Registered Berkshire Hog FOR SERVICE nearly new. soft water. 1.0!.4 chem-v. plum. uppk nicv. de humv, nn ‘N’OOD FOR SALEâ€"A qunnlity uf wand, mostly lmrdwnud. in 16- inch nnd four-font lengths. Apply F. \V. CARTER. Rivhn-nnd Hm. or C. s. ULEDIHLL. 2 29 Maple R.R.2 10R SALICâ€"â€"I{vsc- Cnmh 111mm» Island Red Cm-kelols. $3 and $5 eurh. Th! so m-P hrt-Lht-rs and half hrnlhers m 11w 2nd (Jm-ku-Iel and 2nd Pullet at Guelph shnw hold in Decom- her last. Art mlivkly if yI-u wish one of these. as I have nnly a few h ft. 0. L. WRIGHT. 29 ‘2 behind High School. chine, in gnnd mdel': (mu woven wire sanitary rum-h. {ull bed size. These will be sold (:hrup for cash. E. W. MUYLE. 29 2 Stop 46. Youge Stu pl \‘ 7ANTEDâ€"‘Vv want some good ‘1 fulm and rum“ pmpvllie-s furl quick sale. Olin-r & (‘m-lt-r. EO-tf l OR SALE-10 Pure \V. \Vyandotte Hens and 5 Pullets. MISS M. DREW, ankside Rand (\’\’est End) Elgin Mills. Met. Stop 51:5. 302 OR SALEâ€" Fresh nnlch cnw. with calf by side; ulsn :1 springer. and a. nine-months nld heifm'. A. L. PHIPPS, Richmond Hill. t. f. O RENTâ€"The snulhstore. in the Grand Cent! :\l Building. former- ly used by the Standard Bank. Vault in rear of building. Apply J. A. GREENE. Richmond Hill. OUSE \VANTED â€" Advertiser wants to huynr rent :1. good- SiZPd house. with all convenivnces. and some ground, at, Richmond Hill. Staie full p-u-Ucuhu-s regardimg snnw. also price and terms. \Vnuld like possesâ€" sinn beginning of May. N0 agents. 71 Millbrook Crescem, Tm-(mto. 30 4 Vaughan Council The next meeting of the Council nf the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellnre, (m ' L. TO\VNSEND, Carpenter and , anilme Repairer, has for sub. Chest of Drawers. Wash Stands. Dressing Chests, etc. 3 Guns south of Public school. 30 2 W MONDAY, FEB. 2, 1920 Notice of Application for Divorce} NnLice is hereby giwn that IGNACE PEEUGINI, of the City of Toronto, County of York, Province of Ontario. Cbuufl‘er, will apply to the Parlia- ment. of Canada. at the next, session thereof. fm-u hill of dix‘orce from his wife. MABEL RUTH RERt’GINI. of the City of Toronto. in the County of York. on the grounds of adultery and desertion. Notice is hereby given um ELLA MAUDE GEE. of the City of Tux-outâ€, in the ‘rnuntyuf York. m the Province of Ontario, married \vomzm. will apply to the Purlidment of CANADA. at the next sessian thm-euf. fur :l Bill of Divorce fl'nm hm- lmsbund. JESSE 1919 NOTICE OF APPLICATlON FOR DIVORCE "‘bkt’éd at Toronto, this TWENTY- SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D.1919. the next sessian thm-euf. fur :l Bill of Divorce fl'nm hm- lmsbund. JESSE ROY STANLEY GEE. of :he 0in of Toronto, on the ground of adultery and desex-tion. 27 4p 20 tf Dated at Tm mun. tnrio. this 14th day “0R SALEâ€"A good ynuug cow, due to culve. L. B. STONG, Rich- ' nd um. OR SA Ll‘lâ€" F UR SALEâ€"Raynm‘nd Srn‘ing M-a- OR SALEâ€" 292 ‘OR SALEâ€"A qt wheat for seed. R. 2, Maple. 292 Sun‘e" 00D SAW‘ING donv by the. cord > ‘01- by the hum; v: . _ . . . . _ . . n CFRRY & \VA LLACE, ELLA MAYBE GEE. Apply 1“ 7:11“; Ads. LEâ€"l Kitvhen Table and] -â€"Chvmful ()nk Heater. Apply MRS. FRISBY, Chunch Street. 1". HERBERT LENNOX. 808 Lumsdon Building. 3 Toronto. Untzuin H. DUNCAN. Lot, 40 By_ her solicitor. â€"Frnme 6-mmn H unsp. Pw. Furnace. hard and Lot 48 x 163; hvn house, apple and pour ll (~94 A ne, un (H-ntm- street East. nlv tn H. A. \‘JCHOLLS. 1â€"â€"I{nse Omnh Rhmh at Soiicitors for A pplicam B. ML‘LEAN. (‘10!k. 1021. m. quantity of goose .d, GEO. BAKER. 30 4 R. R. No. 1. Richmond Hill Province of On- )f October. A. D. H. H AMMUXD. in the We have a hug» list of othu- fzu Ins fol sale in York County. 7 rm ms. 95 new s “'0! k ingall dulw. suil clay It full wheat. 20 news me $8500 fm quick sale. Nulice is here-by given that MARY IRELAND, of the city uf Tul'onto, in the Ununtynf York, and Province of Onnu'in. will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the antsossinn thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. ALEXANDER IRELAND. ut‘ the said City of Toronto, Baker, on the ground of adultery. Notice of Application for Divorce \llsg‘b-sZa‘AEVToluntn, Province of On- tario. this Thh'lieth Day of October, 1919. Notice of Appiication for Divorce 19 14 Notice IS hprehy given that Jennie \Vright, of the City of l‘oronto. in the Cuumy ume'k. in the Province of On- tai'io, married \vnmzm. will apply In the Parliament of Cnnndn. at the next session tlwrenf. for a Bill of Divorce fi-nm her husband. Genrge Hem-y \Vlight. of the said City uf Toronto, in Lhe Ununty of York. Shipper, (m the grounds of adullmy and desertinn. Duth uL Turmle Province r-f Ont- ario, this ’l‘wany-LhiI-d D2." of Decem- ber. 1919. _ I wishes to