VOL. XLII. WILLIAM COOK . BAnnisTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings, liichiunnd Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill ()Hice (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenooii. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodln-idce. Saturday forennon. Money to Loan at Current Rate J. Ii. I’r‘entice i 415 Balliol St. Toronto. Phone Belmont 131.7 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY or“ YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales oi every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on Commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice' and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage solicited. Dr. ‘F. E. MAXWELL V.S.B.V.Sc. 1 Hon. Graduate of Ontario Vetei inaiy College and Toronto University. Three years experience] in H. of A. Branch, Dominion Dept. of Agricul- ture. All calls promptly and courtcoiisly attended. Phone 839 Maple, Ont. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__.._____ . J- T- SAIGEON C. WALKINGTON Maple King Licensed Auctioneers for the County 01 York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. l Patronage solicited Village Council 'l‘lie (‘ouiicil held its inaugural iiiel t- ing, pursuant to statute; at eleven o'clock a.iii.. on January 12lli. in the (.‘oiiiii‘ll illltlllllll‘l. present the Herve and (‘oiiorilloisMoiikman and (iii-cue, , who Illl‘llli-illlil subsciilictl their ies- pi-ctive dcclaiations of qualiï¬cation and of office. after which the ('oiiiicil adjourned to meet in the eleik's office on ’l‘liiiisday .Iaiiuaiy 15th. The Council met on January 15, in the «let k's ( dice with all the members iii-(sent. The following accounts were passrd and payment of the same ord- ered : Municipal Lighting for Dec. 1919 $194.53. H. I}. Stirling who and services $59.26. Federal Etlglllvt’l‘lllg (,‘lo. sundries $9.22!. T. & Y. R. It. transformer $21100. Mr. Thorpe was Dl‘l sent to airange for skating for public school pupils. It was decided to allow public school ‘ pupils the, use of the rink on li‘iiday ‘ afternoons from 4 lo 5 o‘clock at a fee of one dollar per hour. On motion the Clork was instincted to advertise fortenders fora quantity of gravel forsidewalk purposes. Electric Ligt Cl llIlIlis‘SlOn were in- stL-ycted to procure a Volt meter for the useof the Electrician in testing electiir. current. Dr. Pentland verbally tendered his resignation as Medical Health Ofï¬cer. whichon motion was accepted. and the Clerk was instiiict‘ed to write a letter of thanks for the Doctor’s serâ€" vices and to expiess regret that his resignation was necessary. Mr. Geo. S. Sims and Mr. Geo. Cowie were appointed Chief and Lieutenant, respectively of the Fire ' Brigade. Telephone Residence Elgin Mills Main 2777 Residence Phone 44.4 J. H. Naughton‘ BARRISTER SOLICITOR| NOTARY (Luinsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide St., Oï¬ices { East, Toronto i [Naughton Block, Aurora. . ‘ i The Town of Aurora S‘mmm f‘“ {J. M. \Valtl'h. Aurora l JOHN T. ANDERSON ' PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AWL, WEST TORONTO Plroue Junction '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE I All mail orders will receive prompt‘ attention. I M Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Barristers. Solictors. &c, Maxxmo AmanE. 24. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “De-do" . ' Frank Deuton, K. 0. Arthur A. Macdonald Frank TV. Denton. Jr. ‘ â€"â€"_.=â€"_ l WRIGHT BROS. ? Undertakers ¢t Embalmers, l RICHMOND HILL, THORNHtLL‘ AND UNIDNVILLE l A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at. the above places ] w. HEWISONl HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. i l RESIDENSE. RICHMOND HILLl A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. v OFFICMUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR. BLDG.. 18 KTNG t STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631 Byâ€"law No. 29'} for boriowing pur- poses was given its several icadings and passed. Ally-law for the appointment, ot'l officials was given its tiist and second icadinqs and several blanks were tilledin. Committee which rose and repOiti-d by-law unrompleted and asked leave’to sit again, pet‘tlliss‘ioll gianted. and Committee to repoit at next meeting of Council. It was decidctl to hold :1 Skating Carnival on the evening of Febiuary 5th next. and Coll/'ll tltlellllltfl. T. H. ’I‘iinNeH. Reeve A. J. HUME, Clerk Anglican Churchmen “ Protest†The Evening Tell-grain of Saturday Contained an aiticle showingr that stioug disappioval was \"(llCt’d by rep- reselitative Church of England clergyâ€" meu Concerning the iesoliition that has been ciieulatcd by llev ‘Ensor Sharp of St. Thomas Cliuich and Rev. H. R. Mockridee of St. John’s Mis- . siou House. East 'l'oionto, in \iliich it is said : “\Ve, as clergy and laity cf the ~ Church of England, feel We must en:â€" phalically protest against lhe‘Chuich of England in Canada being classed as one of "The Five Protestant Churrht-s' ‘ of Canada in the so-called Inter-Church Movement. FurthermoreI We feel that we must consistently asseit the fact that theChurch of England in Canada. is an iiitcgial part of the Catholic Church. whose faith she has always confesset .†Archdeacon (‘ody is said to have dis- approved of the petition in these words: “They ceitaiuly would not send the petition to me. They know I am a Protestant. I did not sign that petition. “(‘1‘ will I sign it. It St‘t‘IIIS ' tome that an etft-rt is being made at the last moment to isolate the Church of England in Canada. from the gciiei'~ al Forward Movement now under way. “The Church (f England is both Protestant and Catholic. It is Lfatlio- lit: towaid all the tiuths of God; it is Protestant against all the errors of man. The \void Protestant not merely a negation. but. expresses testi- mony on helialfof ti ulh. I (let-Lily de- l.