HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Tel. M. 3631 RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept. at. the above places Calls by phone or otherwise promptly r9x9pundcd to. Frank Denton, K. C J. H. Naughton BARRIS'I‘ER SOLICITOR NOTARY {Lumsden Bldg. 6 Adelaide St, Ofï¬ces { East, Tm‘ontu LNaughtcn Block. Aurora. - 1 The Town of Aurora sohmtor fm {.1. M. \anmn. Aulom PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AVE†WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE A11 mail orders will rece‘ive prompt attention. ~ Dento'g, Macdonald & Demo; Bérristers, Solictors. 8m MANma ARL‘ADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CAN TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dedu" J- T. SAIGEON C. WALK? Maple Kn Licensed Auctioneers for {1190 York. Sales attended to on notice, and at reasonable rates Patmpage solicith Pupils passed for Consexmtory E ‘ allninutilms. Telephone Main 2777 MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten JOHN R. CAMPBELL BARRISTER. Somcrroa, NOTARY ETC T rnnto Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings. 33 ichmond Street, \Vesb. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal OHICe). every Thursday fnl'enoun. M ple, Thursday afternnun. floodbridae, Saturday fore-noon. Dr. F. E. MAXWELL V.S.B.V.Sc. Special attention given to sales 01 evegy description. Farms and farm stnék sales a specialty. Fun-ms bought a sold an commission. All sales ut- te tied to on shortest; notice. and con- ducted by the mostnppx-uved methods. Patronage solicited. College and Toma†Lrni'véi-éi'iff†Three years experienca in H. of A. Branch, Dominion Dept. of Agricul- ture. All culls promptly and courtemxsly altendud. Phone 839 Mania. 0m. Llcmysmo AUCTIéNEER FOR. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO (Successor to Dr. Penllund) Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"43.30 to 10 mm. 1 to 3 p.m. (5.30 to 8 p.ln. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Ynnge Slroct. Richmond Hill. Phone I‘m. 24 Hon. Graduate of Ontario .V‘etelinzu-y nfllln...» A...) m,, Money to Loan at Cuuent Rate Undertake-‘5 a: Embnlnrmrs . Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3}. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. 93: VOL. XLI I. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thoruhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON DR. J, P. WILSON . HEWISON .50 per annum, in advance.] WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK 415 Bulliol 5L. vanjltn. Phnne Belmont 1347 Arthur A. Mucdmmld Frank “7. Danton. Jr Residence Elgm Milh Residence Phone 4-4.4 rentice C. WALKINGTON K mg ‘for 1h? Unpnty n} Maple, Ont. shorfesf ‘ANADA 93ums . The Rev. McDougal Hay will ad- dress the Tbnrnhill Horticulturle i Socith on. "Some Community Proh- lvms,â€nt them-x1: meeting. Tuvsday Feb: umy 'hd at 8 o’clock in Victoria Hall. All are invite-d to come and take part in the discussion. A grand concert will he held at the ( Thornhill Prrshyteriun Church on the l l i-veningnf Friduv. Feb. 6. Cook’s Chum-h (‘hnircf Toronfn, assisted by Mrs. F. L. Score. Soprano; Mrs. Chas. H. Leslie. Contmlto; Mr. James L. Brown. Tvnor; Mr. Uhns. H. Leslie. Bmitone: will zivv the programme which will consist of choruses. quar- letrlvs. due-ts. solos. etc. The concert is under the auspices of Thornhill Presliyterinn Church Choir. Tickets 350. and 25c. \‘ | t n Inpeling 0f the 4th team of the l‘ Ladies’ Aid on Saturday night it was decided to lmld a Valentine Social in l lhe Vestry nf the Methodist church on Friday. Felnual'y 13th. A splendid programme will be given by local Stale-m. There will be a post; ofï¬ce I when} valunlines can he lmughl and lpnstyd. _Lunch will he served and MI. and Mrs. Gnldwin Kirkpatrick of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. J. 'I‘. Saigenn‘s. Under the auspices of thv 3rd team of the Ladies’ Aid. a two hours pru- gi-amme of moving pictures and music will he given in lhe Methodist Church Friday evening. January 30. Tickets. 25 and 15 cents. Cuffee and cake will be sold for 10 cents. A number from 11919 attended the cnnVPntiun and banquet in Tm‘onln last Friday evening. Dr. Rnulley will give :1 l'Pp’JI-b next Sunday morning. , I‘r “ The W. M. 8. held its†diééiiii§1m \Vednesdnynuf last week at. the home of Mrs. Thne. Cousins. 7 Rev. C. Robinson and Mr. G96. Arnold audited the books of tlw l‘Ple- phone Co. last, week. Tne following is a report of the Mid-winter Examinations at the Rich- mond Hill High Schorwl. [f parents would send their children more regu- lm-ly the teachers would be very glad. Form 1. étmdy and ice (EPPélI;]-V5()l(i. VAEi'riï¬ssinn, 259;; fhildmn, 150. Evelyn. (ice 7,0 84 Gill. Joe 82. \Vidonmn, Lambert. 