Nine dPngue-s fl'vnl the Riyhnwnd Hill Mellwdkt (:hurrh nnd the “HOP pastors went to thw City Fliduy Pw-n- ing to receive- info: In nix-nun llnu ï¬lmâ€â€" (:ial chive of the I“: rwmd Mmonwnl. in the lunch Innme 1f the Hulwlt Simpson ()0. On thu C-‘H’ nlm \VPH' delegatnsund premhvx-e fmm anIv. Thm‘uhill, Nen'lun Bran and nllwr places along (111‘ lino. Tharp \\ 91-9 several good addresm-s. hut Ih - fv ntmu of the evening was an uddu- s by lh-v. J. Arnut. A car of brnn znnd shuns has aux-rived Ill the Elevauu'. Reevv'l‘lorwh is "I nary session at llw which opem-v] Tu -sd-n By :1 vulc- nf 2-1 In 15 j. Mal k (fund- house. RPPVI' (If \\'(‘<Il:ll. was 1'lI-‘Clt‘(l ‘an'dell pf thu Uuunly l f Y0: k nvm- G. Leonard \anlm‘e. “(‘E'TO ut' \Vun !- l.)I'idge-. at, lln- in :ugm-ul urn-Ling of the Uuuncil «m 'l‘uoulny. The \\'. G. 'l‘. U. will um: home of Mrs. McMahon m-xL evening at 8 u‘clm k4 anlvv minded that I} as me due. S. S. No. 4 Markham of which Mix: E. G. MchI'ilv is lt-u'lH-r .llnl Mr. R. J. Bn-nlly 'sPl'l't'lill'y 0f LIH- Immd, (-onn-ihuLml$43.0'J to [he Arluvninn Relief Fund. Quarterly R: liginus Sn Vices “'iI! In) held in tlw Mvthmlist (:huH-h m-xl Sunday. cmnumu-ing at 11 mm. The Oï¬iciul B'mld wili Invet, fur llllï¬ilH'SS in the school mum of lhe church [he ful- lowlng Saturday at 3 p.m. Gilt and silver pnpl‘r, milnh calnivul cmtl‘me dtcmuliuu. a Libernl stun . A BIG SALE 0N TE\- REG 'JLAR 605. TEA FOR 490. lb. A car load 0t Brlm, Shorts, Flour and Rolled Oats 'just arrived. ONG records, dance records, ï¬lled with the ï¬re and frenzy that mark the music of Sunny Spain! VVe’ve got themâ€"come in and listen to them, and hear the very newest note in popular music reflected in Columbia Records. All the newest music while it’s newâ€"that's what Columbia stands forâ€"songs of our homeâ€"coming boys, the very latest in jazz dances, the newest, brightest operatic stars. And to hear any record at its very best, you need to hear it played on the Grafonola. Grafonolaé“ and Records Maple Bakery-"Saturday Sale 3 Harry Hulse - Aurora 4 E. Grainger Richmond Hill Call early and get your order ï¬lled. Sugar for sale by the bag while it lasts. Choicest Pastry Flour $12.03 barrel. It I ending g! County Phone852 llw Jun U. uncil . :It the Tumdny ‘S a'lllt It’- P\|‘llillK. Fl" fur tbv- (-nunnilt 'llw McNuil. l“. 310.“:‘11011 :u Maggie. duughtvr of Bishop Peter SIeckle-y. “us married (III the let of Janna: y tn Ernvet, son of Elder Isuzu: Swalm of Duntrmm. The marriage tunk pl H‘l’ at the residence. the hxide’s lather nfliriuting. The married couple \n m (m :1 nip [1) Unrlisle. Penn. and un their return will make their hume at tho grunm's father‘s. Tth (Imam-s and tum-hers have ar- ruhgv-d to give the Mclhvdist Sunday M‘luml :1 drive. supper and (‘ntvltuin- nn-nL ln-Imu-rnw. Friday, All will mm-t -'l[ llwchurcl) at 4 o'clock, and lelnl'uiug from lht- driw, a supper wili lw svnod in the school room, to he followed by nu outertuinment of lunlm-n \ iews. &('. The e-xwmliu' Socivly will mm The fullmving real e'stnlv (hulls huve