announce that ) he has taken the premises 3 Doors South of the ’ Public School, where he ? will carry on business as 1% MLTUWNSEND g o 2 72 Queen Street. \Vest Toronto, Ontario Solicitor for the Applicant \Vright. ELLIOTT WEDNESDAY EVENIXGS â€"â€" Admission 10 and 15 cents. SATURDAY EVENINGS â€" Admission 15 cents. The Rink will be open on “Values- days from 4 to 5 p.m. free to children under ten year 0t age. E Announcement Ynnge and Charles Sts.. anonto- is noted throughout Canada fui high grade twining. Our graduates are in great demand. Get, our mt- alogue. rend oux recuxd. {hen decide. W. J. ELLIOTT.Pi'inCipal HON \Vilh yum- ( Business On WNOOWWW Wednesday and Saturday Evenings 7.30 m 10 p.111. ' Farm For Saie Richmond Hill Skating Rink OLIVER & C Band Saturday Evenings Carpenter Furniture Repairer and Upholsterer Gramophones and Records Open evenings for the sale of Violin Strings, Etc. SELECT A SCHOOL HUGHES & AGAR, Chairman of Committee Open for Skaters on J. A. MONKMAN, SBiicitors for the Applicnn: BIGGS & BIGGS 0â€â€œ... eyes “ide open. 4 “liege-s are not alike TICKETS 0000â€. RICHMOND HILL ARTER Admission Jcnnie 26-11; All .6. Sand, Gravel, 4 Tile and Brick The Maple) Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt/d. have on hand fur snle. Cement. drain tile, 3. 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile l2. 15. 18 and 20 inch A (30 inches in length) DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER, GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. (30 inches in Also Cement Brick‘ Sand or va91 sold In car lots. 11 a.m.â€"Quarterly Sacramental Sel- vice. 7 p.m.â€"The Three Callsâ€"The Sermon in Song. Phone 2449 Maple' Pastorâ€"REV. P. A. JOURDAN Sunday, February lst Newton Brook Community Church Methodist WHITE BRAN and SHORTS Barley Meal Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour 4 Monarch Pastry Salt, Cement 24-in.& 48-in.Dry Hard Wood Public Notice ! g, Nut and Pea Coal on hand; also Carmel at the Elevator The pastor at both services I. D. RAMER . S. SHEPHERD Even ybody \Velcnme. A good supply of A car load of (Late of Maple) Wright Bros. Agents, Richmond Hill Make YOU , Yéu Ceuidn’t Ask for an Easier Way T. COUSINS. on hand, Take for example this: We can 9011 you a handsome floor model (Jubith Grafonola similar to i1- ]ustration, in either mahogany finish or fumed oak, for Gn5y$§0Down scuuue, )uu. S It Is;a sup good featun costing two as three-SDI Come in and let us demonstrate these Grafonolas and learn how easy it is to own one. You have a long winter of enjoyment ahead of youâ€"begin early. When it will be delivered to your home, and you can pay us balance of purchase price in small weekly amounts while you are getting your enjoyment from it; ,It ls;a superb instrument, having all the good features to be found in phonographs costing two and three times the price, such as three-spring drive motor. large sound chamber, tone control leaves, patented start and stop device. graduated speed control and best Columbia reproducer. Cabinet has snace for seventy‘five records. I93. and M~nnag or MuplP. by the load or COL YONGE & CENTRE Sm. PHONE87 TINSMITHING Furnace and Stovepipes on hand. WOWWQOMOW‘ kinds 0t Tinsmithing dune § Hardware Richmond Hill 1 4 WWWMWWâ€WWOWW The Tinsmith EAVETROUGHING and all duilyfol‘ qualiï¬ed recruits. A cuursv in unv of Shaw's Svhnnls will qualify ynu in SllOI'LO dm‘. ‘Vrite fm' catalugne and pro vf (If demand for mu' gmduatnw. Address: P. Molnlosh. Ch'ef Principal. Yonge and (J‘rernud Sts., Toanu. F. Teemï¬ Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. FULL LINE OF Farmers’ Supplies Pumps \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham Wagon on hand. STOVES REPAI RE Full line of Up-tu-dute Goods in Srnr-k, inr'lndinrz :â€" GRANITEWARE, TINWARE, WHITE ENAMEL, GALVA N IZED TUBS AND FAILS. BROOMS. BRUSHES. ETC. BUSINESS CALLS The New Hardware Store ONLY THREE LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage now as this line has advanced 10 per cent. GOOD LINE OF SKATES. PUCKS, AND STICKS . CARTER, Richmond Hill ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KIND3 DOHERTY STEEL RANGES C. N. COOPER ELECTRIC WASHERS HOCKEY GOODS Trench Block Ladders \Vheelbzu'rows Scmpera Iron Posts, Gates Hydrated Lime Root Pulpers R uhbel- Rooï¬ng. always on hand. 1 times and bad tinfes for the past 45 years this Bankhas steadily givenits best efforts to~the development and upbuilding of theagricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial business of this Country. Ourefï¬cientserviceis available for the beneï¬t of all customers. THE 29' 'T‘HROUGH goqd STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH J. R.~HERRINGTON, MANAGER