Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jan 1920, p. 4

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THURSDAY. JAN. 29â€"-Farm stock, im- plements. etc. Lot 21. con. 4. Mark- ham. the property of E. E. Gooder- ham. Sale at 1. 9 months. SATURDAY. JANL'ARY 31â€"Strmk.'irn- plements. grain and other articles at, Ebenezer church. Millikan Corn- er. by Epwm'th League for Missxon- ary work. Sale at 2. SATURDAY, FEB. 7â€"114 acre farm. Lot 22. Con. 5, Scarboro. ‘nt the Franklin House. Markham. Sale at 2. Property of Robt. Petch. TUESDAY. FEB. 10â€" Clyde horses. Short Horn cattle. implements. etc. Lot 28. (Jon. 6. Markham. the prop- erty of Ed. Meyer. Sale at 12. Terms 9 months. \VDDNESDAY FER. 11â€"Farm stock, implements. etc... Lot. 31. Con. 4, Scar-born. Property of Roht. Craw- ford. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. THURSDAY. FER. IZâ€"Farm stock. Hull stein cattle, implements. etc. Lot 8. Con. 6. Markham. Property of Leonard Roberts. Sale at 1. Terms 9months. \VEDNESDAY. FEB. 18â€"Ulyde horses. Holstein cattle. implements. etc. Lot 22. Con. 6. Markham. Proper [y of H. F. Wilson. Sale. at 1‘1. Terms 9 months. THURSDAY. FEB. 19â€"Farn‘. stock. im- plements. etc. Lot 38. rear of lst Con. Vaughan. Property of Thus. Prentice. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. ’ SATURDAY. FEB. 21â€"Jersuy cattle, farm stock. implements, etc. Lot. 26.Uon. 7. Markham. Pt'uperfv of Garnet, \Villiamson. Sale at 1. Terms 9months. MONDAY. FEB. 225~Farm stock. im- plements. etc. 1.019. Col). 5. Mark- ham. Property of John Smith. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. TUESDAY. FEB. 24â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc. Lot 28, Con D. Scar- horo. Property of R. Rainsfm-d. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. WEDNESDAY. FED. 25â€"Farm stock. implements. furniture. etc. Lot 39. rear lst Uun. Vaughan. Property of Alex. Prentice. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. ‘ THURSDAY. FEB. 26â€"Pnre Bred Hol- stein cattle. Ulvde horses. imple- ments. etc. Lot 19, ()on. 2. Scarboto. Property of S. Thompson. _Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. FRIDAY. FEB. 27â€"Farm stock. impleâ€" ments, rtc. Lot 3. Con. 4. Markham. Property of Frank Denhy. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. SATURDAY. FEB. 28â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc. Lot 26. Con. D. Scar- horo. Property of \V. Dip. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. TUESDAY. MAR. Zâ€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc. L0t17. Con. 2. \V. York. Property of John Chellem. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. WEDNESDAY. MAR. 3â€"Farm stock. implements. etc. Lot 25. Con. 5, Markham. Property Geo. Gee. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. THURSDAY, MAR. 4â€"Farm stock itn- plements. etc. Lot 27. Con. D. Scar- boro. Property of Mr. Jenkinson. Sale at 12. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY, MAR. 5â€"Farm stock. imple- ments. etc. Lot 2. Con. 10.. Mark- ham. Property of E. S. Clayton. Sale at. 1. Terms 8 months. SATURDAY. MAR. 6â€"Clyde horses. Short Hoxn cattle, implements. etc. Lot 26. Con. 3. Markham. Property of G. W. Lyons. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. MONDAY. MAR. Sâ€"A herd of pure bred Holstein cattle. Lot. 1. Con. 1. \V. York. Property of Wm. Scatter- good. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. TUESDAY. MAR. 9â€"Fa1m stock. imâ€" plements. etc. Lot 6. 0011.6. Mark- ham. Property of John Cooperth- Waite. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. \VEDNESDAY. MARIOâ€"Farm stock. implements. etc. Lot 18. Con. 13. E. York. Property of John Gioce. Sale at 1'3. Terms 8 months. THURSDAY. MAR. 11â€"Farm stock. implements. etc. Lot 4. Con. 4, E. York. Property of Chas. Filzpat- rick. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY. MAR. 12â€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc. Lot. 15. Con. 10, Markham. Property of James Max- well. