Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1920, p. 6

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"Yesseh, yesseh hurt a mite!" “Sam,” Mr. Clark cried left of that car?" In pmducing pnint paper five grasses an Australizu' menter discovered some r table dyes. po’s de water in ?" “The\ radiator? Yes." "‘Well’, dat's a-lyin’ down beside de engine." Sam made a sweeping ges- ture_ toward the ground. uSam!" “Yesseh. En you knows dem rub- ber things round de wheels?" “Yes, the tires. [Any of them hurt ?" “Day’s all busted!" Ilsam!” “Yesseh. En you knows dem things dat sticks out over de wheels like dls?" Sam extended his arms and curved his hands palms down in front of him. "Yes, the guards. Well?" “Yey's a-sittln' right up like dis.” Sam bent his elbows and pointed the backs of his finger tips toward his shoulders. KEEP HEALTHY . DURING WINTER You can procure Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, 91- they will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a b orxsix boxes for $2.50 by writing d1 eat to The Dr. Williams' Medicine’Co., Brockvme, Ont. As soon as you notice the tired feel- ing, lack of appetite and shortness of breath that are warning symptoms of thin blood, take a short course of treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Do not wait until the color has entirely left your cheeks, until your lips are white and your eyes dull. It is so much easier to correct thinning of the blood in the earlier stages than later. This is well illustrated in the case of Mrs. E. Williams, Elk Lake, 0nt., who says: - "I take great pleasure in letting you know the heme fit I have found in the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I was in an anaemic condition, and was very weak and rundown. The least exertion would leave me breathless and it was with difficulty that I did household ‘w rk. I was advised to try Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills, and after the use- of tour boxes I felt like a new person. In fact, my system seemed filled with new energx and new life. I strongly recommend this medicine to all who feel weak or run down." I The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills '15 to build' up the blood‘ They do this one thing and they do it, well. They are fér this reason an invaluable remedy in diseases arising from bad or deficient blood, as rheumatism. neuralgia, after-eflects of the grip or ravens. The pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any harmful drug and cannot injure the moat de- licate system. Sam, Mr. Clark's man of all work, was delighted when his employer taught him to drive the new Ford, and one Saturday evening he asked to have the car Sunday "to go to preach- in,‘ a. mile down de road.” Mr. Clark consented, telling him to bring the car back Sunday afternoon, and Sam drove off proudly. Sunday afternoon came, but no Sam. S‘unday night came, and Sam and the car were still missing. On Monday morning Sam appeared with a very solemn face. “Well, boss," said Sam, “you ssh, I thought I'd go ovqr to Mad burg yesterday, and I got in a 1 Wrack." Do not let your blood get thin this winter. For people who have a ten- dency towards anaemia, or bloodlesso ness, winter is a trying season. Lacx of exercise and fresh air, and the more restricted diet are among the many things that. combine to lower the tone of the body and deplet': the blood. :“A littleâ€"0h, you g‘ot in a wreck, did you? Anything hurt ?” . “Yesseh. You knoWs (lat big pane of glass ypulooks th’oo, up in front?” “Yes. the wind shield." “Well, dat's broke all to pieces}: Mr. Clark groaned. “Anything else?" ‘ “Yesseh. You knows dat thing you Colds and Diseases May be Avoided if the Blood is Kept lPure. V“Hello!" said Mr. Clark, “What do you mean by this? Where is the car?" ‘ onus. Every woman bu: You'll sell them in Jig L11 send us a postal and we'll the goodsi Sell them. retu NOWIA ' mum sums ASS'N. w. x t. 9. Box 1955 x.. TORONTO Looks like a. real a matte. Great fun! '1 584M132 - r'epeatlng. 