ln-r-n nv-goHulL-d lhruugh H. A. Nich- ol 5‘ ngvnuy timing the week: S. J. Shvphe-Hl (m the. 2m] (If Vaughan [u Mrs. j. E. KillImIsu-r bf Brnnklin ; Mr. A. \\". Taylor’s plupel-ty un Trench slum-l tn Mr. Arthur Senttel of Turnn- tn and Mr. Hicknmn’s house and Int, ()nk Aha. [wt 40. Ln Mrs. A. \V. Bnyd ui 'l'hm‘nbill. The Ivgulur Inn'ling nf the “'4:- man‘s Missionary Sucwly will be held in the achmnl mum uf the lehodist church. Thursday. Feb. 5 M31) III. Mrs. J. \V. \meH of £le Fred Vic- Lnl')l.>sion, will give u t-llk nu hm- wm'k. A cordial im'ituliun is (‘xu'nd- (‘d [-0 uâ€. rIL'NuiI. l“. (‘luI-k. rchulmn and lhE( (HDRMLIQ S. 5. Drive f the Agricultural at the home (If Mr. ‘ungsluï¬'. Saturday 7. The mnnbors of II. Tlmm'psun. J. S. [1. A. Logge. T. F: Ifï¬cel A meeting (If the above group will be held en Thuxsday night at 7.30. Jan. 29th, at. the home of R. F. Hick. when Secretary S. I. Byles will be here to initiate each one as u. “ Trail Rangerff Interment in Thornhill Cemetery, Saturday. T0\V.\‘Sâ€"On Thursday. January 22, 1920. at the residence nf Frank H. Smith, St. Mnlv's. \Villium Chaun- cey Towns of Aurora in his (53rd yezu‘. Interment. at St. Mary's Cemetery. Saturday. \VILKINanâ€"Suddenly. on Saturday. Jnnuary 24. 1920. at. his late resi- dence. lot 6. concession 2. East York. Thomas Wilkinson. aged 87 years. Funeral from above address on Tues- day, at. 2 p.m.. tu St.J0hn’s Cemetery. York Mills. Mr. J. E. Short. National Seen Lnrv nf Buys’ \Vork for Uilllildd, and S. I. Bylos, Sccx-et'n‘y fur North York County. also gave intm‘esting and inâ€" stinctive talks to [he buys, “hich seemed Ln he uppleciatud by both the boys and their fathers. A Trull Rangers grnnp was formed to start on the "Canadian Stunduld Efï¬ciency ’l‘ruining†course. and they elPCth their ofï¬cers as follows: Chiefâ€"Rube: t Marsh Sub-Chirfâ€"Genrgo Patton Tullyâ€"Hugh Uliwr Cacheâ€"John Hart Rangers â€" Peter Savage. Newell Price. Gordon Stevenson, Allen Dun- can. Johnsun Armstrong. Dudley Oliver. Enoch Batty. Donald Hick. After this week a. weekly night will be held on either Friday or Saturday. so as not to interfere with school studies and other wee‘kday meetings. As boon as». suitable mom can be secured. u. group of buys will he formed from 15 years up. tn take up the "Tuxis Buys" course of training. , we Hy. Major Shunt. National Secretary of the Physical Education Department, Y. M. U. A.. who spent cnnsiderublo linie dining the war as physical in- structor of soldiers at, the front. gave an interesting: talk to the boys on snmeuf his experiences there. He zllSU formed‘ a group of twelve boys and put them through some healthful and interesting exercises. stunts and games which can be played without. any equipment. A very enjoyable and instructive evening was spent on Friday last in the Council Chamber by a number of fathers and lhvix'§011s of the village. ‘1 :, nu HOLMESâ€"Suddenly. (m Thursday january 22. David Percivul, in his 29th year, 5011 of the late David G. Holmes. Tho following me the ntï¬cexs plotted for 1920: Chiefâ€"G90. Sims LPillt.