Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1919, p. 3

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Many children star cellent health. but aft ,home work, lexmnln meals and crowded scr .{their blood to become lthelr nerves over wrl ‘polor and spirits lost mistake to let matters pnd girls show sympt mass! or weak blood. most sure to [all vie: dance, or drift into (16 to other troubles. Res door exercise and ple FEE NERVQUS SCHflOL CHILD Needs Rich, Red Blood to Regain Health and Strength. Many children start school in .ex-‘ cellent health, but after a short tune home work, examinations, hurried meals and crowded school rooms cause their blood to become weak and thin, their nerves over wrought and their color and spirits lost. It is a great mistake to let matters drift when boys find girls show symptoms of nervous- mass” or weak blood. They are .211- must sure to [all victims of St. his dance, or drift into debility that l as to other troubles. Regular meals. out: door exercise and plenty of sleep are hecessary to combat the nervous wear bf school life. But it is still mere im-; portant that parents should pay strict; attention to the school child's blootl’ Supply. Keep this rich and red 1‘)“ giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills no i cording to directions and the boy 01" girl will be sturdy and lit for school.‘ The value of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills in cases of this kind is shown by the statement of Mrs. Pearl G. Harrington. ’ Kingsville, 0nt., who says:â€"-“I have often felt that I should write you and let you know what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for me. At the age of thir- teen I was afflicted with St. Vitus dance. The trouble became so severe that I had to be taken’ frpm school. I was given medical treatment but it did n‘ot help me, in fact I was steadily growing worsef vised my mother to give me Dr. Wil- I l i liams' Pink Fills, which she did, with . learn. No man u is, for ideas V there. thing step f seen 0 you h sugge. I ha ing afi line a u tors in tin: - solve in) the study on fan them I h: tical are w solve some mentc bathe what out, : ways would I tion.â€" Then a friend ad-i t . We the happiest results, as the pills com- . snow pletely cured me ’and I was again able to take 'up my studies school. Again about three years ago I was attacked with n'ervous prostra- tion and once more took Dr. W'lliams’ Pink Pills. and after using h e boxes was fully restored. I cannot praise these pills too highly as I believe they and attend Ifrom ilS, Of for a ing r frequ . cover !not 1; learn 1 that will cure any case of St. Vitus dance. ‘or restore anyone who is weak, ner- vous or run down. i, mam; ' value SYN)“, You can safely give Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills td thg most delicate child. or takg them yourself with equally good results when you need a blood tonic. These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or will be sent by mail, post paid, zit 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Hindu Children Mechanics. Hindu children are remarkable for their pl'eCOCity. Many of them are skilful workmen/at an age when the children of other nations are learning the alphabet. A’boy of seven niay be a skilful wood-carver, while some of the handsomest rugs are woven by children not yet in their teens. When Black is White. Visitorâ€"“I’d like to know why on earth you call that white pig “Ink?” Farmer~“Because he‘s always run- ning from the pen." trimming with DIE Price 374m wide ulnard'a Liniment Cures Distemper. 