66 Brown, Milliard 65 McUagut-, George 6% Armstmng. Allen 65 Marsh. Robert 62 Mansbridge. Edward 61 Craig, Katie 59 Kerswell. Evelyn 57 Lvons. Mabel 57 Dmvnoy, lvn 54 1111105, John 52 Cluhine. Annie 53 Bayes. \Villinm 49 MCUl\lSk\'Y. Ursul 46 Starling. \Vllliam 47 Bowm, Fred 43 Jackson. Irene 39 Uowie. James 38 Fulkersnn Wylda. 30 \Vutts. Phyllis 26 (Batty, Mary missed the ex- aminatiuns.) Fox-m II Dickinson. Ernest Hugel mun. Mabel \Villinms. Ethel McNal‘. Isabel Meek. May Lanzstnfl", Ont-roll Muchu-rie, Olivia. Mumalm, Allen Bmves. Lela Gohn. van Grady. Evelyn Rico, Kathleen Hill. Albert Ban, Mmg antgnuw anpor, “ Glass. Jnhl I’m-ester. Smith. Li‘ Leather da Yichulsm] Helmknv. Jean Leary. Velnm Mchgue, Myl-Hu Mulloy. Marjorie Luntherdule, Hazel Form III Junior Billernun. George Van Horn. Clifford Comisky. Jessie Logge. Claudia Fun-m III Seninr Oliver, Flank Bailey, Marzuret Lasher, George Neill. Evelvn Robinson. Rosie Reumnm Aurelia Phipps. Rnnd Forester. Harold Dean. \VilfL-ed Smith} Tnm Kirkland, Thurza. RICHMOND'HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN. 29. [9'20 (‘illl '. Donald Jillian willie Jhn THORNHILL ‘u'et MAPLE Exams Vivien “In Essentials, Unity,- in Irene %§§ 7U 63 (58 65 65 36 R. W. E. Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont Richmond Hill Annex WILLOWDALE HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS FOR FURTHER TNFORMA’IIQN WRITE 01? SEE C. A. SKEELE J. T. LOCKE & CC., Richmond Hill Herd s're. AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a son of MAY EL 0 S'Y‘LVIA, the world‘s best record cow for milk K)de- Lion and Canadian Record ï¬n- bulk-r, 41 lbs. Only (me ULhex' 41.- b. bull in Canada. Our hevd of one hl mired includes neiuly ï¬fty daughters of a. 33.314!) son of the great, - ‘ SEGIS. lnnthm‘ Ln Che sirps sf three world’s retxnd cowsâ€"n are 50. . Sr. ‘kyl'.-nld 46.84. Jr. 4- 1-.-old 4(132 lhs. Jl'mior hgd sire. ING 5 GIS PONTIAC (JAN A, a half hmther to AV NDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out nf a 30 lbs. Sems cow. He is far 5219. If this combinatiml of breeding interests you, write for prices on either males or females. FARM AT 8'11)? 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL Mmjm Non-Essentials. Libeyty; in all things, Charity." Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Flour"and Feed Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and MetrOpolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmbnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms MCKENZIE BROS. l0 Adelaide St. E. Toronto ONTARIO Miss Alida Beynon 1:1. C. Shaver. B.A Peter Ta. ylbir'. 3313'. E. W. Rhodes. B.A. TEACHER OF PIANO Step 54 Jeff Hon. Graduate Royal College 0 Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill every Tuesday. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce lucuted in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 mm. to 5 p.m Dr. C. LaV‘erne Pantison Tel A elaide 5974 Organist, and Chnixlenderof Richmond Hill Presbytvnan Church. vaeives pupils for pianu on Fridays at, the church. Examinations und sight, readâ€" ing a specialty. Pupils prepared for examinations (ume'ontn Conservatory and Assnciatcd Board of Royal Acadâ€" emy of Music and Royal College of Music. Studio 9') Mnbm-ly Ave. Toronto. Phone Gerrard 238 Phone or VVI‘iCe for Appointment. Licensed Auctioneers for Tot-(mtg) and the Countxes of York. Peel and Simeon COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANWE. 1 Real Estate and Insurance TelephonQS. Teacoer of Piano-Pinyin at him Toronto Conservatory u Musxc and St. Mm-garet‘s Collsge. Richmond IIiIlâ€"VVednesdays and Saturdays. Mr. Frank Converse Sm’ith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Residence address VchOl'iil Square T. Frank ï¬lattery J. Ii. DIcEvven 3: Son 1&. J. 11 U 1H. E Rickmoad Ell! PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. H. A. NICHGLLS 0113mm Cnnweyancer eh] 1m, and Real Estate lower of Marriage Licenses. THORNHELL J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC BARRIS‘TER. SOLICITOB AND NOTARY PUBLIC 157 8 1y Street. - Tort in Shaver Taylor & Rhodes VALENTINE WEST A. C. HENDERSON «1 Richmond Hill on Thursdays Address Nordeimer Building Yonge St. Turn)! . EARLE NE WTON 1(3th NOTARY PUBLIC LICENSED AUOTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YOK Putt-«mace and influence respectfully soliciLed NOTARY FUEL“; CON VEYANGLRG DRIVE 05‘ MARRIAGE [513515325 [Single copies, 3 cts. Phone 950 ‘Vnodbridge Barristers. Solicitors Notarles, Etc. {Ofï¬ceâ€"J } Houseâ€" PIANIST Hamilton Tlunt Bldg Rooms 303-305 Op'maite Cltv Hull 57 Queen St. West Town 0 nd. 3111 Main 4503. «Main 2057 P. 0. nddrea Gormley, HJI. Evenings Manor Road Nun!) Toronto Jefferson 'l‘uroflo N0. 30 Toronta