Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1919, p. 4

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Richmond Hill is to he one of the: Commnnities to be organized during 1920. under the York County Y. M.C.A. For more than 20 years the program . of the Y.M.C.A. has been successfully adapted to the Communities of this size. and a number cf (“1‘ citizens believe that the same program and activities will be it Worth while propo- Siiit 11 here. No attempts will be made to tie up fundsin expensive equipment, hut the emphasis out rather on the providing trained leadership. that will utilize equipment and re- snm-ces that already exist. The Wt’Tk will be in the closest possible cu-opera- *tion with“ the schools and churches all organizations of boys now existing will be encouraged and helped. The Canadian Standard Efficiency Train» lng Course. will prphalily be the basis fall new wmk for boys. Stress will, e placed upon mganized alhietics and recreation. All the specialists (physi- cal. lmys Work educational, ,etc.) of the territorial and nati-mal Y..\I.C.A.’s ‘ Committee will be at. the service of the new organization and a county Secretary will be selected to ghe all oil his time to the organized places. The following are the provisional ofiiceis ’in Richmond Hill zâ€"L‘hairlnan. T. H. Trench; Sec.-T1eas.. J. R. Herringtnn; Gounnlttrcâ€"\\'. A. Duncan, R. F. Hick. A canvass of ihn Village is being made. Boys interestol in Y..\I.U.A. wmk, i)t‘[\VL’t‘ll the ages of 12 and 15l years. can get, a copy of the Christmas Canadian Buy Builder by applying to Mr. Hick. On :tccnunt uf the irregular atten- dance. this nepm-t. is not correct according to acllla]_n1o.=_I-it._ Senior Primer "B"â€"Hel bertu Baker. Jimmie Grainger, Clarence Scott. 'H-Héved‘flicknmn, Gordnu MacKellur. Elizabeth Bumble and Graham Ellis equal. B-utlelt Smith. Jnhnie Blan- chard and Alfred Stung equal. Morley Sanders. Phylis \‘Vhite. Dorothy Lerâ€"ch and George Riley equal. Ken- neth Frishy. Jenn Hall and Marguer- ite Henly equal. Absent all month Doris \Villiams. Lindsle St. John and Annie Newman. Seninr Primer “A"â€"Beatl~ico Cald- well, Mary Drury. Beryl Snndersun. Grace \Villiams and Anna Phipps equal. Isobel Sanderson, Vuilos Nich- olls, ReggieRand, Ralph Math": and Enoch Batty equal. Leslie Page and Arthur Leech equal, Tum Riley and Henry Stanford equal. Chm-lie Bel-koâ€" Vlt_y. Adelaide Mninwuod. , Nu'iues axe taken in order of flen the star list. for Nuvembe: Our school clnsvs on Friday fur the (hrfsunas holidays and Ie-upens again for the New Your on Monday, Jan. 5th. “’0 would like to see evely (me in their proper placesut 9 o’clock on the opening day and thus all gt't away (035 good start. The Trensnrer‘; :lnnnul sum»an was paswd. and ox dcmd to be primed for distribution. Lutestnr last week. Room 1â€"]. Gaehner. 0. Gut-inner. M, McLean. M. Sanderson, I. (inehnur. 0. Luhner. A. Sawagv. A. \Villunghhy. S. [)enhy. RUUII) 2â€"M. Hickman. P. \Vhitv. B. Sandel-m|1’l. Sanderson. Bonn: 3â€" G. Thorpe. Ronln 4â€"D. Hick, M. Tyndall, A. Donhy. Room 6â€" U. Kemper. B. Smith. Mr. Pugsloy, PH-sident of tho Navy League. asked the Onuncil fur .1 grqu m the League. A gmui (vf $50 was made. A number of accounts were passed and the Council adjourned. at the home hf lwr (luuglm-r Mrs. Denno. nL-zu- Newman lu-t. The dream:â€" 9d lived hme fur a number (:f yems With her daughter, Mrs. J. Grn'y. and was highly inspectvd. The flllH'Hll will take place on \Vednesduy ulter- nonn. >_ The enncorts given by the Medical Cu. were brought [on (:losu '21:: Sat- urday evening. The ladies of tho Methodist. church packoda bnx last work with useful articles and sent it to the needy ones in Toronto. Miss Mona Cousins gavo a party to qune n. numberuf her little girlfriends on Tuesday evening, Air, being her tenth birthday. to heuf of‘ th: Finder who p; Y.M.C.A. Work in Richmond Hill The reg-9h: o',‘ t‘he village We li. Richmond Hill, I) Public School Notes Village Council MAPLE M. G. PRATT. 