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. MONDAY.1\IAR. lSâ€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc.. at Sullivan's Corner. E. York. Property of Geo. May. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. TUESDAY. MARIOâ€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc. Lot 19. Uon. 4. Mark- ham. Property of D. Smith. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. . \VEDNESDAY.1\I.\R. 17â€"Farm stock. implements. etc. Lot 30. Con. C. ,flcarhoro. Property of \V. D. Thompson. Sale at 12. Terms 8‘ months. i THURSDAY, MAR. 18~Farm stock. im- plements. etc. Lot 5. Gun. 3, E. . York. Property of Milne Bros. Sale at 1‘2. Terms 8 months. ‘ MONDAY. MAR. 22â€"Farm stock,imp1e- ments. etc. Lot. 16,“ Con. D. Scar- hm-o. Property of Geo. Atkinson. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. i “(EDNESDAY MAR. 24â€"-Fnrm stock, implements. etc. Lot 3. Con. 4. Vaughan. Property 0! Thou. Gor- don. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months Sales by J. H. PRENTICE. Auctioneer SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7-â€"-J.L. Mullny will have an auction sale of the con- tlen'Ls of his livery. hotel. and at, the same time mud plucv the property knuwn us the Summit House. ()ak Ridges. will be “(fut-ed fur sale. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Pmperty will be offered at 2 n‘uluck. to he fulluwpd by the furniture. F. W. SILVER- SIDES. Auctioneer. 30 z Richmond Hill. Sales Register Jan. 29H). 19‘ â€"-J.L.Mullny ‘20 Room VL, Sr. IV.â€"These pupils are in this class only on prubation until the next exmu.. to be held June lst. If successful on that, test they will write on Jr. IV. exam: Isobel Cowie, Jas. McLean. Mabel Mackie. Lumbeit At- kinson, Stella Muckie. Gladys Savage. Maggie Tnylor. Ralph Johns. Agnes Sims, Jack Vanda-burgh, Blanche Grant, James Stephenson, Gertie Smith. Newell Prim», Lillian Balding. Jr. IV.: Muriel \Vutqon. Arthur Hammond. Hugh Oliver. Pearl Roi» insnn. Alberta Hewison, Gordon Stephenson, Beatrice Smith. Fern Shin-v. Clarence Mylks. Harold Mn- hony, Gladys Grant. ‘Charlie Kemper. 'Muy Greene, “Roswell Gould. ‘Missed examinations. room in June. We believe we have the hearty co-operation of the parents in this new strp. and we hope that these new pupils in the Senior classes will be encouraged in every possible way. so they may make good next June. Miss Cameron has pmmoted 13 of her Sr. 1. Lo Jr. II. class. These pupils will write on the Jr. II. to Sr. II. exam. next June. ' Richmond Hill defaulted to Thorn‘ hill Monday evening, anumber of their p'gygrs taping ill_.._ ‘ S'chomberE will play Richmond Hill in the Richmond Hill rink this 'I‘hurv. day evening. As this is the end of the first half of the School year. the teachers are re- ni‘ganizigg their classes. promoting some from Junior to Senior in their respective rooms. so as to have as many as possible promoted to the next room in June. We believe we have \Ve m‘v sorry to report the illness of Miss Kneeshuw. \Ve hope for a spfedy recovgry._ Room 1[.â€"I Sanderson. B. Sander S( 11. Mr. McKee in moving a vote of thanks, said that. while he could not, endorse all that he heard. it was a most able lechu-e, and contained much that, was wen-thy of remembrmice. Mr. \Vellman seconded a hearty vote of thanks. Inspector Jo'rdan paid our school a partial visit last week. Lutes fur last week : Rnom I.â€"I. McLean, G. Townsend, \V. Snvngv. Ronu'n'V.â€"E. Hay. G. Patfon. A Atkinson. G. Patton. Room VLâ€"G. Savage, L. Atkinson. L. Harding, J. McLean. M. Greene, 0. Mylks. ann III.â€"â€"H. Sharpless, M. Patton H. Mon-is. M. Patton, I. Buy. C. Saul Room IV.