Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jan 1920, p. 8

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26 13 NoLice is hereby given that ELLA MAUDE GEE. 0f the City of Torontu, in the Gmmtyof York. in the Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Parliament nf CANADA. at the next sessisn thereof. for u Bill of Divorce frum her husband. JESSE ROY STANLEY GEE. of the City of Toronto, on the ground ofndultei-y and deserti‘n. Dalgdyut Toronto. this TW’ENTY- SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER A.D.1919. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE W . Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby gin-n that IGNACE PERFGIN], 0f thl’ City of Tm‘nntu, County (11" Ynl'k. Prnvinue hf Ontario. Chunfier, will apply to UN Pal-lin- meat of Canada. at “)l' m-xt session thereof. for“ bill nf (livm'cu fl‘ull! his wife. MABEL Ri'Tu PERUGINI, of the Cily of Toronto, in the County of York, on the grounds of adultery and , mQéTm‘ "M H‘ Notice is hereby givun that IG‘NACE PERUGIN], 0f thv Cily of Toronto, County of ank, Province (.f Ontario, Chalufiel‘, will apply to the, Pan-lin- ment of Canada. at thv nuxt SPssiOn thereof. for“ bill of divorce from his wife. MABEL RUTH PERL‘GINI, (If the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on the grounds of adultery and desertim). Nb. "V “and, lnuslly 11 inch and four-Yum, Ir-ng Apply F. \V. (‘Am'lcm ul' U. h. VOR SALEâ€"JUN? Cumh Rhndp Island Red Clickel'vls. $3 and $5 each. Thvsv are hruthm-s and half brothers m ‘hv 2nd (“u-,kerel and 2nd Pullet ut Guelph shnw held in Dvcem- be‘l‘ last. Act quickly if you wish one of these, as I have only :1 few h-ft. 0. L. Wmun'l‘. 29 2 behind High Schnul. UR SALEthlede Sowing Ma- chinn. in gnnd order: one wow-n wire Sanitary (:nllrll, full Ined si'zx. These will he sold (:hwlp for cash. E. \\'. MUYIE. 29 2 Stnp 4G. Youée Street tax-i0. this 14th day of Octubvr, A. 1919. \ (HIPS Cuntuining :1 at Tho Lilux ODDâ€"Fur SH)!" :1 qnnmSIy of my hind thl. doliu-rud in Richmnnd Hill and sunuunding neigh- lltll'houds. 282 L. B. S'I‘oxu. Riclnnnnzl Hill‘ ‘V. (JOB FOR SALE \nmd, Inns! Iy h neuny m-w soft. wan-r. Ix cherry, plum. .Ii nice.t1dy lmnw, 20 tf App!) ‘N[ANTEDâ€"511081an-1L Adduws (1. Miles!“ The Rink will be open on \Vedur‘s- days fmm 4 to 5 p.11). free In children under ten year of age, \VEDNESUAY, JAN. 28â€"Farm stock. implements, grain, (~10. Lot 8. mm. 3. Vaughan, Concord. (ho pmpoxtty' of John Ash. Sale at 1 sharp. 10 months. J. H. PRENTH‘E, Auct. ' THURSDAY, JAN. ZUHFsu-m sKuck, imâ€" lemonts. etc. Lot 21. con. 4. Mark- )um, the pmpex-ty «If E. E. Gander- lmm. Sale nt 1. 9 ummhs, J. H. PREN'HCE. Auctiunem‘. Registered Berkshire Hog FOR SERVICE quit \V’EDNESDAY EVENINGS -â€"- Admission 10 and 15 cents. SATURDAY EVENINGS â€" Admissiun 15 cents. V IA N \1 fr Wednesday and Saturdav Evenings P‘O‘E.§5}.‘:FE Richmond Hiil Skating Rink Dated at Toronto. Province of Band Saturday Evenings 9 .4 74p OR SALEâ€"4 Kin-hen Table and 1 Stnvqu-hemful Oak Hentm'. Apply Mus. Fmsm‘, 29 2 Chul ch Sweet. OS'I‘ â€" 2 29 Arhh us Gmmlvy \Vnnt ALds. Yul 1n um; He. ()lix ELPAA MACDE GEE, CURRY & \VA LLACE. Chull’lmnl of (hummile Open for Skaters on T. HERBERT LENNOX. 1‘ E I) â€" \ Apply J. A. MONK MAN By her sohcitnr In H. “1‘31 Lot. 41). ‘ 7.30 to 10 p. m Sales Register I1 Ol’fi Slllll I 808 Lumsden Building. Toronto, Uutzuio Solicitors for Applicnn! mv. anmc [.ul, 43 X163; .npplvimd {u TICKETS Richmond :0. .‘l Muck \'0 want sumo :umll pruprrtit Ir & Curler. E IIIH H. H.Nn.1. Richmond Hill (lll'll 7}â€" A (1mmth "1' hmdwnud. in 1(5- glhs. , Richllmnd HI“, . ULEDHILL. Maple R. R IC‘HOI Hill, New st mp pnrsv. y. Rmmrd 28 2 Hill ll]! . hand :m hle houst )1 Ul (H100 nnsf‘, l and 0n Farm For Sale l wishes to announce that l he has ta ken the premxses 3 Doors South of the I Public School, where he a will carry on business as Notice is hereby given that MARY IRELAXD, of the city of 'I‘umntu, in the Countynf Ym k, and iniHCe of Omuriu, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the nextsesdun thereof, for u Bl“ of Divorce from her huslnwd. ALEXANDER IRELAND, of the said City of Toronto, Baker, on the ground of adultery. Notice Is herehy given that Jennie ‘Vx‘ight, oi the Oily of Toronto, in the Cuunly (If York. in the Province vt' 0n~ tin-ii). manied \vmmm. will apply tn the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof. fm- ‘ it Bill of Divorce fmm her husband. George Henry \VI ight. of the: said City of TUI‘UIILH, in [he Ununty Hf Ym'k. Shipping un the grmmds of 361111pr and (it‘S:‘l'iinl). Dated at Tommi». Province uf 0m: zuiu, this T\\'unty-third Dav (if Decemâ€" ber. 1913. Dated aiTumntn. iniuce uf On- tario. (his Thilueth Day of October, 1919. 