1; absolutely run by- 33.00 worth of our oners. Every woman A Little Wreck. plat ew veg-e- om na- experi- ling in't see ttle Care of, the Sick Room. / It is only' in exceptionally ‘large and modqrn homes that it is possible to set aside a room for the use of the sick. ‘ Eggs, milk and leafy ‘vegetables are sometimes known as protective foods, because they co_rrect and make up for the inadequate composition of seeds and tubers. Young animals fed on Wheat, oats, barley, or other seeds exclusively fail to grow, because these foods do not contain growth-produc- ing elements. Do not overlook fresh air. Let in z fresh air you can and the windows. your Windows frof The room sTxould ant} day. In cold draughts, lower th top. or move the the patient will In butter and more milk," and the thumb, "milkâ€"at least a pint a day.” ‘The other fingers call for vegetables, such as potatoes, spinach, peas, string beans, celery, beets, carrots, chbbage and turnips; such fruit as oranges, apples, raisins and prunes; cereals including oatmeal, rice, Wheat and cornmeal; eggs, fish and meat. Menus founded upon this “food hand” will not go far wrong when it comes to fulfilling the requirements of a child for proper growth and maintenance. “An egg a day” should be the slo~ gan for albyoung people. .The egg- yolk contains about thirty-five per cent fat, which in turn contains growthâ€" rodncing substances, called “vfitami es." Foods containing these vitamines are absolutely eSSential for growing children. over eve covered dustless polished scrub .it and a b: The price of eggs should not preâ€" vent their frequent use in many forms. If the child does not care for poached or boiled eggs and refuses to eat them, they may be served in omelets, custards, souffles, puddings and drinks. The taste of the egg will be disguised without losing its nour- ishing and beneficial properties. '1'0 (1‘ warmly posed. the patient t< fresh air by deeply. Sunlight is into the room the patient’s The hand pictufid above shows the foods which a child needs for proper growth. The hand calls for “bread, butter and more milk." and the The first thing to do in the prepara- tion of the ailing one's room is to eliminate. Make less work for your- self and less annoyance for the pati- ent by removing all rugs, curtains and draperies. The less you have of these the cleaner you can keep the room. Take away all unneeded furni- mg The m 0 not room at lea it thorough 3 do this. i A Child Needs Five Foods. 1'2er Then if freezi: 1y thing leavm Open w H Ni min the top. I M be ventilated night 1d weather, to avoid the window from the le ed, carefully, so no be exposed to a 2 air. It is a very red with oilcloth, th hot, soapy water IT leS the gift of good I the sunlight and through the door If possible, lower rene ing possible rush the floors 11511 or broom in cloth or 2 your floor is the line of :1 should be the 1nd ive-a p and win 1m. Te] fu se evi- water Scrub 1 the 111‘ Lere not not 1n Marvin~" Pen Morgan thrust her fingers into her ears. “Don’t say Carrie Marvin to me!“ she cried. “I simply can’t abide Carrie Marvins. Don’t misunder- stand me; it isn’t Carrie herself that I object to. If Icould conceive of her dirty or mussy or ripped for once in her immaculate and agonizineg neat life, I’d have no objection to her at all. It’s Carrie-Marvinism that I brotest against. She fairly reeks of gasoline. I'm perfectly sure that she couldn’t go to sleep at night if _she hadn’t cleaned her gloves and skirt and shoes. If she were wrecked on a desert island, she’d ‘be cast up on the shore with her hair properly tucked up under a bathing cap, and needles, thread and mending tissue in a bag on her arm! Talk of pre-l paredness and thrift! Carrie Marvin is thrift itself. If you could take her to'pieces, you’d find she was made up of remnants bought at a bargain for their wearing qualities, beauti- fully pieced together and Clea/119d and pressed every night.” ' The girls enjoyed‘ it enjoyed Pen. But it Kline, who was a ne“ \“But you look exactly Carrie,” she declared./ “Oh, I!” Pen tossed it off lightly. “It’s none of my fault. I coulq “have a beautiful time even if I had a rip in each glove and a hole in my heel. With me it’s environment, not conâ€" genital traits." ' '“Well, there's one thing you’ll have to admit,” Del Conner remarked. “Carrie has kept her mother young. SHe looks as young Carrie