. CAMPBELL J- '1‘. SAIGEON $I.50 per annum, in advance.] Undertakers & Embalmers. VOL. XLII. Barflsfer, Solicitof, v ‘ OFFICE~SUITE 3}. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST 415 Bullinl St, meph). Phnne Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUUTIONEER STFDIOâ€"HOTJCL RICHMOND. VETERINARY SURGEON, . II. I’rentico WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. Thornhill. Richmond Hill Arthur A. Mucdonald Frank \V. Denton. Jr Residence Elgm Mills Residence Phone 44.4 c. WALKINGTON ‘3 Maple, Ont. 93|nos | About an equal space of Llie‘mnrket I square is covered liystunds over which ' canvas gives :l. slight weather protec- tion. On a few are offered brown-col- ' nred IUHVPS of b1021d,zi few sweelnieuts \ and one with many kinds of fine factory biscuits. while a much lax-gm- number are filled with cheeses of all sizes and makes. from the small round ten-inch - ex-nss by one and a half in thickness. of the richer and stronger makes, up to the three-footer across by six to eight inches thick. Swiss customs and people :Ippv-u' to haVe leached a simpler demncmtic de- velopment, than those of most other countlies. Hmvevm' it may have her-n blnught about, llie parliament. and universities of Switzerland seem to dmw close In her penplv. activities of the punple. In their-varied serVIce‘and Companionship. their men and wnuwn closely resemble those of mn'mvn Unvadian towns and town- hips. l Along one end of the lines of vehicles are ()lhf’l‘St-‘Uldshll which alinust every I thing that. can tempt either tuwn or country buyer is fur sale. fmm cheap dry gruds. stationery. etc., bouts and shoes with wooden soles. or second- hand unes; on others. new and secmidv hand hardware. hunks and other guuds are displayed. Under cover at another part of the grounds are to he found native nuts of the Spanish chestnut and English walnut varieties in large two-husth wicker baskets. Beside each is a small scale to weigh out the many small purchases (if two 01‘thl‘09 pounds. while on the cement floor. on old newspapers. are to be seen valieties such as l hive never been (Continued on page-1.) As nearly as I cuuld count. there were. (m- Nnvember 1st. some 18” one- horse vehirles drawn up head tn head. with shafts rising upright into the air (they being made 5!) that, can be done), in six double runs with just space be- tween each double xmv for rustomets to edge their way through. Fruit and vegetables fur-med praetL Bally their entire produce for sale applesand pealsbeing must inevidencen with p(‘l€l[h(‘$ a close third. while uthel‘ vegetables were in lesser supply. The quality of their apples dues not appear to equal that of our Uanadian varieties for dessert purposes, though many are of fine ranking quality. Pears. I think. equal if not perhaps ranking higher than those bf Ontario, though one year’s experience does not allow uf de- cided statements in respect tn either fruit. Potatoes of fair quality are in good supply, but appear [rt/be ruugh- skinned and at times scabhy. Other vegetables are in less genel-nus supply and quality, except perhaps carrots. which. though small, are fine eating. Cauliflower is not, to be seen, except a few at the storesâ€"which may be im- ported. I have seen many cauliflower plants in the gardens and fields, but not one even half respectable head. \Vhether that be in part due to an un- usual seasunâ€"a. dry J uly and Augustâ€" nr if it be due tn lack of soil qualities. I have not been able to learn. Pump- kins and squash are so rare and small that they are sold by the sliceu Perhaps the most interesting sight is to watch the cheese vendors cut sup- plies for their numerous customels. Holding their large round fifty Lu sixty pound (:r-nvex shnpe to their hteust. while with long. thin, sharp knives they cut; slice after slice to meet the demands of importunate buyers. Much seems to he in one, two and three- pound slices, with small one or two- ounce pieces added to make up required weights, then quickly wrapped in paper as soon as weighed on the small counter scales with which every seller is provided. Cheese almost, seems to replace the beef of our Canadian mar- ket places. at least. much of the former is seen while there is very little of the latter. except: in hutchers’ stores. Meals arre largply represented by sausages, with fresh park. of which the lean and fat are. largely separated; also a little lmcm: is seen. Sausages of every conceivable size, shape and variety compete wile chaise us a tempting article uf diet. while butter is scarcvly to be seen, lwingrclv- gated almost ontfl-ely lo the store crude. and being. with milk' under very close gavel ument control. Poultry is represented by a pitiful little supply nf half-fed. under-sized chickens, due to the sczucity and high priceof grain. A few dressed mbhit and haresâ€"$3,211heinguskvd fur a fail-- sized burgâ€"help out the lack of poultry. