Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1920, p. 5

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Table Duylivs and fancy hurdvnd shelf pupa: fur sale at The Libelul store. Mr. and Mrs. 0511mm] “"right and Lave-me ulc visiting Dr. and Mm. \V. O. Godwin. Port Colbunw. Luce Valentines and Past cmd entines at The Liberal stun-v. Mr. T. Thommn nf Huldfurd and Mr. T. E. Bnyntun uf Vic! n-in Squaw are attending the Live Stuck Int-clings now on in Tuman \Vestminstor Prt-shytminu r Bloor stran Emt. 'l‘nmntu. w stroyl-d by fire Friday pvt-Hing loss will he nlmur. $150,0l)”. Mr. Jun)?s A Spent 'J'm-sduv in ed on Mr. Eye Culdm-Il and 011 Mr. and Mia Gum-dun Mnnlhv little duughtur. Marv Mug”:- Delhi. have returned after spend \N’ek will) Mrs. Mnlllhus pzuvlux and Mrs. Gum. Hamilton. I‘llgiu Owing (n so mm-h s‘rknPss in village. the lzulivs’ Aid of We [’19 lm-inn ('hlll‘t'h haw «hwided In em thPil' Valentino vutmtwinmmt, ranged fur Friday. Fvlu'uux‘y 12:. Th0 Gmhe of Monday l-nntainud n list of cuntrihulms fuuu Riu-hnmnd Hill for (he Amwniun HPva Fund. The several sums had lu-ummllvcu‘d hy the \Vomen's Institullg uuluuutiug tn Mr. J. \V. McDonald, K.(‘r. of Mac- Lend, Alt-v._ who is nnw axtvnding the Supreme Court at Utt-nwu, is PxpN-tl-d to give u. le-cture in {he Methodisc chm-ch, Muplv. for LL'EIIII N0. 4, Friday evening. 13Lh inst. $331. 40. Mr. J. H. Clary. K.C.. (If Sudhury, nu 01d Richmund Hill high schuul hwy. was attending the. Guml hf Amwasl in Toronto last week unJ snout 'I‘uesdny in callingnn quite a munlx-r of UM friends in Tlmrubill. All Retunwd Men 01‘ Richmnnd Hi“ and surmundiugfiistrims are cm-di:dly inn-Iced tn unme and juin the. m~t of lheBuysat Riclnnund Hill PURL(UI'Rnd Army DfUanadnb, which was organized .uz, Richnmud Hill on Tllt‘Ml'Iy of lust week. Our next “we-tying will he held in the Council 'Uhmuher Thursday, February 5th. nL 8 pm). Come and swell the throng. February the shortest nmnth in the year. has five Sundays this \‘vur. This is unusual. lu Leap Year, llw month has 29duys, and as Frlwuu'y l was a Sunday the munth lwgnn and will mud on a Sunday. Thie ll-‘la nut hamwuvd since 1830. or 40 yours ugu. It will not happen again 1'01'28 yams. Dr. Frank Bulm. \th loctuw; in Aurora nu Monday. Fehlqu‘y 91h, is the famous Buhn whu lectured to the large audiences at the Nou'umxket Chautauqua. and with such great |[~ isfuction. Evm'yone who hwud him was more than \vull pleased: they were delighted. Many of nun-citizens will he gluduf the uppurtuuiw tn attend the lecture in Aurora. Bills are out announcing the annual Seed Fair to be held Sahudny, Feb. 14. under the auspices of the Richâ€" mond HillAgricultuml Society. First. and second prizes of $3 and $2 will be given for Spring wheat. barley. nats. pens. beans. buckwheat. clover. and timothy seed. alfalfa. and potatoes. The principal speaker of the after- noon will be u. representative of the 9_nb_\rin Department of Am'icultn 1‘9. The regular monthly meeting of the \Vomen‘s Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Trench on Wednesday, February 11th. at 3 o’clock. Pro- gramme: Birds of Canadaâ€" Mrs. Cook; Flowers of Canadaâ€"Miss Moylo: trioâ€" Mrs. \Vntsun. Mrs. Phipps and Mrs. Allen. No farmer ii: the cummnn'i'ty should miss this meeting. 