Report for Room I. This report is‘ not, accurate. us some of the pupils have been absent. Isl Glassâ€"Dorothy Duncan, Gordon Murray, Audrey Grainger. Margaret McLean, Allen Hetsset, Eva Thomas. Absentâ€" Jmmie Gould. 2nd Classâ€"Nellie Hammond, Harry Mrokins. Melvilkx Bmm, Albeit Mnrtsun, Edward Hangman, Fred Palmer. Absentâ€"Norman Snckï¬eld. Bennie Henley. 3rd Clusstan Gra- ham, Kathleen Mainwoad, Adele Sav- nge, Seymour Denhy. Evelyn \Vndn, Margot-y Sanderson. Absentâ€"Jean Dendman. Jack Bmvlden. George White. 4th Classâ€"Isobel McLean, James Kerswill, \Vinnie Napkins. Mar- guerite ThmnpsonJuildred R'Il]d,N(-'ld:L Davis. \Vinnie Gillings. Norman Ham- mond. Billy Kendall, Philip Graham. Henry Barber. Aileen Grant. Eleanor Drury. Marion Geeun. Earle Patter- snn. Austin Tuck. Billy Savage, Har- old Scott, George Townsend. 01n- bnys and girls Full] $14.20 worth of seals for the Musknkn Free Hospital, and they also Cunt/rimmed $15.50 m the Sick Children’s Hospital. \Ve (‘nnsidel' the children are to be congratulated in both cases. R A good munv people whn did nut lay in an extra supply nf fllt‘l m-v now looking for \hv snulp of lh-M, \\'€Hl‘]l‘l'- Wise mam who gave 54) many reasons to Show that we wmo U) have an Upvn Winter. He told us chat because thm-e were so few boaâ€"ch nuts in the full, because the fur (.n [he nmmnls was sn thin because: Ce] lain insvcts had hullt {heir nests nezu- the gruund etc, et.c.. a. mild seusnn might be lnnkvll for- ward to with conï¬dence. Thom Sign»: may smmd rozxsnnuhle. but. the mm] bin and the wood pile tell a different story. However. \vv ure told that the are part of the winter will embrace most, of the cold weather us it has be?!) obserwd that the flu-e part of pigs is much fatter than the hind part. Our school is under good swing Again after the Uhristums vacation. We an- very glad to report an excellunt attend- ance in all the moms. However. there are some families right. in tuwn who put forth no of'fel't to have their chil- dren at school. The school is wow clean and comfortable. and WP see no reason for all not being in attendance. It. is very hard to expect good xosults next June when some of our pupils only come about one furcrmnn in llle week. However, lhis prlivs only to the few. Richmond Hill. ONG records, dance records, ï¬lled with the ï¬re and frenzy that mark the music of Sunny Spain! We’ve got themâ€"come in and listen to them, and hear the very newest note in popular music reflected in Columbia Records. -’* All the newest music while it’s newâ€"that’s what Columbia stands fobâ€"songs of our homeâ€"coming boys, the very latest in jazz dances, the neWest, brightest operatic stars. And to hear any record at its very best, you need to hear it played on the Grafonola. ’ Grafonolasx and Recorï¬g Public School Notes Harry Hulse â€" Aurora E. Grainger Richmond Hill Signs vs . Facts )I. L.‘ MCCONAGHY. )e-k; Room I.-â€"\Villie vansend. Melville l.