â€"GE‘U. Cmvie F. nf Hoseâ€"L. Patterson F. of Hook and Ladderâ€"S. Tyndall Secretnlyâ€"H. Patterson Trelsurerâ€"J. Mnliklmln Stewardâ€"J. Rumble - . A. E. Glass Alldnms GPO. Cmvio The next meeting will be held Tues- day, February Under the auspices of the Village- Ununcil n. Fancy Dress Carnival and Sknting Contest will he held in the llllk Thursday, Fehiuary 5. Cash prizes will lvv given fnl‘ best costume. Indies' hest L‘0<tlllll(’, gents; slow race: :mana race; best, costume. girls under 12; best costume. boys under 12. Ice reserved fur nmsquerndvrs until 8.15; races at 9.]5. Rink open from 7.30 to 10.30. Full Band in attendance. The D. Y. B. Club will serve refreshments. Admission. skaters. 20 cents; spectat- ors, 10 cents. Misa L. Kufl’eru‘f Maple 5 :ng nun-1h services and was very much appreciat- ed by all present. The offering for the day amounted to $114.80. he hold chm ch chmch next, Sunday. Vlhe ï¬rst 0f Fol)- Iunry. Rev. \V. R. Bunker :nf'l‘nl-nnm will pIHwh :IL 215 and 7.331) p.m. The (‘hnil‘ will lu- HSSiSH‘d by [he Missrs \Vright 0f Rit'hnumd Hill. Notwithstandingthe extrenm cold. one Of the must successful :nmivwsur- PS was held how lust Sunday. In the mm Hing Mr. ()(mque-Igmul nf Tm‘nntn spoke on the National Fun-mud Move- ment, and in the evening the pastur. Rev. A. McNPiH. preached. James (_ Sltlllï¬ViHI by Rm; Ilt‘lllf’lt [.u-u. Bl‘SidPS his with“; llt’('(‘ ISl'd lmn'vs qu hl'ulllt'ls~â€" Ridlnld of Thurnhill and Hmny (.f 'l‘vmpvmncm'incâ€"and four sislrrsâ€" Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Bowl and Mrs. Cmnisky of Rit-hmnnd Hill und Mrs. Grace Bnynton uf Victmiu Square. nr. Intelil me-tory [ht ‘nstf VICTORIA SQUARE ‘(mrd nnnnm-smy services “ill James Caseley's Death Ht Vi (Jusolpy died at his hnmv in Iv. junumy IS). in his 70th wtelnwnt, "L Vichva Squuo r’ the) following \Vednesduy. Int the hnme was conducted llmlumt [.u-n. Bl‘Sidt‘S his l’('(‘ Isa-d lenvvs qu ln-uthelsâ€" Valentine Carnival lllC.\Dl"0Rl) Fire Brigade DEATHS Squurt- MellH-dist [he ï¬rst 0f Fol)- Store closes at 6 p m. Monday and Wednesday ATKINSON & SWITZER Concrete House Thompson's Seedless Raisins, lb Fresh Muscatel Raisins. lb ........ 2 lbs. Pearl Tapioca .................... Finest Japan Rice .......... . ............. Sour Mixed Pickles, large bottle Heinz’s Tomato Soup, tin ............ Heniz’s l'repared Mustard ........ Black Taffeta Silk, 36 in. wide, per y(l..... Raw Silk, 32 in. wide, per yd ........................ Misses and Girls \Vhite Flannelette Night GOWns, with Yokes ï¬nished with Em- broidery....... Turkey Red Chintz, good designs ................ Butcher Linen, Bleached...., 38 in. wide, yd, Loch Lomond Shirting, in Brown and Grey Check, per yd .................................... Rock Fast Drill Shirting, Black with White Stripe, per yd ............................ 7 .............. Men’s Heavy Dark Tweed Shirts, each.......i. Heavy Police Braces, pair.................. Dry Goods Groceries 55C 225 55c 2.!0 38: 60c 30c 30c 35c 16c 30c 25c 15c 50c 75C