2000 BOXES OF MATCHES Get your order in early as it is always a rush for good bargains. Just came in. Get one while you can, for there will be another advance the first of March. ~51!sz in lhv {ill-um». : l‘. Eyt‘l‘, Mr. Hmn‘ and othvr uld friends Phone 852---Maple Bakery Women’s Institute MAPLE BAKERY SALE 50 BAGS OF SUGAR Seed Fair Ipe< of Ta-I-nntn \ill'ugv, and null- AT 10c. A BOX To be sold on SATURDAY :- sfivnding a pzuvms. Mr. I‘llgin Mills. ('IHIIT'IL was de- a. Th1 [’1 95h)- ill H" M 1 of I A Incoming uf Lhu Y. M. C. he l'lvld in the (Jnuncil Chumh nde Hill nu Fliduy night. F fluln 7 to 10. l)ud~(;‘m:w .1: pair lmy. Buyâ€"(Jam: mud hr Dzul. Buys [mm L') to 20 y ‘|Skl'd tn turn nut to this mot furm n Tuxis Buys‘Gmup. S. I. Bylm. Sz‘c'y North York Y. M. U. A. The Felnu-ny meeting uf lllu Richâ€" mde Hill High School Alumna- Assn. elation will he livld on Thursday even- ing. Fol" nuiy 12311. at 8 u‘clnck. at lhé‘ [wine of MN. A. J. Cnmplwl. Will all \hv uwmhers kindly bring a copy 0f " Twc-lflh Night.” (liolfe ediLion) will] the-m, so that all may (-njuy Miss Tl'c‘ll -li's study (if Act 1. (Discussion) The mvmhers will please respond to thuir names with :L quocuLiun from Shakmpezu'e. The Lvap Year At-Honm in the Musuuivllull last evening. given by thr ladies (-15 Richmond Hill. proved a delightful ull'nlr for Mi unusually large attendance of pleasure seekers. The music provided for the Uccasiun was vnch-miing, and the dancing and pmgrrssivuvuchre contributed much (u ihe enjoyment: of the evening. Re- freshmeuls were served. and altogeth- er a vpry pleasant, Lime was spent. The \ViHCtvx Luke Brick 0033 An- nual Meeting uf the Shareholders was held on \Vednosduy of last. week. The uudimrs’ and nLher reports presented shnwed that the yem’ 1919 has been a fairly pl'uspel'hns year fur the Omn- pany. The folhnving were elected Directors: Mr-ssers \V. H. Legge. Cu]. A. G. Nicnl. \V. J. Bassett, John McKenzie, j. C. Bales. A. G. Savage and \Vm. Pratt. Ata meeting (if the newly sleek-d Dixecmrs Mr. \V. H. Levng was electh President. Mr. \V. Jifftésettr. Vice Pres. and Mr. \Vm. Pratt, Sec'y-Treus. and Manager. At, York County Council last week trustees were uppniuted fur the vari- ous high schnols throughout the cmmty as fulluws: Markhmu, G. \V. Reesnr: Richmond Hill. Rev. Edward Kelly; Newnnu'ket, Ed. Dillnin; Aurora, H. E. Prucwr. Two members were also elected to furm a \Vestnn homd nf c'dllCflLil)fl. They are: \Villialu Banks. who will act, for three years. and Nel- snu Clark. whose term is for Lwo years. The S. S. sleigh drive Friday eve-m inz was enjoyed by allwho rude behind the prancing steeds. A tempting sup- per was followed by :1 gond entertain- mefnt, assisted by lantprn views. Rev. Archer \Vallacc- will pleach here morning and evening next Sun- day. and at Victoria Square in the uftenluon, Next week will he the week of can- vassing in an endenvm- to reach {he financial objective, Men and women will he at, Work from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Twénty memh-ers of the congrega- tion were received into the Church last. Sunday. PRESBYTERHN CHURCH Goad Roads Campaign METHODIST CHURCH Leap Year At‘Home Trustees Appointed H. S. Alumnae Annual Meeting -f Lhe.