5 cents No. 9237'â€" wide; je Lg-straps 40, 42, 4‘ witho‘ 38â€"? cent 01' I? Two Paghionablc Models ) ins. W‘lde, without tun nch To be w adies' 44, 46 meas OVerbleuse. Price, 1t T! \ValSt HS \V 0- \nde. Piece Skirt 8 sizes 3 tum T11 There is one outstanding thing about the development of Canadian farming which you and I ought‘to recognize and use to better advantage, and that is the fact that we are not learning as much from the people and things right around us as we should learn. _V01 on farms of the men who have women them out in a practical way. I have found that most of the prac- tical problems which experimenters are working their lives away trying to solve have already been solved by some farmer, and nthat these experi- menters could save a lot of time and bother if they would go round and see what the farmers have already found out, and publish this. There is alâ€" ways a large group of farmers who would profit high-1y by such informa- tionâ€"J. S. C. ' ' Study‘lV/iethods of Successful Neighbors. ~Legs and Necks. Naturalists assure us that, with a few exceptions. there is ‘a marked equality between the lengths of the necks and of the legs of both birds and quadrupeds. Whether they be long or whether they be short is de- termined, it seems, chiefly by the man- ner in which the animal feeds, Crocodiles, lizards and fish have virtually no necks. Fowls that feed in the water also offer an example of this correspondence between the members, with the exception of swans and geese. Straw for thé Wheat. ézieâ€"Girrs Dress. Price, 20 Kimono sleeves; with or With- r the spring opens and pro- plants against the excessive freezing: and thawing on the : McCall Dept. W. ,terns rimm 36 ins. Wide, or 1% Width around bot- Mc( s to study them ho have worked 1‘: dealer, or 70 Bond St., The line it" NGTEEEM T0 EQUAL BABY’S OWN TABLETS I was cured of Rheumatic God; by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. A LT.-COL. C. CREWE READ. 0W1 haw them. thorou; bowels thus b thus ‘banish colicl colds, medicine de cents 21 b0} Mediciné C the the Sussex. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism b’y MINARD’S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Mackenzie (with Peace, 1,085) 2,525 miles; St. Lawrence (without Ottawa, 685) 1,900 miles: Nelson (with South Saskatchewan, 1.205, but without North Saskatchewan, 760) 1,660 miles; Churchill, 1,000 miles; Fraser, 695 miles; Yukon (in Canada.) 655 miles; Columbia (iii Canada), 465 miles. ' Minax Sugar once sold as high as $2.38 a. pound, but this was in the earlier days of its production (from 1351 to 1400). It had fallen to 38 cents by 1800 and in the United States the average price ogrt‘efining sugar from 1845 to 1855 was $4.38 for 100 pounds; on February 21, '1895, it sold for $4.93 for 100 pounds and the refined sold for 4 cents a pound. " Time and bide wait for no man, but time and care appliedArto farm tasks pay any man. Everyone must 0c the bowels some re; suffer from mnstip: tacks, stomach dis headache. But do In tacks, stomach disorders, and sick headache. But do not whip thebowels into activity with harsh cathartics. \Vhat the liver and bowels need is a gentle and natural tonic, one that I] y \Vhat the liver and bowels neeu Is a gentle and natural tonic, one that can constantly-he used without harm. The gentlest liver and bowel tonic is “Cascarets.” They put the liver to work and cleanse the colon and bowels of all waste. toxins and pols- ons, Without griping.â€"they never sicken or inconvenience you like Calo- gmel, Salts. Oil. or Purgatives. Twentyâ€"five million boxes of Casca- rets are sold each year. They work whilp You 5169]). Cascarets cost so work and Clean bowels of all was ons, without gr sicken or inconve mel, Salts. Oil. or Twentyâ€"five mi rets are sold ea< T‘hE :ourneen" jm-r teacher. My little man Length’ of Seven Rivers of Canada. rets are while yo little too ED. 7. the Alfrc writes Putting the “H” in e ‘om of the '11nl.e II." sang: the little : Liniment Cures Garget in Gown. When Sugar Cost $2.38. nn, Ont. C. S. BILLING. Lakefield, Que, Oct. 9, 1907 jl' et( man." she said kindly, ‘ou put a few more aitches ‘om The Brockville I‘h casionally give to gular help or else ntiou. billous at- orders, and sick at whip thegbowels ISSUE No. 51â€"'19. But someh in “Kathle the nerves {1‘1‘6 Ont Music sold by ail at 25 Williams' card on the 3W ing, roasting and jack‘ets should be they are done to becoming soggy. a while. prick the Rabbits, though misfortune to Ans land, fetch to tho: very cousidemb] from the sale of 1 ter furnish the hu material for‘felt I used for fashiona There is hardly ket Let “Danderfne” save your hair and double its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color; vigor and vitality. K Get b. 35-ccnt battle of delightful “Danderlne” at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic: then its life, color, brightness and abundance will returnâ€"Hurry! “DANDE Wh'en Domh: Girls! 