1th lwuy Pgulzu' monthly inst.. mu] mot statute on thc MI M. 1919 \Vni. .Juuduy :- Mrs. drceas- merit I congratulated the officers on the work , of the, Royal Arch. This Chapter is making good progress, and no doubt the coming year. with such an efficient staff of officers. will be better than ever. The committees were thanked for their reports; also Mr. Redfern, who explained the system under consider- lion. Mr.Nichulls,chaix-man of the Finance Conunittc'e. favored the scheme, and [bought the money could be Iaised by 30-year debentures. $95,000. by an extra rate of 14 3-10 mills on the dollar. By motion of Dr. Pentland and W. Duncan, the Council will be asked to tugp u u-fexcndum on the Questiornn Reeve Trench, Councillors Hill. Greene and Lunau, and Mr. Pratt re- ported having inspected the system at M idland. which they considered satis-- factory. The conditions were much the same Ms Richmond Hill’s. cxcept that we ham a deeper head. They were not prepared. however. to make any recommendation until making further investigation. The ratepayels of Richmond Hill met in the Cuuncil Chamber Tuesday evening to hear the reports from the commiLtees appointed to investigate water works systems, and our ability to finance the same. One lemmk I must, nnt omit: The street rnili-mldâ€"electi-icâ€"â€"al\\'uys on mm Rel. (lays has n double-floured outfit Justeno-l at the rear nf their cars, on which is ample mmn fur all baskets 1d large packages bought at the mar- et, place. can-led to any part (If the city free nf extm charge. This angle iron-made outfit is put on or off the car at a moment’s notice. and gives a splendid sex-vice, free of muddle. and practically without cost either to the city or the radial company; and extra. cars are run to meeL the people’s needs on market days. Lousanne, Nov. 7, 1919 At another part, quite separate fl on) the general market, loads of the wood. some in four-foot lengths of 5p) nan and beech. and other loads of taegots or hundles about two teen long, by S or 10 inches thick, with an occasional small load of hay. Practically al‘l were one- horse or ox loads, a two-horse. outfit being the exception. The horses or oxen might average in proportion :Tbout five or six of the former to one of the latter. \Vhen unfastened from their loads. they Were tied up. some along a stone wall w rich buttresses a street that rises to higher ground I eside the market. others son e distance away. tied one on either side of two long rows of iron or wooden fails. resting upon postsâ€"horses and OXen side by side or face to face. some of the latter lying down and chewing their end or ruminating upon past and future. To the credit of their owners be, it said. every animal is in good eon- dition, and many, indeed most of the oxen were fit for the butcher‘s stall, and all appear to lie well cared for and kindly treated. Many oxen are tallâ€" some 17 handsâ€"and a little leggy. com- pared with our shot-thorns or Here- fords. hut; \vithal, fine, Well set, up animals. able thusm'e- often f meaduws. Thu'oddest pmt fuund Off mm side sidewalk and the Tended chiefly by unp f hn Victoria Chapter R. A. Masons Discussing Water Works “idl H on tinned from pagq ill nml and al few nut~ r weighing pun fthennu-kt $1.119 sum” ldérly HENRY MOYLE. H) t the street. women. who ‘1) chairs or n a long now 3 feet long. 5 deep, with w nuts. with M. M: M. istn In; on the Good Assortment of Christmas Cards, Books Booklets, Christmas Decorations, Wax Candles Papeteries, Snap Shot Albums, Crepe Paper, Etc lkl $3.2 Further lnhrmatlon from Canadian Natlonal Ticket Agents. or Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian National all the way. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday Via 6.T.R., North Bay. Cochrane and Canadian National. WE SELL THE FAMOUS FAIRBANKS-MORSE, TYPE Z, FARM ENGINES. The only engine eqaipped with Bosch magneto. All sizes from 1% horse power up. A sample can be seen in our show room any time. CASE TRACTORS and Fairbanks-Morse Farm Machinery including Feed Cutters, Grain Grinders, Circular Saws. Martin Ditchers, Fairday Washing Machines, Pumps and Pump Jacks, Pulleys, Shafting and B :lting. We repair all kinds of cars. Let us overhaul your car and put it in shape for next season. Why have your car exposed to the‘extreme changes of weather. \Ve will store your car by the month in our steam-heated garage. Storage Batteries stored and kept re charged during the winter months. GRAY DORT MOTOR CARS. Come in and see the new 1920 Gray Dort Many New Features. A beautiful car at H. moderate price- Accessories Richmond Hill Garage MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches, Parlor Car through the Rockies. GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, TORONTO Commencing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, leaving Ev: Tubes Tires SUN. MON. TUE. CALL AT THE LIBERAL STORE TORONTO Standard Auto Service Station 9.15 PJ‘ DAILY W. G. BALDOCK, Prop. (UNION STATION) 9“\V as“ Skates Grcund and ConcaVed. Agent F or Enarco National Motor Oils & Greases :\\\\~A\\\‘

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