‘ Y. M. C. A. will )mmcil C-lmmhvr. Rich- ‘Iiduy night. Feb. (iLh. Uud~Cmne :md luring â€"â€"U.m|n und bring your rm 15 to 20 yours are mt to this met-ting lo Buys'Gmup. Captain M. G. PRATT. Captain County A Lu‘go humlwr of Frrcnmsnns as- 50...!)le ill, l’utLrl-wn Lodge. ’l‘hmn- hill. Thursday (wt-Hing. when Mr. E. A. James, Past I).D.G..\l. fur Tm‘nntn and YUI’R (‘-(~nt,r(-. was presented with '1; Set of rvgnlin by the District]. Mr. \V. U. Gnlm. us Assnstnnb Grand 0r- gullist. wusnls“ pwsvntvd with wgaliu hy Puttersun Lodge. Mr. E. \V. E. Sumdcrs. Hm prose-m, D.D.G.M., pre- si(lvd,nl]d unmng [11059 present were Mr. T. Barber. (h'nud Svnim' \Vardon: Past, Masters‘ G. Murphy and \V. H. Leggy; )I.:yur Eve-s (If Newmnrkvt. Reeve Tunnel] of Rivlnmmd Hi“. IiPPve Pndgot nf Mun-khan). and many other disfingnishod )IuS( us. Report of S. S. No. 3. Headfnrd, for the mnnlh of January: Sr. IV.»~\ViHio Vnndvchnt. Jr. IV.â€"J:lck Hulmkny. Alpur His- Inp. Lydn Glass (2mg). Sr. IlI.-â€"Edg.w Hislop. Jr. llI.â€"â€"Mnri¢-l (‘mnisky. Sydney Coleman. Emnm \VrHumn. Jr. III.â€"â€"Mnri¢-] Cmnisky. Sydney Coleman. Emma \VrHumn. Sr. II.â€"M:llcolm Spence-Ivy. Allwlt. Coleman, Bennie \Villislmi. \Villie Glass, Edith Patton (uhs. furoxums.) J". U. â€"â€"Venm, \Voilmun, Victor \Vellnmn. Sr. I.â€"oD(muld Spencely, Donald Ten~ nysmz. GmCP Evans ("1132). Clark. ‘ ' Primer (h)â€"â€"J:u-k Spelxcely. Elmer Leek. Mac. Tennyson. ' Anothex1 chance for Richmond Hill citizens tn hen-u the famous D1-. Flank Buhn. Do you want to know the truth concerning the Vital pinblems Cun- fronting the world in this great era of reconstruction? Then he sure to hear Dr. Bnhn thn he lectures in Aurora rm Munday. Feh. 9. Dr. Buhn is :1. student. a scholar, at man of wisdom. with pmver to so present the truth that it becomes :1 rule of action in the hearts of men. He is it man of action who has studied long and wisely, lived fully, and who speaks with thunder tunes of sincmiiy and com-age. You will sm-el'y regI-nt it if you miss the Bnhn lecture. Buy your ticket now and remember the dMeâ€"Febrw 9th. There was a gnnd attendance at the mltm-tninnwnt in the Methodist church on Fl iduy night. The pictures shown were interesting and instructive. The third team 01' the Ladies’ Aid Society have had a very SllCCPSanl term and hays, raised nemjy $175. Rev. S. \V. Dean of Toronto will preach nexr Sunday in the MPthodist chm-ch. in the interest; of the Forward anement. M12]. \V. McDonald. K.O.. of Fort MuLuud. .