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC- IS. 1919 Swiss Market Days In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.“ Richmond Hill Annex WILLOW DALE QNWWWWWW49 FOR iJRTI-IER TNFORMATION WRITE QR SEE C. A. SKEELE» J. T. LUCKE 8: (20., Richmond Hill Herd s‘re. AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under loaso), a son of MAY EC 0 SYLVIA. the world‘s lust mom-II cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter, 41 lhs‘. Only (me other 4l-lh. bull in Cannd‘ . Our herd of one hundred include neatly fifty daughters of 3. 3331-1!) son of the great KING SEGIS. hmther tn the sires (cf three world's recmdgowsâ€"maturv 50.68. Sr. 4-y1'.-nl(l46.8~l. J 1'. 4â€"yr.-old 40.32 lbs. Junior held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, :1 hulf Iii-other to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of :i 30 H)S. Segis cow. He is fin- sale. If this combination of breeding interests you, write for prices on either mules m- femalos. ' .FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL Do Your: New Perfection Oil Heaters, easy to carry from room to room, priced at $7.00 and $8.25 Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, also Handsleighs, from 50c to $3.50 each. Ingersoll Watches from,$2.75 to $13.50. {er the money and goodvtime keepers I.o’ok Through This List Majestic Electric Heaters will make the cool corners comiortable. Priced from $7.50 to $15.00 each Pocket Knives are always appreciated 35c to $1.50 ea. A nice line of Leather Mitts, Gloves and Gauntlets at close prices. ’ Razors, both Regular Styles and Salety, Gillette and Auto Strop. Phone 18 Xmas Shopping Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Give Something Useful Building Lots on Yonge St, Belmunt and Clarence Avenues. ’ Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry, and MetrOpolitan Ry.~ Acre Gardeh Lands. ‘ . MCKENZIE BROS. . éfiirnaby - Jefferson, Ont The Richmond Hill Hardware C0., 5 NORMAN BATTY For Sale 011 Easy Terms Do Your Shopping Here MEWI’L Flour and Feed l0 Adelaide St. E, Toronto At Home The best ONTARIO Miss Alida Beynon N. C. Shaver. BA. gage: Tnylor, BA TEACHER OJ“ PIANO Stop 54 Jeii Tel Adelaide 5974 Organist and Chnixleadernf Richmond Hill Preslrytmum Chm-ch: Roceives pupils for piunn on Fridays at: the church. Examinations and sight, read- ing a specialty. Pupils prepared for examinations nme-ontn Conservatory and Associated Board of Royal Acad- emyof Music and Ruynl College of Music. Studiu 9f) Muhelly Avo. anont Phnne Germu-d 238 Phone or \Vrite for Appointment. Hon. Graduate Royal Cnllege of Dylltangurgeuns.Tux-unto. will be at Richmond Hill eVery Tuesday and Fl'idilv. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Office loented in Standard Bank Build ing. Office hours 9.3Uu.m. to 5 p.m Licensed Auctioneers fur Torunto and. the Ununtles (it Ymk. Peel and Simeon Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Teuc oer nf Piano-Playing at the Ton-unto Conservatory of Music . V7 and St. Mnx'garet’s College. Richmond Hillâ€"W'ednesduys and Saturdays. Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill un Thursdays Address Nordvimer Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto ccstsmxsn. CON\'EYAN"EB. Bic. Real Estate and Insurance Telephones. Residence address Victoria Square '1‘. Frank Slattery Richmond Hill J. IE. I‘IcE‘ven 3&- Son w.1m’oaes.B.A. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, .ONT. A. J. 11 U DI E Shaver Taylor & Rhodes H. A. NICHOLLS VALENTINE WEST THORNHILL Commissioner. Cnnvoyancer etc? _ Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Eiichlnomd iIill J EDWARD FRANCIS' NOTARY PUBLIC BARRISTER, Somm'ron AND NOTARY PUBLIC 157 Buy Sweet. - Tun A. C. HENDERSON . EARLE N E WT ON LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronnrze and influence I'espechully solicited NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts. NOTARY PUBLIC CUNVEYANCINJr ISSUER or MARRIAG 5 LICENSE} Phone 950 \Vnod bridge Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Elc. 1()fliw:eâ€".\[;:in4508. } Houseâ€"Main 2067. PIANIST Hamiiton Tlunt Bldg Rooms 2103 305 Opnosite Cntv Hull 57 Queen St. West Toron.o P. 0. nddres Gormley. R. R. Evenings Manor Road North Toronto No.25 Jefferson Tux-onto Toronto.

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