â€"D. Hand. 0. Saul, .. Fetch. G. Fetch. rice. 0. Mortson, D. us ihilt hec h nuts in ‘n the nnun m whu did not f fuel are now that, weallwr- many reasons )hm‘v :lu upon LhPCilllS(' the-re i in (he faâ€, Inuuals was Sn sects had built 22nd. 1920 I The President: and the Secrotnry were :ippninted delegates to attend the annual meeting of the Provincial Association. The Society decided to hold the Annual Seed Fair on Saturday the 14th of Febrlmrjymlso to enter the Field Crop Competition in Potatnes ( and Spring wheat. The next meeting of the directors will be held on Saturday, Feb. 28. The-Sociéty also decided not to om- quy Departmental Judges for the 1920 r ExecutiFe Committee: -â€" . Trench. T. Allisun, D. Hill, J. I. T. F. McMahon and the officers. Auditm-s:â€"\V. Hall, J. E. Herring- tun. Mr. H. A. Nicholls was elm:th segryetnyy at, 31 salarny $100. ’ ahy. F'. Graham, T. B. \Vcldrick, T. Read. T. Allisun, J. Lunnu. J. Dunlop. S. Tvndull. I‘. H. Trench. D. HIâ€, T. I“. 1\IcM~\h<m. F. A. Legge. T. H. Leggo. Hun. Dil'oclors:-â€"\V. F. McLean. M. R; Capt. T. G. \Valfllace; M. P.; G. S. Aflor reading and adopting the min- utes of the last. meeting. the Secretary gave an account of last year’s work. The auditox-s’ xeport showed that the balance on hrmd was not as lnx-go as u yearngn. butalthouyh the min impr- feled with the attendance of the 24th of May Fair. and mute them $300 had been expended as the Society’s ihzu'e, in erecting a. new ticket ofï¬ce. [here was yet, 0ver$400 in the treasury. The nuvly elected ofï¬cers are as follows: President. \V. J. ‘Vells. 15L Vice-President Jas. McLean. 2nd Vice President. J. E. Francis. Directorsâ€"R. Thompson. F. (Mark. J. S. McNaiI‘. G. Dibb, R. W. E. Burn- Henry.- M. P. P W; H. ijgsleyï¬. hp annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Agriculturle Society was held in the Council Chamhm‘ Saturday after- noon. the President]. W. J. \Vells. in the chair. At the conclusion of the progmnnne. refreshnmnts wvre served Hy Miss Olivawilzer, Miss Bnylv. Mlss Alï¬- sun and Mrs. P. G. Hill. A very hezu'ty vote of thanks Was tendered Mrs. Jenkins for her kind- ness in coming so fan: to give us such a. splendid lecture. Pwsidz-nt. Mrs. A. 3. Campbell. Vim ~Preidonb. Miss Mary Trench. Secretary. Miss Gmce- Pratt. 'l‘ruusuu'r, Miss Emily Boyle. The literary part, of the progran followed, Mrs. Jenkins giving a. vex delightful review of (he yoar's stm in “Dutch and Flemish An.†The aiming meeting nf mum] Hill High Schnul Association fur the your held on Thursday evening in the High Schuul. Tho l‘t'pol‘ls m" the sec the tu-usurer having lMâ€"rn adopted. Lhe nominatinnsf Lions air. Richmond Hill Agricultural Society w repel-ls (If the secrouuv :m [H‘iislll'el' having bevn rend am )led. the nomilmtinns for the 195 utlve then took placv. the ele 5 ranking as follows: esidt-nt, Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Mâ€. P. Pu. Col. T. H. Lemmx ; G90. Leek. A. J. H. Eckardt H. S. Alumnae [h Aluumau 1919. Wu: Doc grnmm: a. very 's study Amnu. Rich- and 1920 md Camp Elgin, S.O.S.â€"Meets 2nd and 4th \Vednesduy. Victoria L.O. L. 2368â€"Meets 4th VVed- nesday of each month. . Court Richmond, A.O.F.â€"â€"Meets 4th inday. I.O.F.â€"Meets 3rd Thursday of every month. Richmnnd Lodge. A.F. &A.M â€"Meets 3rd \Vednes’day of each month. HI†Crest Lodge, 1.0.0. F.â€"-Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdny of each month. Puhlic Library and Reading Romnâ€" Open Tuesday and Saturday eve- nings. Village CuunciIâ€"Moets lst; ‘Vednps- day of each month. Fire Brigade â€"Meets lst Tuesday of each Month. PrPshytPrinn Young People’s Societyâ€" Meets every Thursday at 8 p.11). Band Pmcticeâ€"Mouday uf each Week at 8 p.111. Roman Cutlmhc Chmch â€" S alternate Sundays at 8.45 10.30 nan. Church of Englandâ€"Smwices at, 11 mm. and 7 p.11). Hnly Cmnmuninn (m the 15!: Sunday in the month :\t 