‘Xlluu is visiting his mother uni brother in ‘heivjllagre. Mr. J. Harris and family of Laskay, and Mr. H. Carr and family nf Schnm-' berg, moved into the village last. week. Mr. Carr has been engaged by th_e Maple Sand and Gravel Cnlnpany; Mr. {ind Mrs. Chauncy VVallier bf Toronto wme visiting over the week- end at, Mr. C. Norman‘s. The following is the report, (If the senior mom of Thornhill public school for January. Names st‘md in order of merit. Sr. IV.â€"â€"Cecii Martin. Elmore Hoop- er, Rutherford Farr, Jimmie Hopper, Cyril Horun, \Viiiie Stephenson. Mary Gibbs, Bruce Mchnuld, Teddy Brown. Sheila Sissons. Reta Dean. Gordon Campbell. \Villnrd Simpsnn, Basil Hughes. Graig McDonald. Harold Blil- linger." Lntcs fur last wee-k : Room Lâ€"VV. Savage, S. Denby, A Salvage. A. Grin t_._ Owing to the illness of Miss Knee- shuw. (hr rvpm-t frnm that room is postponed until next week. A piintel’s Hrm- nccurred in our re- port last work )9 Sr. IV. Class. Thu! note should have read: "These pupils are in Lhis class UH pmlmtien until June 15%. when they will lie givvn an- other test. If successful they will write on Eniranco. if not they will write on H flu lV.â€"Jean McDonald. Rhen Hoop- er. Arthur Claphmu, filarion bimeflie. Sr. III.-â€"Ant‘hon_vr Frank, Pauline Billornmn. George Thompson. Frankie Hugth Ju_c_k Kilaptnn,_§lf;edflfj‘i§hex-. Sr. II.â€"Wall:tée I Clnpham. Cyril an‘kinson. George Morrison, Jim Mor- nson. Jr. HITâ€"Nora Jo‘hns. -D0ris Walker, R9bbitigflfl_l£bli”. Myl"_t_le Middletfgn.” "ROE"; 111â€"1). Frishy. H. Morris. M Patton. L. Burns. M. Pultml. L. Grant L. BIOI‘I'i§L_B. Kery_per._ Room lV.â€"K. Morris. A. Denby. C. Price. K. Morris, J. Kuning. Room V.â€"M. Rand. G. Patton. Room VLâ€"R. Gould. N. Price. L. Atkinson. Jr._I v, " J Taking into mnsiderntinn the sever- ity nf the weather throughout Jann- ary. the amount of sickness in the village. and the number at children in the primary grades, we had an ace!- lent. attendance for that month. the average for the schoul being 180 per 3y. rimm- Patterson Lodge Public School Notes Hear Dr. Bohn HEADFORI) TIIORNHILL Humid Cliu‘k. \Veslt-y MAPLE WWWWONMWMW Store closes at 6 p m. Monday and Wednesday Concrete House ATKINSON 8: SWITZER Black Taffeta Silk, 36 in. wide, per yd ..... Raw Silk, 32 in. wide, per yd ........................ Misses and Girls \Vhite Flannelette Night Gowns, with Yokes finished with Em- broidery .................................................... Turkey Red Chimz, good designs ................ Butcher Linen, Bleached...., 38 in. wide, yd , Loch Lomond Shining, in Brown and Thompson’s Seedless Raisins, 1b Fresh Muscatel Raisins. lb ........ 2 lbs. Pearl Tapioca .................... Finest Japan Ricé ....................... Squr Mixed Pickles, large bottle Heinz’s Tomato Soup, tin ............ Heniz’s Prepared Muslaid ........ Grey Check, per yd .................................... Rock Fast Drill Shirting, Black with White Stripe, per yd ........................................... Men’s Heavy Dark Twecd Shirts, each ........ Heavy Police Braces, pair .............................. Dry Goods Groceries 2.xo 38: 600 75c 30c 30c 35C 16c 30c 15c

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