â€"I. Savage, \V. Keith, K M:_tlmny, Knnnjg. K.nMahony. Preachers. teachers and parents are in a position to do much ka as patriots, and many take advantage of their opportunities. He touched on Germany’s humiliation. but prnved conclusively that, Britain was justified in the part she took in the war. He referred with pride to the noble sacriV fices our Canadian boys had made for the sake- of their hmne and friends. :md'desmihed the condition of Canada. as a German culuny. had Germany Won the war. Mr. Reid touched nn politics, and did not hesitate to Show how he intended vo_t._ing at the next election. A train wreck occurred near North Bay Sunday morning. A train on the (7. P. R. ran into another Lmin which was stalled, owingto the failure of the engine to make steam under a frost, of 30 degrees below zero. Fifteen persons were killed and many were injured. The first part, of the lecture was to the lmys and girls. many of whom were before him. He reminded ihem that they now stood on the threshold of responsibility; that the door of up- pnrlnnity was ope-n to them; that a person’s word should be equal to his hand. He advised the boys and girls to load only good books. and tn avoid the cigarette and cigar. Tobacco he classed as the twin vice of slmng drink. Mr. L'mder GInSS. chairman of the Citizens’ Department. presided at the \veekiy meeting Mondny evening. After the opening exercises. a vocal solo by Miss \V. Hume. and MI] instru- mental selection by Miss O. Morison, tho address of the evening was given by Mr. Jns. Reid. B.A.. L.L.B.. of T0- :nnto. The subject was “Canadian Hon. Hugh Guthrie has bePn ap- pointed Minister of Militia, in place of Hon. Mr. Mewburn. Mr. Guthrie will also retain the position of Solicitor- General. The following note. over the signa- lmc of \V. N. \Vilkinson, Toronto, has ((IIHC.[() hand: Six million Jews me starving tn (lvath in Eastern Europe. Eight hundred thnusand chil- dicu me without food and clothing. This suifeiing can he relieved only through the generosity of pexsple living In countries which have not stiffened from the great War. In the United States recently $35,000,000 was raised through an appeal fur funds to assist these suffering people. An appeal is made in Canada. under the guidance of Sir Mortimer Davis of Montreal for funds with which to buy food and clothing. Z. A. Lush. K. 0., head-of the we known law firm in 'l‘nrnnlu. a directornf umny largo ctnpm-atim diod at his [wine in the city Smut-d evening. Patriots, \Vho They Are and \Vhat \Ve Owe Them." Public School Notes Epworth League Hockey Notes News Notes , head-of the well- in 'l‘nrnnlu. and argt- ijpm-ations. E. H. THORPE. uy GRAY DORT MOTOR CARS. Come in and see the new 1920 Gray Dort Many New Features. A beautilul car at a moderate price: WE SELL THE FAMOUS FAIRBANKS-MORSE, TYPE Z, FARM ENGINES. The only engine eqaipped with Bosch magneto. All sizes from 1% horse power up. A sample can be seen in our show room any time. CASE TRACTORS and Fairbanks-Morse Farm Machinery including Feed Cutters, Grain Grinders, Circular Saws. Martin Ditchers, Fairday Washing Machines, Pumps and Pump Jacks, Pulleys, Shafting and Balting. We repair all kinds of cars. Let us overhaul your car and put it in shape for next season. Why have your car exposed to the extreme changes of weather. We will store your car by the month in our steam-heated garage. Storage Batteries stored and kept recharged during the winter months. Accessories Richmond . Hill Garage HE Demand Will Exceed the Unfnnrmplqnp Vnnr flrrlpr Our allotment of cars Will be small compared with the demand that will exist in this territory. In order to obtain this allotment it will be necessary to show the Ford Company the actual orders. The Ford Company advise that, on account of the shortage of raw material, they entertain no hope of supplying the demand for Ford Cars during the coming season. 1 Outputhlace Your Order Now! As Ford Dealers in this district We are anxious to serve the com- munity to the best of our ability. By placing your order now you will assure yourself of getting your car at a later date. G. A M. Davison, Dealer, Unionville A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill Salesman Tubes Tires Standard Auto Service Station . G. BALDOCK, Prop. Skates Ground and Concaved. Agent For Enarco National Motor Oils & Greases

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