11 mm. and on other Snmlziys at 811.11). Sund‘ny School and Bible Class at 3 o‘clock. M9thndist Churchâ€"Sex ways at 11mm and 7 p.1n. Sunday School at, 2.30 General Prayer Meeting Thursday evening. Emvm-th Leagueâ€"Meets every Mon- day at 8 p.11). Preshylminn Church -â€" n.m. and 7 p.11). Sim 2._45. Prayer Meehing Honorary Prest A. J. H. Ecknrdr. Directors: T. McMurchy, S. Mc- Clure. A. B. \Vells. Jas.McLean. H. E. Gaffe-0, Alex. Cameron. jun. Victor Bond, }. H. \‘Vilsnn. \V. J. \Vells, S. Tynddll. A. G. \VOHS. H. E. Ross, R. \Vatsnn. Jun, John Laws‘m. C. \ank- ingron, Chas \Villiums. Delegates__to_thf :mnlml Provincial meetin’gi w. J. \Volls. J. C. \Valkington. T. McMuI-ch] Lawson and W. O. McDonald. 2nd Vice- Treasurer Secretary Honorary Directors CluI-e. A. B The auditurs’ report, was presvnteu, which showed a neat balance for the curu-ut your. 2.45. n i ng. Tho annual meeting of the King and 'nughnn Plnwnwn's Ass‘rucinlinu was PM in Armstrong’s Hull. King, on riduy. January l7. The auditors" H‘Dol't was presented, The follmving ofï¬cers and l ere appointed: P195ident~\v. J. \Volls. 15L Vice-President. Jets. MCC 2nd Vice-President. Gpu. B Treasurer. Arch. McUnHum. Secretary. \V. 0, McDonald Honorary Pres.. A. J. H. EC King and Vaughan Plowmen Village Directory WE SELL THE FAMOUS FAIRBANKS=MORSE, TYPE GRAY DORT MOTOR CARS. Come in and see the new 1920 Gray Dort Many New Features. A beautiful car at a moderate price- The only engine eqaipped with Bosch magneto. All sizes from 1% horse power up. A sample can be seen in our show room any time. CASE TRACTORS and Fairbanks-Morse Farm Machinery including Feed Cutters, Grain Grinders, Circular Saws, Martin Ditchers, Fairday Washing Machines, Pumps and Pump Jacks, Pulleys, Shafting and B :lting. We repair all kinds of cars. Let us overhaul your car and put it in shape for next season. \Vhy have your car exposed to the extreme changes of weather. We will store your car by the month in our steam-heated garage. Storage Batteries stored and kept re charged during the winter months. Accessories Richmond Hi3] Garage Tubes Tires h â€" Svrvics’s at, 11 Sunday Schm-l at Us. .l. E. Saigeun, MgMuI-cpy. John s and dimctozs â€" Sent-vices on l‘hursduv eve- Standard Auto Service Station McCullum . Bum 1:1: mm. and W. G. BALDOCK, Prop. Skates Grcund and Concaved. WMOWMOMONQOWOOQOOMOM M“ :md illm-ss in [he rt'cll'HlL Mrs. T. H. I§sAy's:lI1r!NlI§.1'. (‘onsins sps-nt Mnndwy in Nou'nnlkvl. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bum" I: ft (-ul-IV lnstwoek to spend thv winter with their family in McKeespm t, Pa. Tht l \\' A150 we are selling per bag. pu‘nlic Schnnl In: \t of \lw ilhwss: [IPSS in the N‘Cll" Agent For New Bream Sweevs Clean your brooms n $I.00 Brenms fx MAPLE BIG SALE 01“ BROOMS SATURDAY Flour uuvmh Maple Bakery ard Feed on Hand. the H \\' rd n Mrs mum aft H “'0 mw {or house cleaning. time or 65c. This is a snap. urity Rolled Oats at $5 25 This is a good buy. Enarco National - Motor Oils & Greases sunk va 11ml IllE in Owing to the snum‘ drift 91‘s n v servirvs "L Illis' pl Th! FARM ENGINES p<)§‘p<\n9(l mm. Was I] In In: n at n iLv to him vxcroxm SQUARE \thc snmv drifts. the unniv I'viu-sntlhis plncc hzld [n nod lust Sulmdny. An as made :IlellL nmm lo drive nd Hull fur Illi' pxmcher. Junrduv, hut the driver 1 "hunt. Nolim‘ will be lU ! he 200 ur Ill Ill llf swidfl the I; 511w t Rail- m Lu their tlm \inst