\' ‘ plore the action that is taken by this section of the (‘hurch of England at the present time. and l disclaim all sympathy with these divisiie and iso- § llltlllg movements." l Miss BEATRICE HOWELL I TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method l Musical Kindergarten - Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- ainiiiations. STt'DIOâ€"HOTEL RICH )IOND. Richmond Hill. 9-3mos JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhfll . Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to. ‘aiion Pliiiutre is iepoi-ted as fol- lows: “I believe that these men. tor whom I have the deepest respect. have leiitiiely iuisuiideistrod the true ptltl- tioii of the Chiiich of England, and that all her altieles and formulae link her up \\ith the other Piotcstau: Cliuxclies. and not with the Church of Rome. The greatest hope of my life for many years has been to draw these churches closer together." “ l deplore very deeply the raising of such a question at this ci isisof Can- adian ehiuch life when such a vast body of Canadian Christians ai e \voi k- ing in hainiouy for a gieat Forward Movement." said Rev. Dyson Hague of the Church of the Epiphany. Several other Church of'Eiigl-and clergymen also expressed Similar views to those above. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libert The ; y; in all RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. 22, mo MCKENZIE BROS. Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, \Vood and Cement . Flour and Feed i i' l l ‘VVILLOWDAIJZ ONTARIO HIGHLAND LAKE Trina/is Herd s're. AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a son of MAY EC 0 SYLVIA. the Worlds last record cow for tlLllk rudim- Lion and Canadian Record {or butter. 41 lbs. Only one other 41- b. hull in Canada. Our held of one hundred includes nearly ï¬ftydaughters ot a 33.31-lh son of the great KING SEGIS. brother to the Sires of three world's recmd cowsâ€"inath 50.68. Sr. -l-‘_Vl'.-Oll1 46.84. Jr. Lyn-old 40.32 lbs. Junior held sire. KING SEC-IS PONTIAC CANADA, 'a half brother to AVONI)ALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of a 30 lbs. Segis cow. He is for sale. If this combination of breeding interests you, write for prices on either iii-ales or females. ‘ FARM AT STor 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL R. W. E. Burnaby Jefferson, Ont fl Richmond niii Annex For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. 1 Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metr0p01itan Ry. FOR C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill FURTHER INFORMATION \VRITE 0R SEE J. T. LOCKE Si C0, 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto What about cool corners and rooms that are hard those to heat during the very cold weather. Why not help out by using a Majestic Electric ‘fleater ,. L 0 a New Perfection Oil Heater, either one will ï¬ll the bill at very little extra cost. MAJESTIC HEATERS $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 each NEW PERFECTION HEATERS $7.00 and $8 25 "I‘. ,Telephoiies. A Miss in. Eeyhhh TEACHER or PIANO Step 54 Jefferson N. C. Shaver. ILA. l’ctor ’l'aylor, ILA. E. \V. lthoiios. ISA. Evenings Manor Road Ninth Toronto Shaver Taylor & Rhodes murmurs. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. Hamilton 'I‘iust Bldg. lloouis :zuri :lllG Opoimlte CIEV “all 57 Queen St. West Tel A ellllile 5 lit Town 0 VALENTINE WEST Organist and Choiileaderof Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Receives pupils for piano on Fridays at the church. Examinations and sight read« ing a specialty. Pupils prepared for examinations ofToronto Conservatory and Associated Board of Royal Acad- emyof Music and Royal College of Music. Studio 90 Mobei-ly Ave. Phone Gerrard 233 Phone or \Vrite for Appointment. Toronto. J. Ii. BIcEvven & Son Licensed Auctioneeis for Toronto and the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoa Phone 950 \Voodbridge Dr. C. Laverne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday. CRO\VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ol‘ï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 mm. to 5 p.ln A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSM ITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. LE N E \VTON PIANIST Teac oer of Piano‘Playiiig at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret's College. Richmond Hillâ€"\V'ednesdays and. Saturdays. J. EAR Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill on Thursdays Address Nordciiucr Building 220 Yonge St. Toronto G. 14 3" O IN LICENSED AUCTION BER FOR THE cot‘NTY ()F YORK Patronaize and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. O. addres Victoria Square (itll'lllley, T. Frank Slatte ry BARIUS'I‘ER. SOLIClToB Axn No'mlu' Pl'lll,l(' 157 B iy Street, Toronto 1 ohmâ€"Nina. isms. )7 Houseâ€"Alain 111167. J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Range. The La- Fuel And don’t forget hot and the wonderful saver. Come in and see it. The Richmond Hill Hardware Co., Phone 18 NORMAN BATTY 9.9â€...â€ONOMONOOO‘ om»moomomooowmommwwwmomwowoo OOOOQWNOOOOOOOOOOWNMOO 06NOOOOOOOOOOWOOWNMMWQWNW CCBIMIRSlONER. CONVEY \NTR. no. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL H. A. NICHOLLB NOTARY PUBLIC Oommn'mioner. Conveyancer 913‘, Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage, Licenses. Richmond Hill A. J. ll U 31 E NOTABY PUBLIC CON VEYANGIHQ lacs; o7 MARRIAQE @5333}! m J Richamomd Hill