her- self.” It was a warm afternoon} Pen had not thought of it on the tennis court, but the kitchen where she found her mother was really hot. Mother was pressing Pen’s blue skirt. She looked warm and tired and even a little old, but she smiled bravely at Pen. Some- how the sight fretted Pen. ‘ “O motherk I wish you wouldn‘t fuss over my things on a day like fuss this T Accept “California” Syrup only-400k for the name Calm the package. then you are su child is having the best ax harmless laxative or physlc lime stomach, liver and bowel ren love its ‘dlelicious fruity ta: directioqs for child's dose -- bottle. Give it Without fear. “She is pl‘bbably years younger,” Pe up her racket. ‘B; to-morrow.", deal thing you’ll has kept he kept her 1110 Only one people attai aggerat normal Do not lating alt the troub borhood. Be cheerf Radiate (good health newspapers a person is den-ces of his be worried by MC" Mother! Keeping Mother Young. “Well, then just look at Carrie anvin~" Pen Morgan thrust her SYRUP es small health w entertait 111L the t {UP 0F HES" / CHILD’S LAXATIVE Tl‘O llve 1m is ill 1'6 the ul an VE your hundred or two 'etorted, picking girls! See you as they always puzzled Mayda comer Talk of pre- Carrie Marvin I could takel she was made person of the 100 year as neat as ant 3.11 )usly HG an at arne has 1103’ attl igh 011 hen m'c When I tow rnm To ,fu Fm 5mm Saie M m Furs The widespread interest shown by buyers clearly indicates the unusual scarcity of raw furs; unmistakably points to an unusually keen demand, particularly for the finer fursâ€" Canadian goods. We think we are not unduly optimistic; in predicting WOBL’S RECGRI) PRICES FOR OUR MARCH SALE Theecanadian Fur Auction Sal caus 'o fur for U Fert Fruit Limited, of Montrealforganized and financed by a repre; sentative body of Canada’s leaders in great commercial enterprises will hold its frag C_AN_A_I_)IAN wk AU_CT_10N_ S_ALES CQMPANY, Offering immense quantities of fresh, original. unculled Canadian Furswthe Best in the World~UNMIXED with inferior southern varieties, the company will sell to the highest bidder of hundreds of eager buyers from all parts of the United States and Europe. You get the world’s best prices on the WORLD’S BEST FURS, your CANADIAN goods, at our sales. We do not issue extravagantly-quoting, misleading price lists, but we do see that your fins bring absolutely top prices. Eager inquiries reach us daily from the world’s chief buying capitals. Buyers from London, Paris, New York, Chicago and other greatdisjributingcentres have already arranged to attend Ehe MARCH SALE. 'tilizers 1d mgchanic and experie laintaining LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will gladly be made on request accompanying any shipment large or small pending sales. The expense to shippers to the Montreal sales is less- - the buying force is as strongâ€"as in any market in the world. Write us. Get our advicesâ€" market reports, accurate, reliable guidance to you in buying, and SHIP NOWâ€" any quality, of any variety or grade. No market in the world will net you better results. Last day of receiving for this sale is MARCH 15!. â€" mu ncr the h the only satisfactory ty or other breeding. Temporary Officesâ€"Windsor Hotel 111C al precisxon in me in develop :he utility of 2 nbr 1N MARCH hereby tend- ; production. knowledge mt MONTREAL of 1nd , afte weakness. swollen limbs < DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY or CANADA. autumn -KNOWLTON - QUEBEC w i l l overcome chills in from 30 to 60 minutes in a horse or any other stock at a cost of less than 10 cents. It thus prevents Fe’ver. Pneumon- la. Lung Troubles, etc. I! work. quicker and bet. ter than any. thing else in 1h. world. leaving n . a f t e r m a t h o weakness. swollen llmbs or blindness. This remedy is worth its weight in gold to shippers because it has 0 equal for acclimaung horses. It also a. perfect cure for Milk Fever In cows and H03 Cholera in swine. Greatest Rabbit Fm Black Diamond Fox Vankleek Hill - - HEBBQME Big Animal Medical Book Free. our horse ha SEEK EH 6% l’fliU E Har PRICE 60c. E3 BHILLS' fiifiUTES Bampanv LIMITED move this 77 Ontario rly

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