'A mass of long,1 thick, gleamyl‘tresses 11 DARTENQ Give Way ‘ trating So do those r116 the loin-aches of inflammation of n‘ the joint wrench, the muscle strain bruise. The ease of ap; The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan’s Liniment make it universally preferred. Made in Canada, ‘otatoes C( Rabbits Supply Fur. r The name "Bayer" on Aspirin is of “Bayer . like 14 Karat on go”. It positivelylcontaine pr identifies the only genuine Aspirin,â€"â€" Heudzche, ' the Aspirin prescribed by phySicians-ralgia. Lum for wet nineteen years and now tie, Joint} made in Canada. Tin boxe Always buy an unbroken package,a.few cents. There is only one Aspirin-i‘Bayer”â€"Yo1 Asplrin is the trade mark (magma-ed In, Cantda.) of acellcactduter ot Salicylicacid. While It in well know manufacture, to Insist the public against lmlmdona, u~ rm be stamped with their general trade wk. the “I ’30 )ERENE” PUTS BEAUTY 1N HAIR NEWER SSEATE‘C PAENS Not Aspirin at All Without the “ those ermine :ed in dry heat as bak- md steaming in their be served as soon as to prevent them from I. If they must stand lit rheumatic of lumbag yf neuritis, ch. the lige befere the pen fleets of Sloan’s .iniment ‘ ORDERS any ONLY TABLETS MARKED. v, . “BAYER” ARE ASPIREN )f fu )m matic twinges and lmbago, the nerve- xritis, the wry neck, 1e~ ligament sprain, and the throbbing pelts when , the quiclmess e results, the economy of a it universally lanada, (20111 lgric in the mar- the skillful s, the art perfection are mail send Order. ultural w Zea- alths a. pene‘ IKE" 811 and United ronto. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ET internal and external. cured wlthou rain by our home treatmenL Write ‘1 before too late. Dr. Bellman Medl 00.. Limited. Colllnzwood. Ont. 1V Editâ€"iii'EBiSndm opporfuhitÂ¥ Wrm Box '1‘. Wilson Publishing 00.. .imitod. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. WELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER and job printing plant in Eastem (mmrio. Insurance carried 81.600. W {a {01‘ $1,200 on quick sale. Box 62. Vilson Publishing Co‘. Ltd.. Toronto. 1 “SYRUP 017 FEES" ! CHBLD’S LAXATWE Classified Advertisements. , rORTRAlT AGENTS 7 WANTqu Accept "California" Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"100k for the name California. on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its Jdeiicious fruity taste. Full directions for child’s dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Amexlca's Pioneer Dog Remedial Leek at tongue! Rémove pol- sons from little stomach, . l llver and bowels "8312!! red pimples and buck- heads began on my face and my facewao badly disfigured. Some of the pimples fes- tcred while others sealed over and there weteplaeee where the p‘ less were in 1310th:. hey need to itch and burn terribly. “I saw an advertise- ment for Cutieuxa and I tried them. They stopped the itching and burn- ing and I used four cakes of Son and three boxes of Ointment whic healed me." (Signed) Miss V. A. Hayne, Stemont, N. S..Dec. 25, '18. Soap 26c. Ointmene. 25 and 50e. Said throughout theDommxon. CanadianDepot: -L um. Limited. 59. Paul St, Montreal. fiCuficmn Soap shave withmxz mug. FaceWas Badinigfigured. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. tie: Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a. few cents. Large; “Bayer” packages. arer"â€"You must say “Bayer” Al‘ AGENTS WANTED. I, and How to read ' Mailed Free w any Ad;- dresa by the Author. I K. may Glover 00.. Sue. 118 West $15!. Street New York. U.S.A.‘ mECEI-LAN‘EOUI. T AGENTS VVANTINO prints and finishesâ€"lowest framesâ€"ask for catalogua (30.. 4 Bl‘unsw1ck A\'e., To- in) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- 1 known that Aspirin mesa: 337.1 one. the Tablets of Bayer Comm the “Bayer Crou." Lfimbago, Rheumatism €006 fii’ééhsas aver Cross” et: of Ash" “hid! ‘ directions for Cold‘iy bachc, Earmhe, Neu- Book on lmatism, Nouri- ain generally:

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