100 acres H milm from 2nd (:nn. \Vhilclmlch. 45 x ($5, \vntvr in 5151mm; 7 rooms. 9.3 acre 5 wm k ingnll done. sui} uluy h fun wheat. :50 :lCN-s nu $8500 fm quick sale. We have a largo list of Olhm fol snl’o in Ymk County. 19 11 Notice of Application for Divorce ' i iAnnuuncementg Notice of Application for Divoree Solicitm \Vx-ight . “WWW”W”« it is not ton (willy to place your nrderfm-Fruit Treat, Ornamental Trees and Sln-ullbex'y for next, Spring planting. Many people were disuppnimpd lust sen-mm beâ€" cause lheir orders Cnuld not, be, filled owing tn the lines being sold out. Order eally and lmvp the best choice. Yond.) not pay one cent when ordermg. All goods shipped (l.O.D. in tlw Spring. all charged prepaid. Remember you make no mistake when you order from the reliable firm of G. H. PRICE,‘ Representative Richmond St. RichmOud Hill, Ont. HONF E. D. SMITH 8: SON, Winona, Ont. Yunge and Churlvs St is noted [hrnughuut high grade twining. U are in grunt dommxd. aloguo, rend um lecol d. ‘th yn Busim': OLIVER & C MLWWFQSENB g H (7GHES & 72 Queen Sires-t. \Vost Tul'untn, Ontario 1- for 11w Applimnt SELECT A SCLOOL NURSERY STOCK ELLIOTT BIGGS & BIGGS Solicitan for the Applicant \V. J 09”” O. RICHMOND III LL LLIOTT,PI‘inCiP ‘I m Ynnge Sin-wt. h. B;.nk Inn n “'4. Stum- house, able. full phnv- t Gum-um {u OM“ graduate Get our l'ilt d. Uer decide ART E R um. xduw open. not alike AR, mnlu ums \m'es nnie All (Late of Maple) DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Phone 2449 Maple“ (30 inchps in Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold in our luts. WHITE BRAN and SHORTS 24-h]. 8: 48-in. Dry Hard Wood Suhjec Barley Meal Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour Monarch Pastry Salt, Cement Sand, Gravel, Tile and Briczklk Newton Break Communiiy Shawn Methodist Pastorâ€"REV. P. i The Maple Sand. vacl and Brick mnpanv, Lt'd. have on hand for Sale. emenL drain tile. 3. 4. 5. (i and 8 in. ulvex-t tile 12, 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inchPS in lungth) Sunday, January 25th ublio Notice ! ;, Nut and Pea Coal on i hand; also Carmel at I the Elevaior i Th ‘. D. RAMER . S. SHEPHERD Evmylmdy \Volcmm A good supply of 11mm pastor at both so: in A car load of Come in and let us demonstrate these Grafonolas and learn how easy it is to own one. You have a long winter of enjoyment ahead of yelpâ€"begin early. ‘k a, @Fafan OnEyMODown When it will be delivered to your home, and you can pay us balance of purchase price in small weekly amounts while you are getting your enjoyment trom it. It is a. superb instrument, having all the good features to be found in phonographs costing two and three times the price, such as three-spring drive motor, large sound chamber, tone control leaves, patented start and stop device. graduated speed control and best Columbia reproducer‘ Cabinet has snace for seventy-five records. Yam Cguidn’fi Ask far an Easier Way Tqu for example this: \Vr mm sell you a handsome floor model Cabinet Grafonola similar to i1â€" lustratiun, in either mahogany finish or fumed oak, for on hand. T. COUSINS. the ovenin (Ihancv."' Wright Bros. Agents, Richmond Hill Pres. and Mn nag er Mn p10. by the load 01 ll) VICI’S URI) Second ITINSMITHING :ooommooemowmoomoomooo«WW Cor. YONGE & CENTRE Sis. 9 3 Hardware Richmond Hill g Weaonme Fum cc and Stovepipes on hand. inds 0t The Tinsmim EAVETROUGHING and Pumps \Vire 1701m- Fibi-r J’Jmh-y- Cutting anes VV. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill iverything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. FULL LlNE 0F STOVES R all and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Full line of Epic-date Goods in Stm-k. invhxdim’; :â€" GRANITEWARE. TINWARE, WHITE ENAMEL, GALVAN- [ZED TUBS AND FAILS. moons. BRUSHES, ETC. entfor Gray Buggies and Cutters, Good Chatham Wagon on hand. The New Hardware Store BUSINESS CALLS Take armarsf’ Supplies GOOD LINE OF SKATES, PUCKS, AND STICKS PHONE187 nl ONLY THREE LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. :uimn‘mgn now as this line has advanced 10 per cent- ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS THU)!” DOHERTY STEEL RANGES C. N. COOPER ELECTRIC WASHERS (“RED HOCKEY GOODS Trench Block Lnddm-s \Vheelhe Scmpers Iron Pox Hydrated Lime Root PI; Ru hber Roofing, always on hand. )IM‘; all STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH M serY'ice 'is available it all times forthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded business man appreciates the importance of them-operation, guidance and information on financialmattersofhis Banker. 295 "ERVICE.â€"â€"Our . HERRINGTON. MANAGER higihly-deyetlopeg \Vheelbarrmvs Iron Posts, Gates Rqot Eulpers THE

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